210 research outputs found

    Should College Athletes Receive Compensation?

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    The purpose of this synthesis is to examine the ethical considerations of providing compensation for collegiate athletes. There are several peer-reviewed articles that examine all aspects of this argument. This argument is not clear-cut with a definitive answer, but a deep look into what society deems ethical in comparison to the current system of the NCAA can be very useful for the future success of the organization. Some of the areas I will examine include: how much money is being generated by college athletics; what role does amateurism play in this debate; and what role race plays in this debate. Reviewing the literature will provide information and conclusions that will better allow examination of the ethical considerations of providing compensation for athletes

    Design of photovoltaic energy systems for isolated communities

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    Access to energy has always played a significant role in economic, social, and human development. However, nowadays 1.3 billion people still do not have access to electricity. The majority of these communities live in rural areas of underdeveloped countries. To face this issue, decentralized PV systems are suitable solutions for household electrification and water pumping. In addition, with the recent drop of PV panel’s and batteries cost, more sophisticated systems that integrate power management control strategies appear. To support this implementation, different tools and programs helping a precise and optimal sizing of this system were made available. PV SOL, PV SYST, HOMER or iHOGA can be cited as example of prediction programs. Nonetheless, in spite of the level of sophistication of these different programs, a free access program allowing an accurate, precise and optimal design of PV-battery systems is still needed. This thesis presents a program that uses genetic algorithm for the optimal sizing of PV-battery systems. The program was developed in Python. It simulates the behaviour of PV-battery systems installed in any location where meteorological data is available. The optimal number and the type of PV modules, batteries and inverters are provided as a result. In addition, an evolutive, adaptable, alterable data bank of the different components of the system is readily available. In this thesis, a house, a school, floors lamps and a health care center for the remote community of ELDORET in Kenya are analysed as a case study. The optimal PV-Battery systems designed by the program were compared to the result of a classical sizing method and other software like iHOGA and HOMER. The validation process revealed a maximum gap of 12% between the program and iHOGA. A gap that can be attributed to a modelling difference. The results were found to be in fair agreement with other predictions and therefore it is believe that the novel, free and adaptable program meets the need of remote communities when it comes to design optimal PV solar systems

    Evaluation of determinants of the use of health mutuals by the population of the Ziguinchor region in Senegal

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    Access to health services is a concern around the world. Different strategies were developed, but Africa’s rate remains the lowest. This article aims to contribute to the population's access to healthcare, and to assess the determinants of the use of mutual health insurance by the population of the Ziguinchor region in Senegal.    Methods: The study is transversal and descriptive, carried out from July to August 2018. Through the quota method we defined the number of patients to be interviewed. Thus, by a geographic stratification according to the departments and a second-degree stratification taking into account the staff of the different hospital departments, 392 patients were selected.   Results: 73% at the Regional Hospital Center and 27% at the Regional Peace Hospital. Response rate: 97%, women 60% and men 40%. The enrollment for women (24%) is slightly higher than that for men (21%). Socio-economic factors. The rate of adherence is the highest of for patients with university level, followed by high school; income:  the highest rate for patients with a monthly income between 200,000 and 500,000 FCFA, followed by patients with an income monthly between 100,000 and 200,000 FCFA. Factors linked to the provision of care: the rate of Mutual Health Insurance adherence follows distances from patients' homes. Concerning the relation to satisfaction, education, distance and information are more determining than adherence rate.    Recommendations: 1) State: actions on education and distance; 2) Sensitizing the population on mutual health insurance; 3) Urging healthcare providers to reduce waiting times and respect schedules as well as appointments.&nbsp

    Rendements et pratiques des cultures maraîchères en agriculture biologique au Sénégal

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    Les rendements en agriculture biologique font l'objet de controverses et sont considérés comme plus faibles qu'en agriculture conventionnelle. En Afrique, l'agriculture biologique recouvre une grande diversité de pratiques et les rendements présentent de fortes incertitudes. Les analyses des rendements et des itinéraires techniques en agriculture biologique sont présentées pour trois cultures maraîchères au Sénégal. Les résultats sont ensuite comparés aux rendements usuels de l'agriculture conventionnelle. Deux types de données sont utilisés, provenant de parcelles d'agriculteurs : i) suivi de champs conduits selon des itinéraires techniques d'agriculture biologique vs. itinéraires techniques conventionnels ; ii) résultats issus des actions de l'organisation non gouvernementale ENDA-PRONAT, suivant un cahier des charges copié sur celui de l'agriculture biologique. Les suivis comparatifs de parcelles de chou pommé et de tomate en saison des pluies mettent en évidence des ratios de rendement agriculture biologique/conventionnelle de 74 et 40 % respectivement. Ces valeurs confirment la tendance générale des résultats de la littérature. Elles sont expliquées par une fertilisation azotée plus faible et l'absence de mesures de protection efficace contre les maladies et ravageurs des cultures. Les rendements en oignon des parcelles d'agriculture biologique chez les producteurs sont très variables : en moyenne de 19,4 t/ha à 11,0 t/ha suivant les années dans la zone des Niayes, 21,0 t/ha dans le Bassin arachidier et seulement 8,6 t/ha dans la vallée du fleuve Sénégal. Les rendements de la culture d'oignon au Sénégal observés dans la littérature varient aussi dans de grandes proportions, de 10,7 à 32 t/ha. Dans certains cas, les rendements en agriculture biologique sont supérieurs à ceux des itinéraires techniques de l'agriculture conventionnelle. Ce constat, déjà observé dans la littérature scientifique, montre que l'agriculture biologique est une voie de développement de l'agriculture à ne pas écarter en Afrique

