227 research outputs found

    Poverty Dynamics in Poland. Selected Quantitative Analyses

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    The present report summarises the outcome of a research project carried out jointly by researchers of the Polish Center for Social and Economic Research Foundation (CASE) and the German Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW) and funded by the Volkswagen foundation. The objective of this project is to analyse the mechanisms at work in the rise and persistence of poverty during transition in Poland, as well as its consequences for selected groups of the population. The transition process from a centralised to a market economy in Poland has been accompanied by an unprecedented increase in poverty and a deepening of inequality across households - not only in terms of income but also in terms of socio-economic status. Although a small number of studies describing the economic situation of the poor in Poland have been undertaken, our understanding of the mechanisms that make poverty persist in the household context is considerably limited. The interaction of a number of factors may for example, result in individuals being trapped in a vicious circle of poverty. Low household income may lead to social exclusion and family distress, which is likely to have far-reaching consequences for all household members. Social exclusion may contribute to foster alcoholism, impede the human capital investment in children, and thus jeopardise the socioeconomic situation of the next generation. Socially excluded people experience severe difficulties in finding re-employment. Social transfers might even worsen the situation by providing a disincentive to seek work. We need to understand the causes underlying the developments in social and economic hardship of Polish families during the course of the transition process. The introductory chapter therefore offers a general look at the picture of poverty in Poland; trends and new research results are described. In order to improve our understanding of the causes of social exclusion and to contribute to filling the gap in research we do not, however, restrict our attention solely to the analysis of the extent and nature of poverty in general but rather focus our analysis on issues that have been somewhat overlooked. This project contributes to the literature by investigating empirically different dimensions of the poverty debate in Poland - ranging from social exclusion through the relationship between transfers and labour supply to the transmission of poverty across generations. The empirical analyses are carried out on the basis of individual and household histories which are observed in the Polish Labour Force Survey and of administrative data on social assistance beneficiaries.alcohol abuse, education, labour supply, poverty, social exclusion, social transfers, unemployment

    Grid-enhanced X-ray coded aperture microscopy with polycapillary optics

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    Polycapillary devices focus X-rays by means of multiple reflections of X-rays in arrays of bent glass capillaries. The size of the focal spot (typically 10–100 μ\mu m) limits the resolution of scanning, absorption and phase-contrast X-ray imaging using these devices. At the expense of a moderate resolution, polycapillary elements provide high intensity and are frequently used for X-ray micro-imaging with both synchrotrons and X-ray tubes. Recent studies have shown that the internal microstructure of such an optics can be used as a coded aperture that encodes high-resolution information about objects located inside the focal spot. However, further improvements to this variant of X-ray microscopy will require the challenging fabrication of tailored devices with a well-defined capillary microstructure. Here, we show that submicron coded aperture microscopy can be realized using a periodic grid that is placed at the output surface of a polycapillary optics. Grid-enhanced X-ray coded aperture microscopy with polycapillary optics does not rely on the specific microstructure of the optics but rather takes advantage only of its focusing properties. Hence, submicron X-ray imaging can be realized with standard polycapillary devices and existing set-ups for micro X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy

    English and German as foreign languages in selected kindergartens in Poland. Methodical mistakes

