99 research outputs found

    A ditadura militar em londrina desenvolvida por meio de aula oficina

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    Anais do II Seminário Seminário Estadual PIBID do Paraná: tecendo saberes / organizado por Dulcyene Maria Ribeiro e Catarina Costa Fernandes — Foz do Iguaçu: Unioeste; Unila, 2014O presente trabalho aborda a metodologia da Aula Oficina, com o uso de evidências, como possibilidade de intervenção em aulas de história no ensino fundamental, a partir dos pressupostos teóricos do Ensino de História no campo da Educação Histórica conforme Isabel Barca (2004). O processo de construção das aulas contou com vários encontros entre professores coordenadores, professores supervisores e graduandos do Pibid- História -UEL, observação e intervenção em sala de aula do Colégio Estadual Tsuru Oguido, Londrina-Paraná. Verifica-se que a Aula Oficina possibilita ao professor uma maior interação e dinamiza a abordagem dos conceitos substantivos e de segunda ordem visando à formação da consciência histórica dos jovens em idade de escolarização a partir da cognição histórica situad

    Intestinal parasites in a quilombola community of the Northern State of Espírito Santo, Brazil

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    O objetivo do presente estudo foi determinar a ocorrência de parasitos intestinais em população quilombola do Norte do Espírito Santo. Descendentes de escravos que chegaram ao Brasil a partir do século XVI, essa população estabeleceu-se no município de São Mateus no ano de 1858. Entre agosto de 2009 e julho de 2010, amostras fecais de 82 indivíduos que aceitaram participar do trabalho foram coletadas, a fresco, e, imediatamente, encaminhadas ao Laboratório de Análises Clínicas do Centro Universitário Norte do Espírito Santo da Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo para análise. Do total de participantes, 36 (43,9%) eram do sexo masculino e 46 (56,1%) do sexo feminino, cujas idades variaram de seis a 85 anos. O estudo de ocorrência das enteroparasitoses indicou que 35 indivíduos (42,7%) apresentaram-se infectados por pelo menos um parasito intestinal. Entre os helmintos, os mais frequentes foram os ancilostomídeos com taxa de 14,6%. Com relação aos protozoários, destacaram-se Entamoeba coli, Entamoeba histolytica/Entamoeba dispar e Endolimax nana com 23,2%, 8,5% e 4,9%, de frequência, respectivamente. A ocorrência de biparasitismo foi verificada em 13 dos 82 participantes do estudo, o que representa 15,8% e não foram observados casos de poliparasitismo. Conclui-se que a redução dos índices de parasitoses intestinais somente será alcançada com a melhoria das condições de saneamento básico e da qualidade de vida da população quilombola.The aim of this study was to determine the occurrence of intestinal parasites in a quilombola community from the northern Espírito Santo, Brazil. Descendants of slaves who arrived in Brazil in the sixteenth century, this population settled in the municipality of São Mateus in 1858. Fresh fecal samples from 82 individuals who agreed to participate in the study were collected between August 2009 and July 2010, and immediately sent to the Clinical Laboratory of the Centro Universitário Norte do Espírito Santo of the Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo for analysis. Out of all the participants, 36 (43.9%) were male and 46 (56.1%) were female, whose ages ranged from six to 85 years. The study of the occurrence of intestinal parasites indicated that 35 individuals (42.7%) were infected with at least one intestinal parasite. Among helminths, the most frequent were hookworms, with a rate of 14.6%. With regard to protozoa, Entamoeba coli, Entamoeba histolytica/Entamoeba dispar and Endolimax nana stood out, with frequencies of 23.2%, 8.5% and 4.9%, respectively. The occurrence of biparasitism was observed in 13 of the 82 subjects, accounting for 15.8%, and no cases of multiple parasitic infections were observed. It was concluded that the reduction of cases of intestinal diseases due to parasites will only be achieved with the improvement of basic sanitation and quality of life of quilombola populations


