50 research outputs found

    Proper motion in lensed radio jets at redshift 3:A possible dual super-massive black hole system in the early Universe

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    In this paper, we exploit the gravitational lensing effect to detect proper motion in the highly magnified gravitationally lensed source MG B2016+112. We find positional shifts up to 6 mas in the lensed images by comparing two Very Long Baseline Interferometric (VLBI) radio observations at 1.7 GHz that are separated by 14.359 years, and provide an astrometric accuracy of the order of tens of μ\muas. From lens modelling, we exclude a shift in the lensing galaxy as the cause of the positional change of the lensed images, and we assign it to the background source. The source consists of four sub-components separated by 175\sim 175 pc, with proper motion of the order of tens μ\muas yr1^{-1} for the two components at highest magnification (μ350\mu\sim350) and of the order of a few mas yr1^{-1} for the two components at lower magnification (μ2\mu\sim2). We propose single AGN and dual AGN scenarios to explain the source plane. Although, the latter interpretation is supported by the archival multi-wavelength properties of the object. In this case, MG B2016+112 would represent the highest redshift dual radio-loud AGN system discovered thus far, and would support the merger interpretation for such systems. Also, given the low probability (105\sim10^{-5}) of detecting a dual AGN system that is also gravitationally lensed, if confirmed, this would suggest that such dual AGN systems must be more abundant in the early Universe than currently thought.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures; accepted for publication by Astronomy and Astrophysic

    A Highly Magnified Gravitationally Lensed Red QSO at z = 2.5 with a Significant Flux Ratio Anomaly

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    We present the discovery of a gravitationally lensed dust-reddened QSO at z = 2.517, identified in a survey for QSOs by infrared selection. Hubble Space Telescope imaging reveals a quadruply lensed system in a cusp configuration, with a maximum image separation of ~1.8\arcsec. We find that compared to the central image of the cusp, the neighboring brightest image is anomalous by a factor of ~ 7 - 10, which is the largest flux anomaly measured to date in a lensed QSO. Incorporating high-resolution Jansky Very Large Array radio imaging and sub-mm imaging with the Atacama Large (sub-)Millimetre Array, we conclude that a low-mass perturber is the most likely explanation for the anomaly. The optical through near-infrared spectrum reveals that the QSO is moderately reddened with E(B - V) = 0.7 - 0.9. We see an upturn in the ultraviolet spectrum due to ~ 1% of the intrinsic emission being leaked back into the line of sight, which suggests that the reddening is intrinsic and not due to the lens. The QSO may have an Eddington ratio as high as L/L_Edd ~ 0.2. Consistent with previous red QSO samples, this source exhibits outflows in its spectrum as well as morphological properties suggestive of it being in a merger-driven transitional phase. We find a host-galaxy stellar mass of log M_*/M_Sun = 11.4, which is higher than the local M_BH vs. M_* relation, but consistent with other high redshift QSOs. When de-magnified, this QSO is at the knee of the luminosity function, allowing for the detailed study of a more typical moderate-luminosity infrared-selected QSO at high redshift.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ; 29 pages, 18 figures, 8 tables. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1807.0543

    EST Analysis of Ostreococcus lucimarinus, the Most Compact Eukaryotic Genome, Shows an Excess of Introns in Highly Expressed Genes

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    Background: The genome of the pico-eukaryotic (bacterial-sized) prasinophyte green alga Ostreococcus lucimarinus has one of the highest gene densities known in eukaryotes, yet it contains many introns. Phylogenetic studies suggest this unusually compact genome (13.2 Mb) is an evolutionarily derived state among prasinophytes. The presence of introns in the highly reduced O. lucimarinus genome appears to be in opposition to simple explanations of genome evolution based on unidirectional tendencies, either neutral or selective. Therefore, patterns of intron retention in this species can potentially provide insights into the forces governing intron evolution. Methodology/Principal Findings: Here we studied intron features and levels of expression in O. lucimarinus using expressed sequence tags (ESTs) to annotate the current genome assembly. ESTs were assembled into unigene clusters that were mapped back to the O. lucimarinus Build 2.0 assembly using BLAST and the level of gene expression was inferred from the number of ESTs in each cluster. We find a positive correlation between expression levels and both intron number (R = +0.0893, p =,0.0005) and intron density (number of introns/kb of CDS; R = +0.0753, p =,0.005). Conclusions/Significance: In a species with a genome that has been recently subjected to a great reduction of non-coding DNA, these results imply the existence of selective/functional roles for introns that are principally detectable in highly expressed genes. In these cases, introns are likely maintained by balancing the selective forces favoring their maintenanc

