1,812 research outputs found

    Origins of the Imperial and Secular Power according Ockham’s Political Thought

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    Neste artigo, fundamentado nos principais escritos de Guilherme de Ockham, O. Min. (c. 1285–1347), analisamos sua concepção a respeito das origens dos poderes imperial e secular. Ancorado no versículo paulino omnis potestas a Deo, mas ampliado, sed per homines e, igualmente, nas ideias dos confrades que o antecederam, os quais relacionaram entre si os conceitos proprietas e dominium, com vista a explicar as origens humanas dos mesmos, de um lado, ele rebate tanto a teoria hierocrata quanto a de Marsílio de Pádua, relativas ao tema em exame e, de outro, oferece sua contribuição ao mesmo, mediante a qual, nem o Império nem os Estados estão completamente subordinados à Igreja, nem esta está submissa ao poder terreno, porque, quanto às origens de ambos, a Igreja tem uma procedência divina e os Estados e o Império têm imediatamente uma origem humana e, ainda, porque nas esferas respectivas de atuação, os poderes espiritual e secular independem um do outro.In this article, based on the most important William of Ockham’s O. Min. (c. 1285 – 1347) writings, we analyze his ideias concerning the origins of the imperial and secular power. Founded in the Paul’s doctrine omnis potestas a Deo, but enlarged, per homines, and also on the ideas of his Franciscan brothers which lived before, which articulated the concepts of proprietas and domininum, in order to explain the human origins of the both, on the one hand, Ockham refuses not only the hierocratic theory, but also Marsilius of Padua thought about this subject, and, on the other hand, he offers his contribution for this subject, according with which, nor the Empire neither the Estates are completely subordinated to the Church, nor the Church is subordinated for the secular power, because, referring its origins, both, Church and Estates are different origins, the first has a divine proceeding, the others, are immediately a human provenance and, because, in its specific spheres of action the spiritual power and the secular power do not depend one of the other and vice versa.In this article, based on the most important William of Ockham’s O. Min. (c. 1285 – 1347) writings, we analyze his ideias concerning the origins of the imperial and secular power. Founded in the Paul’s doctrine omnis potestas a Deo, but enlarged, per homines, and also on the ideas of his Franciscan brothers which lived before, which articulated the concepts of proprietas and domininum, in order to explain the human origins of the both, on the one hand, Ockham refuses not only the hierocratic theory, but also Marsilius of Padua thought about this subject, and, on the other hand, he offers his contribution for this subject, according with which, nor the Empire neither the Estates are completely subordinated to the Church, nor the Church is subordinated for the secular power, because, referring its origins, both, Church and Estates are different origins, the first has a divine proceeding, the others, are immediately a human provenance and, because, in its specific spheres of action the spiritual power and the secular power do not depend one of the other and vice versa

    The efficient and final causes of the spiritual power in the D. Friar Álvaro Pais’ sigth

