687 research outputs found
Hierarchical Classification of Design Decisions using pre-trained Language Models
Die Software-Architektur Dokumentation (SAD) ist ein integrales Artefakt eines Software Projektes. Die SAD trĂ€gt zum fortwĂ€hrenden Erfolg eines Software Projektes bei, indem sie ein gemeinsames VerstĂ€ndnis der Software Architektur gewĂ€hrleistet, wichtige Entwurfsentscheidungen dokumentiert und einer Erosion der Software vorbeugt. Um die QualitĂ€t von SADs zu verbessern und nachgelagerte Aufgaben zu unterstĂŒtzen, ist eine automatische Klassifizierung dieser Entwurfsentscheidungen erstrebenswert. In dieser Arbeit implementieren und evaluieren wir einen Ansatz zur automatischen Identifikation und Klassifizierung von Entwurfsentscheidungen auf der Grundlage einer feingranularen Taxonomie, bei der wir eine hierarchische Klassifikationsstrategie mit dem Einsatz von Transfer-Lernen durch vortrainierter Sprachmodelle kombinieren. Der Beitrag dieser Arbeit besteht darin, den Vorteil einer hierarchischen Klassifikationsstrategie fĂŒr die automatische Klassifikation von Entwurfsentscheidungen gegenĂŒber einem nicht-hierarchischen Ansatz zu untersuchen. AuĂerdem untersuchen und vergleichen wir die EffektivitĂ€t der vortrainierten Sprachmodelle RoBERTa, XLNet, BERTOverflow und GPT-3 fĂŒr diese Aufgabe. In unserer Evaluation schnitten die AnsĂ€tze mit vortrainierten Sprachmodellen im Allgemeinen besser ab als die Baseline-AnsĂ€tze. Wir konnten jedoch keinen klaren Vorteil der hierarchischen AnsĂ€tze gegenĂŒber den nicht-hierarchischen AnsĂ€tzen in Kombination mit den Sprachmodellen feststelle. Letztlich sind die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit durch die GröĂe und das Ungleichgewicht unseres Datensatzes limitiert und erfordern daher weitere Forschung mit einem gröĂeren Datensatz
Essays in Economic Theory
This dissertation is composed of four chapters with two overarching themes. In the first two chapters, we analyze common-value auctions in which bidders are either uninformed about the number of their competitors or their competitorsâ additional private values for the good. Chapters 3 and 4 deal with the effects of decoupling and vote trading on corporate governance
Die neue Frauenbewegung und der Nationalsozialismus: Feministische Erinnerungskultur zwischen 1968 und 1994
Die neue Frauenbewegung stritt in den 1970er Jahren nicht nur fĂŒr die Gleichberechtigung der Geschlechter in der Bundesrepublik, sondern auch ĂŒber den Umgang mit dem Nationalsozialismus. Sie nĂ€herte sich auf neue Weise der unbewĂ€ltigten Vergangenheit und stellte das GesprĂ€ch und die Identifikation mit Frauen in den Mittelpunkt. Dabei bildete sie auch starke Erinnerungsbilder weiblicher Opferschaft heraus - die JĂŒdinnen und Schwarze Frauen in den 1980er Jahren vehement kritisierten. Die Autorin zeigt mit ihrer kulturwissenschaftlichen Analyse der feministischen Erinnerungskultur nach 1968 die Wurzeln von Konflikten einer gendered memory auf, die bis heute die Erinnerung an den Nationalsozialismus prĂ€gen
Public History und historische Grundlagenforschung. Das Projekt âDie Geschichte der Landesministerien in Baden und WĂŒrttemberg in der Zeit des Nationalsozialismusâ
Zivilgesellschaftliche Gruppen betrieben in den 1970er und 1980er Jahren die lokale âAufarbeitungâ der nationalsozialistischen Vergangenheit mit wissenschaftskritischem Impetus als âGeschichte von untenâ. Dies war ein nicht zu unterschĂ€tzender Impulsgeber fĂŒr die akademische Wissenschaft und die deutsche Erinnerungskultur. Hieraus hat sich die Public History als Teildisziplin der Geschichtswissenschaften entwickelt, die als eigener Bereich im Forschungsprojekt âDie Landesministerien in Baden und WĂŒrttemberg in der Zeit des Nationalsozialismusâ verfolgt wird. Als erstes Projekt aus der historischen Grundlagenforschung zu dieser Zeit verfolgt es ein solches Vorhaben in diesem Umfang, berichtet seit Beginn mit zahlreichen BeitrĂ€gen aus der laufenden Arbeit der Forschenden und sucht Kontakt zu ExpertInnen, um möglichst breiten Austausch ĂŒber das Thema zu erzeugen. Die vielfĂ€ltigen Möglichkeiten der Kommunikation mit interessierten BĂŒrgerInnen ĂŒber digitale Medien stehen dabei im Mittelpunkt. Ăber die Projekthomepage werden sowohl historische Quellen als auch wissenschaftliche Fragestellungen und Forschungsdebatten aus dem Feld der regionalen Verwaltungsgeschichte zugĂ€nglich gemacht. Zudem reflektiert der Projektbereich, welche Barrieren es auf dem Weg zu einem dialogischen Austausch zwischen âĂffentlichkeitâ und einem Forschungsprojekt dieser Art (noch?) zu ĂŒberwinden gilt.In the 1970s and 1980s, civic groups pursued the reflection of the National Socialist past with critical impetus on local levels as âhistory from belowâ. Its function as a catalyst for academic research as well as for German commemorative culture is not to be underestimated. As a result, public history has become an academic sub-discipline which now forms an own section of the research project âDie Geschichte der Landes- ministerien in Baden und WĂŒrttemberg in der Zeit des Nationalsozialismusâ. Within the field of basic research on National Socialist dictatorship, the project is the first one that extensively pursues such initiatives, that since its beginning reports about the ongoing research with numerous contributions, and that seeks contact to experts to enable a broadest possible exchange on the topic. The focus lies on the manifold possibilities of communication with interested citizens through digital media. Historical sources as well as scientific issues and debates from the field of regional administration history are made accessible to citizens via the projectâs homepage. The public history sector of the research project further reflects what barriers are (yet) to be overcome concerning the exchange between the âpublicâ and historical research
Establishing a Benchmark Dataset for Traceability Link Recovery between Software Architecture Documentation and Models
In research, evaluation plays a key role to assess the performance of an approach.
