1,271 research outputs found

    Liquid-liquid equilibrium of water +1-butanol + amino acid (glycine or DL-alanine or L-leucine)

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    Amino acid play an important role both in animal metabolism and in industrial processes. Since they are rarely found in nature in free form, they must be obtained form hydrolisis of protein-containing materials, or by fermentation. These production methods often results in aqueouse mixtures containing various solutes included several types of amino acids. As a consequence, the cost of the separation processses and concentration of biomelecules from the media can be as high as 90 per cent of their total manufacturing cost

    Experimental and numerical simulation of single-phase flow in a micro heat spreader applied to the cold start of internal combustion engines fueled with ethanol

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    Paper presented to the 10th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics, Florida, 14-16 July 2014.This work presents the results of numerical simulations and experimental evaluation of a micro heat spreader applied to the cold start of internal combustion engines fuelled with ethanol. At low temperatures (below 11 °C), using only ethanol as fuel, engines are unable to start. So, it was adopted as solution in Brazil the use of gasoline to assist the first start. The gasoline is contained in an additional small reservoir implying on safety concerns. Additionally, the use of gasoline causes an increase of emissions compared with the use of only ethanol. Therefore, in the present study a micro heat spreader containing an electrical heater was developed in order to heat up the ethanol and permit the engine start under ambient temperatures down to -10 °C. Based on this, numerical simulations were performed using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) software to predict the thermal behaviour of the device. Then, based on these simulations, a micro heat spreader was fabricated and experimentally evaluated. Good agreement between experimental and simulated results was obtained. Based on the initial results, the heat spreader seems to attend the requirements of its application.dc201

    A new heligmonellid species (Nematoda) from oligoryzomys nigripes (Rodentia: Sigmodontinae) in the Atlantic Forest, Brazil

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    Fil: Souza, Joyce G.R.. Laboratório de Biologia e Parasitologia de Mamíferos Silvestres Reservatórios. Instituto Oswaldo Cruz. FIOCRUZ. Rio de Janeiro; BrazilFil: Digiani, María Celina. División Zoología Invertebrados. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. Universidad Nacional de La Plata; ArgentinaFil: Simäes, Raquel O.. Curso de Pós-GraduaçÆo em Ciências Veterinária. Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeir; BrazilFil: Luque, José L.. Departamento de Parasitologia Animal. Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro; BrazilFil: Rodrigues-Silva, Rosangela. Laboratório de Helmintos Parasitos de Vertebrados. Instituto Oswaldo Cruz. FIOCRUZ; BrazilFil: Maldonado, Arnaldo. Laboratório de Biologia e Parasitologia de Mamíferos Silvestres Reservatórios. Instituto Oswaldo Cruz. FIOCRUZ. Rio de Janeiro; Brazi

    Morfofisiologia do tecido intertubular e das células de Leydig de jaguatirica (Leopardus pardalis) adulta

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    Estudou-se o espaço intertubular e descreveu-se seu arranjo em jaguatirica adulta (Leopardus pardalis). Para tal, colheram-se fragmentos dos testículos, de cinco jaguatiricas adultas, provenientes de cativeiro, obtidos por biópsia incisional. O compartimento intertubular correspondeu a 19,4% do parênquima, sendo 3,9% ocupado por células de Leydig. Estes se apresentaram uninucleados, com o núcleo arredondado e nucléolo único, e com grande quantidade de grânulos pigmentares no citoplasma. O compartimento intertubular apresentou padrão do tipo II, e o tecido conjuntivo foi o componente mais abundante do tecido intertubular. Observou-se pequeno percentual de células de Leydig na espécie estudada, e o número médio por grama de testículo, 33,39 x106, apresentou-se dentro da amplitude descrita para a maioria dos mamíferos.The aim of this study was to do a quantitative investigation of the intertubular space and describe its arrangement in adult ocelots (Leopardus pardalis). In this experiment we used testicular fragments, obtained through biopsy from five adult ocelots maintained in captivity. The intertubular compartment corresponded to 19.4% of the testicular parenchyma, and 3.9% of this compartment was occupied by Leydig cells. The Leydig cells showed to be uninucleate, with rounded nuclei and single nucleoli, with a large amount of pigment granules in their cytoplasm. The intertubular compartment showed a clear pattern of type II and the conjunctive tissue was the most abundant component of the intertubular tissue. Despite the small unit volume of Leydig cells in adult ocelots, the average number per gram of testis (33.39 x106) was within the range described for most mammals

