34 research outputs found

    China Miracle Or Mirage

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    For centuries China has been seen as a backward country. It was dominated by the European powers and, since the middle of the last century, by a very doctrinaire communist government. However, in the last 10 15 years China has emerged as an economic giant with an economy growing at 10% + per annum operating in a decidedly capitalistic fashion. Thus, we have the paradox of an anti communistic economic system operating under an anti capitalistic political system. The question for the future is whether this economic miracle will continue into the 21stcentury or is it but a temporary mirage and China will revert back to its previous secondary role on the worlds stage

    Globalization, Free Trade, And Outsourcing: A College Students Perspective - Part III

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    As globalization becomes a growing factor in the US business world, it is important to understand what college students know and think about the subject. In the beginning of 2008, a survey was undertaken among a convenient and disperse group of students.  The survey was conducted in NY and Connecticut among undergraduate and graduate students.  The survey results were presented at Thirty Fifth Northeast Business & Economic Association conference in November 2008.  Between the time that the first survey was taken and the second, there have been seismic changes in the US. Then the elected president was George W. Bush, a Republican, and today the president elect is Barak H. Obama, a Democrat.  The Republicans, in general, and President Bush, in particular, were “internationalists” and strong advocates of free trade.  The Democratic party philosophy was more domestically-oriented being anti-free trade, in general, and NAFTA, in particular. Additionally, the economic situation was perceptually better then than now.  These changes were reflected in the attitudes of the college students that were surveyed. In 2009, the survey was repeated. After a devastating economic decline worldwide with millions of jobs lost in the US, the attitudes of college students in NY were again surveyed to measure any impact on their attitudes on globalization

    Globalization: The Changing Views Of American College Students (2007 2010)

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    The attitudes of college students toward globalization and outsourcing are an important indicator of future leaders positions. Surveys conducted over the last four years provide an insight into the current situation and changes in attitudes over time. Today, there is a great deal (over 50%) of concern among college students about the positive value of globalization and support for laws to outlaw outsourcing. This is a reflection of the current economic situation and might change. With a large (82%) percentage of students still believing that the U.S. should embrace globalization, the future situation is yet to be determined

    The 30/20 GHz fixed communications systems service demand assessment. Volume 3: Annex

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    A review of studies forecasting the communication market in the United States is given. The applicability of these forecasts to assessment of demand for the 30/20 GHz fixed communications system is analyzed. Costs for the 30/20 satellite trunking systems are presented and compared with the cost of terrestrial communications

    The 30/20 GHz fixed communications systems service demand assessment. Volume 2: Main report

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    A forecast of demand for telecommunications services through the year 2000 is presented with particular reference to demand for satellite communications. Estimates of demand are provided for voice, video, and data services and for various subcategories of these services. The results are converted to a common digital measure in terms of terabits per year and aggregated to obtain total demand projections

    The 30/20 GHz fixed communications systems service demand assessment. Volume 1: Executive summary

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    Demand for telecommunications services is forecasted for the period 1980-2000, with particular reference to that portion of the demand associated with satellite communications. Overall demand for telecommunications is predicted to increase by a factor of five over the period studied and the satellite portion of demand will increase even more rapidly. Traffic demand is separately estimated for voice, video, and data services and is also described as a function of distance traveled and city size. The satellite component of projected demand is compared with the capacity available in the C and Ku satellite bands and it is projected that new satellite technology and the implementation of Ka band transmission will be needed in the decade of the 1990's

    Dinoflagellate blooms and physical systems in the Gulf of Maine

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    Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution May 1990Numerous studies have shown dinoflagellate blooms to be closely related to density discontinuities and fronts in the ocean. The spatial and temporal patterns of the dinoflagellate population depend on the predominant mode of physical forcing, and its scales of variability. The present study combined field sampling of hydrographic and biological variables to examine the relationship of dinoflagellate population distributions to physical factors along the southwestern cost of the Gulf of Maine. A bloom of Ceratium longipes occurred along this coast during the month of June, 1987. A simple model which coupled along-isopycnal diffusion with the logistic growth equation suggested that the cells had a growth rate of about 0.1 d-1 , and had reached a steady horizontal across-shelf distribution within about 10 d. Fur~her variations in population density appeared to be related to fluctuations of light with periods of -10 d. To our knowledge, this was the first use of this simple diffusion model as a diagnostic tool for quantifying parameters describing the growth and movement of a specific phytoplankton population. Blooms of the toxic dinoflagellate, Alexandrium tamarense have been nearly annual features along the coasts of southern Maine, New Hampshire and Massachusetts since 1972; however the mechanisms controlling the distribution of cells and concomitant shellfish toxicity are relatively poorly understood. Analysis of field data gathered from April to September, 1987-1989, showed that in two years when toxicity was detected in the southern part of this region, A. tamarense cells were apparently transported into the study area between Portsmouth and Cape Ann, Massachusetts, in a coastally trapped buoyant plume. This plume appears to have been formed off Maine by the outflow from the Androscoggin and Kennebec Rivers. Flow rates of these rivers, hydrographic sections, and satellite images suggest that the plume had a duration of about a month, and extended alongshore for several hundred kilometers. The distribution of cells followed the position of the plume as it was influenced by wind and topography. Thus when winds were downwelling-favourable, cells were moved alongshore to the south, and were held to the coast; when winds were upwelling-favourable, the plume sometimes separated from the coast, advecting the cells offshore. The alongshore advection of toxic cells within a coastally trapped buoyant plume can explain the temporal and spatial patterns of shellfish toxicity along the coast. The general observation of a north-to-south temporal trend of toxicity is consistent with the southward advection of the plume. In 1987 when no plume was present, Alexandrium tamarense cells were scarce, and no toxicity was recorded at the southern stations. A hypothesis was formulated explaining the development and spread of toxic dinoflagellate blooms in this region. This plume-advection hypothesis included: source A. tamarense populations in the north, possibly associated with the Androscoggin and Kennebec estuaries; a relationship between toxicity patterns and river flow volume and timing of flow peaks; and a relationship between wind stresses and the distribution of low salinity water and cells. Predictions of the plume-advection hypothesis were tested with historical records of shellfish toxicity, wind speed and direction, and river flow. The predictions tested included the north-south progression of toxic outbreaks, the occurrence of a peak in river flow prior to the PSP events, the relationship of transit time of PSP toxicity along the coast with river flow volume, and the influence of surface wind stress on the timing and location of shellfish toxicity. All the predictions tested were supported by the historical records. In addition it was found that the plume-advection hypothesis explains many details of the timing and spread of shellfish toxicity, including the sporadic nature of toxic outbreaks south of Massachusetts Bay, and the apparently rare occurrence of toxicity well offshore on Nantucket Shoals and Georges Bank.This research was supported by ONR contract N00014-87-K-0007 and ONR grant N00014-89-J-111 to Donald M. Anderson, and NOAA Office of Sea Grant contract NA86AA-D-SG090

    Lavoisier und seine Vorläufer : eine historisch-kritische Studie

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    von Max SpeterVollst. zugl.: Berlin, Univ., Diss., 191