When evaluating approaches, there is a wide range of possible types of studies that can be used, each with different properties.
Benchmarks have the benefit that they establish clearly defined standards and baselines.
However, when creating new benchmarks, researchers face various problems regarding the identification of potential data, its mining, as well as the creation of baselines.
As a result, some research domains do not have any benchmarks at all.
This is the case for traceability link recovery between software architecture documentation and software architecture models.
In this paper, we create and describe an open-source benchmark dataset for this research domain.
With this benchmark, we define a baseline with a simple approach based on information retrieval techniques.
This way, we provide other researchers a way to evaluate and compare their approaches
In vitro evaluation of baseline and induced DNA damage in human sperm exposed to benzo[a]pyrene or its metabolite benzo[a]pyrene-7,8-diol-9,10-epoxide, using the comet assay
Exposure to genotoxins may compromise DNA integrity in male reproductive cells, putting future progeny at risk for developmental defects and diseases. To study the usefulness of sperm DNA damage as a biomarker for genotoxic exposure, we have investigated cellular and molecular changes induced by benzo[a]pyrene (B[a]P) in human sperm in vitro, and results have been compared for smokers and non-smokers. Sperm DNA obtained from five smokers was indeed more fragmented than sperm of six non-smokers (mean % Tail DNA 26.5 and 48.8, respectively), as assessed by the alkaline comet assay (P < 0.05). B[a]P-related DNA adducts were detected at increased levels in smokers as determined by immunostaining. Direct exposure of mature sperm cells to B[a]P (10 or 25 ÎŒM) caused moderate increases in DNA fragmentation which was independent of addition of human liver S9 mix for enzymatic activation of B[a]P, suggesting some unknown metabolism of B[a]P in ejaculates. In vitro exposure of samples to various doses of B[a]P (with or without S9) did not reveal any significant differences in sensitivity to DNA fragmentation between smokers and non-smokers. Incubations with the proximate metabolite benzo[a]pyrene-r-7,t-8-dihydrodiol-t9,10-epoxide (BPDE) produced DNA fragmentation in a dose-dependent manner (20 or 50 ÎŒM), but only when formamidopyrimidine DNA glycosylase treatment was included in the comet assay. These levels of DNA fragmentation were, however, low in relation to very high amounts of BPDEâDNA adducts as measured with 32P postlabelling. We conclude that sperm DNA damage may be useful as a biomarker of direct exposure of sperm using the comet assay adapted to sperm, and as such the method may be applicable to cohort studies. Although the sensitivity is relatively low, DNA damage induced in earlier stages of spermatogenesis may be detected with higher efficiencies
Re-evaluation of a reported increased micronucleus frequency in lymphocytes of workers occupationally exposed to formaldehyde
A replicate evaluation of increased micronucleus (MN) frequencies in peripheral lymphocytes of workers occupationally exposed to formaldehyde (FA) was undertaken to verify the observed effect and to determine scoring variability. MayâGrĂŒnwaldâGiemsa-stained slides were obtained from a previously performed cytokinesis-block micronucleus test (CBMNT) with 56 workers in anatomy and pathology laboratories and 85 controls. The first evaluation by one scorer (scorer 1) had led to a highly significant difference between workers and controls (3.96 vs 0.81 MN per 1000 cells). The slides were coded before re-evaluation and the code was broken after the complete re-evaluation of the study. A total of 1000 binucleated cells (BNC) were analysed per subject and the frequency of MN (in â°) was determined. Slides were distributed equally and randomly between two scorers, so that the scorers had no knowledge of the exposure status. Scorer 2 (32 exposed, 36 controls) measured increased MN frequencies in exposed workers (9.88 vs 6.81). Statistical analysis with the two-sample Wilcoxon test indicated that this difference was not significant (p = 0.17). Scorer 3 (20 exposed, 46 controls) obtained a similar result, but slightly higher values for the comparison of exposed and controls (19.0 vs 12.89; p = 0.089). Combining the results of the two scorers (13.38 vs 10.22), a significant difference between exposed and controls (p = 0.028) was obtained when the stratified Wilcoxon test with the scorers as strata was applied. Interestingly, the re-evaluation of the slides led to clearly higher MN frequencies for exposed and controls compared with the first evaluation. BlandâAltman plots indicated that the agreement between the measurements of the different scorers was very poor, as shown by mean differences of 5.9 between scorer 1 and scorer 2 and 13.0 between scorer 1 and scorer 3. Calculation of the intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC) revealed that all scorer comparisons in this study were far from acceptable for the reliability of this assay. Possible implications for the use of the CBMNT in human biomonitoring studies are discussed
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