61 research outputs found

    Slow chopper prototype for the SPIRAL 2PP project

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    A preliminary prototype of the slow chopper [1] for the Spiral 2 Preparatory Phase project [2] has been designed, developed and tested at INFN-LNS. The final version of the slow chopper will be placed along the beam line common to protons, deuterons and A/Q = 3 ions. This activity report shows the study, the hardware and the measurement results of the chopper prototype

    Trojan Horse Particle Invariance: An Extensive Study

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    In the last decades, the Trojan Horse method (THM) has played a crucial role for the measurement of several particle (both neutron and charged one) induced cross sections for reactions of astrophysical interest. To better understand its cornerstones and its applications to physical cases, many tests were performed to verify all its properties and the possible future perspectives. The Trojan Horse nucleus invariance proves the relatively simple approach allowed by the pole approximation and sheds light in the involved reaction mechanisms. Here we shortly review the complete work for the binary 2H(d,p)3H, 6Li(d,α)4He, 6Li(p,α)3He, 7Li(p,α)4He reactions, by using the quasi free reactions after break-ups of different nuclides. Results are compared assuming the 6Li and 3He break-up in the case of the d(d,p)t, 6Li(d,α)4He reactions and considering the 2H and 3He break-up for 6Li(p,α)3He, 7Li(p,α)4He reactions. These results, regardless of the Trojan Horse particle or the break-up scheme, confirms the applicability of the standard description of the THM and suggests the independence of binary indirect cross section on the chosen Trojan Horse nuclei for a whole spectra of different cases. This gives a strong basis for the understanding of the quasi-free mechanism which is the foundation on which the THM lies

    Measurement of sub threshold resonance contributions to fusion reactions: the case of the 13C(α, n)16O astrophysical neutron source

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    The 13C(α, n)16O reaction is the neutron source for the main component of the s-process. It is is active inside the helium-burning shell of asymptotic giant branch stars, at temperatures ≲ 108 K. In this temperature region, corresponding to an energy interval of 140 − 230 keV, the 13C(α, n)16O cross section is dominated by the −3 keV sub-threshold resonance due to the 6.356 MeV level in 17O. Direct measurements could not establish its contribution owing to the Coulomb barrier between interacting nuclei, strongly reducing the cross section at astrophysical energies. Similarly, indirect measurements and extrapolations yielded inconsistent results, calling for further investigations. The Trojan Horse Method was applied to the 13C(6Li, n16O)d quasi-free reaction to access the low as well as the negative energy region of the 13C(α, n)16O reaction. By using the generalized R-matrix approach, the asymptotic normalization coefficient (C̃17O(1/2+)α13C)2 of the 6.356 MeV level was deduced. For the first time, the Trojan Horse Method and the asymptotic normalization coefficient were used in synergy. Our indirect approach lead to (C̃17O(1/2+)α13C)2 = 7.7−1.5+1.6 fm−1, slightly larger than the values in the literature, determining a 13C(α, n)16O reaction rate slightly larger than the one in the literature at temperatures lower than 108 K, with enhanced accuracy

    Overview on the Trojan Horse Method in nuclear astrophysics

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    The use of the Trojan Horse Method (THM) appears as one of the most suitable tools for investigating nuclear processes of interest for astrophysics. THM has been demonstrated to be useful for exploring different nuclear reactions intervening both in stellar and primordial nucleosynthesis as well. Some recent results will be here discussed together with a brief discussion of the fundamental theoretical description. General details about the recently studied 7Be(n,α)4He reaction will be givenDepartamento de Física Aplicad

    The Treiman-Yang Criterion: validating the Trojan Horse Method by experimentally probing the reaction mechanism

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    Proper selection of the quasi-free (QF) break-up channel in a three-body reaction is a key aspect for the applicability of the Trojan Horse Method (THM). The Treiman-Yang (TY) Criterion is a model-independent experimental test for the dominance of the QF mechanism, and hence constitutes one of the strongest validity tests of the THM. An experiment was performed at LNS to apply the test to the d(10B, 7Be α)n reaction. Here, the criterion is described and some preliminary data from the experiment are shown

    Measurement of the 13C(α, n)16O reaction at astrophysical energies using the Trojan Horse Method. Focus on the -3 keV sub-threshold resonance

