73 research outputs found

    A field-trial of two restorative materials used with atraumatic restorative treatment in rural Turkey: 24-month results

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    OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to investigate the clinical performance of high-strength glass ionomer cement (HSGIC) and resin-modified glass ionomer (RMGIC) in single and multiple surface carious cavities in the field conditions. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A split-mouth design, including ninety-one fillings placed on contra lateral molar pairs of 37 children, was used in permanent dentition. As filling materials, a HSGIC (Ketac Molar/3M ESPE) and a RMGIC (Vitremer/ 3M ESPE) were used with the Atraumatic Restorative Treatment (ART). Baseline and 6, 12 and 24-month evaluations of the fillings were made with standard-ART and USPHS criteria by two examiners with kappa values of 0.92 and 0.87 for both criteria. RESULTS: According to the USPHS criteria, the retention rates of RMGIC and HSGIC restorations were 100% and 80.9% for single surface, and 100% and 41.2% for multiple surface restorations after 24 months, respectively. Irrespective of surface number, RMGIC was significantly superior to HSGIC (p= 0.004), according to both standard-ART and USPHS criteria. CONCLUSION: The results indicate that RMGIC may be an alternative restorative technique in comparison to high-strength GIC applications in ART-field-trials. However, further clinical and field trials are needed to support this conclusion

    Audible pain squeaks can mediate emotional contagion across pre-exposed rats with a potential effect of auto-conditioning

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    Footshock self-experience enhances rodents' reactions to the distress of others. Here, we tested one potential mechanism supporting this phenomenon, namely that animals auto-condition to their own pain squeaks during shock pre-exposure. In Experiment 1, shock pre-exposure increased freezing and 22 kHz distress vocalizations while animals listened to the audible pain-squeaks of others. In Experiment 2 and 3, to test the auto-conditioning theory, we weakened the noxious pre-exposure stimulus not to trigger pain squeaks, and compared pre-exposure protocols in which we paired it with squeak playback against unpaired control conditions. Although all animals later showed fear responses to squeak playbacks, these were weaker than following typical pre-exposure (Experiment 1) and not stronger following paired than unpaired pre-exposure. Experiment 1 thus demonstrates the relevance of audible pain squeaks in the transmission of distress but Experiment 2 and 3 highlight the difficulty to test auto-conditioning: stimuli weak enough to decouple pain experience from hearing self-emitted squeaks are too weak to trigger the experience-dependent increase in fear transmission that we aimed to study. Although our results do not contradict the auto-conditioning hypothesis, they fail to disentangle it from sensitization effects. Future studies could temporarily deafen animals during pre-exposure to further test this hypothesis.</p

    Comparison of serum paraoxonase 1 activity, asymmetric dimethylarginine levels and brachial artery flow-mediated dilatation measurements in women with polycystic ovary syndrome

