320 research outputs found

    Data validation and uncertainty evaluation of the ESTER outdoor facility for testing of PV modules

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    In the paper the uncertainty analysis of the FTA Lab ESTER facility instrumentation is presented together with the procedure used to validate data outputs through measurements on a reference polycrystalline module provided by ISAAC-SUPSI. The reference module has been tested for several months and a procedure has been identified to sort the IV curves for translation at STC conditions. Blaesser method has been implemented and comparison between STC data from indoor measurements by ISAAC and translated outdoor curves produced quite satisfactory results

    Room temperature plastic flow localization in a Mn-alloyed austenitic steel

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    A fully austenitic steel containing 0.5 wt.% C and 22 wt.% Mn was recently proposed for the fabrication of automotive body structures by room-temperature sheet forming, the goal being weight reduction and better crash performance owing to its much higher yield stress and elongation (as compared to presently employed ferritic and multiphase steels). Full-thickness tensile specimens, cut from as-produced sheets, were polished and tested at different strain rates, and the macroscopic surface relief eventually induced by the plastic deformation was recorded with a video camera. Between 0.3 and 0.4 true strain, successive macroscopic deformation bands (forming about 45° angle with the tensile axis and involving the full specimen width) travel along the specimen, a new one being nucleated as the previous reaches one of the specimen heads, whereas the gage displacement vs. stress curve shows a series of steps, each corresponding to the transit of a band through the gage length, and the cross-head displacement vs. stress curve shows isolated stress peaks, each immediately preceding the nucleation of a new band. Afterwards, and up to rupture, a series of stationary deformation bands appear, most being immediately adjacent to the preceding ones, with the stress vs. strain curve showing a series of serrations with large stress drops. As the strain rate is increased from 0.0004 to 0.4 s-1, the overall flow stress slightly decreases and the mentioned plastic localization phenomena become less evident


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    Abstract. This abstract illustrates an interdisciplinary research project which focuses on the study, conservation and enhancement, through 3D digitization and virtual fruition, of an asset of great naturalistic, historical and ethnoanthropological value: Grotta dei Pipistrelli of Pantalica Nature Reserve (Sortino, SR). The cave (located in the Calcinara necropolis) is characterized by a great beauty as well as by a high cultural relevance and a remarkable scientific importance. In 2005, it awarded the UNESCO World Heritage title for its high historic, archaeological and speleological profile. Despite the site is being studied by specialists in chiropterofauna, nowadays there is not a comprehensive and reliable documentation of the plano-altimetric morphology of the cave, able to constitute a 3D database of essential information (e.g. morphological, geological, textural and wildlife information) for current and future studies, and to preserve the memory of this fragile ecosystem. The process of 3D digitization aims to create a model of the cave that allows us to enjoy this place, to explore it and to closely understand it in order to limit the anthropic pressure caused by visitors on the real site. Consequently, it is proposed the creation of a virtual environment, as a reproduction of the real one, which can be enjoyed by all categories of users.</p

    Epidemiology-based evaluation of trends in treatment for ruptured intracranial aneurysms in Italy

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    Background: In recent years there have been significant advances in the diagnosis, management and treatment of intracranial aneurysms (IAs) in Italy. Changes in prevalence of several epigenetic risk factors in the population as well as in environmental factors may have influenced the epidemiological burden of this disease. No long-term, population-based study about the incidence of treated ruptured IAs (rIAs) in Italy has yet been reported in literature. Methods: A long-term (January 2015 - December 2020), nationwide epidemiology study was performed by using discharge data collected by the Italian National Agency for Regional Healthcare Services with a particular focus on the treatment incidence of rIAs. A sub-analysis per macro-areas (north, center, and south and islands) was also performed, including the data about regional healthcare systems organization. The prevalence of common epigenetic and environmental risk factors has been also assessed. Results: Over 6 years, the mean incidence of rIAs treatment was 2.7 x 100.000 per year (ds ± 0.1; range: 2.6-2.9). In 2020, there was a significant north-south decreasing gradient in incidence (north vs center vs south and islands: 3.4 vs 2.4 vs 1.8 x 100.000/year; all p<0.001). There were no meaningful differences between macro-areas in terms of access to emergency care and number of neurosurgical wards per population. The rate of unruptured IAs (uIAs) treatment did not show a correlation to that of ruptured ones. Minor regional differences were retrieved for high-risk hypertension as well as for alcohol abuse prevalence. Air pollutants and temperature charts showed a north-south gradient similar to that of the incidence in the treated rIAs. Conclusions: The mean incidence of treated rIAs was stable over the 2015-2020 period in Italy. A north-south decreasing gradient in rIAs treatment incidence was reported. Neither the Regional healthcare organizations nor the rate of uIAs treatment were significant factors explaining the regional differences in the incidence of rIAs treatment. Minor differences in epigenetic and environmental risk factors may be synergistically involved