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    Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie zarysu przeprowadzonych hospitacji zajęć z języka niemieckiego i angielskiego w wybranych dziesięciu przedszkolach na terenie województwa śląskiego. Przeprowadzone hospitacje pozwalają na wyciągniecie wniosków, które dotyczą błędów metodycznych popełnianych w przedszkolnym nauczaniu języka obcego. Do błędów tych można zaliczyć m.in. priorytet rozwoju sprawności produktywnych przed receptywnymi czy stosowanie niedostatecznej ilości ruchu na zajęciach. Ponadto przeprowadzone obserwacje pozwalają na wyodrębnienie implikacji dla nauczania języka obcego na etapie przedszkolnym. Implikacje te wydają się być szczególnie ważne w kontekście obecnej polityki edukacyjnej w Polsce – elementami obligatoryjnej nauki języka obcego zostały objęte także przedszkolaki.The paper discusses some major observations made in the course of supervising English and German lessons in ten kindergartens in Poland. The author of the article conducted supervision of two lesson units in each kindergarten and discussed their course and methodology with the teachers. The collected data were used to draw conclusions which concern, among other things, methodical mistakes made in the process of foreign language teaching in kindergarten. The observations were also the basis for drawing implications for the so-called ‘early start’. The results presented in the paper are particularly important in light of the current educational policy in Poland – as of September 2015 foreign language teaching has become an obligatory component of education for five-year-old [email protected] Pedagogiczny im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie, Wydział Filologiczny, Instytut NeofilologiiAsher J., Learning Another Language Through Actions, California 1977.Bleyhl W., Fremdsprachen in der Grundschule. Grundlagen und Praxisbeispiele, Hannover 2000.Bleyhl W., Fremdsprachen in der Grundschule. Geschichten erzählen im Anfangsunterricht – Storytelling, Hannover 2002.Büttner S., Kopp G., Alberti J., Tamburin 3.Deutsch für Kinder, Ismaning 1997.Ciepielewska-Kaczmarek L., Das Potenzial der Kinderliteratur im Hinblick auf den frühen Fremdsprachenerwerb, “Glottodidactica” 2012, XXXIX/2, s. 49–60.Dornbusch S., Ashraf ofAfrica – Storytelling im englischen Anfangsunterricht und interkulturelles Lernen, “Fremdsprachenunterricht” 1999, 4, s. 250–256.Gerngross G., Action Stories, “Primary English” 2004, 1, s. 4–12.Gładysz J., Empirische Untersuchung der Effizienz des narrativen Ansatzes, “Orbis Linguarum” 2007, 32, s. 205–230.Gładysz J., Rola tekstów narracyjnych we wczesnoszkolnym nauczaniu języków obcych, “Języki Obce w Szkole” 2011, 1, s. 21–28.Heitz R., The snowman story, [w:] Fremdsprachen in der Grundschule. Geschichten erzählen im Anfangsunterricht – Storytelling, W. Bleyhl (red.), Hannover 2002, s. 13–145.Iluk J., Jak uczyć małe dzieci języków obcych?, Katowice 2002.Iluk J., Jak uczyć małe dzieci języków obcych?, Częstochowa 2006.Iluk J., Przygotowanie dzieci do posługiwania się językiem obcym w kontekście nowego rozporządzenia Ministerstwa Edukacji Narodowej, [w:] Nauczanie języków obcych w przedszkolu i na etapie wczesnoszkolnym na przykładzie języka niemieckiego, J. Iluk (red.), Katowice 2015, s. 15–36.Jaffke Ch., Maier M., Języki obce dla wszystkich dzieci, Kraków 2011.Jakosz M., Specyficzne kwalifikacje nauczycieli przedszkolnych i wczesnoszkolnych do nauczania języków obcych metodą narracyjną, [w:] Nauczanie języków obcych w przedszkolu i na etapie wczesnoszkolnym na przykładzie języka niemieckiego, J. Iluk (red.), Katowice 2015, s. 95–108.Karbe U., Lost Property Office, “Fremdsprachen Frühbeginn” 2001, 3, s. 54–58.Klippel F., Englisch in der Grundschule: Handbuch für einen kindgemäßen Fremdsprachenunterricht, Berlin 2000.Kotarba-Kańczugowska M., Przedszkolak uczy się języka obcego. Kręta droga, wielka frajda, “Języki Obce w Szkole” 2015, 1, s. 43–49, [online], http://jows.pl/sites/default/files/kotarba.pdf, [dostęp 03.06.2017].Kotarba M., Ocenianie kształtujące na zajęciach z języka obcego we wczesnej edukacji, [w:] Ocenianie i pomiar biegłości językowej. Wybrane aspekty teoretyczne i praktyczne, D. Gabryś-Barker, R. Kalamarz (red.), Katowice 2016, s. 102–108.Kreis R., Hörverstehenstraining durch Storytelling im Englischunterricht, “Fremdsprachen Frühbeginn” 2001, 1, s. 27–31.Kubanek-German A., Zur möglichen Rolle des Narrativen im Fremdsprachenunterricht für Kinder, “Primar” 1993, 3, s. 48–54.Olpińska-Szkiełko M., Der frühe Sprachunterricht muss umkehren – ein Plädoyer für eine “neue” Didaktik, “Glottodidactica” 2016, XLIII/1, s. 135–145.Palm A., Die Methode Storytelling. Ihr Einsatz im frühen Englischunterricht, Saarbrücken 2007.Pamuła-Behrens M., Wszystko zaczyna się w przedszkolu – nauka języka obcego dla dzieci, “Języki Obce w Szkole” 2015, 1, s. 8–12, [online], http://jows.pl/sites/default/files/pamula 0.pdf, [dostęp 25.02.2017].Pamuła-Behrens M., Pani od języka, czyli o kompetencjach zawodowych nauczycieli języków obcych pracujących w przedszkolu, “Języki Obce w Szkole” 2016, 4, s. 18–23, [online], http://jows.pl/sites/default/files/pamula 0.pdf, [dostęp 28.02.2017].Ratey J., Hagerman E., Superfaktor: Bewegung, Kirchzarten bei Freiburg 2009.Ray B., Seely C., Fluency Through TPR Storytelling. Achieving Real Language Acquisition in School, Blaine Ray Workshops & Command Performance Language Institute 1997.Rozporządzenie MEN z dnia 30 maja 2014 r. zmieniające rozporządzenie w sprawie podstawy programowej wychowania przedszkolnego oraz kształcenia ogólnego w poszczególnych typach szkół, Dz. U. 204, poz. 803.Sowa-Bacia K., Efektywność nauczania języka niemieckiego w przedszkolu, Warszawa 2016.Sowa-Bacia K., Błędy metodyczne w nauczaniu języka angielskiego i niemieckiego w przedszkolu, [w:] Studia didactica. Wybrane zagadnienia z glotto- i translodydaktyki 1, A.D. Kubacki, K. Sowa-Bacia (red.), Kraków 2018, s. 10–25.Textor M., Gehirnentwicklung im Kleinkindalter – Konsequenzen für die frühkindliche Bildung, [w:] Kindergartenpädagogik-Online-Handbuch, M. Textor (red.), [online], http://www.kindergartenpaedagogik.de/779.html, [dostęp 27.04.2013].2317518