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    In this study, based in the main political works of D. Fr. Alvarus Pelagius O. Min. (c. 1270- c.1350) we analyze his conception on the origin or efficient cause of the spiritual power and, also, his thought about the finality or final cause of the mentioned power. Referring to the first topic, the Bishop of Silves wants principally refutes some Marsilius of Padua’s thesis contained in the Second Dictio of his Defensor Pacis, completely different of the theology of the catholic priesthood and their hierarchic degrees and the Peter’s Primacy. With this purpose, ad litteram, he bases, between other sources, specially, in James’ of Viterbo OSA De regimine christiano (1301). Concerning the finality of the spiritual power, on the one hand, Alvarus supports the Church’s traditional thought about this matter and, the other hand, by consequence, as member and defender of the hierocratic thought, he defends the thesis according which, in the Societas Christiana, the priests, the bishops and, principally, the Roman Pontiff hold the most important position concerning the secular rulers.In this study, based in the main political works of D. Fr. Alvarus Pelagius O. Min. (c. 1270- c.1350) we analyze his conception on the origin or efficient cause of the spiritual power and, also, his thought about the finality or final cause of the mentioned power. Referring to the first topic, the Bishop of Silves wants principally refutes some Marsilius of Padua’s thesis contained in the Second Dictio of his Defensor Pacis, completely different of the theology of the catholic priesthood and their hierarchic degrees and the Peter’s Primacy. With this purpose, ad litteram, he bases, between other sources, specially, in James’ of Viterbo OSA De regimine christiano (1301). Concerning the finality of the spiritual power, on the one hand, Alvarus supports the Church’s traditional thought about this matter and, the other hand, by consequence, as member and defender of the hierocratic thought, he defends the thesis according which, in the Societas Christiana, the priests, the bishops and, principally, the Roman Pontiff hold the most important position concerning the secular rulers.Neste estudo, com base nos principais escritos políticos de D. Frei Álvaro Pais O. Min. (c. 1270- c.1350) analisamos sua concepção a respeito da origem ou causa eficiente do poder espiritual e, igualmente, seu pensamento no tocante à finalidade ou causa final do referido poder. Quanto ao primeiro tópico, o Bispo de Silves quer principalmente refutar algumas das teses de Marsílio de Pádua contidas na 2ª Parte do seu Defensor da Paz, completamente opostas à teologia do sacerdócio católico e seus graus hierárquicos e à do Primado Petrino. Para tanto, quase literalmente, haure-se, entre outras fontes, particularmente no De regimine christiano (1301) de Tiago de Viterbo OSA. Com respeito à finalidade do poder sacerdotal, de um lado, Álvaro sustenta a doutrina tradicional da Igreja a seu respeito e, de outro, em conseqüência, como partidário da hierocracia, defende a tese de que na, Societas Christiana, os detentores do poder espiritual, particularmente o Sumo Pontífice, ocupam uma posição mais eminente em relação aos governantes seculares


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    This paper tries to explain the dynamics of Brazilian industrial catch-up in the last 60 years by discussing its background institutional conditions as well as its main macroeconomic features. After a brief introduction, the second section describes how after the institutional innovations introduced during the Vargas's and Kubitschek's administrations, a Brazilian version of the Developmental State was created, releasing the growth potential of the economy during the 1950s. The third section analyses the inflationary crisis and institutional inertia of the mid-1960s, and its solution through the introduction of a new of wave of institutional innovations and conflict management devices, which lead to the Brazilian growth miracle, until the debt crisis of early 1980s signaled its end. The fourth section analyses why the financial crisis, coupled with ineffective institutional changes and unsuccessful macroeconomic stabilization plans lead growth to a halt. It also includes an analysis of the pro-market reforms from the early 1990s onwards. The fifth section concludes the paper offering a brief sketch on how the analytical narrative fits the conceptual framework within which it was carried.

    Patrimônio cultural: como instrumento de ensino e sua implicação na aprendizagem

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    Orientação: Maria Neves GonçalvesThis work has as a goal to analyze the complexity in the conception of Cultural Historic Patrimony, mainly its relation with education and the teaching-learning process at schools. The theoretical contributions collaborate to explain the enlargement of the patrimony conception, in its historic and social context as important elements in the teaching- learning process, as well as in the construction of citizenship. To research the patrimony conceptions present in the school context, it will be used guiding documents from the school planning, as well as specific school documents, besides the realization of a target group joined with teachers and students from a public high school in Penedo town, Alagoas state, Brazil. As we explained the methodological procedures before, the research quests to find conceptions of culture and patrimony in its more traditional sense, as well as to work the concept of patrimony expanded within the school, from the extra classes and normal classes. We had the aim of providing a patrimonial education to the students. We gave value mainly to the historical and artistic monuments in Penedo town. The questions brought by the documents analyze and by the teachers’ reports displayed to be a big challenge to organize this knowledge and systematize it as a tool to improve the teaching-learning process at a public school.This work has as a goal to analyze the complexity in the conception of Cultural Historic Patrimony, mainly its relation with education and the teaching-learning process at schools. The theoretical contributions collaborate to explain the enlargement of the patrimony conception, in its historic and social context as important elements in the teaching- learning process, as well as in the construction of citizenship. To research the patrimony conceptions present in the school context, it will be used guiding documents from the school planning, as well as specific school documents, besides the realization of a target group joined with teachers and students from a public high school in Penedo town, Alagoas state, Brazil. As we explained the methodological procedures before, the research quests to find conceptions of culture and patrimony in its more traditional sense, as well as to work the concept of patrimony expanded within the school, from the extra classes and normal classes. We had the aim of providing a patrimonial education to the students. We gave value mainly to the historical and artistic monuments in Penedo town. The questions brought by the documents analyze and by the teachers’ reports displayed to be a big challenge to organize this knowledge and systematize it as a tool to improve the teaching-learning process at a public school