    WebSTAMP: a Web Application for STPA & STPA-Sec

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    STAMP (System-Theoretic Accident Model and Processes) techniques such as STPA (System- Theoretic Process Analysis) and STPA-Sec (STPA for Security) have been applied only in an adhoc manner, without the aid of tools. More recently, tools have been proposed to help the application of STPA and STPA-Sec. Most of the tools focus on user experience issues and do not cover all the aspects of STPA and STPA-Sec. Three aspects of tools are systematization, automation and analysis completeness. Systematization allows the analysis to be performed in a more disciplined way while automation allows a more time efficient analysis. Analysis’ completeness is the analysis coverage in a given domain. We identify the essential requirements supporting business and stakeholders' needs for a STAMP based tool. We propose a STAMPcompliant web application, named WebSTAMP, for STPA and STPA-Sec. WebSTAMP is intended to aid analysts throughout the analysis process in a more automated and comprehensive way, and it aims to be a collaborative tool. We illustrate how the requirements are implemented in the current version of WebSTAMP with an example of use. The results show that WebSTAMP assists analysts to conduct safety and security analyses in a more systematic, automated and comprehensive manner


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    Em ambientes de confluência, a dinâmica de transporte e deposição depende do controle exercido por cada canal. Nesse sentido o presente trabalho objetivou analisar a granulometria dos sedimentos transportados pelos rios Cabaçal e Paraguai. Para tanto se adotou trabalho de campo, laboratório e gabinete. A distribuição em seções transversais variou em areia fina e silte a exceção da foz do Cabaçal com areia média na margem direita, onde, no período de estiagem ocorre deposição em barra de pontal

    Fusarium wilt incidence and common bean yield according to the preceding crop and the soil tillage system

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate the effects of preceding crops and tillage systems on the incidence of Fusarium wilt (Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. phaseoli) and common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) yield. The cultivar BRS Valente was cultivated under center‑pivot irrigation in the winter seasons of 2003, 2004 and 2005, after several preceding crops established in the summer seasons. Preceding crops included the legumes Cajanus cajan (pigeon pea), Stylosanthes guianensis, and Crotalaria spectabilis; the grasses Pennisetum glaucum (millet), Sorghum bicolor (forage sorghum), Panicum maximum, and Urochloa brizantha; and a consortium of maize (Zea mays) and U. brizantha (Santa Fé system). Experiments followed a strip‑plot design, with four replicates. Fusarium wilt incidence was higher in the no‑tillage system. Higher disease incidences corresponded to lower bean yields in 2003 and 2004. Previous summer cropping with U. brizantha, U. brizantha + maize consortium, and millet showed the lowest disease incidence. Therefore, the choice of preceding crops must be taken into account for managing Fusarium wilt on irrigated common bean crops in the Brazilian Cerrado

    Dermatophylosis in Santa Inês sheep from Distrito Federal

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    Relataram-se quatro casos de dermatofilose em ovinos da raça Santa Inês, no período de um ano. Microscopicamente observaram-se filamentos na forma de "trilho de bonde" e zoósporos nos quatro casos. A tentativa do isolamento do microrganismo foi realizada por meio do método de Haalstra e em apenas um caso obteve-se sucesso, observando-se colônias de aparência lisa, formato circular, cor amarelada e hemolítica em ágar sangue. O exame direto com coloração de Gram mostrou-se um método bastante eficiente na confirmação da presença do microrganismo afetando a epiderme em razão da morfologia típica do agente.Four cases of dermatophylosis were reported in Santa Inês sheep in a study period of one year. Microscopically, septate filaments and coccoid forms zoospores were observed. Attempts to isolate the microorganisms were accomplished using Haastra's method and it was successful in only one case. Dermatophilus congolensis samples have grown on blood agar, colonies where hemolytic, small, round and pigmentation vary from yellow to orange. The gram staining method was efficient to confirm the presence of the microorganism affecting the epidermis due to typical morphology of the agent