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    YÖK Tez ID: 271819Polikistik over sendromu (PKOS); doğurganlık çağındaki kadınlarda en sık görülen endokrinolojik bozukluktur. PKOS tanısı alan kadınların uzun dönem takip edildiği çalışmalarda, bu kadınlarda tip 2 diabetes mellitus, hipertansiyon, aterosklerotik kalp hastalığı ve menopoz sırasında myokard enfarktüsü gelişme riskinin arttığı gösterilmiştir. Paraoksonaz 1 (PON1), HDL'ne bağlı bir enzim olup, lipid peroksidleri hidroliz ederek, LDL'yi oksidasyona karşı korur. PON1'in koroner arter hastalığı için bağımsız bir risk faktörü olduğu bildirilmiştir. Asimetrik dimetilarjinin (ADMA)' nın endotelyal disfonksiyon ve endotelyal disfonksiyon zemininde ortaya çıkan kardiyovasküler hastalıklar için risk faktörü olduğu öne sürülmüştür. Brakiyal arterde akım bağımlı dilatasyon (FMD) ölçümü, kardiyovasküler olayların bağımsız bir belirteci olduğu gösterilen koroner dolaşımdaki endotelyal fonksiyonun invaziv olarak değerlendirilmesi ile korelasyon gösterir. Bu çalışmada PKOS'lu ve sağlıklı kadınlarda serum PON1 aktivitesi ve ADMA düzeyleri ile brakiyal arter FMD'si ölçümlerinin karşılaştırılması amaçlanmıştır. Çalışmaya 30 PKOS tanısı almış kadın ile 30 sağlıklı kadın dahil edilmiştir. Olguların tansiyonuna, vücut kitle indeksine, bel-kalça çevresine, FSH, LH, östradiol, serbest testosteron, total testosteron, androstenedion, SHBG, 17? OH-P, DHEAS, PRL, sT3, sT4, TSH, AST, ALT, üre, kreatinin, hemogram, lipid profili, açlık kan şekeri ve insulin seviyelerine ayrıca serum PON1 aktivitesi, ADMA düzeylerine bakıldı. İnsülin direnci tanısı; HOMA-IR ile konuldu. Olgulara pelvik veya transvajinal ultrason ve FMD ölçümleri yapıldı. PKOS grubunda serum PON1 aktivitesi ve FMD değerleri kontrol grubuna göre anlamlı olarak düşük saptandı. Serum ADMA düzeyleri açısından her iki grup arasında anlamlı fark bulunmadı. PKOS grubunda PON1 düzeyleri ile VKİ ve Bel/Kalça oranı arasında pozitif korelasyon, PON1 ile DHEAS arasında ise negatif korelasyon saptandı. FMD ile insülin ve HOMA-IR arasında pozitif korelasyon bulundu. Yine PKOS'lu hastalarda ADMA ile DHEAS, total testosteron ve HDL arasında pozitif korelasyon, ADMA ile LDL arasında negatif korelasyon saptandı. PKOS'lu olgularda ADMA ile PON1 düzeyleri arasında negatif korelasyon mevcuttur. PKOS grubunda yaş ve VKİ'ne göre düzeltilmiş parsiyel korelasyon analizi yapıldığında, tek anlamlı korelasyon ADMA ile total testosteron arasında bulundu. Sonuç olarak endotelyal disfonksiyonun ve kardiyovasküler hastalıkların belirteci olarak kabul edilen PON1 ve FMD değerleri PKOS'lu olgularda sağlıklı kadınlara oranlara düşük bulunmuştur. Bu çalışma sınırlayıcı bazı faktörlerin varlığına rağmen bildiğimiz kadarıyla PKOS'lu hastalarda PON1, ADMA ve FMD'nin birlikte değerlendirildiği ilk çalışmadır. PKOS'ta endotelyal disfonksiyon ve belirteçlerini değerlendirecek, obezite ve yaş alt gruplarının da incelendiği geniş katılımlı ek çalışmalara ihtiyaç vardır.Anahtar Kelimeler: Polikistik over sendromu (PKOS), kardiyovasküler risk, endotelyal disfonksiyon, paraoksanaz 1 (PON1), asimetrik dimetilarjinin (ADMA), endotel aracılı vazodilatasyon (FMD).Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is one of the most common endocrine disorders in women at reproductive ages. The risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus, hypertension, atherosclerotic heart disease and myocardial infarction during menopause have been shown to be increased in the long-term follow-up studies of the women diagnosed as PCOS. Serum paraoxonase 1 (PON1) which is an enzyme linked with high-density lipoprotein (HDL) prevents low-density lipoprotein (LDL) from oxidative modification by hydrolysis of lipid peroxides. It was reported that PON1 was an independent risk factor of coronary artery disease. It has been suggested that ADMA was a risk factor for endothelial dysfunction and cardiovascular diseases. The measurement of flow-mediated dilatation in the brachial artery is correlated with invasive evaluation of coronary endothelial function which was shown to be an independent predictor of cardiovascular events. The aim of this study was to evaluate serum PON1 activity, ADMA levels and brachial artery flow-mediated dilatation in PCOS and healty controls. Thirty women with PCOS and 30 healthy women were included in the study. Blood pressure, body mass index, waist-hip ratio were measured. The circulating levels of FSH, LH, ostradiol, total testosterone, free testosterone, androstenedione, SHBG, 17? OH-P, DHEAS, PRL, sT3, sT4, TSH, AST, ALT, urea, creatinine, complete blood count, lipid profile, fasting glucose, insulin, paraoxonase-1 activity (PON1) and asymmetric dimethyl-arginine (ADMA) were measured. The insulin resistance was diagnosed by the homeostasis model for insulin resistance index (HOMA-IR). Pelvic or transvaginal ultrasound and the measurement of FMD were performed in both groups. Serum PON1 activity and FMD values were found to be significantly lower in women with PCOS compared to the controls. There was no significant difference between the groups concerning ADMA levels. It was observed that there was positive correlation between PON1 and BMI, WHR and negative correlation between PON1 and DHEA-S in PCOS group. It was found that there were positive correlations between FMD and insulin and HOMA-IR. It was also demonstrated that there were significantly positive correlation between ADMA and DHEA-S, total testosterone, HDL and negative correlation between ADMA and LDL. A significant negative correlation between PON1 and ADMA levels was observed. With the use of partial correlation analysis adjustment for age and BMI, the only significant correlation was observed between ADMA and total testosterone in the PCOS group. Finally; patients with PCOS had significantly lower serum PON1 levels and FMD values, which are accepted to be markers of cardiovascular risk and endothelial dysfunction. Despite the fact that there are some limitations in our study, as far as we know, this is the first study reporting serum ADMA levels, PON1 activity and FMD altogether in women with PCOS. Eventually, large clinical studies are required to elucidate endothelial dysfunction and its markers in PCOS especially in subgroups according to age and BMI.Key Words: Polycystic ovary syndrome, cardiovascular risk, endothelial dysfunction, asymmetric dimethylarginine, paraoxonase 1 activity, flow-mediated dilatation

