1,049 research outputs found

    A Pesca nas Bacias dos rios Guaporé e baixo Mamoré, Amazônia brasileira

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    Este estudo apresenta informagoes sobre a pesca comercial na bacia do Guaporé e baixo Mamoré, caracterizando quali e quantitativamente a atividade pesqueira no trecho entre Guajará Mirim e Pimenteiras, no estado de Rondónia, norte do Brasil. Informagoes primárias e secundárias sobre a atividade pesqueira na regiao foram obtidas em cada colonia, com representantes do governo local e em fontes secundárias, a saber: identificagao das comunidades ribeirinhas que apresentavam tradição pesqueira e número de individuos em cada localidade; número de pescadores registrados em cada colonia de pescadores; número de barcos atuantes na frota pesqueira e suas características; principais pesqueiros; produgao pesqueira total e específica entre os anos de 1996 a 2009 (quando disponíveis). Os dados demonstram que a pesca na regiao tem caráter artesanal de pequena escala. A produgao pesqueira anual atual, estimada para a regiao, considerando os mercados de Guajará Mirim, Costa Marques e Pimenteiras é de 500t/ano, desembarcada em sua grande maioria no mercado de Guajará Mirim e oriunda principalmente de pescarlas realizadas no rio Guaporé e afluentes. A frota pesqueira é constituida principalmente por barcos com capacidade para 0,5 a 5 toneladas (N:41) e pequenas canoas motorizadas com capacidade para 300 a 500 kg (N:55). A pesca é multiespecífica, porém os peixes Characiformes migradores tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum), pirapitinga (Piaractus brachypomus), jaraqui (Semaprochilodus spp.), jatuarana (Brycon melanopterus), curimatá (Prochilodus nigricans) e Siluriformes surubim/caparari (Pseudoplatystoma fasciatum, P. tigrinum), filhote (Brachyplatystoma filamentosum), além do tucunaré (Cichla pleiozona) e do pirarucu (Araipama gigas) se destacaram na composição específica desembarcada. As informagoes técnicas geradas sao importantes para subsidiar agóes de ordenamento pesqueiro e diminuir os conflitos pesqueiros.En este estudio se presenta información sobre la pesca comercial de la cuenca del río Guaporé* y Bajo Mamoré, caracterizando la calidad y cantidad de la actividad pesquera en la zona entre Guajará Mirim y Pimenteiras, en el estado de Rondónia, norte del Brasil. La información sobre la actividad pesquera en la región fue obtenida en cada colonia con representantes del gobierno local y en base a fuentes secundarias, como son: identificación de comunidades ribereñas que presentan tradición pesquera y número de individuos en cada localidad; número de pescadores registrados en cada colonia de pescadores; número de embarcaciones actuales en la flota pesquera y sus características; principales zonas de pesca; producción pesquera total y específica entre los años 1996 y 2008 (en función a la disponibilidad). Los datos muestran que la actividad pesquera en la región es de carácter artesanal y de pequeña escala. La producción pesquera anual actual, estimada para la región considerando los mercados de Guajará Mirim, Costa Marques y Pimenteiras es de 500 t/año, desembarcada en su gran mayoría en el mercado de Guajará Mirim proveniente principalmente de las pesquerías realizadas en el río Guaporé y sus afluentes. La flota pesquera está constituida principalmente por barcos de capacidad de 0.5 a 5 toneladas (N=41) y pequeñas canoas motorizadas con capacidad de 300 a 500 kg (N=55). La pesca es multiespecífica para los peces Characiformes migradores como tambaquí (Colossoma macropomum), pirapitinga (Piaractus brachypomus), jaraquí (Semaprochilodus spp.), jatuarana (Brycon melanopterus), curimatã (Prochilodus nigricans) y Siluriformes como sorubim/caparari (Pseudoplatystoma fasciatum, P. tigrinum) y filhote (Brachyplatystoma filamentosum). Además se destacaron dentro de la composición pesquera el tucunaré (Cichla pleiozona) y el pirarucú (Arapaima gigas). La información técnica generada es importante para subsidiar las acciones de ordenamiento pesquero y disminuir los conflictos pesqueros en la región.* Guaporé es el nombre brasilero del río denominado Iténez en Bolivia.This study presents qualitative and quantitative data on commercial fisheries in the Guaporé* and Lower Mamoré rivers between the cities of Guajará Mirin and Pimenteiras, located in the State of Rondónia, northern Brazil. Primary and secondary data on regional fishing activities were obtained in each fishermen colony and from local authorities. We identified river communities that use traditional fishing practices and registered number of habitants, number of fishermen in each colony, number of active boats in each fishing fleet, boat characteristics and main fishing grounds. Total fish production and a breakdown of data at species level are presented for the years 1996 to 2008 (when available). The data show that fishing in the region is small-scale and practiced in an artisanal way. The annual estimated fish production for the region, based on data obtained from the fishing markets of the cities of Guajará Mirim, Costa Marques and Pimenteiras, is 500 tons/year. The larger part of the catch is landed at the market of Guajará Mirin and is caught mainly in the Guaporé river and its tributaries. The fishing fleet consists of boats with a capacity of between 0,5 and 1 tons (N=41) and small motorized canoes with a capacity of 300 to 500 kg (N=55). Catches are multi-species but migratory fishes such as tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum), pirapitinga (Piaractus brachypomus), jaraqui (Semaprochilodus spp.), jatuarana/matrincha (Brycon melanopterus), curimatã (Prochilodus nigricans) and Siluriformes surubim/caparari (Pseudoplatystoma fasciatum, P. tigrinum), filhote (Brachyplatystoma filamentosum) are dominant. Some resident fish species, such as tucunaré (Cichla pleizona) and pirarucú (Araipama gigas) are also important in the catch. The data presented represent a basis for future actions aiming at fisheries management and reduction of fisheries conflicts.* The Iténez river is known as Guaporé river in Brasil