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    O objetivo da pesquisa foi avaliar o efeito do tempo de estocagem e da temperatura de refrigeração sob a contagem de microrganismos psicrotróficos e psicrotróficos pro­teolíticos em amostras de leite cru refrigerado. No período de agosto a setembro de 2005 coletaram-se 34 amostras de leite cru refrigerado de tanques de expansão, sendo 29 individuais e cinco coletivos. Para a coleta das amostras seguiu-se uma rota determinada pela indústria localizada na macrorregião de Goiânia, GO. Para a avaliação microbiológica, foi rea­lizada a contagem-padrão em placas de microrganismos psicrotróficos e psicrotróficos proteolíticos. Para a determinação e quantificação do caseinomacropeptídeo (CMP), adotou-se a metodologia proposta em BRASIL (1991). A contagem de microrganismos psicrotróficos e psicrotróficos proteolíticos aumentou com o tempo de estocagem do leite cru refrigerado. Observou-se o funcionamento inadequado do termostato dos tanques de expansão, podendo ocasionar prejuízos principalmente ao produtor de leite. Não foi constatada a presença de CMP pela cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência. PALAVRAS-CHAVES: Leite in natura, proteólise, Pseudomonas spp

    Effect of whey storage on physicochemical properties, microstructure and texture profile of ricotta cheese

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    The aim of this study is to evaluate the effect of whey storage period (0, 24, 48 and 72 h) on the physicochemical parameters, color, texture and microstructure of fresh ricotta during storage. Sweet whey and acid whey were evaluated based on titratable acidity, pH, fat, cryoscopy, and density, while ricotta was based on yield, fat, protein, ash, acidity, pH, moisture, total solids, color, texture, and microstructure. This was done with analysis of variance in a completely randomized design using Tukey test at 5% probability. Whey pH values increased with storage time. Ricotta made with stored whey had average yield of 5.33%, with decreased fat content and pH, and increased acidity. There were subtle differences in color and texture of ricotta during storage; its hardness and gumminess decreased, resulting in microstructure compression. It is concluded that the production of ricotta with whey stored for up to 72 h makes the product appropriate for consumption.Key words: Byproduct, fat, fresh cheese, ricotta, whey cheese, organoleptic properties

    Surveillance of the first cases of COVID-19 in Sergipe using a prospective spatiotemporal analysis: the spatial dispersion and its public health implications

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    Introduction: Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has become a global public health emergency with lethality ranging from 1% to 5%. This study aimed to identify active high-risk transmission clusters of COVID-19 in Sergipe. Methods: We performed a prospective space-time analysis using confirmed cases of COVID-19 during the first 7 weeks of the outbreak in Sergipe. Results: The prospective space-time statistic detected "active" and emerging spatio-temporal clusters comprising six municipalities in the south-central region of the state. Conclusions: The Geographic Information System (GIS) associated with spatio-temporal scan statistics can provide timely support for surveillance and assist in decision-making

    Parent training for disruptive behavior symptoms in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: a randomized clinical trial

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    BackgroundAttention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) affects 5% of children and 2.5% of adults worldwide. Comorbidities are frequent, and Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) reaches 50%. Family environment is crucial for the severity of behaviors and for prognosis. In middle-income countries, access to treatment is challenging, with more untreated children than those under treatment. Face-to-face behavioral parent training (PT) is a well-established intervention to improve child behavior and parenting.MethodA clinical trial was designed to compare PT-online and face-to-face effects to a waiting list group. Outcomes were the ADHD and ODD symptoms, parental stress and styles, and quality of life. Families were allocated into three groups: standard treatment (ST), ST + PT online, and ST + Face-to-Face PT. We used repeated measures ANOVA for pre × post treatment analysis corrected for multiple comparisons.Results and discussionParent training was effective in reducing symptoms of ADHD (p = 0.030) and ODD (p = 0.026) irrespective of modality (p = 1.000). The combination of ST and PT was also associated with better quality of life in the physical domain for patients (p = 0.009) and their parents (p = 0.050). In addition to preliminary data, online intervention seems effective for parenting and improving social acceptance of children. The potential to reach many by an online strategy with a self-directed platform may imply effectiveness with a low cost for public health to support parents’ symptoms management

