4,331 research outputs found

    A meta-learning approach for training explainable graph neural networks

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    In this article, we investigate the degree of explainability of graph neural networks (GNNs). The existing explainers work by finding global/local subgraphs to explain a prediction, but they are applied after a GNN has already been trained. Here, we propose a meta-explainer for improving the level of explainability of a GNN directly at training time, by steering the optimization procedure toward minima that allow post hoc explainers to achieve better results, without sacrificing the overall accuracy of GNN. Our framework (called MATE, MetA-Train to Explain) jointly trains a model to solve the original task, e.g., node classification, and to provide easily processable outputs for downstream algorithms that explain the model's decisions in a human-friendly way. In particular, we meta-train the model's parameters to quickly minimize the error of an instance-level GNNExplainer trained on-the-fly on randomly sampled nodes. The final internal representation relies on a set of features that can be ``better'' understood by an explanation algorithm, e.g., another instance of GNNExplainer. Our model-agnostic approach can improve the explanations produced for different GNN architectures and use any instance-based explainer to drive this process. Experiments on synthetic and real-world datasets for node and graph classification show that we can produce models that are consistently easier to explain by different algorithms. Furthermore, this increase in explainability comes at no cost to the accuracy of the model

    Thermal stability of linear siloxanes and their mixtures

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    The working fluid thermal stability is one of the crucial features of an effective organic Rankine cycle. Hexamethyldisiloxane (MM -C6H18OSi2) and octamethyltrisiloxane (MDM -C8H24O2Si3) are siloxane fluids currently exploited in high temperature organic Rankine cycles. However, data about their thermal stability are scarce or absent in literature. This manuscript presents a study of their behavior and decomposition at operating temperatures in the range 270 - 420 degrees C. The assessment of thermal stability can be performed with several methods, which are either based on pressure anomalous variation in isothermal stresses or on the deviation of the saturation curves experimentally obtained before and after the fluid is thermally stressed. An enhanced method is proposed here, based on chemical analysis of both vapor and liquid phases of the sample before and after it is subjected to thermal stress. A comparison of the pre-and post-stress vapor-liquid equilibrium curve complements the analysis. Results proved a higher stability for MM than for MDM. Moreover, due to the current interest in applying mixtures in organic Rankine cycles, an equimolar mixture of MM and MDM was also tested, which exhibit a behavior that appears to be different from the simple superimposition of pure fluid ones

    Optical Absorption and Scattering Phenomena in 'Jubileum' Plums in Relation to Their Colour Properties

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    Absorption and scattering of laser light pulse passing through the fruit determine among others, the optical properties of the product. Efforts have been made in the recent past to utilize innovative techniques such as time-resolved reflectance spectroscopy (TRS) to study the quality aspects of different fruit such as nectarines. These optical properties have been well related to firmness, sugars, acids and other quality attributes. TRS measurements were performed on ‘Jubileum’ plums at two different wavelengths: 670 nm and 758 nm. The fruit were harvested in Norway and brought to Italy under protected conditions. After sorting the fruit by size, TRS measurements were made and the fruit were randomized for different examinations of quality aspects. It was observed that the absorption coefficient (”a) increased for both wavelengths as ripening progressed towards the melting stage of the fruit. The ”a values at 670 nm were higher than those at 758 nm. The higher rate in the ”a was distinguishable from the third day onwards as the fruit ripened. Similarly, it was interesting to note that the internal colour measured after destructing the fruit related well with the TRS absorption coefficient (”a), i.e., a decrease in the CIE L* (towards darker region) and b* (towards blue) value along with an increase in a* (towards red) from third day of storag

    A Hybrid Screen-Printed Strip for Enhanced Electroanalysis towards Lead and Cadmium in Multi-Matrices

