307 research outputs found

    Freshwater umbrella - the effects of nitrogen deposition & climate change on freshwaters in the UK

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    In upland areas of the UK located away from direct human disturbance through agriculture, industrial activities and urban pollution, atmospheric pollution poses one of the major threats to the chemical and biological quality of lakes and streams. One of the most important groups of pollutants is nitrogen (N) compounds, including oxidised forms of N called NOx, generated mainly by fossil fuel combustion especially in motor vehicles, and reduced forms of N (ammonia gas or dissolved ammonium compounds) generated mainly from agricultural activities and livestock. These nitrogen compounds may dissolve in rain or soilwater to form acids, or may be taken up as nutrients by plants and soil microbes in upland catchments, and then subsequently released in acid form associated with nitrate leaching at a later date. It is well established that nitrate leaching contributes to acidification of upland waters, with damage to aquatic ecosystems including plants, invertebrates and fish. However it has recently been suggested that nitrate leaching may also be associated with nutrient enrichment of upland waters that contain biological communities adapted to very low nutrient levels

    Graphene Quantum Dot Oxidation Governs Noncovalent Biopolymer Adsorption

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    Graphene quantum dots (GQDs) are an allotrope of carbon with a planar surface amenable to functionalization and nanoscale dimensions that confer photoluminescence. Collectively, these properties render GQDs an advantageous platform for nanobiotechnology applications, including optical biosensing and delivery. Towards this end, noncovalent functionalization offers a route to reversibly modify and preserve the pristine GQD substrate, however, a clear paradigm has yet to be realized. Herein, we demonstrate the feasibility of noncovalent polymer adsorption to GQD surfaces, with a specific focus on single-stranded DNA (ssDNA). We study how GQD oxidation level affects the propensity for polymer adsorption by synthesizing and characterizing four types of GQD substrates ranging ~60-fold in oxidation level, then investigating noncovalent polymer association to these substrates. Adsorption of ssDNA quenches intrinsic GQD fluorescence by 31.5% for low-oxidation GQDs and enables aqueous dispersion of otherwise insoluble no-oxidation GQDs. ssDNA-GQD complexation is confirmed by atomic force microscopy, by inducing ssDNA desorption, and with molecular dynamics simulations. ssDNA is determined to adsorb strongly to no-oxidation GQDs, weakly to low-oxidation GQDs, and not at all for heavily oxidized GQDs. Finally, we reveal the generality of the adsorption platform and assess how the GQD system is tunable by modifying polymer sequence and type.https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-020-63769-

    Characterization techniques for studying the properties of nanocarriers for systemic delivery

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    Nanocarriers have attracted a huge interest in the last decade as efficient drug delivery systems and diagnostic tools. They enable effective, targeted, controlled delivery of therapeutic molecules while lowering the side effects caused during the treatment. The physicochemical properties of nanoparticles determine their in vivo pharmacokinetics, biodistribution and tolerability. The most analyzed among these physicochemical properties are shape, size, surface charge and porosity and several techniques have been used to characterize these specific properties. These different techniques assess the particles under varying conditions, such as physical state, solvents etc. and as such probe, in addition to the particles themselves, artifacts due to sample preparation or environment during measurement. Here, we discuss the different methods to precisely evaluate these properties, including their advantages or disadvantages. In several cases, there are physical properties that can be evaluated by more than one technique. Different strengths and limitations of each technique complicate the choice of the most suitable method, while often a combinatorial characterization approach is needed

    How DNA Barcodes Complement Taxonomy and Explore Species Diversity: The Case Study of a Poorly Understood Marine Fauna

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    BACKGROUND: The species boundaries of some venerids are difficult to define based solely on morphological features due to their indistinct intra- and interspecific phenotypic variability. An unprecedented biodiversity crisis caused by human activities has emerged. Thus, to access the biological diversity and further the conservation of this taxonomically muddling bivalve group, a fast and simple approach that can efficiently examine species boundaries and highlight areas of unrecognized diversity is urgently needed. DNA barcoding has proved its effectiveness in high-volume species identification and discovery. In the present study, Chinese fauna was chosen to examine whether this molecular biomarker is sensitive enough for species delimitation, and how it complements taxonomy and explores species diversity. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: A total of 315 specimens from around 60 venerid species were included, qualifying the present study as the first major analysis of DNA barcoding for marine bivalves. Nearly all individuals identified to species level based on morphological traits possessed distinct barcode clusters, except for the specimens of one species pair. Among the 26 individuals that were not assigned binomial names a priori, twelve respectively nested within a species genealogy. The remaining individuals formed five monophyletic clusters that potentially represent species new to science or at least unreported in China. Five putative hidden species were also uncovered in traditional morphospecies. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: The present study shows that DNA barcoding is effective in species delimitation and can aid taxonomists by indicating useful diagnostic morphological traits, informing needful revision, and flagging unseen species. Moreover, the BOLD system, which deposits barcodes, morphological, geographical and other data, has the potential as a convenient taxonomic platform

