303 research outputs found

    Technical Report: Gingival Vein Punction: A New Simple Technique for Drug Administration or Blood Sampling in Rats and Mice

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    Blood collection or intravenous injection of substances in rats and mice are necessary for a wide variety of scientific studies. To date, several methods have been developed to access different vessels, according to the different research purpose. However, animal behavioural responses like stress, pain or traumatic injury during some procedures may influence subsequent results. In this technical report we demonstrate the advantages of using the labialis mandibularis vein route that, in addition, seems to prevent unnecessary animal suffering

    Introdução ao Roundtable Review do livro “Juca Paranhos: o Barão do Rio Branco”, de Luis Cláudio Villafañe Gomes Santos

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    Introduction to the Roundtable Review of the book “Juca Paranhos: The Baron of Rio Branco”, by Luis Cláudio Villafañe Gomes Santos (Villafañe, L.C. Juca Paranhos: o Barão do Rio Branco. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 2018, 560p.).Introdução ao Roundtable Review do Introdução ao Roundtable Review do livro “Juca Paranhos: o Barão do Rio Branco”, de Luis Cláudio Villafañe Gomes Santos (Villafañe, L.C. Juca Paranhos: o Barão do Rio Branco. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 2018, 560p.)


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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the trends of four climatic extremes indices related to minimum and maximum air temperatures and three related to precipitation in Minas Gerais state, Brazil, from 1961 to 2010. These indices were developed by the Expert Team on Climate Change Detection Monitoring and Indices (ETCCDMI) with the aim of subsidizing climate change on global, regional and local levels. Daily rainfall and temperature long-term series were obtained from the National Institute of Meteorology (INMET) for 47 municipalities, in different regions of the state. The analyzes were conducted considering the four seasons of the year based on the Mann-Kendall and linear regression tests. There was a significant trend towards change in the indices related to minimum (TNn; TNx) and maximum (TXn; TXx) temperatures all over the state. Precipitation indexes (R10mm, R20mm and SDII) have showed no significant changes. The increase in the TNn, TNx, TXn and TXx has been observed in all seasons, except for autumn, and the TNx index in the winter. Both minimum and maximum temperatures indices have showed increase in greatest part of Minas Gerais in the spring, evidencing an expressive heating in this season and a premature summer onset. In the autumn, there was a downward trend in all temperature indices, characterizing an anticipation of winter. In winter, there was an upward trend in the TNn index and downward of the TNx in almost the entire state, indicating a reduction in the frost occurrence possibility, especially in the South and Southeast regions. The highest rates were observed in the Mid-west and Northwest regions. For the TXx index, in the summer there were upward trends throughout the state, especially in the North. Thus, important consequences to the agriculture planning and zoning have taken place as well as a proliferation of arbovirus diseases, affecting the life quality of the population

    Liquid rocket combustion chamber acoustic characterization

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    Over the last 40 years, many solid and liquid rocket motors have experienced combustion instabilities. Among other causes, there is the interaction of acoustic modes with the combustion and/or fluid dynamic processes inside the combustion chamber. Studies have been showing that, even if less than 1% of the available energy is diverted to an acoustic mode, combustion instability can be generated. On one hand, this instability can lead to ballistic pressure changes, couple with other propulsion systems such as guidance or thrust vector control, and in the worst case, cause motor structural failure. In this case, measures, applying acoustic techniques, must be taken to correct/minimize these influences on the combustion. The combustion chamber acoustic behavior in operating conditions can be estimated by considering its behavior in room conditions. In this way, acoustic tests can be easily performed, thus identifying the cavity modes. This paper describes the procedures to characterize the acoustic behavior in the inner cavity of four different configurations of a combustion chamber. Simple analytical models are used to calculate the acoustic resonance frequencies and these results are compared with acoustic natural frequencies measured at room conditions. Some comments about the measurement procedures are done, as well as the next steps for the continuity of this research. The analytical and experimental procedures results showed good agreement. However, limitations on high frequency band as well as in the identification of specific kinds of modes indicate that numerical methods able to model the real cavity geometry and an acoustic experimental modal analysis may be necessary for a more complete analysis. Future works shall also consider the presence of passive acoustic devices such as baffles and resonators capable of introducing damping and avoiding or limiting acoustic instabilities


