112 research outputs found

    Aquaporin modulators: a patent review (2010-2015)

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    Introduction: Since the discovery of aquaporin-1 (AQP1) as a water channel, more than 2,000 articles, reviews and chapters have been published. The wide tissue expression, functional and biological roles have documented the major and essential physiological importance of these channels both in health and disease. Thus, over the years, studies have revealed essential importance of aquaporins in mammalian pathophysiology revealing aquaporins as potential drug targets. Areas covered: Starting from a brief description of the main structural and functional features of aquaporins, their roles in physiology and pathophysiology of different human diseases, this review describes the main classes of small molecules and biologicals patented, published from 2010 to 2015, able to regulate AQPs for diagnostic and therapeutic applications. Expert opinion: Several patents report on AQP modulators, mostly inhibitors, and related pharmaceutical formulations, to be used for treatments of water imbalance disorders, such as edema. Noteworthy, a unique class of gold-based compounds as selective inhibitors of aquaglyceroporin isoforms may provide new chemical tools for therapeutic applications, especially in cancer. AQP4-targeted therapies for neuromyelitis optica, enhancement of AQP2 function for nephrogenic diabetes insipidus and AQP1-5 gene transfer for the Sjogren’s syndrome represent promising therapies that deserve further investigation by clinical trials

    FEBS 50th Anniversary Virtual Issue: Portugal

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    This celebratory Virtual Issue for the 50th anniversary of FEBS (2014) highlights the high quality and diversity of biochemistry research carried out in Portugal. Up to 2013, 303 articles were published in FEBS Letters and The FEBS Journal / European Journal of Biochemistry with at least one author having Portugal as an address

    Grapevine aquaporins: gating of a tonoplast intrinsic protein (TIP2; 1) by cytosolic pH

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    Grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) is one of the oldest and most important perennial crops being considered as a fruit ligneous tree model system in which the water status appears crucial for high fruit and wine quality, controlling productivity and alcohol level. V. vinifera genome contains 28 genes coding for aquaporins, which acting in a concerted and regulated manner appear relevant for plant withstanding extremely unfavorable drought conditions essential for the quality of berries and wine. Several Vv aquaporins have been reported to be expressed in roots, shoots, berries and leaves with clear cultivar differences in their expression level, making their in vivo biochemical characterization a difficult task. In this work V. vinifera cv. Touriga nacional VvTnPIP1;1, VvTnPIP2;2 and VvTnTIP2;1 were expressed in yeast and water transport activity was characterized in intact cells of the transformants. The three aquaporins were localized in the yeast plasma membrane but only VvTnTIP2;1 expression enhanced the water permeability with a concomitant decrease of the activation energy of water transport. Acidification of yeast cytosol resulted in loss of VvTnTIP2;1 activity. Sequence analysis revealed the presence of a His131 residue, unusual in TIPs. By site directed mutagenesis, replacement of this residue by aspartic acid or alanine resulted in loss of pHin dependence while replacement by lysine resulted in total loss of activity. In addition to characterization of VvTn aquaporins, these results shed light on the gating of a specific tonoplast aquaporin by cytosolic pHinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Molecular and functional characterization of grapevine NIPs through heterologous expression in aqy-null Saccharomyces cerevisiae

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    Plant Nodulin 26-like Intrinsic Proteins (NIPs) are multifunctional membrane channels of the Major Intrinsic Protein (MIP) family. Unlike other homologs, they have low intrinsic water permeability. NIPs possess diverse substrate selectivity, ranging from water to glycerol and to other small solutes, depending on the group-specific amino acid composition at aromatic/Arg (ar/R) constriction. We cloned three NIPs (NIP1;1, NIP5;1, and NIP6;1) from grapevine (cv. Touriga Nacional). Their expression in the membrane of aqy-null Saccharomyces cerevisiae enabled their functional characterization for water and glycerol transport through stopped-flow spectroscopy. VvTnNIP1;1 demonstrated high water as well as glycerol permeability, whereas VvTnNIP6;1 was impermeable to water but presented high glycerol permeability. Their transport activities were declined by cytosolic acidification, implying that internal-pH can regulate NIPs gating. Furthermore, an extension of C-terminal in VvTnNIP6;1M homolog, led to improved channel activity, suggesting that NIPs gating is putatively regulated by C-terminal. Yeast growth assays in the presence of diverse substrates suggest that the transmembrane flux of metalloids (As, B, and Se) and the heavy metal (Cd) are facilitated through grapevine NIPs. This is the first molecular and functional characterization of grapevine NIPs, providing crucial insights into understanding their role for uptake and translocation of small solutes, and extrusion of toxic compounds in grapevineinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Conjugated linoleic acid reduces permeability and fluidity of adipose plasma membranes from obese Zucker rats

