1,050 research outputs found

    The Role of Technology in a Sixth Grade Classroom

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    Technology plays a large part in students’ literacy learning. Technology affects motivation to learn and influences quality of work on a literacy task; in this case, reading and writing. This study examined the relationship between students’ attitudes, participation, and quality of work with regards to technology. Two sixth graders from a public school in Western New York were given a survey, interview about technology, and were observed daily over a six week time period. Writing pieces were collected without using technology and then with using technology as well as an online learning community. All of the data collected were cross analyzed. The results indicated that students’ attitudes, motivation, participation and quality of work increased with technological resources. Students were more apt to submit assignments online and their grades rose using different digital literacy web 2.0 tools. Recommendations for future research include attending professional workshops and Webinars on new technology and to consider using online learning communities like Edmodo to supplement reading and writing within the class

    La storia letteraria della Badia di Cava

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    Estratto da: Cronaca scolastica del Liceo ginnasio pareggiato di Badia di Cava, 1917-1

    (Imprenditore) Inadimplenti (ma ancora viable) est adimplendum?

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    Da una riconduzione “a sistema” dell’art. 10, comma 2, L. n. 147/2021 emerge che l’obbligo di rinegoziazione ù meno eccentrico di quanto potrebbe sembrare, ma che della sua introduzione la giurisprudenza dovrà tener conto ai fini dell’esenzione da revocatoria. L’A., convinta dell’importanza dell’ausilio del test di risanabilità, s’interroga sull’opportunità di renderne pubblico l’esito anche al fine di contemperare i precetti sintetizzati nei brocardi pacta sunt servanda e rebus sic stantibus

    É necessaria o inutile una definizione di procedura concorsuale (o di procedura di regolazione della crisi o di quadro di ristrutturazione)? Quando le categorie generali possono conservare funzionalità

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    L’Autrice riflette sulla domanda posta nell’intitolazione arrivando alla conclusione che (come si propone di fare lo schema di d.lgs. di recepimento della Direttiva Insolvency e di modifica del Codice della crisi d’impresa e dell’insolvenza approvato dal Consiglio dei Ministri il 17 marzo 2022) sarebbe senz’altro utile definire il concetto di «quadri di ristrutturazione preventiva» e mantenere la categoria delle «procedure concorsuali», mentre sottopone al dibattito scientifico una possibile nozione minimalista di concorsualitĂ 

    The soil and plant biogeochemistry sampling design for The National Ecological Observatory Network

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    Human impacts on biogeochemical cycles are evident around the world, from changes to forest structure and function due to atmospheric deposition, to eutrophication of surface waters from agricultural effluent, and increasing concentrations of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere. The National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) will contribute to understanding human effects on biogeochemical cycles from local to continental scales. The broad NEON biogeochemistry measurement design focuses on measuring atmospheric deposition of reactive mineral compounds and CO2 fluxes, ecosystem carbon (C) and nutrient stocks, and surface water chemistry across 20 eco‐climatic domains within the United States for 30 yr. Herein, we present the rationale and plan for the ground‐based measurements of C and nutrients in soils and plants based on overarching or “high‐level” requirements agreed upon by the National Science Foundation and NEON. The resulting design incorporates early recommendations by expert review teams, as well as recent input from the larger natural sciences community that went into the formation and interpretation of the requirements, respectively. NEON\u27s efforts will focus on a suite of data streams that will enable end‐users to study and predict changes to biogeochemical cycling and transfers within and across air, land, and water systems at regional to continental scales. At each NEON site, there will be an initial, one‐time effort to survey soil properties to 1 m (including soil texture, bulk density, pH, baseline chemistry) and vegetation community structure and diversity. A sampling program will follow, focused on capturing long‐term trends in soil C, nitrogen (N), and sulfur stocks, isotopic composition (of C and N), soil N transformation rates, phosphorus pools, and plant tissue chemistry and isotopic composition (of C and N). To this end, NEON will conduct extensive measurements of soils and plants within stratified random plots distributed across each site. The resulting data will be a new resource for members of the scientific community interested in addressing questions about long‐term changes in continental‐scale biogeochemical cycles, and is predicted to inspire further process‐based research

    Ecological interpretations of nitrogen isotope ratios of terrestrial plants and soils

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    Background Knowledge of biological and climatic controls in terrestrial nitrogen (N) cycling within and across ecosystems is central to understanding global patterns of key ecosystem processes. The ratios of 15N:14N in plants and soils have been used as indirect indices of N cycling parameters, yet our understanding of controls over N isotope ratios in plants and soils is still developing. Scope In this review, we provide background on the main processes that affect plant and soil N isotope ratios. In a similar manner to partitioning the roles of state factors and interactive controls in determining ecosystem traits, we review N isotopes patterns in plants and soils across a number of proximal factors that influence ecosystem properties as well as mechanisms that affect these patterns. Lastly, some remaining questions that would improve our understanding of N isotopes in terrestrial ecosystems are highlighted. Conclusion Compared to a decade ago, the global patterns of plant and soil N isotope ratios are more resolved. Additionally, we better understand how plant and soil N isotope ratios are affected by such factors as mycorrhizal fungi, climate, and microbial processing. A comprehensive understanding of the N cycle that ascribes different degrees of isotopic fractionation for each step under different conditions is closer to being realized, but a number of process-level questions still remain