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    Aprovada a PEC do orçamento impositivo (Proposta de Emenda Constitucional no 358/2013) pelo Congresso Nacional, surge o seguinte questionamento: a impositividade da execução orçamentária pode contribuir para a melhoria da governança pública? Em resposta a esta questão, o objetivo deste estudo é analisar se a adoção do modelo de orçamento impositivo, no lugar do modelo autorizativo, pelas suas características, pode contribuir para o fortalecimento e aperfeiçoamento da governança pública. Metodologicamente, o trabalho é sustentado por pesquisa bibliográfica, exploratória e descritiva. Como resultado conclui-se que a utilização do modelo de orçamento impositivo tem a possibilidade de fortalecer e aperfeiçoar a governança pública, na medida em que tem o potencial de aumentar a participação democrática na programação e execução do orçamento, pois, pela sua característica impositiva, atrai a incidência dos princípios que formam a governança pública: 1) Efetividade; 2) Transparência; 3) Accountability; 4) Participação; 5) Equidade; 6) Conformidade Legal; 7) Integridade/Ética.

    Effect of fuels on the piston rings of the flexfuel engines / Efeito dos combustíveis nos anéis de pistão dos motores de combustível

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    This study describes the wear in piston rings of the internal combustion engines. The objective was to investigate, the rings wear between two engine groups, as gasoline, alcohol or blend fuel. The piston rings were acquired in a motor parts store and engine reconditioner, cataloged, identified, and chosen the samples with high mileage. The first step involved the measurement of height, thickness and ring outer diameter, to compare them with the original measurements of the manufacturers and make comparison between the groups, gasoline and flexfuel engine. In the second step, the rugosimetric parameters of the surface of the samples were checked with a rugosimeter. In the third step, a microscopic analysis was performed by a SEM for analysis of the contact surface coating of the piston rings. It was found that differences between the two groups of piston ring in respect to the wear. So, it was concluded that the wear of the rings of the two groups of engines are similar quantitatively, however, as for the rugosimetric analysis, a great variation was observed in the rings of the flexfuel motors qualitatively, when compared with the gasoline engines rings.

    Effect of betamethasone and diclofenac sodium on serum and tissue concentration of amoxicillin: in vivo study in rats