    A super-linear 'radio-AGN main sequence' links mean radio-AGN power and galaxy stellar mass since z similar to 3

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    Mapping the average active galactic nucleus (AGN) luminosity across galaxy populations and over time reveals important clues regarding the interplay between supermassive black hole and galaxy growth. This paper presents the demography, mean power, and cosmic evolution of radio AGN across star-forming galaxies (SFGs) of different stellar masses (M).We exploit deep VLA-COSMOS 3 GHz data to build the rest-frame 1.4 GHz AGN luminosity functions at 0:1 z 4:5 hosted in SFGs. Splitting the AGN luminosity function into different M bins reveals that, at all redshifts, radio AGN are both more frequent and more luminous in higher M than in lower M galaxies. The cumulative kinetic luminosity density exerted by radio AGN in SFGs peaks at z 2, and it is mostly driven by galaxies with 10:5 log(M=M ) < 11. Averaging the cumulative radio AGN activity across all SFGs at each (M,z) results in a ‘radio-AGN main sequence’ that links the time-averaged radio-AGN power hLAGN 1:4 i and galaxy stellar mass, in the form: log h[LAGN 1:4 /WHz1]i = (20.97 0.16) + (2.51 0.34) log(1+z) + (1.41 0.09) (log[M /M ] – 10). The super-linear dependence on M , at fixed redshift, suggests enhanced radio-AGN activity in more massive SFGs as compared to star formation. We ascribe this enhancement to both a higher radio AGN duty cycle and a brighter radio-AGN phase in more massive SFGs. A remarkably consistent M dependence is seen for the evolving X-ray AGN population in SFGs. This similarity is interpreted as possibly driven by secular cold gas accretion fuelling both radio and X-ray AGN activity in a similar fashion over the galaxy’s lifetime.The Cosmic Dawn Center (DAWN) is funded by the Danish National Research Foundation, the Villum Fonden, European Union’s Horizon research and innovation program under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant and the Italian Ministry of University and Research.http://www.hanspub.org/Journal/AAS.htmlam2023Physic

    A super-linear ‘radio-AGN main sequence’ links mean radio-AGN power and galaxy stellar mass since z ∼ 3

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    Mapping the average active galactic nucleus (AGN) luminosity across galaxy populations and over time reveals important clues regarding the interplay between supermassive black hole and galaxy growth. This paper presents the demography, mean power, and cosmic evolution of radio AGN across star-forming galaxies (SFGs) of different stellar masses (ℳ*). We exploit deep VLA-COSMOS 3 GHz data to build the rest-frame 1.4 GHz AGN luminosity functions at 0.1 ≤ z ≤ 4.5 hosted in SFGs. Splitting the AGN luminosity function into different ℳ* bins reveals that, at all redshifts, radio AGN are both more frequent and more luminous in higher ℳ* than in lower ℳ* galaxies. The cumulative kinetic luminosity density exerted by radio AGN in SFGs peaks at z ∼ 2, and it is mostly driven by galaxies with 10.5 ≤ log(ℳ*/ℳ⊙) < 11. Averaging the cumulative radio AGN activity across all SFGs at each (ℳ*,z) results in a ‘radio-AGN main sequence’ that links the time-averaged radio-AGN power ⟨L1.4AGN⟩ and galaxy stellar mass, in the form: log ⟨[L1.4AGN/ W Hz−1]⟩ = (20.97 ± 0.16) + (2.51 ± 0.34)⋅ log(1+z) + (1.41 ± 0.09)⋅(log[ℳ*/ℳ⊙] – 10). The super-linear dependence on ℳ*, at fixed redshift, suggests enhanced radio-AGN activity in more massive SFGs as compared to star formation. We ascribe this enhancement to both a higher radio AGN duty cycle and a brighter radio-AGN phase in more massive SFGs. A remarkably consistent ℳ* dependence is seen for the evolving X-ray AGN population in SFGs. This similarity is interpreted as possibly driven by secular cold gas accretion fuelling both radio and X-ray AGN activity in a similar fashion over the galaxy’s lifetime

    Correction: AGAPE (Automated Genome Analysis PipelinE) for Pan-Genome Analysis of Saccharomyces cerevisiae