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    Although heavy metals represent a major treat for ecosystem and human health, reference methods for their monitoring are characterized by time-consuming procedures, skilled personel and sophisticated equipment (e.g. ICP-MS, AAS). The development of portable solutions is required, particularly improving interventions and reducing complexity. To this regards, an electrochemical strip for the determination of lead and cadmium in clinical, environmental and food matrices have been developed. The Bismuth film-based flexible device has been optimized and it has been able to detect cadmium and lead, respectively, down to the detection limit of 1.3 and 2 ppb. The use of Whatman No.1 chromatographic paper has allowed to improve the sensitivity towards the detection of heavy metals, because of the porosity that allowed to pre-concentrate species. This led to an improvement in the sensitivity, with a detection limit of 0.3 and 0.5 ppb, respectively, to cadmium and lead, and offers the possibility to tune the sensitivity according to needs, e.g., improving the number of pre-concentration steps. Subsequently, the application of the electrochemical sensor in drinking water, mussel and blood serum was evaluated, demonstrating how these hybrid polyester-paper electrochemical strips can significantly lower the time and costs for on-site measurements, through analytical methods of simple use. The accuracy has been evaluated by comparison with ICP-MS measurements, giving satisfactory results

    Mechanized recovery of olive pruning residues: ash contamination and harvesting losses

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    Agricultural residues represent an important source of biomass for energy. Among the available biomass suitable for energy and available in Italy, pruning represents about the 20% of the total. About 1.184 million of hectares are planted with olive trees; the pruning residues coming from these plantations represent a wide source of biomass at National level. The authors tested six commercial pruning harvesters to determine harvesting losses and product contamination when recovering pruning residues. All harvesters used a mechanical pick-up to collect the residues and a shredder to reduce them into chips. Three different pick-up settings were tested and namely: 1 cm above ground level, manufacturer’s specification and 3 cm above ground level. Ash content in the shredded material was taken as a measure of contamination: the uncontaminated branch material collected directly from the trees had a value of 3.5%, whereas in shredded residues varied between 4.5% and over 5.5%, for the shortest and the longest distance between the pick-up and the soil surface, respectively. Harvesting losses were slightly, but significantly, related to pick-up setting, and mainly depended on machine type. Both machines have shown a good quality of the work performed and the results obtained indicates that the work phases could be simplified in order to reduce both the time of use and the harvesting costs

    Two Dimensional Quantum Mechanical Modeling of Nanotransistors

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    Quantization in the inversion layer and phase coherent transport are anticipated to have significant impact on device performance in 'ballistic' nanoscale transistors. While the role of some quantum effects have been analyzed qualitatively using simple one dimensional ballistic models, two dimensional (2D) quantum mechanical simulation is important for quantitative results. In this paper, we present a framework for 2D quantum mechanical simulation of a nanotransistor / Metal Oxide Field Effect Transistor (MOSFET). This framework consists of the non equilibrium Green's function equations solved self-consistently with Poisson's equation. Solution of this set of equations is computationally intensive. An efficient algorithm to calculate the quantum mechanical 2D electron density has been developed. The method presented is comprehensive in that treatment includes the three open boundary conditions, where the narrow channel region opens into physically broad source, drain and gate regions. Results are presented for (i) drain current versus drain and gate voltages, (ii) comparison to results from Medici, and (iii) gate tunneling current, using 2D potential profiles. Methods to reduce the gate leakage current are also discussed based on simulation results.Comment: 12 figures. Journal of Applied Physics (to appear

    Vascular endothelial growth factor C disrupts the endothelial lymphatic barrier to promote colorectal cancer invasion