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    Most of the nuclei in the mass range 90 ≲ A ≲ 208 are produced through the so-called s-process, namely through a series of neutron capture reactions on seed nuclei followed by β-decays. The 13C(α, n)16O reaction is the neutron source for the main component of the s-process. It is active inside the helium-burning shell of asymptotic giant branch stars, at temperatures ≲ 108 K, corresponding to an energy interval of 140 − 230 keV. In this region, the astrophysical S(E)-factor is dominated by the −3 keV sub-threshold resonance due to the 6.356 MeV level in 17O. Direct measurements could not soundly establish its contribution owing to the cross section suppression at astrophysical energies determined by the Coulomb barrier between interacting nuclei. Indirect measurements and extrapolations yielded inconsistent results, calling for further investigations. The Trojan Horse Method turns out to be very suited for the study of the 13C(α, n)16O reaction as it allows us to access the low as well as the negative energy re- gion, in particular in the case of resonance reactions. We have applied the Trojan HorseMethod to the 13C(6Li, n16O)d quasi-free reaction. By using the modified R-matrix approach, the asymptotic normalization coefficient (C˜α13 C17O(1/2+))2(C~α13C17O(1/2+))2{\left( {\tilde C_{{\alpha ^{13}}{\rm{C}}}^{17{\rm{O(1/}}{{\rm{2}}^{\rm{ + }}}{\rm{)}}}} \right)^2} of the 6.356 MeV level has been deduced as well as the n-partial width, allowing to attain an unprecedented accuracy for the 13C(α, n)16O astrophysical factor. A preliminary analysis of a partial data set has lead to (C˜α13C17O(1/2+))2 = 6.7−0.6+0.9 fm−1,(C~α13C17O(1/2+))2 = 6.7−0.6+0.9 fm−1,{\left( {\tilde C_{{\alpha ^{13}}{\rm{C}}}^{17{\rm{O(1/}}{{\rm{2}}^{\rm{ + }}}{\rm{)}}}} \right)^2}\, = \,6.7_{ - 0.6}^{ + 0.9}\,{\rm{f}}{{\rm{m}}^{ - 1}}, slightly larger than the values in the literature, determining a 13C(α, n)16O reaction rate in agreement with the most results in the literature at ∼ 108 K, with enhanced accuracy thanks to this innovative approach

    Neutron-Driven Nucleosynthesis in Stellar Plasma

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    A large uncertainty for the slow neutron capture nucleosynthesis (s-process) models is caused by the amount of neutrons available to the process itself. This quantity is strongly affected by the 13C(α,n)16O, and 22Ne(α,n)25Mg reaction cross sections, whose measurements at energies corresponding to the s-process thermal conditions (∼102 keV) are mainly hampered by the Coulomb barrier. For this reason, indirect approaches could offer a complementary way of investigation and, among these, the Trojan Horse Method (THM) has been applied to determine these cross sections overcoming the Coulomb barrier. With this approach, a low-energy binary reaction cross section can be obtained selecting the quasi-free contribution from a suitable three-body reaction cross section, taking advantage of the cluster structure of proper nuclei

    Direct measurement of the 19 F(p,α0 )16 O reaction at Ecm = 0.4–0.9 MeV using the LHASA detector array

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    5 pags., 6 figs., 1 tab.The 19F(p,α)16O reaction is of paramount importance for understanding the fluorine abundance in the outer layers of asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars and it might also play a role in hydrogen-deficient post-AGB star nucleosynthesis. Theoretical models overestimate F abundances in AGB stars with respect to the observed values, thus calling for further investigation of the reactions involved in the fluorine nucleosynthesis. In the last years, new direct and indirect measurements improved significantly the knowledge of the 19F(p,α)16O cross section at deeply sub-Coulomb energies (below 0.8 MeV). Those data are larger by a factor of about 1.4 with respect to the previous data reported in the NACRE compilation in the energy region 0.6–0.8 MeV. In order to solve these discrepancies, here we present a new direct experiment performed using a silicon strip detector array (LHASA – Large High-resolution Array of Silicon for Astrophysics). Our results clearly confirm the trend of the latest experimental data in the energy region of interest, pointing towards a larger S-factor value than the one reported in the NACRE compilation.This work was partially supported by the Extreme Light Infrastructure Nuclear Physics Phase II, a project cofinanced by the Romanian Government and the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund – the Competitiveness Operational Programm (1/07.07.16, COP, ID1334), by ENSAR2, a project financed by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programm under grant agreement No. 654002 and by the funds DGAPAUNAM IN107820 and CONACyT 315839. The authors are grateful to acknowledge the support of the staff of the LNS technical division, LNS accelerator divisions and the LNS target laboratory for the continuous and helpful assistance.Peer reviewe
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