3,488 research outputs found

    Development of a semipurified diet for the adult pocket mouse /Perognathus/

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    Semipurified diet effect on adult pocket mic

    Knitting distributed cluster state ladders with spin chains

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    There has been much recent study on the application of spin chains to quantum state transfer and communication. Here we discuss the utilisation of spin chains (set up for perfect quantum state transfer) for the knitting of distributed cluster state structures, between spin qubits repeatedly injected and extracted at the ends of the chain. The cluster states emerge from the natural evolution of the system across different excitation number sectors. We discuss the decohering effects of errors in the injection and extraction process as well as the effects of fabrication and random errors.Comment: To be published in PRA. v2 includes minor corrections as well as an added discussion on refocussin

    Effect of perturbations on information transfer in spin chains

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    Spin chains have been proposed as a reliable and convenient way of transferring information and entanglement in a quantum computational context. Nonetheless, it has to be expected that any physical implementation of these systems will be subject to several perturbative factors which could potentially diminish the transfer quality. In this paper, we investigate a number of possible fabrication defects in the spin chains themselves as well as the effect of non-synchronous or imperfect input operations, with a focus on the case of multiple excitation/qubit transfer. We consider both entangled and unentangled states, and in particular the transfer of an entangled pair of adjacent spins at one end of a chain under the mirroring rule and also the creation of entanglement resulting from injection at both end spins.Comment: Journal version fixes last typo

    Signatures of the collapse and revival of a spin Schr\"{o}dinger cat state in a continuously monitored field mode

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    We study the effects of continuous measurement of the field mode during the collapse and revival of spin Schr\"{o}dinger cat states in the Tavis-Cummings model of N qubits (two-level quantum systems) coupled to a field mode. We show that a compromise between relatively weak and relatively strong continuous measurement will not completely destroy the collapse and revival dynamics while still providing enough signal-to-noise resolution to identify the signatures of the process in the measurement record. This type of measurement would in principle allow the verification of the occurrence of the collapse and revival of a spin Schr\"{o}dinger cat state.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Cool for Cats

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    The iconic Schr\"odinger's cat state describes a system that may be in a superposition of two macroscopically distinct states, for example two clearly separated oscillator coherent states. Quite apart from their role in understanding the quantum classical boundary, such states have been suggested as offering a quantum advantage for quantum metrology, quantum communication and quantum computation. As is well known these applications have to face the difficulty that the irreversible interaction with an environment causes the superposition to rapidly evolve to a mixture of the component states in the case that the environment is not monitored. Here we show that by engineering the interaction with the environment there exists a large class of systems that can evolve irreversibly to a cat state. To be precise we show that it is possible to engineer an irreversible process so that the steady state is close to a pure Schr\"odinger's cat state by using double well systems and an environment comprising two-photon (or phonon) absorbers. We also show that it should be possible to prolong the lifetime of a Schr\"odinger's cat state exposed to the destructive effects of a conventional single-photon decohering environment. Our protocol should make it easier to prepare and maintain Schr\"odinger cat states which would be useful in applications of quantum metrology and information processing as well as being of interest to those probing the quantum to classical transition.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures. Significantly updated version with supplementary informatio

    Weak non-linearities and cluster states

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    We propose a scalable approach to building cluster states of matter qubits using coherent states of light. Recent work on the subject relies on the use of single photonic qubits in the measurement process. These schemes have a low initial success probability and low detector efficiencies cause a serious blowup in resources. In contrast, our approach uses continuous variables and highly efficient measurements. We present a two-qubit scheme, with a simple homodyne measurement system yielding an entangling operation with success probability 1/2. Then we extend this to a three-qubit interaction, increasing this probability to 3/4. We discuss the important issues of the overhead cost and the time scaling, showing how these can be vastly improved with access to this new probability range.Comment: 5 pages, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Efficient optical quantum information processing

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    Quantum information offers the promise of being able to perform certain communication and computation tasks that cannot be done with conventional information technology (IT). Optical Quantum Information Processing (QIP) holds particular appeal, since it offers the prospect of communicating and computing with the same type of qubit. Linear optical techniques have been shown to be scalable, but the corresponding quantum computing circuits need many auxiliary resources. Here we present an alternative approach to optical QIP, based on the use of weak cross-Kerr nonlinearities and homodyne measurements. We show how this approach provides the fundamental building blocks for highly efficient non-absorbing single photon number resolving detectors, two qubit parity detectors, Bell state measurements and finally near deterministic control-not (CNOT) gates. These are essential QIP devicesComment: Accepted to the Journal of optics B special issue on optical quantum computation; References update

