268 research outputs found

    Elements of reservoir simulation for tight gas reservoirs with water influx

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    At present, gas obtained from unconventional deposits plays an important role in the global economy as an energy factor. The simulation of the exploitation of this type of deposits is very complex and requires an individual approach for each case, which is extremely inspiring and interesting, therefore this article attempts to deal with the problem of modeling the extraction of natural gas from tight unconventional deposits. Extraction of tight gas requires the use of measures that stimulate this process and requires an unusual approach both at the stage of deposit recognition, its drilling and exploitation. Using computer programs, more and more accurate models are developed taking into account almost all known processes occurring in the deposits during exploitation, which significantly influences the better selection of parameters of wells and operations that intensify the production, and thus improves the results of exploitation

    Teaching specialisation at institutes of Romance studies versus competences of specialist language teachers

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    Specjalizacje nauczycielskie obecne są w programach kształcenia wszystkich filologii romańskich, a ich celem jest przygotowanie studentów do wykonywania zawodu nauczyciela języka obcego. Programy zajęć w ramach specjalizacji regulowane są stosownym rozporządzeniem ministra i dość sztywno przenoszone do programów kształcenia na poziomie uniwersyteckim. Czy odgórne wytyczne ministerialne uwzględniają wystarczająco docelowy profil i kompetencje nauczyciela języka specjalistycznego? Jak uczelnie wyższe podporządkowują się przepisom prawa w zakresie przygotowania do wykonywania zawodu nauczyciela języka obcego? Celem niniejszego tekstu jest, z jednej strony, przegląd programów specjalizacji nauczycielskiej na wybranych polskich romanistykach pod kątem treści kształcenia przygotowujących do pracy z grupami o potrzebach zawodowych, a z drugiej, odniesienie ich do kompetencji pożądanych w zawodzie nauczyciela języka specjalistycznego.All Romance language institutes feature teaching specialisations in order to provide students with foreign language teaching qualifications. The curriculum for these specialisations is subject to ministerial regulations, and as such is quite rigidly transposed onto university programmes. Are the ministerial guidelines adequate for the target profile and competences of the specialist language teacher? How do higher education institutions comply with regulations regarding training foreign language teachers? The aim of the presented article is, on the one hand, to review available teaching specialisation content at selected Romance institutes in Poland in terms of vocational language teaching, and on the other hand to assess the relevance of the programmes for desirable competences of a specialist language [email protected] Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II, Wydział Nauk Humanistycznych, Instytut Filologii RomańskiejAbbot G., Training teachers of EST: Avoiding orthodoxy, „The ESP Journal” 1983, 2 (1).Berdychowska Z., Komunikacja specjalistyczna na studiach filologicznych – podstawy lingwistyczne i profile kompetencyjne, „Lingwistyka Stosowana” 2010, nr 3.Defays J.-M., Le français langue étrangère et seconde. Enseignement et apprentissage, Sprimont 2003.Dudley-Evans T., St John M. J., Developments in ESP. A multi-disciplinary approach, Cambridge 1998.Ewer J. R., Teacher training for EST: Problems and methods, „The ESP Journal” 1983, 2 (1).Ferenz K., Kulturowe i polityczne konteksty ról nauczyciela, [w:] W poszukiwaniu wyznaczników kompetencji nauczyciela XXI wieku, E. Kozioł, E. Kobyłecka (red.), Zielona Góra 2002.Gajewska E., Sowa M., LSP, FOS, Fachsprache… Dydaktyka języków specjalistycznych, Lublin 2014.Gajewska E., Sowa M., Sposoby kształcenia nauczycieli języków specjalistycznych: od rzeczywistości edukacyjnej do rozwiązań systemowych, „Neofilolog” 2015, nr 44/2.Gajewska E., Techniki nauczania języka obcego, Tarnów 2011.Gnitecki J., Kompetencje i zwiększanie szans edukacyjnych nauczyciela w cyklu życia w warunkach postępującej globalizacji, [w:] W poszukiwaniu wyznaczników kompetencji nauczyciela XXI wieku, E. Kozioł, E. Kobyłecka (red.), Zielona Góra 2002.Huckin T., Olsen L., On the use of informants in LSP discourse analysis, [w:] Reading for professional purposes, A. Pugh, J. Ulijn (red.), London 1984.Hutchinson T. Waters A., English for Specific Purposes. A Learning-centred Approach, Cambridge 1987.Krajka J., The Language Teacher in the Digital Age – Towards a Systematic Approach to Digital Teacher Development, Lublin 2012.Kruszewski K., Nauczyciel jako twórca programu, [w:] Sztuka nauczania. Czynności nauczyciela, K. Kruszewski (red.), Warszawa 2005.Mamet P., Relacja pomiędzy kompetencją językową a kompetencją merytoryczną na przykładzie języka biznesu, [w:] Języki specjalistyczne 2: Problemy technolingwistyki, J. Lewandowski (red.), Warszawa 2002.Nauka języków obcych w dobie integracji europejskiej, Karpińska-Szaj K. (red.), Łask 2005.Raport ORE. Powszechność nauczania języków obcych w roku szkolnym 2011-12, Warszawa 2013.Sikorska M., Korelacja międzyprzedmiotowa w programie kształcenia nauczycieli języków obcych, [w:] Nauczyciel języków obcych dziś i jutro, M. Pawlak, A. Mystkowska-Wiertelak, A. Pietrzykowska (red.), Poznań – Kalisz 2009.Sowa M., D’une activité pédagogique à l’activité professionnelle. Le cheminement vers la compétence, Lublin 2011.Z zagadnień profesjonalizacji nauczycieli wczesnej edukacji w dobie zmian, Bałachowicz J., Szkolak A. (red.), Kraków 2012.Zawadzka E. Nauczyciel języków obcych w dobie przemian, Kraków 2004.239-25

