4,306 research outputs found

    Geology of the Snap Lake kimberlite intrusion, Northwest Territories, Canada: field observations and their interpretation

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    The Cambrian (523 Ma) Snap Lake hypabyssal kimberlite intrusion, Northwest Territories, Canada, is a complex segmented diamond-bearing ore-body. Detailed geological investigations suggest that the kimberlite is a multi-phase intrusion with at least four magmatic lithofacies. In particular, olivine-rich (ORK) and olivine-poor (OPK) varieties of hypabyssal kimberlite have been identified. Key observations are that the olivine-rich lithofacieshas a strong tendency to be located where the intrusion is thickest and that there is a good correlation between intrusion thickness, olivine crystal size and crystal content. Heterogeneities in the lithofacies are attributed to variations in intrusion thickness and structural complexities. The geometry and distribution of lithofacies points to magmaticco-intrusion, and flow segregation driven by fundamental rheological differences between the two phases. We envisage that the low-viscosity OPK magma acted as a lubricant for the highly viscous ORK magma. The presenceof such low-viscosity, crystal-poor magmas may explain how crystal-laden kimberlite magmas (>60 vol.%) are able to reach the surface during kimberlite eruptions. We also document the absence of crystal settling and the development of an unusual subvertical fabric of elongate olivine crystals, which are explained by rapid degassing-induced quench crystallization of the magmas during and after intrusio

    Effect of gaseous and solid simulated jet plumes on a 040A space shuttle launch configuration at Mach numbers from 1.6 to 2.2

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    An experimental investigation was conducted in a 9- by 7-foot supersonic wind tunnel to determine the effect of plume-induced flow separation and aspiration effects due to operation of both the orbiter and the solid rocket motors on a 0.019-scale model of the launch configuration of the space shuttle vehicle. Longitudinal and lateral-directional stability data were obtained at Mach numbers of 1.6, 2.0, and 2.2 with and without the engines operating. The plumes exiting from the engines were simulated by a cold gas jet supplied by an auxiliary 200 atmosphere air supply system, and by solid body plume simulators. Comparisons of the aerodynamic effects produced by these two simulation procedures are presented. The data indicate that the parameters most significantly affected by the jet plumes are the pitching moment, the elevon control effectiveness, the axial force, and the orbiter wing loads

    Polarization Diagnostics for Cool Core Cluster Emission Lines

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    The nature of the interaction between low-excitation gas filaments at ~104 K, seen in optical line emission, and diffuse X-ray emitting coronal gas at ~107 K in the centers of galaxy clusters remains a puzzle. The presence of a strong, empirical correlation between the two gas phases is indicative of a fundamental relationship between them, though as yet of undetermined cause. The cooler filaments, originally thought to have condensed from the hot gas, could also arise from a merger or the disturbance of cool circumnuclear gas by nuclear activity. Here, we have searched for intrinsic line emission polarization in cool core galaxy clusters as a diagnostic of fundamental transport processes. Drawing on developments in solar astrophysics, direct energetic particle impact induced polarization holds the promise to definitively determine the role of collisional processes such as thermal conduction in the ISM physics of galaxy clusters, while providing insight into other highly anisotropic excitation mechanisms such as shocks, intense radiation fields, and suprathermal particles. Under certain physical conditions, theoretical calculations predict of the order of 10% polarization. Our observations of the filaments in four nearby cool core clusters place stringent upper limits ( 0.1%) on the presence of emission line polarization, requiring that if thermal conduction is operative, the thermal gradients are not in the saturated regime. This limit is consistent with theoretical models of the thermal structure of filament interfacesPeer reviewe

    Electronic structure of NiS1x_{1-x}Sex_x across the phase transition

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    We report very highly resolved photoemission spectra of NiS(1-x)Se(x) across the so-called metal-insulator transition as a function of temperature as well as composition. The present results convincingly demonstrate that the low temperature, antiferromagnetic phase is metallic, with a reduced density of states at EF_F. This decrease is possibly due to the opening of gaps along specific directions in the Brillouin zone caused by the antiferromagnetic ordering.Comment: Revtex, 4 pages, 3 postscript figure