    Mixedness and entanglement for two-mode Gaussian states

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    We analytically exploit the two-mode Gaussian states nonunitary dynamics. We show that in the zero temperature limit, entanglement sudden death (ESD) will always occur for symmetric states (where initial single mode compression is z0z_0) provided the two mode squeezing r0r_0 satisfies 0<r0<1/2log(cosh(2z0)).0 < r_0 < 1/2 \log (\cosh (2 z_0)). We also give the analytical expressions for the time of ESD. Finally, we show the relation between the single modes initial impurities and the initial entanglement, where we exhibit that the later is suppressed by the former.Comment: Accepted for publication in Optics Communication

    Adequação de uma cidade à smart city com a implementação de um fablab – uma fabcity

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    Estima-se que mais de 50% da população mundial vive em áreas urbanas e a projeção é que até o ano de 2030 esse número ultrapasse a casa dos 60%. Outro dado interessante é que cerca de metade da população mundial reside nas chamadas cidades de médio porte (aquelas com até 500 mil habitantes), e muitas das cidades que apresentam esse crescimento urbano são estes estabelecimentos urbanos menores. Essas cidades enfrentarão grandes desafios já que é previsto que 95% desse crescimento urbano programado aconteça nelas. Devido ao crescimento das cidades, torna-se cada vez maior a demanda por soluções para problemas mais críticos da sociedade devido à falta de planejamento urbano e recursos cada vez mais escassos e para resolução desses problemas sociais, o conceito de Smart city está sendo disseminado pelo mundo com o objetivo de propor soluções inteligentes para as diversas áreas como: saúde, educação e segurança. Ao contrario do que muitos acreditam, estudos recentes apontam que uma cidade só se torna inteligente quando a relação entre governança e seus habitantes tornam-se mais estreitas, promovendo uma troca de conhecimento de parte a parte. O objetivo do presente trabalho é a elaboração de um documento elencando os procedimentos necessários primeiramente para a criação de um FabLab aberto ao público para que as pessoas tenham um lugar para acolher, desenvolver e prototipar suas ideias com o intuito de melhorar a sociedade em que vivem e posteriormente fazer com que a cidade se torne uma cidade inteligente utilizando o FabLab como seu principal meio de desenvolvimentos de ideias que beneficiem de maneira imediata a vida das pessoas (FabCity).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    You Can't Get Through Szekeres Wormholes - or - Regularity, Topology and Causality in Quasi-Spherical Szekeres Models

