1,219 research outputs found

    Interferência da disponibilidade de luz na resposta à adubação de plantios de enriquecimento com leguminosas arbóreas

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate the interference of light availability on response to fertilization of enrichment plantings of secondary growth forest with leguminous trees. The species Hymenaea courbaril, Stryphnodendron guianense, Parkia platycephala, and Stryphnodendron microstachyum were planted in a secondary growth forest under three fertilization treatments: organic fertilization, organic fertilization plus mineral fertilization, and absence of fertilization. Light availability modulated the response of P. platycephala and H. courbaril to fertilization treatments. Randomization was not sufficient to ensure similar light conditions in the enrichment plantings. Variation in the amount of incident light compromises the sound evaluation of fertilization treatments

    Adição de carvão no substrato de formação de mudas de leguminosas arbóreas inoculadas com rizóbios

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    Native legume trees are planted in agroforestry systems for their hardiness and symbiosis with soil bacteria of the genus rhizobium, efficient in N2 fixation. The enrichment of the substrate composition with fine charcoal for seedling production of these trees is interesting for increasing soil porosity, water retention and the proliferation of beneficial microorganisms. Experiments were carried out to analyze the effect of substrate enrichment with charcoal on the quality of Clitoria fairchildiana, Enterolobium schomburgkii and Inga edulis seedlings. The treatments consisted of a 3: 2: 0.5 (v: v) mixture of clay soil, sand and bovine manure and a 3: 2 (v: v) mixture of clay soil and sand combined with charcoal rates of 0, 10, 19 and 29%. After mixing the components, substrate samples were collected and chemically analyzed. The experiment was arranged in a completely randomized design with 5 treatments and 10 replications. The seedlings were inoculated with homologues rhizobia and growth controlled monthly. The plants were collected to determine the number of nodules and dry biomass of roots, shoots and nodules. Seedling growth was similar on substrates containing charcoal or manure, except for E. schomburkii, which increased by more than 100% on the charcoal-containing substrates. The number and dry biomass of nodules in the charcoal-containing substrates was up to 100% and 300% higher than in the manure-containing treatment, respectively. The results indicated that the substitution of manure by charcoal favors the seedling quality of the studied species. © 2016 Sociedade de Investigacoes Florestais. All rights reserved

    Consequence of Phishing during the pandemic in Manaus

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    In results, we sought to identify the ways in which phishing is used during the pandemic.  The discussion sought to report the ways in which the phishing attack works and discussed ways to prevent phishing attacks and make people aware of the risks and precautions when browsing the Interne

    Assessing the performance of the south american land data assimilation system version 2 (SALDAS-2) energy balance across diverse biomes

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    Understanding the exchange of energy between the surface and the atmosphere is important in view of the climate scenario. However, it becomes a challenging task due to a sparse network of observations. This study aims to improve the energy balance estimates for the Amazon, Cerrado, and Pampa biomes located in South America using the radiation and precipitation forcing obtained from the Clouds and the Earth’s Radiant Energy System (CERES) and the precipitation CPTEC/MERGE datasets. We employed three surface models—Noah-MP, Community Land Model (CLSM), and Integrated Biosphere Simulator (IBIS)—and conducted modeling experiments, termed South America Land Data Assimilation System (SALDAS-2). The results showed that SALDAS-2 radiation estimates had the smallest errors. Moreover, SALDAS-2 precipitation estimates were better than the Global Land Data Assimilation System (GLDAS) in the Cerrado (MBE = −0.16) and Pampa (MBE = −0.19). Noah-MP presented improvements compared with CLSM and IBIS in 100% of towers located in the Amazon. CLSM tends to overestimate the latent heat flux and underestimate the sensible heat flux in the Amazon. Noah-MP and Ensemble outperformed GLDAS in terms latent and sensible heat fluxes. The potential of SALDAS-2 should be emphasized to provide more accurate estimates of surface energy balance

    Seeds of Amazonian Fabaceae as a source of new lectins

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    Seeds from fifty native Amazonian Fabaceae species (representing subfamilies Caesalpinioideae, Mimosoideae and Faboideae) were screened for the presence of new lectins. Their crude protein extracts were assayed for hemagglutinating activity (HA). The protein fractions of Anadenanthera peregrina, Dimorphandra caudata, Ormosia lignivalvis and Swartzia laevicarpa exhibited HA, and this activity was inhibited by galactose or lactose but not by glucose or mannose. The crude extract of S. laevicarpa exhibited HA activity only after ion exchange chromatography, and its lectin was further purified by affinity chromatography on immobilized lactose. Despite the large number of lectins that have been reported in leguminous plants, this is the first description of lectins in the genera Anadenanthera, Dimorphandra and Ormosia. The study of lectins from these genera and from Swartzia will contribute to the understanding of the evolutionary relationships of legume lectins in terms of their protein processing properties and structures

    Effect of partial replacement with thermally processed sugar cane bagasse on the properties of mortars

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    Sugar cane bagasse is a residue of the sugar-alcohol industry, and its main destination is represented by burningboilers for power generation. The bagasse cogeneration of power produces a sugar cane bagasse ash(SCBA) residue that does not have a useful destination. Ashes are commonly studied as pozzolan in Portlandcement production. International Standards indicate the use of pozzolan with up to 50% substitution. In thepresent work, we investigate the use of SCBA as an addition in Portland cement. For this purpose, Portlandcement was prepared by substituting cement with 0, 10, 20, and 30% processed SCBA in volume. The asheswere processed by re-burning and grinding and were then characterized by scanning electron microscopy, Xraydiffraction, laser granulometry, X-ray fluorescence spectrometry, the Chapelle method, and pozollanicactivity. To evaluate the cement with substitution, we used the mortar recommended by NBR 7215. The mechanicalproperties of the cements with replacement were analysed through tests of the compressive strengthand flexural strength of mortars. The results appear interesting and support the possible use of SCBA in theproduction of cement from the aspect of mechanical properties evaluated

    A novel vasorelaxant lectin purified from seeds of Clathrotropis nitida: Partial characterization and immobilization in chitosan beads

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    A novel lectin from seeds of Clathrotropis nitida (CNA) was purified and characterized. CNA is a glycoprotein containing approximately 3.3% carbohydrates in its structure. CNA promoted intense agglutination of rabbit erythrocytes, which was inhibited by galactosides and porcine stomach mucin (PSM). The lectin maintained its hemagglutinating activity after incubation in a wide range of temperatures (30-60 °C) and pH (6.0-7.0), and its binding activity was dependent on divalent cations (Ca+2 and Mg+2). SDS-PAGE showed an electrophoretic profile consisting of a single band of 28 kDa, as confirmed by electrospray ionization mass spectrometry, which indicated an average molecular mass of 27,406 ± 2 Da and the possible presence of isoforms and glycoforms. In addition, CNA exhibited no toxicity to Artemia sp. nauplii and elicited reversible and dose-dependent vasorelaxation in precontracted aortic rings. CNA was successfully immobilized on chitosan beads and was able to capture PSM in solution. This study demonstrated that CNA is a lectin that has potential as a biotechnological tool in glycomics and glycoproteomics applications. © 2015 Elsevier Inc