    X-ray absorption spectroscopic analysis of raw and processed hog manure

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    Non-Peer ReviewedAnaerobic digestion technology is a process that allows livestock producers to generate electricity and heat by digesting manure. Clear-Green Environmental Inc. uses this process to make biogas from hog manure. Raw manure is pumped into a digester where it is digested anaerobically by mesophyllic bacteria. The digested manure is transferred to a dual purpose tank (DPT) which serves as a secondary digester from which the biogas is collected. Carbon is the only nutrient consumed in the digester and the by-product of this process is used in fertilizers. It has not been shown if there is a change in speciation of key elements like nitrogen and phosphorus upon digestion. X-ray Absorption Near Edge Structure spectroscopy (XANES) was used to characterize the nitrogen, phosphorous and iron found in raw and digested hog manure. Two detection modes, Total Electron Yield (TEY) and Fluorescence Yield (FY) were used for data collection. Raw hog manure contained organic nitrogen, phosphates and ferrous iron. Digested hog manure contained organic and inorganic nitrogen, phosphates as well as a mix of ferrous and ferric iron

    Plane-wave based electronic structure calculations for correlated materials using dynamical mean-field theory and projected local orbitals

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    The description of realistic strongly correlated systems has recently advanced through the combination of density functional theory in the local density approximation (LDA) and dynamical mean field theory (DMFT). This LDA+DMFT method is able to treat both strongly correlated insulators and metals. Several interfaces between LDA and DMFT have been used, such as (N-th order) Linear Muffin Tin Orbitals or Maximally localized Wannier Functions. Such schemes are however either complex in use or additional simplifications are often performed (i.e., the atomic sphere approximation). We present an alternative implementation of LDA+DMFT, which keeps the precision of the Wannier implementation, but which is lighter. It relies on the projection of localized orbitals onto a restricted set of Kohn-Sham states to define the correlated subspace. The method is implemented within the Projector Augmented Wave (PAW) and within the Mixed Basis Pseudopotential (MBPP) frameworks. This opens the way to electronic structure calculations within LDA+DMFT for more complex structures with the precision of an all-electron method. We present an application to two correlated systems, namely SrVO3 and beta-NiS (a charge-transfer material), including ligand states in the basis-set. The results are compared to calculations done with Maximally Localized Wannier functions, and the physical features appearing in the orbitally resolved spectral functions are discussed.Comment: 15 pages, 17 figure

    Suppression of Neurotoxic Lesion-Induced Seizure Activity: Evidence for a Permanent Role for the Hippocampus in Contextual Memory

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    Damage to the hippocampus (HPC) using the excitotoxin N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) can cause retrograde amnesia for contextual fear memory. This amnesia is typically attributed to loss of cells in the HPC. However, NMDA is also known to cause intense neuronal discharge (seizure activity) during the hours that follow its injection. These seizures may have detrimental effects on retrieval of memories. Here we evaluate the possibility that retrograde amnesia is due to NMDA-induced seizure activity or cell damage per se. To assess the effects of NMDA induced activity on contextual memory, we developed a lesion technique that utilizes the neurotoxic effects of NMDA while at the same time suppressing possible associated seizure activity. NMDA and tetrodotoxin (TTX), a sodium channel blocker, are simultaneously infused into the rat HPC, resulting in extensive bilateral damage to the HPC. TTX, co-infused with NMDA, suppresses propagation of seizure activity. Rats received pairings of a novel context with foot shock, after which they received NMDA-induced, TTX+NMDA-induced, or no damage to the HPC at a recent (24 hours) or remote (5 weeks) time point. After recovery, the rats were placed into the shock context and freezing was scored as an index of fear memory. Rats with an intact HPC exhibited robust memory for the aversive context at both time points, whereas rats that received NMDA or NMDA+TTX lesions showed a significant reduction in learned fear of equal magnitude at both the recent and remote time points. Therefore, it is unlikely that observed retrograde amnesia in contextual fear conditioning are due to disruption of non-HPC networks by propagated seizure activity. Moreover, the memory deficit observed at both time points offers additional evidence supporting the proposition that the HPC has a continuing role in maintaining contextual memories