    Photonic Hybrid State Entanglement Swapping using Cat State Superpositions

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    We propose the use of hybrid entanglement in an entanglement swapping protocol, as means of distributing a Bell state with high fidelity to two parties, Alice and Bob. The hybrid entanglement used in this work is described as a discrete variable (Fock state) and a continuous variable (cat state superposition) entangled state. We model equal and unequal levels of photonic loss between the two propagating continuous variable modes, before detecting these states via a projective vacuum-one-photon measurement, and the other mode via balanced homodyne detection. We investigate homodyne measurement imperfections, and the associated success probability of the measurement schemes chosen in this protocol. We show that our entanglement swapping scheme is resilient to low levels of photonic losses, as well as low levels of averaged unequal losses between the two propagating modes, and show an improvement in this loss resilience over other hybrid entanglement schemes using coherent state superpositions as the propagating modes. Finally, we conclude that our protocol is suitable for potential quantum networking applications which require two nodes to share entanglement separated over a distance of 5-10 km when used with a suitable entanglement purification scheme

    Carbon Monoxide Binding to the Iron–Molybdenum Cofactor of Nitrogenase: a Detailed Quantum Mechanics/Molecular Mechanics Investigation

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    Carbon monoxide (CO) is a well-known inhibitor of nitrogenase activity. Under turnover conditions, CO binds to FeMoco, the active site of Mo nitrogenase. Time-resolved IR measurements suggest an initial terminal CO at 1904 cm–1 that converts to a bridging CO at 1715 cm–1, and an X-ray structure shows that CO can displace one of the bridging belt sulfides of FeMoco. However, the CO-binding redox state(s) of FeMoco (En) and the role of the protein environment in stabilizing specific CO-bound intermediates remain elusive. In this work, we carry out an in-depth analysis of the CO–FeMoco interaction based on quantum chemical calculations addressing different aspects of the electronic structure. (1) The local electronic structure of the Fe–CO bond is studied through diamagnetically substituted FeMoco. (2) A cluster model of FeMoco within a polarizable continuum illustrates how CO binding may affect the spin-coupling between the metal centers. (3) A QM/MM model incorporates the explicit influence of the amino acid residues surrounding FeMoco in the MoFe protein. The QM/MM model predicts both a terminal and a bridging CO in the E1 redox state. The scaled calculated CO frequencies (1922 and 1716 cm–1, respectively) are in good agreement with the experimentally observed IR bands supporting CO binding to the E1 state. Alternatively, an E2 state QM/MM model, which has the same atomic structure as the CO-bound X-ray structure, features a semi-bridging CO with a scaled calculated frequency (1718 cm–1) similar to the bridging CO in the E1 model

    Applications of Coherent Population Transfer to Quantum Information Processing

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    We develop a theoretical framework for the exploration of quantum mechanical coherent population transfer phenomena, with the ultimate goal of constructing faithful models of devices for classical and quantum information processing applications. We begin by outlining a general formalism for weak-field quantum optics in the Schr\"{o}dinger picture, and we include a general phenomenological representation of Lindblad decoherence mechanisms. We use this formalism to describe the interaction of a single stationary multilevel atom with one or more propagating classical or quantum laser fields, and we describe in detail several manifestations and applications of electromagnetically induced transparency. In addition to providing a clear description of the nonlinear optical characteristics of electromagnetically transparent systems that lead to ``ultraslow light,'' we verify that -- in principle -- a multi-particle atomic or molecular system could be used as either a low power optical switch or a quantum phase shifter. However, we demonstrate that the presence of significant dephasing effects destroys the induced transparency, and that increasing the number of particles weakly interacting with the probe field only reduces the nonlinearity further. Finally, a detailed calculation of the relative quantum phase induced by a system of atoms on a superposition of spatially distinct Fock states predicts that a significant quasi-Kerr nonlinearity and a low entropy cannot be simultaneously achieved in the presence of arbitrary spontaneous emission rates. Within our model, we identify the constraints that need to be met for this system to act as a one-qubit and a two-qubit conditional phase gate.Comment: 25 pages, 14 figure
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