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    NOTICE: this is the author’s version of a work that was accepted for publication in Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. Changes resulting from the publishing process, such as peer review, editing, corrections, structural formatting, and other quality control mechanisms may not be reflected in this document. Changes may have been made to this work since it was submitted for publication. A definitive version was subsequently published in Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. July 2010; 398 (2): 199-204.Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) is a dietary fatty acid frequently used as a body fat reducing agent whose effects upon cell membranes and cellular function remain unknown. Obese Zucker rats were fed atherogenic diets containing saturated fats of vegetable or animal origin with or without 1% CLA, as a mixture of cis(c)9,trans(t)11 and t10,c12 isomers. Plasma membrane vesicles obtained from visceral adi- pose tissue were used to assess the effectiveness of dietary fat and CLA membrane incorporation and its outcome on fluidity and permeability to water and glycerol. A significant decrease in adipose membrane fluidity was correlated with the changes observed in permeability, which seem to be caused by the incor- poration of the t10,c12 CLA isomer into membrane phospholipids. These results indicate that CLA supple- mentation in obese Zucker rats fed saturated and cholesterol rich diets reduces the fluidity and permeability of adipose membranes, therefore not supporting CLA as a body fat reducing agent through membrane fluidification in obese fat consumers

    Biophysical assessment of human aquaporin-7 as a water and glycerol channel in 3T3-L1 adipocytes

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    The plasma membrane aquaporin-7 (AQP7) has been shown to be expressed in adipose tissue and its role in glycerol release/uptake in adipocytes has been postulated and correlated with obesity onset. However, some studies have contradicted this view. Based on this situation, we have re-assessed the precise localization of AQP7 in adipose tissue and analyzed its function as a water and/or glycerol channel in adipose cells. Fractionation of mice adipose tissue revealed that AQP7 is located in both adipose and stromal vascular fractions. Moreover, AQP7 was the only aquaglyceroporin expressed in adipose tissue and in 3T3-L1 adipocytes. By overexpressing the human AQP7 in 3T3-L1 adipocytes it was possible to ascertain its role as a water and glycerol channel in a gain-of-function scenario. AQP7 expression had no effect in equilibrium cell volume but AQP7 loss of function correlated with higher triglyceride content. Furthermore it is also reported for the first time a negative correlation between water permeability and the cell non-osmotic volume supporting the observation that AQP7 depleted cells are more prone to lipid accumulation. Additionally, the strong positive correlation between the rates of water and glycerol transport highlights the role of AQP7 as both a water and a glycerol channel and reflects its expression levels in cells. In all, our results clearly document a direct involvement of AQP7 in water and glycerol transport, as well as in triglyceride content in adipocytes