    Hemodiyaliz Hastalarında Masajın Yorgunluğa Etkisinin İncelenmesi

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    Bu arastırma; hemodiyaliz hastalarında masajın yorgunluga etkisinin incelenmesi amacıyla yapılmıstır. Arastırma Ekim 2007-Ocak 2008 tarihleri arasında Ege Üniversitesi Hemodiyaliz Ünitesinde ve Ege Nefroloji Özel Diyaliz Merkez’inde hemodiyaliz tedavisi uygulanan, 30’u kontrol , 30’u deney grubunda yer alan 60 hasta önceden saptanmıs ölçütlere uyularak arastırmanın örneklemini olusturdu. Arastırmada veri toplama yöntemi olarak hemodiyaliz uygulanan hastalar ile ilgili tanıtıcı bilgiler (Ek-1) ve hastaların yorgunluk düzeylerini saptamak amacıyla Piper Yorgunluk Ölçegi (Ek-4) kullanılmıstır. Verilerin degerlendirilmesinde, yüzdelik dagılımı tek yönlü (ANOVA) ve çok yönlü (manowa) varyans analizinde t-testi uygulanmıstır. Deney grubundaki hastalara ilk görüsmede soru formu uygulanarak tanıtıcı ve hastalıga iliskin bulgular elde edilmis ve diyaliz seansı öncesi “Piper Yorgunluk Ölçegi” ile yorgunluk düzeyleri belirlenmistir. Hastalara tedavisi sonrasında on dakika süresince, sırt masajı uygulanmıstır.Bu uygulama haftalık 3 diyaliz seansında da tekrarlanmıstır. Masaj uygulamasından sonra tekrar yorgunluk degerlendirilmesi yapılmıstır. Kontrol grubundaki hastalara masaj uygulanmamıs, haftalık üç diyaliz seansından önce ve sonra Piper Yorgunluk Ölçegi ile degerlendirilip yorgunluk düzeyleri belirlenmistir. Kontrol ve deney grubundaki hastaların yorgunluk düzeyleri Piper Yorgunluk Ölçegi sonuçlarına göre karsılastırılarak masajın yorgunluga etkisi degerlendirilmistir. Elde edilen sonuçlara göre; arastırma kapsamındaki kontrol grubu hastalarının diyaliz sonrası total yorgunluk puanlarının arttıgı, deney grubundaki hastaların masaj uygulamasından sonraki total yorgunluk puanlarının azaldıgı saptandı. Kontrol grubundaki hastaların cinsiyet degiskenin algılanan yorgunlugu etkiledigi; yas grubu, egitim durumu gibi özelliklerinin algılanan yorgunlugu etkilemedigi bulundu. Deney grubundaki hastalarının cinsiyet, yas grubu özelliklerinin algılanan yorgunlugu etkilemedigi, egitim durumu degiskeninin algılanan yorgunlugu etkiledigi belirlendi.Kontrol grubundaki hastaların hastalık süresi, var olan diger hastalıklar hastalık, tedavi süresi gibi hastalıga iliskin özelliklerinin algılanan yorgunlugu etkilemeyen faktörler arasında yer aldıgı belirlendi. Deney grubundaki hastaların hastalık süresi, diger hastalıklar gibi özelliklerin algılanan yorgunlugu etkilemedigi, tedavi süresi degiskenin ise algılanan yorgunlugu etkiledigi belirlendi. Kontrol ve deney grubundaki hastaların diyaliz sonrası iyilik hallerine iliskin özelliklerinin algılanan yorgunlugu etkilemeyen faktör oldugu belirlendi. Hemodiyaliz hastalarının yorgunluk düzeylerinin ve yorgunlugu etkileyen faktörlerin degerlendirilmesi, hasta ve ailelerinin bu konuda egitilmesi ve hemodiyaliz ünitelerinde hastaların yorgunluk yakınmalarına yönelik, diyaliz ünitelerinde çalısan hemsirelere masaj konusunda egitim verilmesi önerilmistirThis research has been made on the hemodialysis patients to review the effects of the massage on the tiredness. Research has been made between the dates of October 2007-January 2008 in the Ege University Hemodialysis Unit and in the Special Nephrology Dialyses Centre; on the 60 patients, 30 of whom were included in the control group, and the other 30 in the experiment group, forming the sample of this research which followed pre-determined measures. In the data collection method of this research descriptive information about the hemodialysis patients ( Add-1) and Piper Tiredness Scale in order to determine the tiredness level of the patients (Add-4) have been used. In the evaluation of the data, percentage, one-way (ANOVA) and in the multiple ways variance analysis (manowa) t-test have been applied. By giving questionarries to the patients in the experiment group in the first interview, and their tiredness level have been determined by the Piper Tiredness Scale prior to the dialyses sequence. After the treatment, patients have all been applied back massage. The massage application has been repeated after 3 dialyses sequences in the week. Another tiredness evaluation has been made after the massage application. In the control group; the tiredness level of the patients have been determined both before and after the three dialyses sequences without the massage application with the Piper Tiredness Scale. The tiredness level results obtained by the Piper Tiredness Scale of both the experiment and control groups which have been evaluated by being compared to determine the effects of the massage. According to our data, the tiredness points of the patients have been increased in the control group after the dialyses, the tiredness points in the experiment group after dialyses has been decreased.It has also been found that the perception about the gender variability in the control group has affected the tiredness, on the contrary, properties like age group, educational status has not been affected on tiredness level. It has also been found that the perception about the gender variable in the experiment group has no affected on the tiredness, on the contrary, properties like age group, educational status have affected the tiredness level in control group. Properties related to the illness like the illness period,having another illness, treatment period were among the factors which has no affected on the tiredness level. Properties related to the illness like the illness period, having another illness, treatment period were among the factors which has affected on the tiredness level. How patients, both in the experiment and control groups, were feeling have found out to be a factor which have no affected on the perceived tiredness. The evaluation of the tiredness levels of the hemodialyses patients and the factors affecting the tiredness, educating the patients and their families in this subject and making initiatives towards the patients’ tiredness levels in the hemodialyses units have been advised as a result of this researc

