834 research outputs found

    Collecting Celebrity: The Meanings and Process of Collecting Sports Memorabilia

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    The sports memorabilia marketplace has experienced exponential growth since the advent of Internet auction sites such as eBay. While collectors were once constrained by local encounters with personal collectors, the Internet now facilitates buying and selling on an international scale. This study explores the phenomenon of collecting sports memorabilia as it has been transformed historically as well as more recently. Scholarly literature suggests that fascination with the famous may have begun in ancient Greece, although contemporary studies of celebrity examine a broader scope of subjects in addition to an odd array of items collected. This study specifically addresses the following: first, what are historical and contemporary meanings of fame and/or celebrity; second, how do sports collectibles accrue value; and third, how do Internet auctions impact the sports collectibles marketplace? To explain the phenomenon of collecting sports memorabilia, one author offers a four-stage model known as the Sports Collectibles Commodity Continuum. This model draws upon concepts from previous literature: singularization (items may be set aside for special purposes)and commoditization (intersection of time, culture, and society) (e.g., see 4, 12, 20, 33). The model also introduces previously unarticulated notions of culturalization ( consumer identities and norms set by social, cultural, economic, and/or political forces) and marketization (singularized needs drive market prices). After assessing prices of sport collectibles offered on eBay, the authors conclude that the escalating use of online sport auctions will likely continue to impact the sports collectibles marketplace in ways that merit further study

    Multi-color pyrometer for materials processing in space

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    The design, construction and calibration of a computer-linked multicolor pyrometer is described. The device was constructed for ready adaptation to a spacecraft and for use in the control of thermal processes for manufacturing materials in space. The pyrometer actually uses only one color at a time, and is relatively insensitive to uncertainties in the heated object's emissivity because the product of the color and the temperature has been selected to be within a regime where the radiant energy emitted from the body increases very rapidly with temperature. The instrument was calibrated and shown to exceed its design goal of temperature measurements between 300 and 2000 C, and its accuracy in the face of imprecise knowledge of the hot object's emissivity was demonstrated

    Meaning making of a woman in her life development through the study abroad experience

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    Study Abroad continues to grow as part of the higher education experience. Women participate more often than men in Study Abroad, yet little research has addressed the narrative of a woman's unique voice in the process as an addition to knowledge. The objective of this study was to address the meaning a singular woman made from her participation in Study Abroad and how that meaning was expressed during her life journey.This qualitative study used narrative inquiry of a singular individual. Methods used for this research included individual interviews, observation, artifacts and photo elicitation. The member's own photos were used for the photo elicitation and proved a strong resource. Data collection from the methods and applied coding process emerged five themes: People are good: this data described an intense need for the participant to acknowledge the goodness of all people. The need to tell: this collected data that demonstrated the participant's need to share her acquired epiphany to enlighten others. Independence: this gathering evidenced a new degree of freedom in solo travel and general self-confidence. Places: location and the need for familiar landscape data grounded the participant. Finally, Race: indicated data that described an attention to people because of their cultural differences. The final analysis includes poetry pulled from Labov's coding process, as well as an acrylic painting to visually represent the findings.The significance of this study was the reflection she shared as a woman because it begins to fill in gaps from the historical narratives that document history through voice. The study was not intended to generalize to others but rather valued as a unique solo note. There were some possible implications from this study. Learning may grow from how a person views self. Therefore, understanding what is important to the learner may allow for the development of higher education initiatives that enhance participant satisfaction and increase positive results. The most profound meaning pulled from the narrative for this participant was associated with how she approached the world, acceptance of people and finally the courage to believe in herself

    Safety Assurance in NextGen

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    The generation of minimum operational, safety, performance, and interoperability requirements is an important aspect of safely integrating new NextGen components into the Communication Navigation Surveillance and Air Traffic Management (CNS/ATM) system. These requirements are used as part of the implementation and approval processes. In addition, they provide guidance to determine the levels of design assurance and performance that are needed for each element of the new NextGen procedures, including aircraft, operator, and Air Navigation and Service Provider. Using the enhanced Airborne Traffic Situational Awareness for InTrail Procedure (ATSA-ITP) as an example, this report describes some limitations of the current process used for generating safety requirements and levels of required design assurance. An alternative process is described, as well as the argument for why the alternative can generate more comprehensive requirements and greater safety assurance than the current approach

    Is Recess an Achievement Context? An Application of Expectancy-Value Theory to Playground Choices

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    This study investigated the application of an expectancy-value model to children’s activity choices on the playground at recess. The purpose was to test the prediction that expectancies for success and subjective task values are related to decisions to engage in specific recess activities such as climbing, playing soccer, or skipping rope. Participants included 242 children in grades 1-4 from five schools. Participation in playground activities was assessed using the Activities for Daily Living in Physical Play (ADL-PP) (Watkinson et al., 2001). Task-specific expectancies and values were measured on the playground activities contained in the ADL-PP. The results indicated that children’s perceptions of competence were significantly higher on playground skills that they had identified as most important compared with least important (pCe projet de recherche porte sur l’application d’un modèle de la perception de la valeur sur le choix d’activités que font les enfants dans le parc de jeux à la récréation. L’objectif de la recherche était de tester la prédiction selon laquelle les perceptions relativement à la réussite et les valeurs subjectives sont liées aux décisions de participer à des activités spécifiques pendant la récréation telles que grimper, jouer au soccer, ou sauter à la corde. À l’étude ont participé 242 élèves de la 1re à la 4e année provenant de cinq écoles. La participation aux activités du terrain de jeux a été évaluée selon le Activities for Daily Living in Physical Play (ADLPP) de Watkinson et al., 2001 (Activités pour le quotidien dans les jeux actifs). On a mesuré les perceptions de la valeur qu’attribuaient les enfants aux activités nommées dans la liste de Watkinson et al. Les résultats indiquent que les enfants percevaient que leur compétence quant aux habiletés sur le terrain de jeux étaient bien plus élevée pour celles qu’ils avaient identifiées comme étant plus importantes par rapport à celles auxquelles ils attribuaient moins d’importance (