    Three new species of Scissurellidae (Gastropoda, Prosobranchia) from the coast of Brazil

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    A consultation of the original descriptions of the genera of Scissurellidae led the author to conclude that the valid names for the genera of this family are: Scissurella d'Orbigny, 1823 (redescription by Sowerby, 1824), Anatoma Woodward, 1859, Incisura Hedley, 1904, Scissurona Iredale, 1924, Sinezona Finlay, 1927. Scissurella and Anatoma are cosmopolites, the first generally living in shallow waters, associated to sea-weeds, while the second is found in deep waters. The three last genera are restricted to Australasia. Three new species are described from the Brazilian coast: Scissurella alexandrei, Scissurella electilis and Scissurella morretesi. The internal anatomy of S. alexandrei is described. These three new species have been found in littoral shallow waters, the two first on the northeast Brazilian coast, the third on the coast of the State of SĂŁo Paulo. The fourth known species of Scissurellidae from Brazil, Anatoma aedonia (Watson, 1886), was dredged by H.M.S, "Challenger", in 1873, off Pernambuco, 350 fm (640 m).Pela leitura das descriçÔes originais dos gĂȘneros de Scissurellidae , conclue-se que os nomes vĂĄlidos destes gĂȘneros sĂŁo: Scissurella d'Orbigny, 1823 (redescrição por Sowerby, 1824), Anatoma Woodward, 1859, Incisura Hedley,1904, Scissurona Iredale, 1924 e Sinezona Finlay, 1927. Scissurella e Anatoma sĂŁo cosmopolitas; o primeiro encontra-se geralmente em ĂĄguas rasas e associado a algas; o segundo habita ĂĄguas profundas. Os trĂȘs Ășltimos gĂȘneros sĂŁo restritos Ă  AustralĂĄsia. TrĂȘs novas espĂ©cies sĂŁo descritas para a costa do Brasil: Scissurella alexandrei, Scissurella electilis e Scissurella morretesi. Da primeira foi estudada a anatomia interna. Estas trĂȘs espĂ©cies novas foram encontradas em ĂĄguas rasas; S. alexandrei e S.electilis provĂ©m de amostras de algas do mesolitoral inferior. Conhece-se uma quarta espĂ©cie de Scissurellidae para o Brasil: Anatoma aedonia (Watson, 1886), dragada em 1873 pelo 'Challenger', ao largo da costa de Pernambuco, em profundidade de 640 m

    Upper Toarcian (Lower Jurassic) marine gastropods from the Cleveland Basin, England: systematics, palaeobiogeography and contribution to biotic recovery from the early Toarcian extinction event

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    Here we describe a new upper Toarcian (Lower Jurassic) marine gastropod fauna from rocks of the Cleveland Basin exposed on the North Yorkshire coast of England. The fossil assemblage consists of 16 species, of which three are new: Katosira ? bicarinata sp. nov., Turritelloidea stepheni sp. nov. and Striactaenonina elegans sp. nov. Four species are described in open nomenclature as Tricarilda ? sp., Jurilda sp., Cylindrobullina sp. and Cossmannina sp. The other species have previously been described: Coelodiscus minutus (SchĂŒbler in Zieten), Procerithium quadrilineatum (Römer), Pseudokatosira undulata (Benz in von Zieten), Palaeorissoina aff. acuminata (GrĂŒndel), Pietteia unicarinata (Hudleston), Globularia cf. canina (Hudleston), Striactaeonina cf. richterorum Schulbert & NĂŒtzel, Striactaenonina aff. tenuistriata (Hudleston) and Sulcoactaeon sedgvici (Phillips). Most of these species are the earliest records of their respective genera and show palaeobiogeographical connections with contemporary gastropod associations from other regions of Europe and South America. The taxonomic composition of the upper Toarcian Cleveland Basin gastropod assemblage differs substantially from the faunas of the upper Pliensbachian and lower Toarcian Tenuicostatum Zone, showing the strong effect of the early Toarcian mass extinction event on the marine gastropod communities in the basin. Only a few gastropod species are shared between the late Toarcian faunas and the much more diverse Aalenian gastropod faunas in the Cleveland Basin, suggesting that there was a facies control on gastropod occurrences at that time. This is also a potential explanation for the taxonomic differences between the late Toarcian gastropod faunas in the Cleveland Basin and those in France, and northern and southern Germany