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    Background & Aims Colorectal cancer (CRC) is highly metastatic. Metastases spread directly into local tissue or invade distant organs via blood and lymphatic vessels, but the role of lymphangiogenesis in CRC progression has not been determined. Lymphangiogenesis is induced via vascular endothelial growth factor C (VEGFC) activation of its receptor, VEGFR3; high levels of VEGFC have been measured in colorectal tumors undergoing lymphangiogenesis, and correlated with metastasis. We investigated VEGFC signaling and lymphatic barriers in human tumor tissues and mice with orthotopic colorectal tumors. Methods We performed immunohistochemical, immunoblot, and real-time PCR analyses of colorectal tumor specimens collected from patients; healthy intestinal tissues collected during surgeries of patients without CRC were used as controls. CT26 CRC cells were injected into the distal posterior rectum of BALB/c-nude mice. Mice were given injections of an antibody against VEGFR3 or an adenovirus encoding human VEGFC before orthotopic tumors and metastases formed. Lymph node, lung, and liver tissues were collected and evaluated by flow cytometry. We measured expression of vascular endothelial cadherin (CDH5) on lymphatic vessels in mice and in human intestinal lymphatic endothelial cells. Results Levels of podoplanin (a marker of lymphatic vessels), VEGFC, and VEGFR3 were increased in colorectal tumor tissues, compared with controls. Mice that expressed VEGFC from the adenoviral vector had increased lymphatic vessel density and more metastases in lymph nodes, lungs, and livers, compared with control mice. Anti-VEGR3 antibody reduced numbers of lymphatic vessels in colons and prevented metastasis. Expression of VEGFC compromised the lymphatic endothelial barrier in mice and endothelial cells, reducing expression of CDH5, increasing permeability, and increasing trans-endothelial migration by CRC cells. Opposite effects were observed in mice and cells when VEGFR3 was blocked. Conclusions VEGFC signaling via VEGFR3 promotes lymphangiogenesis and metastasis by orthotopic colorectal tumors in mice and reduces lymphatic endothelial barrier integrity. Levels of VEGFC and markers of lymphatic vessels are increased in CRC tissues from patients, compared with healthy intestine. Strategies to block VEGFR3 might be developed to prevent CRC metastasis in patients

    The spatio-temporal mapping of epileptic networks: Combination of EEG–fMRI and EEG source imaging

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    Simultaneous EEG–fMRI acquisitions in patients with epilepsy often reveal distributed patterns of Blood Oxygen Level Dependant (BOLD) change correlated with epileptiform discharges. We investigated if electrical source imaging (ESI) performed on the interictal epileptiform discharges (IED) acquired during fMRI acquisition could be used to study the dynamics of the networks identified by the BOLD effect, thereby avoiding the limitations of combining results from separate recordings. Nine selected patients (13 IED types identified) with focal epilepsy underwent EEG–fMRI. Statistical analysis was performed using SPM5 to create BOLD maps. ESI was performed on the IED recorded during fMRI acquisition using a realistic head model (SMAC) and a distributed linear inverse solution (LAURA). ESI could not be performed in one case. In 10/12 remaining studies, ESI at IED onset (ESIo) was anatomically close to one BOLD cluster. Interestingly, ESIo was closest to the positive BOLD cluster with maximal statistical significance in only 4/12 cases and closest to negative BOLD responses in 4/12 cases. Very small BOLD clusters could also have clinical relevance in some cases. ESI at later time frame (ESIp) showed propagation to remote sources co-localised with other BOLD clusters in half of cases. In concordant cases, the distance between maxima of ESI and the closest EEG–fMRI cluster was less than 33 mm, in agreement with previous studies. We conclude that simultaneous ESI and EEG–fMRI analysis may be able to distinguish areas of BOLD response related to initiation of IED from propagation areas. This combination provides new opportunities for investigating epileptic networks

    Un generatore di impulso ad alta tensione per l'eccitazione di trasduttori piezoelettrici: un metodo per studiare la propagazione delle onde elastiche su campioni di rocce

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    Il dispositivo qui presentato ù stato realizzato per lo studio della propagazione di onde elastiche in campioni di roccia [Wood A. W. Et al. 1955]. Mediante tale tecnica si riescono a determinare alcune caratteristiche fisiche delle rocce. Si tratta di un generatore di impulsi ad alta tensione, necessario per l’eccitazione di trasduttori piezoelettrici. La durata dell’impulso generato ù di 1 s, l’ampiezza dell’ordine del kVolt. Il metodo utilizzato per effettuare la misura consiste nell’eccitare il trasduttore in trasmissione con un singolo impulso e quindi misurarne il tempo di volo con il trasduttore di ricezione. Il lavoro, oltre alla descrizione dello strumento, mostra alcuni esperimenti condotti su campioni di alluminio e diversi tipi di roccia. Tali esperimenti si sono resi necessari sia per il collaudo dello strumento che per la messa a punto del metodo