    Interpersonal Conflict and Work-Related Stress Among Correctional Officers

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    Increasingly, research has been conducted on the penal system, yet few researchers have focused on correctional staff. Due to the nature of their work, correctional officers (COs) experience a high degree of stress that is inmate related, occupational, organizational, and psycho–social. The purpose of this generic qualitative study was to explore the work experiences of COs in rural correctional facilities in Alaska and to learn how correctional staff perceive and mitigate work-related stress stemming from interpersonal conflict. The theoretical framework for this study was Lazarus and Folkman’s transactional theory of stress and coping. Data were collected using semistructured interviews conducted with 12 participants who were current and former COs. Participants were recruited via a recruitment flyer posted on social media and disseminated by the Alaska Correctional Officer Association and the Alaska Peace Officer Association. The collected data were coded and categorized using Colaizzi’s seven-step analysis process. The analysis revealed three main themes: (a) personal characteristics, (b) interpersonal dynamics, and (c) relationship with the administration. The findings of this research indicate that to mitigate interpersonal conflict among COs, the Department of Corrections will need to transform the current work culture, which allows for conflicts to occur. Further, the findings reflect that COs do not feel supported by their administration. Findings from this study have the potential to facilitate positive social change by bringing awareness to the challenges faced by COs, including increased need for transformation in workplace policies, creating an environment free of interpersonal conflict, and decreasing levels of stress experienced by staff

