11 research outputs found

    Avaliação físico-química de produto cárneo fermentado adicionado de proteína texturizada de soja / Physicochemical evaluation of fermented meat product with textured soy protein added

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    Os consumidores mundiais buscam a cada dia adquirirem alimentos mais saudáveis para o consumo diário, onde prevalecem aqueles com baixas calorias, menores teores de sódio e com melhores características funcionais. Carnes e produtos cárneos, apesar de constituírem uma importante fonte de proteína nas dietas de todo o planeta, vem perdendo espaço em função de algumas características negativas como elevado teor de gordura saturada e colesterol. Assim, a indústria e a ciência dos alimentos, buscam desenvolver estudos com novos produtos baseados na redução dos fatores negativos e/ou incorporação de alimentos funcionais que atraiam novos consumidores. Objetivando avaliar as características físico-químicas de novo produto, elaborou-se um produto cárneo fermentado adicionado de proteína texturizada de soja. Observou-se diferença significativa (P<0,05) entre os tratamentos para as análises de composição centesimal, pH e índice de cor L*, a* e b*. Todos os tratamentos que receberam adição de proteína texturizada de soja apresentaram elevação nos teores de proteína, fibra bruta e lipídeos. Evidencia-se que a elaboração de produto cárneo fermentado com adição de proteína de soja texturizada apresenta viabilidade físico-química, não interfere no processo de fermentação e ainda promove o enriquecimento com fibras, e poderia ser considerado como produto enriquecido com alimento funcional

    Pecking and piling: The behaviour of conventional layer hybrids and dualpurpose hens in the nest

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    Oviposition in an appropriate nest is a behavioural priority in laying hens, and layer strains are known to differ in their patterns of nest use. However, besides oviposition, laying hens often show undesired behaviours such as aggression or gregarious nesting in colony nest boxes. The aim of the present study was to obtain basic information on the patterns of nest use and the behaviour in the nest of dual-purpose hens (Lohmann Dual, LD) by comparing them to a conventional layer strain (Lohmann Brown plus, LB+). In addition, the effect of nest location was tested for each hybrid. About 1850 untrimmed hens per genetic strain were housed in four compartments of an aviary system with colony nest boxes on the top tier. Video-based data were recorded in the first (N1) and the sixth nest (N2) in a row of nest boxes in each compartment at three times during the laying period to assess the number of hens per nest, the duration of nest visits of focal animals, and the behaviour of the hens in the nest. In general, a larger number of LD (0.87 ± 0.09–10.63 ± 0.30) than LB+ hens (0.21 ± 0.04–4.90 ± 0.24) was observed per nest box. In both hybrids, more hens were found in N1 compared to N2 (P < 0.05). Except for 43rd–48th weeks of life, the durations of nest visits did not differ between LB+ (09:51 ± 00:41–18:25 ± 00:48 mm:ss) and LD hens (07:14 ± 00:32–17:14 ± 00:32 mm:ss). However, both hybrids spent more time in N2 compared to N1 (P < 0.05). Hybrid effects (P < 0.05) were found for nearly all of the observed behaviours. In particular, LB+ hens performed more total pecking behaviour, whereas LD hens showed more piling in the nest. In the LB+ hens, nest location affected only few of the behaviours. In contrast, nest location effects were found for most of the behaviours observed in the LD hens. Particularly piling occurred to a larger extent in N1. The present results indicate that the patterns of nest use and the behaviour in the nest differed between conventional layers and dual-purpose hens. Within genetic strain, dual-purpose hens seemed to be more affected by nest location than conventional layer