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    OBJECTIVE: Antimicrobial agents in combination with anti-inflammatory drugs have been usually prescribed in both Medicine and Dentistry. However, few scientific reports support this clinical practice. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of betamethasone and diclofenac sodium on serum and tissue concentration of amoxicillin in rats. METHODS: Four polyurethane sponges were implanted in the back skin of 48 rats. After seven days the animals were divided into 6 groups (n=8). Group 1: amoxicillin (25 mg/kg); G2: diclofenac sodium (2.5 mg/kg); G3: betamethasone (0.1 mg/kg); G4: diclofenac sodium and amoxicillin; G5: betamethasone and amoxicillin; and G6: 0.9% sodium chloride solution (1.0 mL - control group). All drugs were administered in a single dose. After 90 minutes, the granulomatous tissues of each animal were surgically removed and weighed. Blood was collected from cervical plexus, centrifuged and 10µL of serum was placed on paper discs. In order to estimate amoxicillin concentration, serum and granulomatous tissues were separately submitted to microbiological assay, which used 10(8)cfu/mL of Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923 (penicillin-susceptible strain). After incubation (18 hours, 37ºC) the inhibition zones were measured and compared to a regression curve. RESULTS: No inhibition zones were observed for groups 2, 3 and 6. Tissue and serum concentrations of both G1 (4.14µg/g and 2.06µg/mL, respectively) and G5 (3.87µg/g and 1.70µg/mL, respectively) showed statistically significant differences (Kruskal-Wallis, p;0.05). CONCLUSION: Considering single doses, betamethasone did not interfere with amoxicillin levels but diclofenac sodium reduced both tissue and serum levels of amoxicillin in rats.OBJETIVO: A prescrição de antimicrobianos associados a antiinflamatórios é uma prática comum em odontologia, embora na maioria das vezes não haja justificativa para tal conduta. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar, em um estudo in vivo em ratos, os efeitos da betametasona e do diclofenaco sódico nas concentrações sérica e tecidual da amoxicilina. MÉTODOS: Foram utilizados 48 ratos Wistar machos (6 grupos, n=8), com idade de 60 dias. Esponjas de PVC (policlorovinil) foram implantadas em quatro pontos no dorso de cada animal. Após sete dias, foram administrados por via intragástrica ou intramuscular: Grupo 1: amoxicilina (25 mg/kg); G2: diclofenaco sódico (2,5 mg/kg/i.m.); G3: betametasona (0,1 mg/kg/i.m.); G4: diclofenaco sódico e amoxicilina; G5: betametasona e amoxicilina; e G6: solução de cloreto de sódio a 0,9% (1,0 mL - grupo controle). Após 90 minutos, foram colhidos 2 tecidos granulomatosos e amostras séricas de cada animal e colocados em meios de cultura inoculados com 10(8) ufc/mL de Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923. Os halos de inibição foram medidos após 18 horas de incubação (37ºC), e através do teste microbiológico foram obtidas as concentrações séricas e teciduais da amoxicilina. RESULTADOS: Não foram observados halos de inibição para os grupos 2, 3 e 6. As concentrações séricas e teciduais de G1 (4,14µg/g e 2,06µg/mL, respectivamente) e G5 (3,87µg/g e 1,70µg/mL, respectivamente) demonstraram diferenças estatisticamente significantes (Kruskal-Wallis, p;0,05). CONCLUSÃO: Considerando uma dose única, a betametasona não interferiu nas concentrações sérica e tecidual de amoxicilina, enquanto o diclofenaco sódico reduziu as concentrações sérica e tecidual de amoxicilina em ratos

    Panbronquiolite difusa: uma doença subdiagnosticada? Estudo de quatro casos no Brasil