    High prevalence of hepatitis B virus and low vaccine response in children and adolescents in Northeastern Brazil

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    Children have an increased likelihood of becoming carriers of the chronic hepatitis B virus. A total of 1,381 children and adolescents were assessed in five municipalities of Maranhao State, Brazil, for detection of anti-HBc, HBsAg and anti-HBs serologic markers and sociodemographic and behavioral features. Among those who were HBsAg negative and anti-HBc negative, the proportion of anti-HBs positives was calculated after the individuals had completed the vaccination schedule. The robust variance of the Poisson’s regression model was used in order to have adjusted tables and calculate the prevalence ratio. Multivariate analysis was performed to identify the factors associated with the prevalence of anti-HBc with or without HBsAg and the vaccine response. It was observed that 163 children were anti-HBc positive and nine individuals were HBsAg positive. The factors associated with the infection were: municipality of residence (residing in Morros municipality or Humberto de Campos municipality), residence in a rural area, aged between 13 and 15 years old, and illicit drug use. The percentage of individuals who were anti-HBc negative and received all three doses of the vaccine was 48.5%. Among these, only 276 (38.9%) had antibodies at protective concentrations. In an adjusted analysis, Morros municipality presented an increased positivity of vaccine response (p < 0.001), and the age ranging between 6 and 10 years old presented a reduced frequency of response. This study reveals a high prevalence of current and past HBV infection within the targeted age group which, in addition to the low vaccination coverage and serological responses, raises concerns about the management of prevention measures, especially the quality of vaccination in these locations

    Interdisciplinaridade entre saúde e educação: Programa Saúde na Escola e suas implicações para a qualidade de vida dos estudantes

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    Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo analisar as implicações do Programa de Saúde na Escola para os estudantes por meio de uma revisão integrativa. A metodologia adotada consistiu em uma busca sistemática de literatura nas plataformas Scielo e Google Acadêmico, utilizando palavras-chave específicas e critérios de inclusão para a seleção dos artigos. Após a aplicação desses critérios, foram selecionados 4 artigos científicos que foram submetidos à revisão integrativa. Os estudos revisados enfatizam o papel crucial do Programa Saúde na Escola (PSE) na promoção da saúde e bem-estar dos estudantes, destacando sua capacidade de integrar os setores de saúde e educação para implementar estratégias eficazes de promoção da saúde física e mental. O PSE não apenas previne doenças e promove hábitos saudáveis, mas também aborda aspectos emocionais e mentais, contribuindo para um ambiente escolar acolhedor e favorável ao desenvolvimento dos alunos. No entanto, os estudos também identificam desafios como a escassez de recursos, falta de conhecimento sobre o programa entre os educadores e a necessidade de fortalecer a colaboração interdisciplinar. Conclui-se, portanto, a importância de políticas públicas que fortaleçam o PSE, com investimentos contínuos em formação e pesquisa, para assegurar sua eficácia na promoção da saúde dos estudantes e no desenvolvimento integral da juventude em idade escolar

    Checklist of the dipterofauna (Insecta) from Roraima, Brazil, with special reference to the Brazilian Ecological Station of Maracá

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    Roraima is a Brazilian state located in the northern portion of the Amazon basin, with few studies regarding its biodiversity. The Ecological Station of Maracá (Brazil, state of Roraima) harbors the third largest Brazilian pluvial island and is composed of a transitional landscape of savanna and Amazon rainforest components. Despite its ecological importance and strategic localization, few studies covered the dipterofauna of this locality. An updated checklist addressing 41 families of true flies (Diptera) occurring in Roraima is presented based on the literature and the specimens collected during a field expedition that occurred in 2015. This checklist brings several improvements such as new records of 165 taxa to the state of Roraima, 29 taxa to Brazil, and 259 morphotypes, mostly likely representing undescribed species
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