    Análise da avaliação de desempenho no Poder Judiciário brasileiro : um estudo de caso no Tribunal de Justiça do Acre

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    Monografia (graduação)—Ministério da Educação, Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior, Diretoria de Educação a Distância, Universidade Aberta do Brasil, Programa Nacional de Formação em Administração Pública, Universidade de Brasília, 2015.Na atualidade, muitas organizações públicas na busca pela eficiência, eficácia, qualidade, transparência e celeridade funcional têm se debruçado no uso de novas ferramentas tecnológicas que objetivam dar feedback adequado ao bom funcionamento organizacional. Associado a isto, acrescenta-se o reconhecimento e a valorização dos funcionários/servidores como peça fundamental nesse processo. Neste ínterim, insere-se a avaliação de desempenho como uma ferramenta em ascensão, de importância ímpar que tem contribuído para que a organização se comprometa e valorize cada vez mais a instituição e os funcionários/servidores. Neste contexto, tem-se como principal objetivo da pesquisa investigar os impactos da implementação da avaliação de desempenho no Tribunal de Justiça do Estado do Acre (TJAC). Para tanto, foi necessário realizar uma pesquisa de campo, em um estudo de caso, de natureza quantitativa. A coleta ocorreu através de documentos extraídos da internet, intranet e software, junto à instituição e, um questionário aplicado a 55 funcionários da alta administração da instituição pesquisada (2º grau do TJAC). Os resultados apurados apontam que os funcionários/servidores têm conhecimento da existência da lei que aborda a Gratificação por Alcance de Resultados, contudo, desconhecem a integra das resoluções que regulamentam essa gratificação. Todavia, reconhecem a importância das normatizações e do processo avaliativo para instituição. No geral, veem certa facilidade no uso da ferramenta GPWEB, no entanto, pontuam a falta de elementos para tornar os critérios de avaliação e remuneração mais claros e transparentes. Os pesquisados mencionam a falta de comunicação que possa auxiliar na compreensão e eficiência do processo/procedimento de avaliação, o que traz aspectos negativos, como a desmotivação, rejeição, não aceitação e desinteresse em não colaborar com os objetivos e metas institucionais. Por outro lado, os pesquisados ponderaram positivamente a satisfação com a avaliação de desempenho implementado pelo TJAC. Por fim, observou-se que a técnica utilizada gerou resultados satisfatórios que podem contribuir para o crescimento organizacional e funcional a todos os profissionais. Ademais, a organização tem sido inovadora e tem se destacado na nova gestão Administrativa. _________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTToday, many public organizations in the search for efficiency, effectiveness, quality, transparency and speed functional has been tackled in the use of new technological tools that aim to give appropriate feedback to good organizational functioning. Associated with this, there is the recognition and valuation of staff/servers as key part in this process. In the interim, it fits the performance evaluation as a tool in ascension, of paramount importance that has contributed to the organization undertakes and promotes increasingly the institution and the staff/servers. In the interim, it fits the performance evaluation as a tool in ascension, of paramount importance that has contributed to the organization undertakes and promotes increasingly the institution and the staff/servers. In this context, has as its main objective the research investigating the impacts of the implementation of the evaluation of performance of the Court of Justice of the State of Acre (TJAC). For both, it was necessary to perform a field research, in a case study of a quantitative nature. The data collection occurred through documents extracted from the internet, intranet and software, and from the institution, and a questionnaire to 55 employees of senior management of the institution surveyed (2nd degree of TJAC). The results indicate that the staff/servers has knowledge of the existence of the law that deals with the gratuity for Range of Results, however, are unaware of the integrates the resolutions that regulate this bonus. However, recognize the importance of norms and the evaluation process for institution. In general, you can see a certain ease of use of the tool GPWEB, however, emphasized the lack of elements to make the criteria of evaluation and remuneration more clear and transparent. Respondents mention the lack of communication that can assist in understanding and efficiency of process/evaluation procedure, which brings negative aspects such as motivation, rejection, acceptance and disinterest in does not cooperate with the objectives and institutional goals. On the other hand, the respondents have weighed positively the satisfaction with the performance assessment implemented by TJAC. Finally, it was observed that the technique used generated satisfactory results that may contribute to organizational growth and functional to all professionals. In addition, the organization has been innovative and has been highlighted in the new administration