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    BACKGROUND: Diffuse panbronchiolitis is a clinical pathologic condition characterized by chronic inflammation of respiratory bronchioles, with clinical features that position it as a differential diagnosis among the sinopulmonary syndromes. METHODS AND RESULTS: We present 4 cases (1 Black, 2 Japanese descendants, and 1 Japanese), living in Brazil, in which the diagnosis was made by the clinical and radiological features and confirmed by transbronchial biopsy. The clinical findings included chronic sinusitis, productive cough, rhonchi, and wheezes. The pulmonary function tests showed an obstructive pattern. High resolution computerized tomography showed a diffuse nodular pattern, airway ectasia, and airway wall thickening. The biopsy showed interstitial accumulation of foam cells and lymphoid cells in the walls of respiratory bronchioles: 2 of our cases had bronchus-associated lymphoid tissue hyperplasia. We searched for the HLA Bw54 in all of our patients, but only 1 was positive. A low dose macrolide treatment was introduced, resulting in with clinical and functional improvement. A score that rated the extent of nodules, airway ectasia, mucus plugging, and airway wall thickening was applied on pre- and post-treatment High resolution computerized tomography results, revealing an improvement in tomographic pattern related to that observed in the pulmonary function tests. CONCLUSION: We conclude that diffuse panbronchiolitis is a systemic disease that is not exclusive to the Asian population, whose clinical and radiological features should be better known by occidental pulmonary physicians.INTRODUÇÃO: A Panbronquiolite Difusa é uma entidade clínico-patológica caracterizada pela inflamação crônica dos bronquíolos respiratórios e que, clinicamente, apresenta-se como diagnóstico diferencial das síndromes sino-pulmonares. MÉTODOS E RESULTADOS: Apresentamos 4 casos (um negro, dois descendentes de japoneses e um japonês), que moram no Brasil, nos quais a suspeita diagnóstica se baseou nos aspectos clínicos e radiológicos e foi confirmada através da biópsia transbrônquica. As principais características clínicas eram sinusite crônica, tosse produtiva, além da presença de roncos e sibilos. Os testes de função pulmonar evidenciaram um padrão obstrutivo. A tomografia de tórax de alta resolução demonstrou um padrão nodular difuso, além de ectasia e espessamento das paredes das vias aéreas. O exame histológico evidenciou acúmulo intersticial de macrófagos xantomatosos e infiltração de linfócitos na região dos bronquíolos respiratórios, sendo que 2 de nossos casos ainda apresentaram hiperplasia de tecido linfocitário associado aos brônquios. Investigamos a presença do HLA Bw54 nos quatro casos, sendo apenas um positivo. Após o diagnóstico, instituiu-se o tratamento com macrolídeos em dose baixa, tendo como resultado melhora clínica e funcional. Um escore que avalia a extensão do padrão nodular, a ectasia e o espessamento das vias aéreas e ainda o grau de impactação mucóide visíveis à tomografia foi utilizado pré e pós tratamento evidenciando uma melhora compatível com a observada à função pulmonar. CONCLUSÃO: Concluímos que a Panbronquiolite Difusa é uma doença sistêmica, não exclusiva da população oriental, cujas características clínicas e radiológicas devem ser melhor conhecidas pelos médicos ocidentais

    Phytochemical and physicochemical evaluation, and photoprotection, antioxidant, antifungal, and antibacterial activities of the floral extract of Schubertia grandiflora Mart. & Zucc. (Apocynaceae)

