446 research outputs found

    Team-Based Learning in Law

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    Used for over thirty years in a wide variety of fields, Team-Based Learning is a powerful teaching strategy that improves student learning. Used effectively, it enables students to actively engage in applying legal concepts in every class -- without sacrificing coverage. Because this teaching strategy has been used in classes with over 200 students, it also provides an efficient and affordable way to provide significant learning. Based on the principles of instructional design, Team-Based Learning has built-in student accountability, promotes independent student preparation, and fosters professional skills. This article provides an overview of Team-Based Learning, reasons to adopt this teaching strategy in light of Best Practices for Legal Education and the Carnegie and MacCrate reports, concrete methods to use Team-Based Learning in Law School, and ways to address challenges to this teaching strategy. Co-authors Sophie M. Sparrow and Margaret Sova McCabe provide examples from their years of teaching a variety of courses using Team-Based Learning

    Pengaruh Ratio Leverage Terhadap Volatilitas Saham Pada Industri Barang Konsumsi Di Bursa Efek Indonesia Tahun 2004-2008

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    : Leverage ratio is the ratio that indicates the extent to which firms which uses external funds to buy assets to measure the volatility of the stock which is a measure of the uncertainty of stock price movement in the future. The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of leverage ratio on the volatility of stock on consumer goods industry companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange-year period 2004-2008. This research used 19 samples from 33 companies by purposive sampling method, regression analysis with SPSS version 16.00. This study concludes that: (1) the leverage ratio (DER, LT-DER, and DR) has a significant positive and together on the volatility of returns. (2) The decision to invest in Indonesia stock exchange especially in the customer goods industry, in addition to using information leverage ratio of macro factors and other corporate performance must also is analyse

    Perhitungan Harga Pokok Produksi, Activity Based Costing dan Sistem Biaya Konvensional pada Perusahaan X.

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    The activity Based Costing (ABC) is a system to allocate all the cost that exist in production process based on the activitiesof the company so that it is more complicated than the traditional cost system. In the traditional cost system, all cost calculatedbased on the volume of activities so that the production cost unit can be higher or lower.The aim of this research is to know howto calculate the production cost by using ABC system (Activity Based Costing) or by Traditional Cost System. The method of writingis based on Field Research and library studies. The Collected data was analyzed descriptively. The result indicates that the calculationusing ABC System apparently can keep the main cost of production down in the amount of Rp 517.- for each unit of produc

    Farms of the future guidelines

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    The farms of the future (FOTF) approach is an interactive climate adaptation, knowledge sharing and learning experience that transforms climate forecasts into field-based realities by physically taking participants on a journey to areas that already experience climatic conditions that represent plausible future climate scenarios. The hypothesis behind this is that the knowledge exchange process can enhance a farmer’s/village’s capacity to adapt to changing climatic conditions by exposing them to innovative farming communities that have already successfully adapted their agricultural practices to various distinct climatic conditions the reference village might experience

    Lidar System Model for Use With Path Obscurants and Experimental Validation

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    When lidar pulses travel through a short path that includes a relatively high concentration of aerosols, scattering phenomena can alter the power and temporal properties of the pulses significantly, causing undesirable effects in the received pulse. In many applications the design of the lidar transmitter and receiver must consider adverse environmental aerosol conditions to ensure the desired performance. We present an analytical model of lidar system operation when the optical path includes aerosols for use in support of instrument design, simulations, and system evaluation. The model considers an optical path terminated with a solid object, although it can also be applied, with minor modifications, to cases where the expected backscatter occurs from nonsolid objects. The optical path aerosols are characterized by their attenuation and backscatter coefficients derived by the Mie theory from the concentration and particle size distribution of the aerosol. Other inputs include the lidar system parameters and instrument response function, and the model output is the time-resolved received pulse. The model is demonstrated and experimentally validated with military fog oil smoke for short ranges (several meters). The results are obtained with a lidar system operating at a wavelength of 0.905 μm within and outside the aerosol. The model goodness of fit is evaluated using the statistical coefficient of determination whose value ranged from 0.88 to 0.99 in this study

    A wood-filled composite based on recycled polyethylene terephthalate. Production and properties

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    The possibility of conducting combined recycling of wood and PETP waste was investigated. The aim was to develop a process for producing composites based on recycled PETP filled with wood flour by the depolymerisation of recycled polymer to polyol, the production of unsaturated polyester, and its subsequent polymerisation with filler into products. The mechanisms of the principal processes occurring in the production of the composite were examined. It was shown that the wood-filled composite produced could be processed by pressing to produce products such as boards, panels, trays and sheets. The properties of the composite (density, elastic modulus, elongation at break and impact strength) were compared with those of a traditional wood-plastic composite. 6 ref

    Chemistry for Sustainable Development 13 (2005) 603-610 Purification of Drainage Water from Dumps of Solid Household Wastes Using Calcium Oxide for Premembranous Treatment

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    Abstract Potentiality to use the process of treatment of drainage water from the dumps of solid household waste by calcium oxide as a method of premembranous preparation has been studied. The flow diagram has been developed for purification of drain age water with processing of the resulting slimes into marketable products. The suggested technology assumes the re-use of the obtained products in this technological process and their salvaging within other branches of the n ation al economy. Technological dependences of the variation in the baromembrane processes parameters after a prior reagent purification of drain age water from dumps have been obtained. Tests of a semiindustrial setup have been performed under field conditions

    Superconductors with Magnetic Impurities: Instantons and Sub-gap States

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    When subject to a weak magnetic impurity potential, the order parameter and quasi-particle energy gap of a bulk singlet superconductor are suppressed. According to the conventional mean-field theory of Abrikosov and Gor'kov, the integrity of the energy gap is maintained up to a critical concentration of magnetic impurities. In this paper, a field theoretic approach is developed to critically analyze the validity of the mean field theory. Using the supersymmetry technique we find a spatially homogeneous saddle-point that reproduces the Abrikosov-Gor'kov theory, and identify instanton contributions to the density of states that render the quasi-particle energy gap soft at any non-zero magnetic impurity concentration. The sub-gap states are associated with supersymmetry broken field configurations of the action. An analysis of fluctuations around these configurations shows how the underlying supersymmetry of the action is restored by zero modes. An estimate of the density of states is given for all dimensionalities. To illustrate the universality of the present scheme we apply the same method to study `gap fluctuations' in a normal quantum dot coupled to a superconducting terminal. Using the same instanton approach, we recover the universal result recently proposed by Vavilov et al. Finally, we emphasize the universality of the present scheme for the description of gap fluctuations in d-dimensional superconducting/normal structures.Comment: 18 pages, 9 eps figure