    Agata Borek, Renata Czaplikowska, Forum EU. Ein Text- und Übungsbuch für Studierende, sierke Verlag, Göttingen 2017, 145 s., ISBN 13: 978-3-86844-941-9

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    [email protected] Pedagogiczny im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie, Wydział Filologiczny, Instytut NeofilologiiBorek A., Czaplikowska R., Forum EU. Ein Text- und Übungsbuch für Studierende, Göttingen 2017.Czaplikowska R., Kubacki A.D., Grundlagen der Fremdsprachendidaktik. Unterrichtsbuch, Kraków 2010.Czaplikowska R., Kubacki A.D., Methodik des Unterrichts Deutsch als Fremdsprache. Lehr- und Übungsbuch für künftige DaF-Lehrende, Chrzanów 2016.Europejski system kształcenia opisu językowego: uczenie się, nauczanie, ocenianie, Warszawa 2003.2219920

    No time to waste : transcriptome study reveals that drought tolerance in barley may be attributed to stressed-like expression patterns that exist before the occurrence of stress

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    Plant survival in adverse environmental conditions requires a substantial change in the metabolism, which is reflected by the extensive transcriptome rebuilding upon the occurrence of the stress. Therefore, transcriptomic studies offer an insight into the mechanisms of plant stress responses. Here, we present the results of global gene expression profiling of roots and leaves of two barley genotypes with contrasting ability to cope with drought stress. Our analysis suggests that drought tolerance results from a certain level of transcription of stress-influenced genes that is present even before the onset of drought. Genes that predispose the plant to better drought survival play a role in the regulatory network of gene expression, including several transcription factors, translation regulators and structural components of ribosomes. An important group of genes is involved in signaling mechanisms, with significant contribution of hormone signaling pathways and an interplay between ABA, auxin, ethylene and brassinosteroid homeostasis. Signal transduction in a drought tolerant genotype may be more efficient through the expression of genes required for environmental sensing that are active already during normal water availability and are related to actin filaments and LIMdomain proteins, which may function as osmotic biosensors. Better survival of drought may also be attributed to more effective processes of energy generation and more efficient chloroplasts biogenesis. Interestingly, our data suggest that several genes involved in a photosynthesis process are required for the establishment of effective drought response not only in leaves, but also in roots of barley. Thus, we propose a hypothesis that root plastids may turn into the anti-oxidative centers protecting root macromolecules from oxidative damage during drought stress. Specific genes and their potential role in building upa drought-tolerant barley phenotype is extensively discussedwith special emphasis on processes that take place in barley roots. When possible, the interconnections between particular factors are emphasized to drawa broader picture of the molecular mechanisms of drought tolerance in barle

    Improvement of quality of life after therapeutic plasma exchange in patients with myasthenic crisis

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    Introduction We sought to evaluate quality of life patients with myasthenic crisis before and after therapeutic plasma exchange. Materials and methods In our study we conducted an assessment of the quality of life with the use of the questionnaire SF-36, when executed eleven therapeutic plasma exchange. The assessment was made on baseline and after 4 weeks. We also did neurological clinical evaluation before and after TPE. Results Patients in the study showed significant improvement in quality of life after performed therapeutic plasma exchange. The changes were observed in physical functioning, which confirmed the results of the statistical significance of p<0.05. In the analysis, the assessment of mental functioning not obtained the results of statistical significance, but the results also showed improvement in self-assessment. We observed high correlation between general health and physical mental functioning, between the role limitations due to physical health problems and role limitations due to emotional problems, and general health perception and bodily pain. Conclusions Therapeutic plasma exchange significantly improves the quality of life of patients with myasthenia gravis during the crisis