112 research outputs found

    Disrupting social marketing through a practice-oriented approach

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    Purpose – This paper aims to explore four disruptions that practice theory makes to traditional social marketing approaches to school physical activity (PA) intervention. Design/methodology/approach – The paper draws on existing literature from sustainable consumption, sociology of health and illness and the authors’ experiences working with primary schools in the UK to plan and execute social marketing approaches to PA, targeting interconnected social practices from which PA emerges or fails to emerge. The paper explores a practice-oriented theoretical framing, engaging with calls from interdisciplinary areas for PA interventions to shape the PA emerging from a school’s everyday routines, rather than promote PA participation at an individual level. Findings – The paper argues first that a practice perspective would focus on situation research rather than audience research, with practices rather than people as the focus. Second, the purpose of practice-orientedsocial marketing would be to achieve transitions in practices rather than behaviour change. Third, theplanning and management approach of practice-oriented social marketing would account for unintended consequences and complex interconnections between practices. Finally, an evolved evaluation approach to practice-oriented social marketing would take a longer term approach to understand how cultural transitions are emerging. Originality/value – This paper contributes to an important stream of critical social marketing scholarship that seeks to advance social marketing away from its individualist routes. It sets an agenda for further research that considers the ontological and practical possibilities for practice informed approach to social marketing

    Staying connected: The informal learning of primary teachers during the COVID-19 lockdown to meet the challenges of emergency remote learning

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    Primary teaching during the first and second COVID-19 school closures: how schools learnt from lockdown

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    Using corporate stories to build the corporate brand: An impression management perspective

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    Purpose: A recent area of academic interest within corporate branding and reputation is the use of storytelling in order to differentiate the corporate brand, however there is little empirical research exploring the contents of corporate stories, and how they are used by organisations to build the corporate brand. This paper aims to utilise impression management theory to bring insight into the potential role of corporate stories in shaping the corporate brand. Design/methodology/approach: Corporate stories were identified from the web sites of 99 organisations in both the for-profit and not-for-profit sectors, and content analysis conducted on the stories, using a deductive approach to identify the story elements present in the stories. Findings: There are wide variations in the inclusion of different elements in the stories, indicating that organisations place greater importance on the inclusion of some elements in their corporate stories than others. Research limitations/implications: The paper highlights the point that while organisations are using corporate stories, they are not sufficiently leveraging them to build their corporate brand. There is a gap between storytelling theory and practice, in that the literature emphasises the importance of including benefits for stakeholders, emotion, and aspects of the corporate strategy in stories, whereas organisations frequently neglect these aspects and instead focus mainly on their accomplishments. Originality/value: This study has found impression management theory to be a useful perspective on exploring corporate storytelling, and identifies links between the elements of stories and impression management strategies and behaviours. This indicates that the corporate story could influence the impressions that audiences form of the organisation and therefore build the corporate brand. © Emerald Group Publishing Limited

    Perceived benefits and challenges of using an electronic cancer prediction system for safety netting in primary care: an exploratory study of C the Signs

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    Objectives: This paper reports on an exploratory study into the perceived benefits and challenges of using an electronic cancer prediction system, C the Signs, for safety netting within a Primary Care Network (PCN) in the East of England. Methods: The study involved semi-structured interviews and a qualitative questionnaire with a sample of 15 clinicians and practice administrators within four GP practices in the PCN. Results: Participants generally perceived benefits of C the Signs for managing and monitoring referrals as part of post-consultation safety netting. Clinicians made little use of the decision support function though, as part of safety netting during the consultation, and referrals were still sent by administrators, rather than directly by clinicians through C the Signs. Conclusion: Emphasising the benefits of C the Signs for post-consultation safety netting is most likely to gain buy-in to the system from clinicians, and can also be used by administrators for shared visibility of referrals. More evidence is needed on the value of C the Signs for safety netting during the consultation, through better diagnosis of cancer, before this is seen as a valued benefit by clinicians and provides motivation to use the system

    Attitudes towards advance care planning amongst community-based older people in England

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    Background: Advance care planning has been advocated as a way for people to have their wishes recorded and respected in relation to types of treatment and place of care. However, uptake in England remains low. Aims: To examine the views of older, well, adults towards Advance Care Plans (ACPs) and planning for end-of-life care, in order to inform national policy decisions. Methods: A mixed methods approach was adopted, involving individual and mini-group qualitative interviews (n = 76, ages 45–85), followed by a quantitative survey (n = 2294, age 55+). The quantitative sample was based on quotas in age, gender, region, socio-economic grade, and ethnicity, combined with light weighting to ensure the findings were representative of England. Results: Knowledge and understanding of advance care planning was low, with only 1% of survey respondents reporting they had completed an ACP for themselves. Common reasons for not putting wishes into writing were not wanting/needing to think about it now, the unpredictability of the future, trusting family/friends to make decisions, and financial resources limiting real choice. Conclusion: Whilst advance care planning is seen as a good idea in theory by older, well, adults living in the community, there is considerable reticence in practice. This raises questions over the current, national policy position in England, on the importance of written ACPs. We propose that policy should instead focus on encouraging ongoing conversations between individuals and all those (potentially) involved in their care, about what is important to them, and on ensuring there are adequate resources in community networks and health and social care systems, to be responsive to changing needs

