4,157 research outputs found

    Influence of 1-Methylcyclopropene on the biochemical response and ripening of ‘solo' papayas

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    The market demand for tropical fruits has been growing steadily over the past two decades and global papaya production has grown significantly over the last few years. This sector, however, suffers greatly from postharvest losses due to reduced quantity and quality of fruits between harvest and consumption. The use of ethylene inhibitors after harvest could improve the final quality of the fruit to satisfy the consumer and also minimize waste. The physiological and biochemical responses of ‘Solo’ papayas treated with the ethylene inhibitor 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP) to extend storage shelf life and maintain quality during long-term storage are deeply discussed in this study. Papaya fruits arrived at Cranfield University (CU) and received a 24 h 1-MCP, being stored at 20 ºC for 10 days. The ethylene inhibitor 1-MCP application significantly delayed ‘Solo’ papaya ripeness on fruit storage by reducing respiration rate and ethylene production. There was a delay from 7 days in fruit firmness loss and the retention of green peel colour was increased. Inhibition of ethylene perception by 1-MCP did not prevent the accumulation of sugars and the mean values were similar and higher than those found for control fruits, which are possibly due to the lower reaction speed, leading to a higher accumulation

    Energy and Cost Analysis of Cellular Networks Under Co-Channel Interference

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    In this paper we carry out an energy efficiency and economic cost analysis of different cellular network designs. Our system model considers the co-channel interference, different amounts of available bandwidths and also the reuse of frequencies. The energy efficiency analysis employs a realistic power consumption model, while the economic analysis focus on infrastructure, spectrum licenses, and energy costs. Our results show that from an economic point of view the bandwidth cost and the number of employed base stations can be the most relevant factors to be balanced, while from an energy efficiency analysis it is more interesting to employ larger bandwidths and to balance the reuse of frequencies and the number of base stations. Moreover, although the system design under these two different points of view can be rather different, we also look into scenarios when the most energy efficient system design may also lead to the best economic option

    Exotic looped trajectories via quantum marking

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    We provide an analytical and theoretical study of exotic looped trajectories (ELTs) in a double-slit interferometer with quantum marking. We use an excited Rydberg-like atom and which-way detectors such as superconducting cavities, just as in the Scully-Englert-Walther interferometer. We indicate appropriate conditions on the atomic beam or superconducting cavities so that we determine an interference pattern and fringe visibility exclusive from the ELTs. We quantitatively describe our results for Rubidium atoms and propose this framework as an alternative scheme to the double-slit experiment modified to interfere only these exotic trajectories.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure


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    The care service to the elderly community in the metropolitan region of Ceilândia has been the subject of social discussions about the precariousness and lack of public resources to meet the region's quantity. In this scenario, we investigated the reality of long-term public and private institutions and religious institutes, in order to verify the preventive and palliative actions of the physical, psychic, social and emotional care system. It was observed that the elderly of long-term services in public institutions had contradictory feelings of well-being and psychological distress, to the detriment of the feeling of loneliness and abandonment by the absence of family in their daily lives and precariousness of the services offered. In contrast, the elderly in private and religious institutions verbalize the feeling of emptiness caused by the daily living of family members, but the recreational and social activities keep them alive and emotionally stable. This work is relevant for the elderly community in understanding social bottlenecks, within the legal right of the elderly, in guaranteeing rights to housing, food and housing. The objective was to present an overview of the practical perspective of the actions of welcoming, recreation and rest of the elderly in situations of vulnerability and social risk in the institutional context, since family abandonment is one of the causes that affect physical and psychosocial health, triggering diseases. like anxiety and depression. From the social point of view, the discussion of public social assistance policies regarding the care service to the elderly community is fundamental, given that the Brazilian population is aging, and this theme has been neglected by the responsible public health agencies. . For the scientific community, the study is significant as a guide for future research in the social area. It is a descriptive and exploratory research about the investigated field.El servicio de atención a la comunidad de ancianos en la región metropolitana de Ceilândia ha sido objeto de debates sociales sobre la precariedad y la falta de recursos públicos para satisfacer la cantidad de la región. En este escenario, investigamos la realidad de las instituciones públicas y privadas e institutos religiosos a largo plazo, a fin de verificar las acciones preventivas y paliativas del sistema de atención física, psíquica, social y emocional. Se observó que los ancianos de servicios a largo plazo en instituciones públicas tenían sentimientos contradictorios de bienestar y angustia psicológica, en detrimento del sentimiento de soledad y abandono por la ausencia de la familia en su vida cotidiana y la precariedad de los servicios ofrecidos. En contraste, los ancianos en instituciones privadas y religiosas verbalizan el sentimiento de vacío causado por la vida diaria de los miembros de la familia, pero las actividades recreativas y sociales los mantienen vivos y emocionalmente estables. Este trabajo es relevante para la comunidad de ancianos en la comprensión de los cuellos de botella sociales, dentro del derecho legal de los ancianos, en la garantía de los derechos a la vivienda, la alimentación y la vivienda. El objetivo fue presentar una visión general de la perspectiva práctica de las acciones de acogida, recreación y descanso de las personas mayores en situaciones de vulnerabilidad y riesgo social en el contexto institucional, ya que el abandono familiar es una de las causas que afectan la salud física y psicosocial, desencadenando enfermedades. como ansiedad y depresión. Desde el punto de vista social, la discusión de las políticas públicas de asistencia social con respecto al servicio de atención a la comunidad de ancianos es fundamental, dado que la población brasileña está envejeciendo, y este tema ha sido descuidado por las agencias responsables de salud pública. . Para la comunidad científica, el estudio es significativo como guía para futuras investigaciones en el área social. Es una investigación descriptiva y exploratoria sobre el campo investigado.O serviço de atendimento à comunidade de idosos na região metropolitana de Ceilândia tem sido pauta de discussões sociais sobre a precariedade e falta de recursos públicos para atender o quantitativo da região. Neste panorama, investigou-se a realidade das instituições de longa permanência, de natureza pública, privada e institutos religiosos, a fim de verificar as ações preventivas e paliativas do sistema de atendimento físico, psíquico, social e emocional. Observou- se que os idosos dos serviços de longa permanência em instituições públicas apresentaram sentimentos contraditórios de bem-estar e sofrimento psíquico, em detrimento do sentimento de solidão e abandono pela ausência familiar em seu cotidiano e precariedade dos serviços ofertados. Em contrapartida, os idosos de instituições privadas e religiosas verbalizam o sentimento de vazio ocasionado pela convivência diária dos familiares, contudo as atividades recreativas e sociais os mantém vivos e emocionalmente estável. Este trabalho é relevante para a comunidade idosa na compreensão dos gargalos sociais, no âmbito do direito legal do idoso, na garantia de direitos à moradia, alimentação e habitação. Objetivou-se apresentar um panorama da perspectiva prática das ações de acolhimento, recreação e repouso de idosos em situações de vulnerabilidade e risco social no contexto institucional, uma vez que o abandono familiar é uma das causas que afetam a saúde física e psicossocial, desencadeando doenças como ansiedade e depressão. Sob a ótica social, é fundamental a discussão das políticas públicas de assistência social, no que tange o serviço de atendimento à comunidade de idosos, tendo em vista que a população Brasileira está envelhecendo, e este tema tem sido negligenciado pelos órgãos responsáveis de saúde pública. Para a comunidade cientifica, o estudo é significativo como norteador de futuras pesquisas na área social. Trata-se de uma pesquisa descritiva e exploratória acerca do campo investigado

