1,899 research outputs found

    Viens Poupoule! : Come Chick, Chick!

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    Adaptive data acquisition multiplexing system and method

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    A reconfigurable telemetry multiplexer is described which includes a monitor-terminal and a plurality of remote terminals. The remote terminals each include signal conditioning for a plurality of sensors for measuring parameters which are converted by an analog to digital converter. CPU's in the remote terminals store instructions for prompting system configuration and reconfiguration commands. The measurements, instructions, and the terminal's present configuration and status data are transmitted to the monitor-terminal and displayed. In response to menu-driven prompts generated and displayed at the monitor-terminal, data generation request commands, status and health commands, and the like are input at the monitor-terminal and transmitted to the remote terminals. The CPU in each remote terminal receives the various commands, stores them in electrically alterable memory, and reacts in accordance with the commands to reconfigure a plurality of aspects of the system. The CPU in each terminal also generates parameter measurements, status and health signals, and transmits these signals of the respective terminals to the monitor-terminal for low data rate operator viewing and to higher rate external transmission/monitor equipment. Reconfiguration may be in real time during the general period of parameter measurement acquisition, and may include alteration of the gain, automatic gain rescaling, bias, and or sampling rates associated with one or more of the parameter measurements made by the remote terminals

    Perioperative antiplatelet therapy: the case for continuing therapy in patients at risk of myocardial infarction

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    Recent clinical data show that the risk of coronary thrombosis after antiplatelet drugs withdrawal is much higher than that of surgical bleeding if they are continued. In secondary prevention, aspirin is a lifelong therapy and should never be stopped. Clopidogrel is regarded as mandatory until the coronary stents are fully endothelialized, which takes 3 months for bare metal stents, but up to 1 yr for drug-eluting stents. Therefore, interruption of antiplatelet therapy 10 days before surgery should be revised. After reviewing the data on the use of antiplatelet drugs in cardiology and in surgery, we propose an algorithm for the management of patients, based on the risk of myocardial ischaemia and death compared with that of bleeding, for different types of surgery. Even if large prospective studies with a high degree of evidence are still lacking on different antiplatelet regimens during non-cardiac surgery, we propose that, apart from low coronary risk situations, patients on antiplatelet drugs should continue their treatment throughout surgery, except when bleeding might occur in a closed space. A therapeutic bridge with shorter-acting antiplatelet drugs may be considere

    Preoperative evaluation of patients with, or at risk of, coronary artery disease undergoing non‐cardiac surgery

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    The increasing number of patients with coronary artery disease undergoing major non‐cardiac surgery justifies guidelines concerning preoperative evaluation, stress testing, coronary angiography, and revascularization. A review of the recent literature shows that stress testing should be limited to patients with suspicion of a myocardium at risk of ischaemia, and coronary angiography to situations where revascularization can improve long‐term survival. Recent data have shown that any event in the coronary circulation, be it new ischaemia, infarction, or revascularization, induces a high‐risk period of 6 weeks, and an intermediate‐risk period of 3 months. A 3‐month minimum delay is therefore indicated before performing non‐cardiac surgery after myocardial infarction or revascularization. However, this delay may be too long if an urgent surgical procedure is requested, as for instance with rapidly spreading tumours, impending aneurysm rupture, infections requiring drainage, or bone fractures. It is then appropriate to use perioperative beta‐block, which reduces the cardiac complication rate in patients with, or at risk of, coronary artery disease. The objective of this review is to offer a comprehensive algorithm to help clinicians in the preoperative assessment of patients undergoing non‐cardiac surgery. Br J Anaesth 2002; 89: 747-5

    Synchnonization, zero-resistance states and rotating Wigner crystal

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    We show that rotational angles of electrons moving in two dimensions (2D) in a perpendicular magnetic field can be synchronized by an external microwave field which frequency is close to the Larmor frequency. The synchronization eliminates collisions between electrons and thus creates a regime with zero diffusion corresponding to the zero-resistance states observed in experiments with high mobility 2D electron gas (2DEG). For long range Coulomb interactions electrons form a rotating hexagonal Wigner crystal. Possible relevance of this effect for planetary rings is discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 4 fig

    PrÀmedikationsqualitÀt und Patientenzufriedenheit nach PrÀmedikation mit Midazolam, Clonidin oder Placebo: Randomisierte Doppelblindstudie mit altersangepasster Dosierung

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    Zusammenfassung: Hintergrund: Die PrĂ€medikation hat u.a. zum Ziel, AngstgefĂŒhle und innere Unruhe vor einem chirurgischen Eingriff zu lindern und gleichzeitig möglichst wenig unerwĂŒnschte Wirkungen zu verursachen. Es gibt bisher keine Untersuchungen, die die Wirkungen und Nebenwirkungen von Clonidin (CatapresanÂź), Midazolam (DormicumÂź) und Placebo in altersabhĂ€ngig unterschiedlicher Dosierung verglichen und deren Akzeptanz beim Patienten untersucht haben. Patienten und Methoden: In dieser randomisierten, placebokontrollierten Studie wurden 139 erwachsene Patienten untersucht und 60min vor der Narkoseeinleitung mit Clonidin, Midazolam oder Placebo prĂ€mediziert. Angst, Sedierungstiefe und Nebenwirkungen wurden an 6 aufeinanderfolgenden Zeitpunkten erfasst. Ergebnisse: Midazolam zeigte eine stĂ€rkere anxiolytische und sedative Wirkung als Clonidin. Die PrĂ€medikation mit Midazolam verminderte die SauerstoffsĂ€ttigung. Es gab keine klinisch relevanten VerĂ€nderungen in der HĂ€modynamik in allen Gruppen. Midazolam und Clonidin verminderten das Risiko fĂŒr "postoperative nausea and vomiting" (PONV). Midazolam zeigte die geringsten Nebenwirkungen. Placebo wurde von den Patienten weitaus am schlechtesten beurteilt, im Gegensatz zu Clonidin und Midazolam, das am besten beurteilt wurde. Schlussfolgerung: Die sedierende und anxiolytische Wirkung von Midazolam ist stĂ€rker als diejenige von Clonidin. Midazolam wurde von den Patienten besser angenommen als Clonidin, Clonidin siginfikant besser als Placebo. Die meisten Patienten wĂŒrden Midazolam wieder wĂ€hle