    The effect of corporate and business strategies on the post-acquisition changes to a management control system: a case study of a successful Brazilian experience

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    A great number of merger and acquisitions (M&A) have taken place in the last decades, but studies have shown that many of them turn out to be unsuccessful transactions from the perspective of value generation. The post-acquisition management control system (MCS) has been pointed out in the literature as key both for strategy implementation and for the success of these transactions. The objective of the research herein described was to analyse the effect of the corporate and business strategies on the changes to an acquired company’s MCS. The analysis supports three major conclusions: (1) changes to the acquired company’s MCS were derived from the new results-oriented strategy introduced by the acquirer with the intent of turning the acquired company in the world leader in its industry within 10 years; (2) the implementation of such strategy implied modifications in production, financial and quality controls; and (3) there is a strong link between the post-acquisition MCS and the success of the new strategy introduced by the acquirer in the acquired company. The results of this field study expand the knowledge on the topic, contributing to reducing the research gap in the management literature

    El poder papal en el De Renuntiatione Papae de Pedro de Juan Olivi

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    Fil: Souza, José Antônio de C.R. de. Universidad Federal de Goiás , Brasil.The article analyses the first scholarly quaestio on Papal resignation. In this question it was discussed not only the problem of the Papal resignation, but also the grounds of that decision, namely, the Papal sovereignty, a polemic topic for scholars devoted to Medieval political thinking. The author of that quaestio was Peter John of Olivi. The goal of the article is to examine its author's conception of the pontifical plenitudo potestatis, that is, to evaluate the kind of power the Papal authority had and its influence on the ecclesiastical environment, a topic that up to that date had been mainly discussed by canonists and considered only tangentially by the majority of theologians


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    Os objetivos deste trabalho foram: a) propor e verificar a eficiência de um modelo matemático que permita estudar os efeitos do progresso tecnológico (redução dos custos) sobre a época ótima de substituir povoamentos de Eucalyptus spp; b) determinar a rotação florestal de um povoamento de Eucalyptus spp; c) verificar qual seria o momento de substituir se as receitas estivessem constantes desde o início dos incentivos fiscais, ou seja, na década de 60, e, d) projetar o momento de substituir o povoamento no futuro, considerando os custos decrescentes e a produtividade constante a valores de hoje. Utilizou-se a Função Gompertz para o cálculo da produção de madeira. O critério utilizado para a avaliação econômica da viabilidade dos projetos foi o Valor Presente Líquido. O modelo proposto permitiu calcular o efeito do progresso tecnológico nos custos no período entre 1960 e 2000 e projetar os valores dos custos para o período entre 2000 e 2040. Concluiu-se que: a) a rotação, com valores atuais, encontra-se, em 7 anos, mantidas as receitas da década de 60; b) o momento ótimo de reforma estaria em seis cortes; c) o modelo mostrou-se eficiente para estimativas em um horizonte de até 40 anos; o estudo da cadeia de substituição mostrou que as épocas ótimas de reforma caíram ao longo dos anos, de seis cortes na década de 60, três na década de 80 e dois atualmente; a tendência é permanecer nos dois cortes passando a três com um pequeno aumento na produtividade das talhadias