    La tâche pédagogique au service du développement des savoir-faire langagiers et professionnels. Exemple de français des affaires

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    Task Based Learning / Teaching focuses on the action dimension of language use, i.e., various tasks performed every day that require cooperation with others and the mobilization of language. Language proves to be the most important instrument of action, even if the objective of this action is not necessarily linguistic. The pedagogical tasks used for language teaching for professional purposes illustrate the link between language and socio-professional action: the learning of the formal language system counts as much as the content of the domain of work. On these theoretical assumptions, the aim of this paper is to examine the degree of integration of linguistic and professional knowledge and skills into tasks designed for the teaching of business French. We will analyse the examples of pedagogical tasks in order to demonstrate to what extent they allow us to teach interdisciplinary content and foreign languag

    Opinions on the impact of studying/working remotely on vision impairment and the use of eye hygiene principles

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    Introduction. The COVID-19 pandemic has forced the introduction of remote learning and working. Symptoms of digital eye fatigue are increasingly reducing the quality of life. The aim of the study was to collect opinions on the impact of studying/working remotely on vision impairment and to find out the eye hygiene methods used by the respondents. Material and methods. An original questionnaire consisting of 20 closed-ended questions was used for the study. The form was filled out by 194 people aged 18-55 years (mean: 23.15 ± 6.91 years) who were studying or working at least partially remotely. Results. Respondents working remotely were most likely to spend more than 8 hours a day in front of the computer (49.02%), those working hybrid most often marked 5-6 hours (38.04%). Less than half - 44.85% - had a subjective feeling that their eyesight had deteriorated since they started learning/working remotely, and 19.07% declared that the deterioration of their eyesight had been confirmed by an examination with a specialist. Since starting to study/work online, respondents most often complained of eye fatigue (52.58%), dry eyes (34.54%), and sore/burning eyeballs (25.78%). Among eye hygiene rules, the largest percentage declared using a matte screen (48.97%), using "night mode" on an electronic device after dark (51.55%), sleeping for 7-9 hours (45.36%), and taking a break from the screen by blinking (41.24%). Few people are familiar with and use the exercise of closing and shading their eyes (6.70%) the 20-20-20 rule (4.12%), and do not use a smartphone/computer immediately before bed (2.58%). Conclusions. Most of the respondents stated subjectively, or confirmed by a specialist, that their eyesight had deteriorated, and they associate this with learning/working remotely. The most common ocular symptom in the surveyed group was eye fatigue. There is a large deficit in the knowledge and application of eye hygiene principles that can benefit the organ of vision

    Le lexique transdisciplinaire des écrits scientifiques dans les mémoires de diplôme des étudiants polonophones de français

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    The issue that we aim to investigate in this paper is related to the design of lexical resources which Polish university students use in the process of writing an academic text in French. In the course of the research, we concentrate on the transdisciplinary lexis composed of, on the one hand, cross-disciplinary terminology typical of scientific writings, and, on the other hand, of abstract, non-specialised vocabulary. In this regard, special focus is given to transdisciplinary collocations referring to scientific objects and procedures. The research is conducted on a corpus consisting of BA and MA theses written by Polish university students of French in Romance philology and applied linguistics faculties.The work progressed as follows. Firstly, the types of transdisciplinary collocations present in students’ theses were identified. They were then juxtaposed with the lexical resources gathered in the corpus of scientific texts in French (Corpus Écrits scientifiques en français). Finally, the manner in which students used the investigated collocations was analysed so as to identify the possible difficulties faced by non-native students of French. The objectives of this research are linguistic and didactic at the same time. Specifically, it aims to inventorystudents’ lexical resources, their scope and, as a result, to consider pedagogical solutions intended to enrich transdisciplinary vocabulary used in the process of writing scientific texts in university context. The analysis performed shows a weak presence of collocations containing scientific names. The students’ repertoire of lexical resources is relatively poor and not very varied. It is necessary to undertake more indepth work on the linguistic correction of the items mobilized.The issue that we aim to investigate in this paper is related to the design of lexical resources which Polish university students use in the process of writing an academic text in French. In the course of the research, we concentrate on the transdisciplinary lexis composed of, on the one hand, cross-disciplinary terminology typical of scientific writings, and, on the other hand, of abstract, non-specialised vocabulary. In this regard, special focus is given to transdisciplinary collocations referring to scientific objects and procedures. The research is conducted on a corpus consisting of BA and MA theses written by Polish university students of French in Romance philology and applied linguistics faculties.The work progressed as follows. Firstly, the types of transdisciplinary collocations present in students’ theses were identified. They were then juxtaposed with the lexical resources gathered in the corpus of scientific texts in French (Corpus Écrits scientifiques en français). Finally, the manner in which students used the investigated collocations was analysed so as to identify the possible difficulties faced by non-native students of French. The objectives of this research are linguistic and didactic at the same time. Specifically, it aims to inventorystudents’ lexical resources, their scope and, as a result, to consider pedagogical solutions intended to enrich transdisciplinary vocabulary used in the process of writing scientific texts in university context. The analysis performed shows a weak presence of collocations containing scientific names. The students’ repertoire of lexical resources is relatively poor and not very varied. It is necessary to undertake more indepth work on the linguistic correction of the items mobilized

