186 research outputs found

    Whom do we trust - Booters and SSL/TLS certificates

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    SPRING 2016, 11th edition of the SPRING series, is a single-track event that was sponsored by the special interest group Security – Intrusion Detection and Response (SIDAR) of the German Informatics Society (GI). The purpose of SPRING is to provide young researchers the opportunity to discuss their work with other students and specialists in the research area of IT security. In particular, SPRING is a venue for presentation of early-stage research and solicits submission of scientific papers presenting novel research on malware analysis, intrusion detection, and related systems security topics. As per our tradition, SPRING encourages submissions from the following broad areas: Analysis of vulnerabilities, intrusion detection, malware, incident management and forensics. This year the SPRING 2016 graduate workshop was held in Darmstadt, Germany, and was hosted at the University of Applied Sciences. SPRING took place from the 2nd to the 3rd of June 2016 and was the eleventh edition of the graduate workshop on IT security. It followed the successful events in Neubiberg in 2015, Bochum in 2014, Munich in 2013, Berlin in 2012, Bochum in 2011, Bonn in 2010, Stuttgart in 2009, Mannheim in 2008, Dortmund in 2007 and Berlin in 2006. SPRING 2016 was organized in a 2-day program to encourage interactions between all participants. The program consists of a main track and opening research keynotes. The presented volume includes all extended abstracts presented at SPRING 2016 as defined within the overall final program

    Mesoscopic Simulations of Biological Membranes

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    Se realiza una revisión bibliográfica sobre el plan de comunicación en un contexto en el que los medios propios coexisten con los pagados y ganados y una propuesta de plan de comunicación integrada.Faz-se uma revisão bibliográfica sobre o plano de comunicação em um contexto no qual os meios próprios coexistem com os pagos e vencidos e uma proposta de plano de comunicação integrado.A bibliographic review is made about communications plan in a context in which the own means coexist with paid and won ones. A proposal of integrated communication plan is discussed

    Phase behavior of supported lipid bilayers: A systematic study by coarse-grained molecular dynamics simulations

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    Solid-supported lipid bilayers are utilized by experimental scientists as models for biological membranes because of their stability. However, compared to free standing bilayers, their close proximity to the substrate may affect their phase behavior. As this is still poorly understood, and few computational studies have been performed on such systems thus far, here we present the results from a systematic study based on molecular dynamics simulations of an implicit-solvent model for solid-supported lipid bilayers with varying lipid-substrate interactions. The attractive interaction between the substrate and the lipid head groups that are closest to the substrate leads to an increased translocation of the lipids from the distal to the proximal bilayer-leaflet. This thereby leads to a transbilayer imbalance of the lipid density, with the lipid density of the proximal leaflet higher than that of the distal leaflet. Consequently, the order parameter of the proximal leaflet is found to be higher than that of the distal leaflet, the higher the strength of lipid interaction is, the stronger the effect. The proximal leaflet exhibits gel and fluid phases with an abrupt melting transition between the two phases. In contrast, below the melting temperature of the proximal leaflet, the distal leaflet is inhomogeneous with coexisting gel and fluid domains. The size of the fluid domains increases with increasing the strength of the lipid interaction. At low temperatures, the inhomogeneity of the distal leaflet is due to its reduced lipid density

    Update on ACM SIGCOMM CCR reviewing process

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    This editorial note aims to first inform the SIGCOMM community on the reviewing process in place currently at CCR, and second, share our plans to make CCR a more open and welcoming venue by making changes to the review process, adding more value to the SIGCOMM community

    Caracterização de leveduras isoladas de uvas da cultivar Malbec de Campo Belo do Sul/SC da Safra de 2016 - Série MCBS16.

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    A qualidade das leveduras que participam do processo fermentativo é de suma importância para se obter um vinho de qualidade. As leveduras atuam na transformação do açúcar do mosto em etanol. Esta funcionalidade e a velocidade de fermentação dependem, entre outros fatores, da linhagem utilizada. A espécie Saccharomyces cerevisiae se destaca por produzir os mais elevados teores de etanol. Tanto os gêneros Saccharomyces como os não-Saccharomyces possuem características únicas, podendo atribuir qualidades ou defeitos ao vinho. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o perfil de leveduras isoladas de bagas de uva Malbec de Campo Belo do Sul/SC. Foram isoladas 47 linhagens e caracterizadas quanto ao metabolismo fermentativo, produção de H₂S, capacidade de produção do fator killer e sensibilidade ou neutralidade ao fator killer.(Embrapa Uva e Vinho. Documentos, 99

    "LUDO" - Kids playing Distributed Denial of Service

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    Distributed denial of service attacks pose a serious threat to the availability of the network infrastructures and services. GEÌ¿ANT, the pan-European network with terabit capacities witnesses close to hundreds of DDoS attacks on a daily basis. The reason is that DDoS attacks are getting larger, more sophisticated and frequent. At the same time, it has never been easier to execute DDoS attacks, e.g., Booter services offer paying customers without any technical knowledge the possibility to perform DDoS attacks as a service. Given the increasing size, frequency and complexity of DDoS attacks, there is a need to perform a collaborative mitigation. Therefore, we developed (i) a DDoSDB to share real attack data and allow collaborators to query, compare, and download attacks, (ii) the Security attack experimentation framework to test mitigation and response capabilities and (iii) a collaborative mitigation and response process among trusted partners to disseminate security event information. In addition to these developments, we present and would like to discuss our latest research results with experienced networking operators and bridging the gap between academic research and operational business

    A Two-stage Flow-based Intrusion Detection Model ForNext-generation Networks

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    The next-generation network provides state-of-the-art access-independent services over converged mobile and fixed networks. Security in the converged network environment is a major challenge. Traditional packet and protocol-based intrusion detection techniques cannot be used in next-generation networks due to slow throughput, low accuracy and their inability to inspect encrypted payload. An alternative solution for protection of next-generation networks is to use network flow records for detection of malicious activity in the network traffic. The network flow records are independent of access networks and user applications. In this paper, we propose a two-stage flow-based intrusion detection system for next-generation networks. The first stage uses an enhanced unsupervised one-class support vector machine which separates malicious flows from normal network traffic. The second stage uses a self-organizing map which automatically groups malicious flows into different alert clusters. We validated the proposed approach on two flow-based datasets and obtained promising results
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