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    Schubertia grandiflora is a species belonging to the floral of the Cerrado domain, presented annually with aromatic flowers. The study aimed to evaluate the hydroethanolic floral extract of S. grandiflora for phytochemistry, physicochemical and photoprotection, antioxidant, antifungal and antibacterial activities. Fresh flowers were collected and the floral extract produced by maceration. Qualitative phytochemical tests were carried out for the main phytochemical classes, organoleptic physico-chemical parameters, extract mass, moisture content, pH, relative density, refractive index, phenolic and total flavonoid contents, color density, Hue tint, and tests biological factors for protection factor, DPPH free radical reduction activities, antifungal and antibacterial. Phytochemistry has demonstrated the presence of several groups of important metabolites mainly in pharmaceutical use, visual color of the citrus yellow floral extract, aromatic and homogeneous, extract mass = 12.57%, moisture content = 6.21%, pH = 5.85, refractive index = 1.4217 nD, relative density 0.9044 g mL-1 20 °C, total phenolics = 238.83 mg GAE 100 g-1 dried extract, total flavonoids = 17.93 mg QC 100 g-1 dried extract, color density = 1.05, Hue color = 8.24, protection factor UVA and UVC, antioxidant activity with CI50 = 9.44 µg mL-1. Antifungal activity demonstrated inhibition zone only for Candida tropicalis between 10-6 mm and for Candida krusei between 18-5 mm, and antibacterial for Escherichia coli between 13-7 mm, Pseudomonas aeruginosa between 21-5 mm and Enterococcus faecalis between 32-17 mm. The hydroethanolic floral extract of Schubertia grandiflora demonstrated potential biological activities, characterizing this natural product for the development of pharmaceutical, biological and agricultural formulations.Schubertia grandiflora es una especie perteneciente al dominio floral del Cerrado, presentada anualmente con flores aromáticas. El estudio tuvo como objetivo evaluar el extracto floral hidroetanólico de S. grandiflora para actividades fitoquímicas, fisicoquímicas y fotoprotectoras, antioxidantes, antifúngicas y antibacterianas. Se recolectaron flores frescas y el extracto floral se produjo por maceración. Se realizaron pruebas fitoquímicas cualitativas para las principales clases de fitoquímicos, parámetros físico-químicos organolépticos, masa de extracto, contenido de humedad, pH, densidad relativa, índice de refracción, contenido de fenólicos y flavonoides totales, densidad de color, tinte Hue, y pruebas de factores biológicos de protección. factor, DPPH actividades de reducción de radicales libres, antifúngico y antibacteriano. La fitoquímica ha demostrado la presencia de varios grupos de metabolitos importantes principalmente en uso farmacéutico, color visual del extracto floral amarillo cítrico, aromático y homogéneo, masa del extracto = 12,57%, contenido de humedad = 6,21%, pH = 5,85, índice de refracción = 1,4217 nD , densidad relativa 0.9044 g mL-1 20 ° C, fenólicos totales = 238.83 mg GAE 100 g-1 extracto seco, flavonoides totales = 17.93 mg QC 100 g-1 extracto seco, densidad de color = 1.05, color de tono = 8.24, factor de protección UVA y UVC, actividad antioxidante con CI50 = 9,44 µg mL-1. La actividad antifúngica demostró zona de inhibición solo para Candida tropicalis entre 10-6 mm y para Candida krusei entre 18-5 mm, y antibacteriana para Escherichia coli entre 13-7 mm, Pseudomonas aeruginosa entre 21-5 mm y Enterococcus faecalis entre 32-17 mm. El extracto floral hidroetanólico de Schubertia grandiflora demostró actividades biológicas potenciales, caracterizando este producto natural para el desarrollo de formulaciones farmacéuticas, biológicas y agrícolas.Schubertia grandiflora é uma espécie pertencente ao domínio floral do Cerrado, apresentada anualmente com flores aromáticas. O estudo teve como objetivo avaliar o extrato floral hidroetanólico de S. grandiflora quanto às atividades fitoquímica, físico-química e fotoproteção, antioxidante, antifúngica e antibacteriana. Flores frescas foram colhidas e o extrato floral produzido por maceração. Foram realizados testes fitoquímicos qualitativos para as principais classes fitoquímicas, parâmetros físico-químicos organolépticos, massa do extrato, teor de umidade, pH, densidade relativa, índice de refração, teor de flavonóides fenólicos e totais, densidade de cor, tonalidade e testes de fatores biológicos de proteção fator, atividades de redução do radical livre DPPH, antifúngica e antibacteriana. A fitoquímica tem demonstrado a presença de vários grupos de metabólitos importantes principalmente em uso farmacêutico, cor visual do extrato floral amarelo cítrico, aromático e homogêneo, massa do extrato = 12,57%, teor de umidade = 6,21%, pH = 5,85, índice de refração = 1,4217 nD , densidade relativa 0,9044 g mL-1 20 ° C, fenólicos totais = 238,83 mg GAE 100 g-1 extrato seco, flavonóides totais = 17,93 mg QC 100 g-1 extrato seco, densidade de cor = 1,05, cor de matiz = 8,24, fator de proteção UVA e UVC, atividade antioxidante com CI50 = 9,44 µg mL-1. A atividade antifúngica demonstrou zona de inibição apenas para Candida tropicalis entre 10-6 mm e para Candida krusei entre 18-5 mm, e antibacteriana para Escherichia coli entre 13-7 mm, Pseudomonas aeruginosa entre 21-5 mm e Enterococcus faecalis entre 32-17 mm. O extrato floral hidroetanólico de Schubertia grandiflora demonstrou potencial atividade biológica, caracterizando este produto natural para o desenvolvimento de formulações farmacêuticas, biológicas e agrícolas