    Défis méthodologiques de la programmation des cours en langues sur objectifs spécifiques

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    The aim of the text is to discuss issues related to planning LSP courses. The keystages of course design are understandable and clear to most LSP teachers. However, their practical implementation can raise certain doubts or questions. The paper attempts to analyse such problematic aspects of LSP course planning in detail. We will situate these problems at particular stages during course design and show to what extent they can affect the success of LSP education. In our opinion, the diagnosis and analysis of these sensitive areas can be helpful not only in the effective planning of LSP training programmes but also in language teachers’ education for professional purposes

    Insulinoma mimicking psychogenic nonepileptic seizures in a patient with refractory epilepsy

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    The Qualification of a Trademark as a Trademark with Reputation: Comments in the Light of the Polish Administrative Courts’ Case Law

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    On 16 June 2021, as a result of a cassation appeal, the Supreme Administrative Court (SAC) ruled that the reputation of a trademark is not determined by its qualitative aspects. This position should not come as a surprise, two decades aft er the judgment in the General Motors Corporation v. Yplon SA (Chevy) case. However, the justification of the SAC ruling indicates that in proceedings before the Patent Office of the Republic of Poland and Polish administrative courts, one cannot predict the exact interpretation these authorities will make. This article discusses the jurisprudence of the administrative courts in the field of the concept of trademarks with a reputation; it focuses on the quantitative and qualitative approach and refers to the scope of the binding of Polish courts by the interpretation of the law by the EU [email protected] Rutkowska-Sowa – doktor, adiunkt w Katedrze Prawa Własności Intelektualnej, Prawa Gospodarczego Publicznego i Prawa Pracy Wydziału Prawa Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku, rzecznik patentowy.Uniwersytet w Białymstoku, PolskaBohaczewski M., Naruszenie prawa ochronnego na renomowany znak towarowy, Warszawa 2019, Legalis.Bohaczewski M., Żelechowski Ł., (w:) K. Osajda, Ł. Żelechowski (red.), Prawo własności przemysłowej. Komentarz, t. VIII B, Warszawa 2021, Legalis, komentarz do art. 132(1).Fedorowicz H., (w:) M. Kondrat (red.) Prawo własności przemysłowej. Komentarz, Warszawa 2021, LEX.Prezes UPRP, Ogólne wytyczne Prezesa Urzędu Patentowego RP w zakresie znaków towarowych, WUP 2020/16.Sitko J., (w:) T. Demendecki, A. Niewęgłowski, J.J. Sitko, J. Szczotka, G. Tylec, Prawo własności przemysłowej. Komentarz, Warszawa 2015.Skubisz R., (w:) R. Skubisz, System Prawa Prywatnego, t. 14 B: Prawo własności przemysłowej, Warszawa 2017.Skubisz R., (w:) P. Kostański, P. Podrecki, T. Targosz (red.), Experientia docet. Księga jubileuszowa ofiarowana Pani Profesor Elżbiecie Traple, Warszawa 2017, LEX.Skubisz R., Glosa do wyroku NSA z dnia 27 lutego 2008 r., II GSK 359/07, „PS” 2009, nr 4.Słownik języka polskiego PWN, https://sjp.pwn.pl/sjp/renoma;2573929.html.UPRP, Ogólne wytyczne Prezesa UPRP, https://uprp.gov.pl/pl/przedmioty-ochrony/ogolne-wytyczne-prezesa-uprp.Witkowska M., Michalak A., (w:) A. Michalak (red.), Prawo własności przemysłowej. Komentarz, Warszawa 2017.Żelechowski Ł., (w:) P. Kostański, Ł. Żelechowski, Prawo własności przemysłowej, Warszawa 2020.27111712