    Insights into the selectivity mechanisms of grapevine NIP aquaporins

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    Nodulin 26-like intrinsic proteins (NIPs) of the plant aquaporin family majorly facilitate the transport of physiologically relevant solutes. The present study intended to investigate how substrate selectivity in grapevine NIPs is influenced by the aromatic/arginine (ar/R) selectivity filter within the pore and the possible underlying mechanisms. A mutational approach was used to interchange the ar/R residues between grapevine NIPs (VvTnNIP1;1 withUniversidade de Lisboa, VvTnNIP6;1, and VvTnNIP2;1 with VvTnNIP5;1). Their functional characterization by stopped-flow spectroscopy in Saccharomyces cerevisiae revealed that mutations in residues of H2/H5 helices in VvTnNIP1;1 and VvTnNIP6;1 caused a general decline in membrane glycerol permeability but did not impart the expected substrate conductivity in the mutants. This result suggests that ar/R filter substitution could alter the NIP channel activity, but it was not su cient to interchange their substrate preferences. Further, homology modeling analyses evidenced that variations in the pore radius combined with the di erences in the channel’s physicochemical properties (hydrophilicity/hydrophobicity) may drive substrate selectivity. Furthermore, yeast growth assays showed that H5 residue substitution alleviated the sensitivity of VvTnNIP2;1 and VvTnNIP5;1 to As, B, and Se, implying importance of H5 sequence for substrate selection. These results contribute to the knowledge of the overall determinants of substrate selectivity in NIPsinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Nanoformulations of a potent copper-based aquaporin inhibitor with cytotoxic effect against cancer cells

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    Aim: Development of liposomal formulations of Cuphen, a potent copper-based aquaporin inhibitor with therapeutic potential against melanoma and colon cancer. Materials &amp; methods: Cuphen was incorporated into liposomes using the dehydration–rehydration method. The ability of Cuphen to induce cancer cell death was evaluated by MTS and ViaCount assays. In vivo toxicity studies were performed in BALB/c mice. Results: In vitro studies illustrated the antiproliferative effects of Cuphen in different cancer cell lines, in free form or after incorporation into liposomes. In vivo studies revealed no toxic effects after parenteral administration of Cuphen liposomes. Conclusions: Cuphen liposomes are highly attractive to be further tested in murine models due to the possibility of stabilizing and specifically deliver this metallodrug to tumor sites. </jats:p

    Peroxiporins are induced upon oxidative stress insult and are associated with oxidative stress resistance in colon cancer cell lines

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    Oxidative stress can induce genetic instability and change cellular processes, resulting in colorectal cancer. Additionally, adaptation of oxidative defense causes therapy resistance, a major obstacle in successful cancer treatment. Peroxiporins are aquaporin membrane channels that facilitate H2O2 membrane permeation, crucial for regulating cell proliferation and antioxidative defense. Here, we investigated four colon cancer cell lines (Caco-2, HT-29, SW620, and HCT 116) for their sensitivity to H2O2, cellular antioxidative status, and ROS intracellular accumulation after H2O2 treatment. The expression of peroxiporins AQP1, AQP3, and AQP5 and levels of NRF2, the antioxidant transcription factor, and PPARγ, a transcription factor that regulates lipid metabolism, were evaluated before and after oxidative insult. Of the four tested cell lines, HT-29 was the most resistant and showed the highest expression of all tested peroxiporins and the lowest levels of intracellular ROS, without differences in GSH levels, catalase activity, nor NF2 and PPARγ levels. Caco-2 shows high expression of AQP3 and similar resistance as HT-29. These results imply that oxidative stress resistance can be obtained by several mechanisms other than the antioxidant defense system. Regulation of intracellular ROS through modulation of peroxiporin expression may represent an additional strategy to target the therapy resistance of cancer cells

    Membrane tension regulates water transport in yeast

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    Evidence that membrane surface tension regulates water fluxes in intact cells of a Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain overexpressing aquaporin AQY1 was obtained by assessing the osmotic water transport parameters in cells equilibrated in different osmolarities. The osmotic water permeability coefficients (Pf) obtained for yeast cells overexpressing AQY1 incubated in low osmolarity buffers were similar to those obtained for a double mutant aqy1aqy2 and approximately three times lower (with higher activation energy, Ea) than values obtained for cells incubated in higher osmolarities (with lower Ea). Moreover, the initial inner volumes attained a maximum value for cells equilibrated in lower osmolarities (below 0.75 M) suggesting a preswollen state with the membrane under tension, independent of aquaporin expression. In this situation, the impairment of water channel activity suggested by lower Pf and higher Ea could probably be the first available volume regulatory tool that, in cooperation with other osmosensitive solute transporters, aims to maintain cell volume. The results presented point to the regulation of yeast water channels by membrane tension, as previously described in other cell system