    Robust automatic target recognition in FLIR imagery

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    In this paper, a robust automatic target recognition algorithm in FLIR imagery is proposed. Target is first segmented out from the background using wavelet transform. Segmentation process is accomplished by parametric Gabor wavelet transformation. Invariant features that belong to the target, which is segmented out from the background, are then extracted via moments. Higher-order moments, while providing better quality for identifying the image, are more sensitive to noise. A trade-off study is then performed on a few moments that provide effective performance. Bayes method is used for classification, using Mahalanobis distance as the Bayes' classifier. Results are assessed based on false alarm rates. The proposed method is shown to be robust against rotations, translations and scale effects. Moreover, it is shown to effectively perform under low-contrast objects in FLIR images. Performance comparisons are also performed on both GPU and CPU. Results indicate that GPU has superior performance over CPU

    Hemodiyaliz Hastalarında Masajın Yorgunluğa Etkisinin İncelenmesi

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    Bu arastırma; hemodiyaliz hastalarında masajın yorgunluga etkisinin incelenmesi amacıyla yapılmıstır. Arastırma Ekim 2007-Ocak 2008 tarihleri arasında Ege Üniversitesi Hemodiyaliz Ünitesinde ve Ege Nefroloji Özel Diyaliz Merkez’inde hemodiyaliz tedavisi uygulanan, 30’u kontrol , 30’u deney grubunda yer alan 60 hasta önceden saptanmıs ölçütlere uyularak arastırmanın örneklemini olusturdu. Arastırmada veri toplama yöntemi olarak hemodiyaliz uygulanan hastalar ile ilgili tanıtıcı bilgiler (Ek-1) ve hastaların yorgunluk düzeylerini saptamak amacıyla Piper Yorgunluk Ölçegi (Ek-4) kullanılmıstır. Verilerin degerlendirilmesinde, yüzdelik dagılımı tek yönlü (ANOVA) ve çok yönlü (manowa) varyans analizinde t-testi uygulanmıstır. Deney grubundaki hastalara ilk görüsmede soru formu uygulanarak tanıtıcı ve hastalıga iliskin bulgular elde edilmis ve diyaliz seansı öncesi “Piper Yorgunluk Ölçegi” ile yorgunluk düzeyleri belirlenmistir. Hastalara tedavisi sonrasında on dakika süresince, sırt masajı uygulanmıstır.Bu uygulama haftalık 3 diyaliz seansında da tekrarlanmıstır. Masaj uygulamasından sonra tekrar yorgunluk degerlendirilmesi yapılmıstır. Kontrol grubundaki hastalara masaj uygulanmamıs, haftalık üç diyaliz seansından önce ve sonra Piper Yorgunluk Ölçegi ile degerlendirilip yorgunluk düzeyleri belirlenmistir. Kontrol ve deney grubundaki hastaların yorgunluk düzeyleri Piper Yorgunluk Ölçegi sonuçlarına göre karsılastırılarak masajın yorgunluga etkisi degerlendirilmistir. Elde edilen sonuçlara göre; arastırma kapsamındaki kontrol grubu hastalarının diyaliz sonrası total yorgunluk puanlarının arttıgı, deney grubundaki hastaların masaj uygulamasından sonraki total yorgunluk puanlarının azaldıgı saptandı. Kontrol grubundaki hastaların cinsiyet degiskenin algılanan yorgunlugu etkiledigi; yas grubu, egitim durumu gibi özelliklerinin algılanan yorgunlugu etkilemedigi bulundu. Deney grubundaki hastalarının cinsiyet, yas grubu özelliklerinin algılanan yorgunlugu etkilemedigi, egitim durumu degiskeninin algılanan yorgunlugu etkiledigi belirlendi.Kontrol grubundaki hastaların hastalık süresi, var olan diger hastalıklar hastalık, tedavi süresi gibi hastalıga iliskin özelliklerinin algılanan yorgunlugu etkilemeyen faktörler arasında yer aldıgı belirlendi. Deney grubundaki hastaların hastalık süresi, diger hastalıklar gibi özelliklerin algılanan yorgunlugu etkilemedigi, tedavi süresi degiskenin ise algılanan yorgunlugu etkiledigi belirlendi. Kontrol ve deney grubundaki hastaların diyaliz sonrası iyilik hallerine iliskin özelliklerinin algılanan yorgunlugu etkilemeyen faktör oldugu belirlendi. Hemodiyaliz hastalarının yorgunluk düzeylerinin ve yorgunlugu etkileyen faktörlerin degerlendirilmesi, hasta ve ailelerinin bu konuda egitilmesi ve hemodiyaliz ünitelerinde hastaların yorgunluk yakınmalarına yönelik, diyaliz ünitelerinde çalısan hemsirelere masaj konusunda egitim verilmesi önerilmistirThis research has been made on the hemodialysis patients to review the effects of the massage on the tiredness. Research has been made between the dates of October 2007-January 2008 in the Ege University Hemodialysis Unit and in the Special Nephrology Dialyses Centre; on the 60 patients, 30 of whom were included in the control group, and the other 30 in the experiment group, forming the sample of this research which followed pre-determined measures. In the data collection method of this research descriptive information about the hemodialysis patients ( Add-1) and Piper Tiredness Scale in order to determine the tiredness level of the patients (Add-4) have been used. In the evaluation of the data, percentage, one-way (ANOVA) and in the multiple ways variance analysis (manowa) t-test have been applied. By giving questionarries to the patients in the experiment group in the first interview, and their tiredness level have been determined by the Piper Tiredness Scale prior to the dialyses sequence. After the treatment, patients have all been applied back massage. The massage application has been repeated after 3 dialyses sequences in the week. Another tiredness evaluation has been made after the massage application. In the control group; the tiredness level of the patients have been determined both before and after the three dialyses sequences without the massage application with the Piper Tiredness Scale. The tiredness level results obtained by the Piper Tiredness Scale of both the experiment and control groups which have been evaluated by being compared to determine the effects of the massage. According to our data, the tiredness points of the patients have been increased in the control group after the dialyses, the tiredness points in the experiment group after dialyses has been decreased.It has also been found that the perception about the gender variability in the control group has affected the tiredness, on the contrary, properties like age group, educational status has not been affected on tiredness level. It has also been found that the perception about the gender variable in the experiment group has no affected on the tiredness, on the contrary, properties like age group, educational status have affected the tiredness level in control group. Properties related to the illness like the illness period,having another illness, treatment period were among the factors which has no affected on the tiredness level. Properties related to the illness like the illness period, having another illness, treatment period were among the factors which has affected on the tiredness level. How patients, both in the experiment and control groups, were feeling have found out to be a factor which have no affected on the perceived tiredness. The evaluation of the tiredness levels of the hemodialyses patients and the factors affecting the tiredness, educating the patients and their families in this subject and making initiatives towards the patients’ tiredness levels in the hemodialyses units have been advised as a result of this researc