60 research outputs found

    Examination of the phylogenetic value of molar cusp patterns for Australopithecus Paranthropus and early Homo

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    Tomorrow’s Seniors: Technology And Leisure Programming

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    As the Baby Boomers turn 65, there will be two cohorts of older adults with potentially different perspectives and expectations toward recreation and leisure. Because society demands the use of technology, recreation providers are challenged to fulfill the needs of two different cohorts that share the age of retirement. This study describes how Boomers and seniors utilize technology within a master-planned senior living community setting. Boomers report being more engaged with technology to remain socially connected with friends and family, especially female Boomers. Seniors are utilizing technology, but less frequently, especially Senior females. Recommendations for recreation professionals are provided

    Trace metal distribution in the bed, bank and suspended sediment of the Ravensbourne River and its implication for sediment monitoring in an urban river

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    Purpose This study aims to identify a suitable sediment compartment for sediment quality monitoring by: (a) studying the concentration of trace metals (Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn) in the bed, bank and suspended sediment compartments of the Ravensbourne River to establish any differences in trace metal concentrations with compartment; (b) determining the influence of sediment particle size fractions ( 0.05) in the concentrations of metals between the suspended sediment and the < 63 ÎŒm bed sediment fraction, but there was a significant difference (p < 0.05) between the suspended sediment and the < 63 ÎŒm bank sediment fraction. There were also significant differences between the concentrations of metals in the < 63 ÎŒm and the 63 ÎŒm–2 mm fractions. Generally, the Ravensbourne River did not comply with the draft UK sediment quality guidelines for the metals analysed. Conclusions This study shows the importance of identifying a suitable sediment compartment to sample for compliance with sediment quality standards. The bed and suspended sediments are the most widely used sediment compartments for sediment monitoring, but collecting sufficient mass of the < 63 ÎŒm sediment fraction for monitoring presents a challenge for urban gravel bed rivers like the Ravensbourne River. It seems appropriate to establish individual monitoring regimes for different rivers

    Revising a Summer Internship Course using Student Evaluations

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    Internships play an important role in a university curriculum because they allow students to gain practical experience and explore possible career paths. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the summer internship experience from the students’ perspective to determine whether they achieved course learning outcomes. We objectively examined the course evaluations from students who completed their summer internships within a recreation and leisure studies program. Student responses (n = 29) to the 14 self-appraisal items in their course evaluation were the central focus of data analysis. Our primary research question was, “In what KSA [knowledge, skills, attitudes] areas do students perceive the greatest improvements as a result of the summer internship experience?” To answer this question, measures of central tendency were calculated for each self-appraisal item in the course evaluation. Overall mean scores were high; for 13 of the 14 items, mean scores were above 4.3 (on a 5-point Likert scale). Students reported strongest agreement with statements regarding the responsibilities of being a professional, time management, leadership, and the shaping of future career goals. Our secondary research question was, “Is there a correlation between self-appraisal scores and students’ evaluations of their sponsoring agency?” To answer this question, a correlation analysis was conducted. A statistically significant positive correlation (r =.672, p =.000) was found between self-appraisal scores and students’ evaluations of their internship supervisors, suggesting that internship supervisors play an important role when it comes to helping students achieve learning outcomes and improve their professional competencies

    Leisure Programing for Baby Boomers

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    By Lynda J. Cochran (College at Brockport faculty member, now Lynda J. Sperazza), Anne M. Rothschadl, Jodi L. Rudick.The baby boomers -- those born between 1946 and 1964 -- are a generation that consists of nearly 76 million Americans. Beginning in 2011, this large and influential population will begin their transition out of the workforce. As baby boomers enter retirement, they will be looking for opportunities in fitness, sports, outdoors, arts and cultural events, and other activities that suit their vibrant lifestyles. With their varied life experiences, values, and expectations, baby boomers are predicted to redefine the meaning of recreation and leisure programming for mature adults.Though many researchers have forecast the boomers\u27 impact on the future, only Leisure Programming for Baby Boomers addresses key information that recreation and leisure professionals need in order to make program decisions with baby boomers in mind. The authors combine their research, programming, and marketing expertise to provide insights into the values and lifestyle choices of boomers and offer programming and marketing strategies to reach this large and influential population.Leisure Programming for Baby Boomers will help you move beyond the traditional offerings of bingo, art classes, and social dances to capture the attention and imagination of your baby boomer community. This comprehensive guide offers these features: An in-depth review of current research to help you understand the values, interests, and needs of the boomer generation ; Guidance in adopting a “boomer lens” so you can more easily recognize the opportunities in working with this group and create and market programs that appeal to the values of this unique generation ; The Cochran Baby Boomer Quiz, a tool that can be used not only in assessing the programming preferences of the boomers in your community, but also in testing your staff\u27s knowledge of boomers and preparing them to work more effectively with this group ; Strategies, guidelines, and ready-to-use ideas for boomer-specific programming in arts and culture, outdoor recreation, education, wellness, and tourism ; Marketing templates and strategies that will attract boomers and keep them coming to your programs.With Leisure Programming for Baby Boomers, you\u27ll discover what distinguishes the baby boomer generation from previous generations in regard to their demographic makeup, gender differences, cultural influences, brand loyalty, consumer behavior, and spending patterns. Based on current research, Leisure Programming for Baby Boomers explains the boomer generation in terms of five value areas specific to recreation and leisure programming: cultural influences, healthy aging and society, retirement, leisure pursuits, and economic levels. Using this knowledge, you\u27ll learn how to consider these generational values to create effective marketing messages and plan appropriate programming.—Publisher’s descriptionhttps://digitalcommons.brockport.edu/bookshelf/1187/thumbnail.jp