    High blood viscosity is associated with high pulse wave velocity in African sickle cell trait carriers

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    Background: Sickle cell trait (SCT) is the benign condition of sickle cell disease. Often asymptomatic, the SCT carriers have hemorheological disturbances such as blood hyper-viscosity compared to healthy subjects. These disturbances could lead to structural and functional changes in large vessels. The aim of the study was to evaluate the association between blood viscosity (ηb) and pulse wave velocity (PWV) in SCT carriers.Methods: Thirteen SCT with high blood viscosity (SCT_hηb) aged 34±12 years (4 men) were compared to 13 SCT with low blood viscosity (SCT_lηb) aged 32±9 years (5 men) recruited from the National Blood Transfusion Center (CNTS) in Dakar (Senegal). Pulse wave velocity finger-toe (PWVft) was assessed using pOpmètre® (Axelife SAS-France). Cardiovascular risk (CVR) was assessed according to the Framingham Laurier score.Results: SCT_hηb had higher PWVft (m/s) than SCT_lηb respectively 8.98±1.98 and 7.11±1.18 (p = 0.004). CVR score (%) was higher in SCT_hηb than SCT_lηb, but this difference was not statistically significant (5.96±7.45 vs 2.09±2.15; p=0.31). Multivariate linear regression showed a positive correlation between PWVft and ηb and CVR score (r2=0.74, F=21.19, p˂0.001).Conclusions: Present results indicate that the SCT_hηb carriers have arteries stiffer than SCT_lηb and ηb and CVR could remain independent determinants of arterial stiffness in SCT carriers

    Effects of Alternate Wetting and Drying Irrigation Regime and Nitrogen Fertilizer on Yield and Nitrogen Use Efficiency of Irrigated Rice in the Sahel

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    The objectives of this study were to investigate water saving strategies in the paddy field and to evaluate the performance of some of the newly released rice varieties. Field experiments were conducted at Fanaye in the Senegal River Valley during two rice growing seasons in 2015. Three irrigation regimes ((i) continuous flooding, (ii) trigging irrigation at soil matric potential (SMP) of 30 kPa, (iii) trigging irrigation at SMP of 60 kPa) were tested in an irrigated lowland rice field. Irrigation regimes (ii) and (iii) are alternate wetting and drying (AWD) cycles. Four inbred rice varieties (NERICA S-21, NERICA S-44, Sahel 210 and Sahel 222) and one hybrid rice (Hybrid AR032H) were evaluated under five nitrogen fertilizer rates (0, 50, 100, 150 and 200 kg N ha-1). The results showed that rice yield varied from 0.9 to 12 t ha-1. The maximum yield of 12 t ha-1 was achieved by NERICA S-21 under AWD 30 kPa at 150 kg N ha-1. The AWD irrigation management at 30 kPa resulted in increasing rice yield, rice water use and nitrogen use efficiency and reducing the irrigation applications by 27.3% in comparison with continuous flooding. AWD30 kPa could be adopted as a water saving technology for water productivity under paddy production in the Senegal River Middle Valley. Additional research should be conducted in the upper Valley, where soils are sandier and water is less available, for the sustainability and the adoption of the irrigation water saving practices across the entire Senegal River Valley

    Actual evapotranspiration and crop coefficients of irrigated lowland rice (Oryza sativa L.) under semiarid climate

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    Lowland irrigated rice is the predominant crop produced in the Senegal River Valley characterized by very low annual rainfall, high temperatures, and low relative humidity. The Senegal River is shared by Senegal, Mali, Mauritania, and Guinea, and serves as the main source of irrigation water for the adopted double rice cropping system. Developing appropriate resource management strategies might be the key factor for the sustainability of rice production in the region. This study aims to estimate rice seasonal evapotranspiration (ETa), irrigation water requirement, and to develop rice growth stage specific crop coefficients (Kc) to improve rice water productivity. Field experiments were conducted during the hot and dry seasons in 2014 and 2015 at the AfricaRice research station at Fanaye in Senegal. Irrigation water inputs were monitored and actual crop evapotranspiration was derived using the water balance method. Daily reference evapotranspiration (ETo) was estimated using the Penman-Monteith equation and the weather variables were collected at the site by an automated weather station. The results showed that the ETo during the hot and dry season from February 15th to June 30th varied from 4.5 to 9.9 mm and from 3.7 to 10.8 mm in 2014 and 2015, respectively, and averaged 6.8 mm d-1 in 2014 and 6.6 mm d-1 in 2015. The seasonal irrigation water amount for the transplanted rice was 1110 mm in 2014 and 1095 mm in 2015. Rice daily ETa varied from 4.7 to 10.5 mm in 2014 and from 4.4 to 10.5 mm in 2015 and averaged 8.17 mm in 2014 and 8.14 mm in 2015. Rice seasonal ETa was 841.5 mm in 2014 and 855.4 mm in 2015. The derived rice Kc values varied from 0.77 to 1.51 in 2014 and 0.85 to 1.50 in 2015. Rice Kc values averaged 1.01, 1.31, and 1.12 for the crop development, mid-season and late season growth stages, respectively. The Kc values developed in this study could be used for water management under rice production during the hot and dry season in the Senegal River Valley
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