    Optimization of transgene action at the post-transcriptional level: high quality parthenocarpic fruits in industrial tomatoes

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    Background: Genetic engineering of parthenocarpy confers to horticultural plants the ability toproduce fruits under environmental conditions that curtail fruit productivity and quality. TheDefH9-iaaM transgene, whose predicted action is to confer auxin synthesis specifically in theplacenta, ovules and derived tissues, has been shown to confer parthenocarpy to several plantspecies (tobacco, eggplant, tomato) and varieties.Results: UC82 tomato plants, a typical cultivar used by the processing industry, transgenic for theDefH9-iaaM gene produce parthenocarpic fruits that are malformed. UC82 plants transgenic forthe DefH9-RI-iaaM, a DefH9-iaaM derivative gene modified in its 5'ULR by replacing 53 nucleotidesimmediately upstream of the AUG initiation codon with an 87 nucleotides-long sequence derivedfrom the rolA intron sequence, produce parthenocarpic fruits of high quality. In an in vitro translationsystem, the iaaM mRNA, modified in its 5'ULR is translated 3\u20134 times less efficiently than theoriginal transcript. An optimal expressivity of parthenocarpy correlates with a reduced transgenemRNA steady state level in DefH9-RI-iaaM flower buds in comparison to DefH9-iaaM flower buds.Consistent with the known function of the iaaM gene, flower buds transgenic for the DefH9-RI-iaaMgene contain ten times more IAA than control untransformed flower buds, but five times less thanDefH9-iaaM flower buds.Conclusions:: By using an auxin biosynthesis transgene downregulated at the post-transcriptionallevel, an optimal expressivity of parthenocarpy has been achieved in a genetic background notsuitable for the original transgene. Thus, the method allows the generation of a wider range ofexpressivity of the desired trait in transgenic plants

    Genetically modified parthenocarpic eggplants: improved fruit productivity under both greenhouse and open field cultivation

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    BACKGROUND: Parthenocarpy, or fruit development in the absence of fertilization, has been genetically engineered in eggplant and in other horticultural species by using the DefH9-iaaM gene. The iaaM gene codes for tryptophan monoxygenase and confers auxin synthesis, while the DefH9 controlling regions drive expression of the gene specifically in the ovules and placenta. A previous greenhouse trial for winter production of genetically engineered (GM) parthenocarpic eggplants demonstrated a significant increase (an average of 33% increase) in fruit production concomitant with a reduction in cultivation costs. RESULTS: GM parthenocarpic eggplants have been evaluated in three field trials. Two greenhouse spring trials have shown that these plants outyielded the corresponding untransformed genotypes, while a summer trial has shown that improved fruit productivity in GM eggplants can also be achieved in open field cultivation. Since the fruits were always seedless, the quality of GM eggplant fruits was improved as well. RT-PCR analysis demonstrated that the DefH9-iaaM gene is expressed during late stages of fruit development. CONCLUSIONS: The DefH9-iaaM parthenocarpic gene is a biotechnological tool that enhances the agronomic value of all eggplant genotypes tested. The main advantages of DefH9-iaaM eggplants are: i) improved fruit productivity (at least 30-35%) under both greenhouse and open field cultivation; ii) production of good quality (marketable) fruits during different types of cultivation; iii) seedless fruit with improved quality. Such advantages have been achieved without the use of either male or female sterility genes

    Impact of Circadian Desynchrony on Spermatogenesis: A Mini Review

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    The purpose of this mini review is to provide data about pre-clinical and clinical evidence exploring the impact of circadian desynchrony on spermatogenesis. Several lines of evidence exist demonstrating that disruption of circadian rhythms may interfere with male fertility. Experimental knock-out or knock-down of clock genes, physiologically involved in the regulation of circadian rhythms, are associated with impairments of fertility pathways in both animal and human models. Moreover, disruption of circadian rhythms, due to reduction of sleep duration and/or alteration of its architecture can negatively interfere in humans with circulating levels of male sexual hormones as well as with semen parameters. Unfortunately, current evidence remains low due to study heterogeneity
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