    Analysis of the biofilm proteome of Xylella fastidiosa

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p><it>Xylella fastidiosa </it>is limited to the xylem of the plant host and the foregut of insect vectors (sharpshooters). The mechanism of pathogenicity of this bacterium differs from other plant pathogens, since it does not present typical genes that confer specific interactions between plant and pathogens (avr and/or hrp). The bacterium is injected directly into the xylem vessels where it adheres and colonizes. The whole process leads to the formation of biofilms, which are considered the main mechanism of pathogenicity. Cells in biofilms are metabolically and phenotypically different from their planktonic condition. The mature biofilm stage (phase of higher cell density) presents high virulence and resistance to toxic substances such as antibiotics and detergents. Here we performed proteomic analysis of proteins expressed exclusively in the mature biofilm of <it>X. fastidiosa </it>strain 9a5c, in comparison to planktonic growth condition.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We found a total of 456 proteins expressed in the biofilm condition, which correspond to approximately 10% of total protein in the genome. The biofilm showed 37% (or 144 proteins) different protein than we found in the planktonic growth condition. The large difference in protein pattern in the biofilm condition may be responsible for the physiological changes of the cells in the biofilm of <it>X. fastidiosa</it>. Mass spectrometry was used to identify these proteins, while real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction monitored expression of genes encoding them. Most of proteins expressed in the mature biofilm growth were associated with metabolism, adhesion, pathogenicity and stress conditions. Even though the biofilm cells in this work were not submitted to any stress condition, some stress related proteins were expressed only in the biofilm condition, suggesting that the biofilm cells would constitutively express proteins in different adverse environments.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We observed overexpression of proteins related to quorum sensing, proving the existence of communication between cells, and thus the development of structuring the biofilm (mature biofilm) leading to obstruction of vessels and development of disease. This paper reports a first proteomic analysis of mature biofilm of <it>X. fastidiosa</it>, opening new perspectives for understanding the biochemistry of mature biofilm growth in a plant pathogen.</p

    Recovery and partitioning of fibrinolytic protease from Bacillus sp. UFPEDA 485 by aqueous two-phase systems

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    Fibrinolytic proteases produced by Bacillus sp. has attracted interest in the pharmaceutical industry as a promising alternative in thrombolytic therapy due to their effectiveness in degrading fibrin, its production requiring the development of an efficient recovery process. Aqueous two-phase systems (ATPS) have been recognized as an efficient and economical process for recovering enzymes. To optimize the recovery of fibrinolytic protease from the fermentation broth of Bacillus sp. UFPEDA 485, a 23 full factorial design was used to evaluate the influence of the three independent variables PEG molar mass (MPEG), PEG concentration (CPEG) and sodium sulfate concentration (CNa2SO4) on the partition coefficient (K), purification factor (PF) and yield recovery (Y) of fibrinolytic protease in PEG/Na2SO4 aqueous two-phase system. For all ATPS studied, enzymes partitioned to the top phase and the highest extraction was obtained for MPEG 6000 g.mol-1, CPEG 24 % (w/w) and CNa2SO4 11.6 % (w/w) with K = 5.03; PF = 3.30; Y = 91.40% and Fibrinolytic activity in the top phase 821 U.mL-1. Findings reported here show that ATPS composed of PEG/Na2SO4 is a valuable strategy for the extraction of fibrinolytic protease and can be considered a promising method for the extraction of enzymes in industrial scale

    Essential role of the czc determinant for cadmium, cobalt and zinc resistance in Gluconacetobacter diazotrophicus PAl 5

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    The mechanisms of cadmium, cobalt and zinc resistance were characterized in the plant-growth-promoting bacterium Gluconacetobacter diazotrophicus PAl 5. The resistance level of the wild-type strain was evaluated through the establishment of minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC) of the soluble compounds CdCl2&middot;H2O, CoCl2&middot;6H2O and ZnCl2. Gluconacetobacter diazotrophicus PAl 5 was resistant to high concentrations of Cd, Co and Zn, with MICs of 1.2, 20 and 20 mM, respectively. Screening of an insertion library from transposon EZ-Tn5&lt;R6Kyori/KAN-2&gt; in the presence of ZnO revealed that the mutant GDP30H3 was unable to grow in the presence of the compound. This mutant was also highly sensitive to CdCl2&middot;H2O, CoCl2&middot;6H2O and ZnCl2. Molecular characterization established that the mutation affected the czcA gene, which encodes a protein involved in metal efflux. In silico analysis showed that czcA is a component of the czcCBARS operon together with four other genes. This work provides evidence of the high tolerance of G. diazotrophicus PAl 5 to heavy metalsand that czc is a determinant for metal resistance in this bacterium. [Int Microbiol 2012; 15(2):69-78