    Study of the optimal time for replacement of Eucalyptus spp. plantations – the case of costs reduction

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    Os objetivos deste trabalho foram: a) propor e verificar a eficiência de um modelo matemático que permita estudar os efeitos do progresso tecnológico(redução dos custos) sobre a época ótima de substituir povoamentos de Eucalyptus spp; b)determinar a rotação florestal de um povoamento de Eucalyptus spp; c) verificar qual seria o momento de substituir se as receitas estivessem constantes desde o início dos incentivos fiscais, ou seja, na década de 60, e, d)projetar o momento de substituir o povoamento no futuro, considerando os custos decrescentes e a produtividade constante a valores de hoje. Utilizou-se a Função Gompertz para o cálculo da produção de madeira. O critério utilizado para a avaliação econômica da viabilidade dos projetos foi o Valor Presente Líquido. O modelo proposto permitiu calcular o efeito do progresso tecnológico nos custos no período entre 1960 e 2000 e projetar os valores dos custos para o período entre 2000 e 2040. Concluiu-se que: a) a rotaçã o, com valores atuais, encontra-se, em 7 anos, mantidas as receitas da década de 60; b) o momento ótimo de reforma estaria em seis cortes; c) o modelo mostrou-se eficiente para estimativas em um horizonte de até 40 anos; o estudo da cadeia de substituição mostrou que as épocas ótimas de reforma caíram ao longo dos anos, de seis cortes na década de 60, três na década de 80 e dois atualmente; atendência é permanecer nos dois cortes passando a três com um pequeno. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThe objectives of this work were: a) to study the effects of cost reduction on the optimal replacement time of Eucalyptus plantations; b) to determine rotation age, keeping income constant and cost decreasing overtime; c) to verify the efficiency of a mathematical model for modelling technological progress effects; d) to verify which would be the substitution cicle if the income had been constant since the sixties; and, e) to project substitution time in the future, considering decreasing cost and constant income at today’ s values. Data from forest enterprises located in the Cerrado region were used. The Gompertz Function was employed to calculate timber yield. The economical evaluation method used was the Present Net Worth. The proposed model allowed calculating technological progress effect on costs in the 1960 - 2000 period and to project the cost values for the 2000 – 2040 period. It was concluded that: a)the rotation, with current values is 7 years; b) maintaining the income at the sixties levels, the optimal substitution cycle would be at 6 cuttings; c) the model proved to be efficient for estimates of up 40 years horizon; and, d) the substitution chain showed that the optimal substitution cycle went down along the years, from 6 cuttings in the sixties, 3 in the eighties and 2 currently; the future tendency is to stick with 2 cuttings, reaching 3 cuttings with increase in the coppice yields

    O Poder Papal no de renuntiatione papae de Pedro de João Olivi O. Min.

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    A renúncia do papa é um tema político medieval e contemporâneo, porque respeita à esfera tanto do supremo governo da Igreja, quanto do poder pontifício. Com efeito, nos últimos anos, inclusive recentemente, temos visto os meios de comunicação insistir na possibilidade de João Paulo I I vir a renunciar ao Papado, face ao agravamento do seu estado de saúde física, embora, ao completar 75 anos em 18 de maio de 1995, tivesse declarado que só deixaria a Sé Apostólica depois de morto. Por outro lado, no medievo, passou a ser discutido, não mais apenas pelos canonistas, mas também por teólogos, precisa e primeiramente, algum tempo depois que Celestino V, em 13 de dezembro de 1294, após ter ouvido a opinião dos cardeais e decretado que tal ato era perfeitamente válido e legal, tomou aquela decisão declarando "Eu, Celestino V papa, movido por razões legítimas (...) espontânea e livremente deixo o Papado e renuncio o cargo, a dignidade, o ônus e a honra (...), e onze dias mais tarde, o cardeal Benedito Caetani, veio a ser eleito papa, tomando o nome de Bonifácio VII I (1294-1303)