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    The spherically symmetric dust model of Lemaitre-Tolman can describe wormholes, but the causal communication between the two asymptotic regions through the neck is even less than in the vacuum (Schwarzschild-Kruskal-Szekeres) case. We investigate the anisotropic generalisation of the wormhole topology in the Szekeres model. The function E(r, p, q) describes the deviation from spherical symmetry if \partial_r E \neq 0, but this requires the mass to be increasing with radius, \partial_r M > 0, i.e. non-zero density. We investigate the geometrical relations between the mass dipole and the locii of apparent horizon and of shell-crossings. We present the various conditions that ensure physically reasonable quasi-spherical models, including a regular origin, regular maxima and minima in the spatial sections, and the absence of shell-crossings. We show that physically reasonable values of \partial_r E \neq 0 cannot compensate for the effects of \partial_r M > 0 in any direction, so that communication through the neck is still worse than the vacuum. We also show that a handle topology cannot be created by identifying hypersufaces in the two asymptotic regions on either side of a wormhole, unless a surface layer is allowed at the junction. This impossibility includes the Schwarzschild-Kruskal-Szekeres case.Comment: zip file with LaTeX text + 6 figures (.eps & .ps). 47 pages. Second replacement corrects some minor errors and typos. (First replacement prints better on US letter size paper.

    Growth inhibitory effects of 3′-nitro-3-phenylamino nor-beta-lapachone against HL-60: A redox-dependent mechanism

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    AbstractIn this study, the cytotoxicity, genotoxicity and early ROS generation of 2,2-dimethyl-(3H)-3-(N-3′-nitrophenylamino)naphtho[1,2-b]furan-4,5-dione (QPhNO2) were investigated and compared with those of its precursor, nor-beta-lapachone (nor-beta), with the main goal of proposing a mechanism of antitumor action. The results were correlated with those obtained from electrochemical experiments held in protic (acetate buffer pH 4.5) and aprotic (DMF/TBABF4) media in the presence and absence of oxygen and with those from dsDNA biosensors and ssDNA in solution, which provided evidence of a positive interaction with DNA in the case of QPhNO2. QPhNO2 caused DNA fragmentation and mitochondrial depolarization and induced apoptosis/necrosis in HL-60 cells. Pre-treatment with N-acetyl-l-cysteine partially abolished the observed effects related to the QPhNO2 treatment, including those involving apoptosis induction, indicating a partially redox-dependent mechanism. These findings point to the potential use of the combination of pharmacology and electrochemistry in medicinal chemistry

    Nonlinear Spinor Fields and its role in Cosmology

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    Different characteristic of matter influencing the evolution of the Universe has been simulated by means of a nonlinear spinor field. Exploiting the spinor description of perfect fluid and dark energy evolution of the Universe given by an anisotropic Bianchi type-VI, VI0_0, V, III, I or isotropic Friedmann-Robertson-Walker (FRW) one has been studied. It is shown that due to some restrictions on metric functions, initial anisotropy in the models Bianchi type-VI, VI0_0, V and III does not die away, while the anisotropic Bianchi type-I models evolves into the isotropic one.Comment: 22 pages, 12 Figure

    Prevalence And Risk Factors For Bovine Tuberculosis In The State Of São Paulo, Brazil

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    A cross sectional study was carried out between May and November 2011 to investigate the epidemiological situation of bovine tuberculosis (bTB) in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. The state was divided into seven regions. Three hundred farms from each region, with reproductive activity, were randomly chosen and included as primary sample units. A fixed number of bovine females, older than 2 years of age, were randomly selected and tested, using the comparative cervical tuberculin test. An epidemiological questionnaire based survey was conducted in the selected farms. Our results show that in the state of São Paulo, the apparent prevalence of positive farms was 9% (95% confidence interval, 95% CI = 7.8 - 10.5%). The prevalence in the individual regions varied between 3.5% (95% CI = 1.7 - 6.8%) and 13.9% (95% CI = 10.2 - 18.8%). The apparent prevalence of positive animals in the state was 1.3% (95% CI = 0.9 - 1.7%) and varied from 0.3% (95% CI = 0.2 - 0.6%) to 2.5% (95% CI = 1.4 - 4.5%) in the regions. The risk factors associated with tuberculosis in the state were (i) number of adult females in a herd is = 24 (Odds ratio, OR = 1.91, 95% CI = 1.32 - 2.75), (ii) type of farm enterprise (dairy: OR = 2.70, 95% CI = 1.40 - 5.21; mixed: OR = 2.03, 95% CI = 1.08 - 3.82), (iii) milking process (milking parlor: OR = 4.12, 95% CI = 1.46 - 11.64; portable milking machine: OR = 2.94, 95% CI = 1.42 - 6.09), and (iv) pasture sharing (OR = 1.58, 95% CI = 1.07 - 2.33). The state of São Paulo should implement a structured surveillance system to detect and mitigate the disease. Further, an efficient animal health education program, which encourages the farmers to test replacement animals for bTB prior to introduction in their herds and to avoid pasture sharing with farms of unknown sanitary conditions should also be implemented.3753673368