    Attitudes towards advance care planning amongst community-based older people in England

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    Background Advance care planning has been advocated as a way for people to have their wishes recorded and respected in relation to types of treatment and place of care. However, uptake in England remains low. Aims To examine the views of older, well, adults towards Advance Care Plans (ACPs) and planning for end-of-life care, in order to inform national policy decisions. Methods A mixed methods approach was adopted, involving individual and mini-group qualitative interviews (n = 76, ages 45-85), followed by a quantitative survey (n = 2294, age 55+). The quantitative sample was based on quotas in age, gender, region, socio-economic grade, and ethnicity, combined with light weighting to ensure the findings were representative of England. Results Knowledge and understanding of advance care planning was low, with only 1% of survey respondents reporting they had completed an ACP for themselves. Common reasons for not putting wishes into writing were not wanting/needing to think about it now, the unpredictability of the future, trusting family/friends to make decisions, and financial resources limiting real choice. Conclusion Whilst advance care planning is seen as a good idea in theory by older, well, adults living in the community, there is considerable reticence in practice. This raises questions over the current, national policy position in England, on the importance of written ACPs. We propose that policy should instead focus on encouraging ongoing conversations between individuals and all those (potentially) involved in their care, about what is important to them, and on ensuring there are adequate resources in community networks and health and social care systems, to be responsive to changing needs

    Quality of medication use in primary care - mapping the problem, working to a solution: a systematic review of the literature

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    Background: The UK, USA and the World Health Organization have identified improved patient safety in healthcare as a priority. Medication error has been identified as one of the most frequent forms of medical error and is associated with significant medical harm. Errors are the result of the systems that produce them. In industrial settings, a range of systematic techniques have been designed to reduce error and waste. The first stage of these processes is to map out the whole system and its reliability at each stage. However, to date, studies of medication error and solutions have concentrated on individual parts of the whole system. In this paper we wished to conduct a systematic review of the literature, in order to map out the medication system with its associated errors and failures in quality, to assess the strength of the evidence and to use approaches from quality management to identify ways in which the system could be made safer. Methods: We mapped out the medicines management system in primary care in the UK. We conducted a systematic literature review in order to refine our map of the system and to establish the quality of the research and reliability of the system. Results: The map demonstrated that the proportion of errors in the management system for medicines in primary care is very high. Several stages of the process had error rates of 50% or more: repeat prescribing reviews, interface prescribing and communication and patient adherence. When including the efficacy of the medicine in the system, the available evidence suggested that only between 4% and 21% of patients achieved the optimum benefit from their medication. Whilst there were some limitations in the evidence base, including the error rate measurement and the sampling strategies employed, there was sufficient information to indicate the ways in which the system could be improved, using management approaches. The first step to improving the overall quality would be routine monitoring of adherence, clinical effectiveness and hospital admissions. Conclusion: By adopting the whole system approach from a management perspective we have found where failures in quality occur in medication use in primary care in the UK, and where weaknesses occur in the associated evidence base. Quality management approaches have allowed us to develop a coherent change and research agenda in order to tackle these, so far, fairly intractable problems

    The N2K Consortium. I. A Hot Saturn Planet Orbiting HD 88133

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    The N2K ("next 2000") consortium is carrying out a distributed observing campaign with the Keck, Magellan, and Subaru telescopes, as well as the automatic photometric telescopes of Fairborn Observatory, in order to search for short-period gas giant planets around metal-rich stars. We have established a reservoir of more than 14,000 main-sequence and subgiant stars closer than 110 pc, brighter than V = 10.5, and with 0.4 0.1 dex for this survey. We outline the strategy and report the detection of a planet orbiting the metal-rich G5 IV star HD 88133 with a period of 3.41 days, semivelocity amplitude K = 35.7 m s^(-1), and M sin i = 0.29M_J. Photometric observations reveal that HD 88133 is constant on the 3.415 day radial velocity period to a limit of 0.0005 mag. Despite a transit probability of 19.5%, our photometry rules out the shallow transits predicted by the large stellar radius

    Forgetting, Reminding, and Remembering: The Retrieval of Lost Spatial Memory

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    Retrograde amnesia can occur after brain damage because this disrupts sites of storage, interrupts memory consolidation, or interferes with memory retrieval. While the retrieval failure account has been considered in several animal studies, recent work has focused mainly on memory consolidation, and the neural mechanisms responsible for reactivating memory from stored traces remain poorly understood. We now describe a new retrieval phenomenon in which rats' memory for a spatial location in a watermaze was first weakened by partial lesions of the hippocampus to a level at which it could not be detected. The animals were then reminded by the provision of incomplete and potentially misleading information—an escape platform in a novel location. Paradoxically, both incorrect and correct place information reactivated dormant memory traces equally, such that the previously trained spatial memory was now expressed. It was also established that the reminding procedure could not itself generate new learning in either the original environment, or in a new training situation. The key finding is the development of a protocol that definitively distinguishes reminding from new place learning and thereby reveals that a failure of memory during watermaze testing can arise, at least in part, from a disruption of memory retrieval