    Readers\u27 Speakout

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    Dear Editors: The article in the Summer 1980 Women\u27s Studies Newsletter (vol. 8, no. 3), Building Coalitions between Women\u27s Studies and Black Studies: What Are the Realities?, by Ann Cathey Carver, is to my mind excellent. The understanding by this professor of the very real social realities that make for problems between Women\u27s Studies and Black Studies—and between Black and white women—reflects a tremendous sensitivity which has obviously grown out of extended acquaintance with the Black experience. As a Black woman, concerned with both racism and sexism in the society, I think such perceptive analysis is invaluable. I hope that this piece will be read and understood by many, many others. On such a basis, it is possible to develop strong coalitions, stronger interrelationships and trust, and more intimate one-to-one relationships between faculty and students of both programs and between Black and white women

    Engaging Communities in Reducing Gun Violence: A Road Map for Safer Communities

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    Groundbreaking research by Benenson Strategy Group (BSG) and Lester and Associates was released on April 28, 2016 alongside a policy roadmap that lays out a series of proposed policy solutions for gun violence based on conversations with community stakeholders in Richmond, VA, Milwaukee, WI, and Stockton, CA. The research and report grew out of a project launched last year by The Joint Center for Economic and Political Studies, The Urban Institute and The Joyce Foundation. The study found that African Americans and Latinos believe that fixing the gun violence crisis in the United States is a pathway to addressing issues with the criminal justice system, including police-community relationships and mass incarceration

    Estilo motivacional del docente, tipos de motivación, autoeficacia, compromiso agente y rendimiento en matemáticas en universitarios

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    La presente investigación estudió las relaciones entre el estilo motivacional del docente (apoyo a la autonomía vs control), tipos de motivación (autónoma/controlada), autoeficacia, compromiso agente y rendimiento en matemáticas en un grupo de universitarios en Lima. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 165 estudiantes de dos universidades públicas de Lima metropolitana de diferentes carreras de ciencias y matemáticas. Los instrumentos empleados arrojaron buenas evidencias de validez y confiabilidad en esta muestra. Se realizaron las correlaciones correspondientes y análisis de senderos para poder explicar los efectos directos de las variables. Se encontró que los estilos motivacionales docentes de apoyo a la autonomía y de control predicen positivamente la motivación autónoma y controlada, respectivamente. Así también, la percepción de apoyo a la autonomía predice la autoeficacia y el compromiso agente. La motivación autónoma es una variable mediadora entre el estilo motivacional docente de apoyo a la autonomía y la autoeficacia. La relación entre el rendimiento académico y la percepción de apoyo a la autonomía es mediada por la autoeficacia. Igualmente, esta variable media la relación entre el estilo de apoyo a la autonomía y el compromiso agente. Por otro lado, la relación entre la percepción de un estilo motivacional docente de control y la falta de compromiso agente es mediada por la motivación controlada. Finalmente, se discuten los resultados y se brindan las recomendaciones, limitaciones de la investigación y futuras líneas de trabajo.The purpose of this research is to study the relationship among motivational teaching styles (autonomy support vs. control), types of motivation (autonomous/control), selfefficacy, agentic engagement, and mathematics academic achievement in a sample of university students from Lima. The sample was composed of 165 students from two public universities of Metropolitan Lima from different careers in science and mathematics. The instruments used in this study had good evidences of validity and reliability. Corresponding correlations and path analyses were conducted to explain the direct effects of the variables. It was found that the teaching styles of autonomy support and control positively predicted autonomous motivation and control motivation, respectively. Also, the perception of autonomy support teaching style predicts self-efficacy and agentic engagement. Autonomous motivation is a mediator variable between the teaching style of autonomy support and self-efficacy. The relationship between academic achievement and the perception of autonomy support teaching style is mediated by self-efficacy. Also, this variable mediated the relationship between the teaching style of autonomy support and agentic engagement. On the other hand, the relationship between perception of control teaching style and agentic disengagement is mediated by the control motivation. Finally, results are discussed and recommendations, limitations and future lines research suggestions are provided.Tesi

    Engaging Communities in Reducing Gun Violence: A Road Map to Safer Communities

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    Gun violence inflicts a devastating toll on communities of color, but the justice system response to this violence frequently destabilizes neighborhoods and damages police-community relations. To develop a better response, the Urban Institute, Joyce Foundation, and Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies convened more than 100 people from communities affected by violence. We learned that violence prevention demands a holistic set of solutions. Limiting access to firearms is part of the solution, but a comprehensive strategy will also require improving police-community relations, investing in community services, and facilitating community leadership in violence prevention efforts
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