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    The characterization and public release of genome sequences from thousands of organisms is expanding the scope for genetic variation studies. However, understanding the phenotypic consequences of genetic variation remains a challenge in eukaryotes due to the complexity of the genotype-phenotype map. One approach to this is the intensive study of model systems for which diverse sources of information can be accumulated and integrated. Saccharomyces cerevisiae is an extensively studied model organism, with well-known protein functions and thoroughly curated phenotype data. To develop and expand the available resources linking genomic variation with function in yeast, we aim to model the pan-genome of S. cerevisiae. To initiate the yeast pan-genome, we newly sequenced or re-sequenced the genomes of 25 strains that are commonly used in the yeast research community using advanced sequencing technology at high quality. We also developed a pipeline for automated pan-genome analysis, which integrates the steps of assembly, annotation, and variation calling. To assign strain-specific functional annotations, we identified genes that were not present in the reference genome. We classified these according to their presence or absence across strains and characterized each group of genes with known functional and phenotypic features. The functional roles of novel genes not found in the reference genome and associated with strains or groups of strains appear to be consistent with anticipated adaptations in specific lineages. As more S. cerevisiae strain genomes are released, our analysis can be used to collate genome data and relate it to lineage-specific patterns of genome evolution. Our new tool set will enhance our understanding of genomic and functional evolution in S. cerevisiae, and will be available to the yeast genetics and molecular biology community

    Diverse Forms of RPS9 Splicing Are Part of an Evolving Autoregulatory Circuit

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    Ribosomal proteins are essential to life. While the functions of ribosomal protein-encoding genes (RPGs) are highly conserved, the evolution of their regulatory mechanisms is remarkably dynamic. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, RPGs are unusual in that they are commonly present as two highly similar gene copies and in that they are over-represented among intron-containing genes. To investigate the role of introns in the regulation of RPG expression, we constructed 16 S. cerevisiae strains with precise deletions of RPG introns. We found that several yeast introns function to repress rather than to increase steady-state mRNA levels. Among these, the RPS9A and RPS9B introns were required for cross-regulation of the two paralogous gene copies, which is consistent with the duplication of an autoregulatory circuit. To test for similar intron function in animals, we performed an experimental test and comparative analyses for autoregulation among distantly related animal RPS9 orthologs. Overexpression of an exogenous RpS9 copy in Drosophila melanogaster S2 cells induced alternative splicing and degradation of the endogenous copy by nonsense-mediated decay (NMD). Also, analysis of expressed sequence tag data from distantly related animals, including Homo sapiens and Ciona intestinalis, revealed diverse alternatively-spliced RPS9 isoforms predicted to elicit NMD. We propose that multiple forms of splicing regulation among RPS9 orthologs from various eukaryotes operate analogously to translational repression of the alpha operon by S4, the distant prokaryotic ortholog. Thus, RPS9 orthologs appear to have independently evolved variations on a fundamental autoregulatory circuit

    H2B ubiquitylation is part of chromatin architecture that marks exon-intron structure in budding yeast

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The packaging of DNA into chromatin regulates transcription from initiation through 3' end processing. One aspect of transcription in which chromatin plays a poorly understood role is the co-transcriptional splicing of pre-mRNA.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Here we provide evidence that H2B monoubiquitylation (H2BK123ub1) marks introns in <it>Saccharomyces cerevisiae</it>. A genome-wide map of H2BK123ub1 in this organism reveals that this modification is enriched in coding regions and that its levels peak at the transcribed regions of two characteristic subgroups of genes. First, long genes are more likely to have higher levels of H2BK123ub1, correlating with the postulated role of this modification in preventing cryptic transcription initiation in ORFs. Second, genes that are highly transcribed also have high levels of H2BK123ub1, including the ribosomal protein genes, which comprise the majority of intron-containing genes in yeast. H2BK123ub1 is also a feature of introns in the yeast genome, and the disruption of this modification alters the intragenic distribution of H3 trimethylation on lysine 36 (H3K36me3), which functionally correlates with alternative RNA splicing in humans. In addition, the deletion of genes encoding the U2 snRNP subunits, Lea1 or Msl1, in combination with an <it>htb-K123R </it>mutation, leads to synthetic lethality.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>These data suggest that H2BK123ub1 facilitates cross talk between chromatin and pre-mRNA splicing by modulating the distribution of intronic and exonic histone modifications.</p