755 research outputs found

    Solar Reector Design

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    The design of solar panels is investigated. Different aspects of this problem are presented. A formula averaging the solar energy received on a given location is derived rst. The energy received by the collecting solar panel is then calculated using a specially designed algorithm. The geometry of the device collecting the energy may then be optimised using different algorithms. The results show that for a given depth, devices of smaller width are more energy efficient than those of wider dimensions. This leads to a more economically efficient design

    Nonlinear parabolic inequalities on a general convex domain

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    International audienceThe paper deals with the existence and uniqueness of solutions of some non linear parabolic inequalities in the Orlicz-Sobolev spaces framework

    New insights on the relative sea level change during Holocene along the coasts of Tunisia and western Libya from archaeological and geomorphological markers

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    New data of sea level changes for the Mediterranean region along the coasts of northern Africa are presented. Data are inferred from archaeological sites of Punic-Roman age located along the coast of Tunisia, between Tunis and Jerba island and along the western coast of Libya, between Sabratha and Leptis Magna. Data are based on precise measures of presently submerged archaeological markers that are good indicators of past sea-level elevation. Nineteen selected archaeological sites were studied in Tunisia and four in Libya, all aged between w2.0 and w1.5 ka BP. The functional elevations of significant archaeological markers were measured with respect to the sea level at the time of measurements, applying corrections for tide and atmospheric pressure values. The functional elevations of specific architectural parts of the sites were interpreted, related to sea level at the time of their construction providing data on the relative changes between land and sea. Observations were compared against sea level change predictions derived from the glacio-hydro-isostatic model associated with the Last Glacial cycle. The results indicate that local relative sea level change along the coast of Tunisia and Libya, has increased 0.2 O 0.5 m since the last w2 ka. Besides minor vertical tectonic movements of the land, the observed changes are produced by eustatic and glacio-hydro-isostatic variations acting in the Mediterranean basin since the end of the last glacial maximum

    Humanistic burden in schizophrenia: a literature review.

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    Abstract Objectives of the study and background Schizophrenia is a complex disease that affects 1% of the population. This disease has a considerable impact not only on patients' health and well-being but also on their surrounding environment. The costs of the disease's management remain large for individuals and society. While literature on the economic impact of schizophrenia is abundant, few studies have focused on its humanistic burden. This does not only concern patients, but also caregivers, relatives, neighbours and others in a patient's daily life. This burden appears through several dimensions, including treatment side effects and the impact on caregivers and features of the patient's environment. The aim of this review is to consider, compile and describe the humanistic burden of schizophrenia as documented in the literature. Materials and methods We conducted a literature review assessing the worldwide disease burden of schizophrenia, taking into account all humanistic burden topics. The search considered several databases, including Embase, Medline, Cochrane Library, The German Institute of Medical Documentation and Information (DIMDI) and the ISPOR conference websites. Results The search identified 200 literature reviews, covering several dimensions of humanistic burden and documenting many issues. Main findings included the high death rates that may be explained by long-lasting negative health habits, disease- and treatment-related metabolic disorders, and consequent increased frequencies of cardiovascular diseases. Co-existing depression was found to have adverse consequence on the course of schizophrenia progression, morbidity and mortality. Cognitive impairment also adds to the burden of schizophrenia. Social impairment is worsened by underestimated stigmatisation and lack of corresponding awareness within the professional and social spheres. Finally, caregiver burden was found to be considerable. Discussion Humanistic burden among patients with schizophrenia is substantial potentially impacted by co-morbid depressive symptoms, caregiver burden and cognitive impairment. Effects of treatment on humanistic burden in addition to economic burden need to be explored in future trials

    Collaborative team training in virtual reality is superior to individual learning for performing complex open surgery: a randomised controlled trial

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    Objective: To assess if multiplayer virtual reality (VR) training was superior to single player training for acquisition of both technical and non-technical skills in learning complex surgery. Summary Background Data: Superior team-work in the operating room (OR) is associated with improved technical performance and clinical outcomes. VR can successfully train OR staff individually, however VR team training has yet to be investigated. Method: Forty participants were randomised to individual or team VR training. Individually-trained participants practiced alongside virtual avatar counterparts, whilst teams trained live in pairs. Both groups underwent five VR training sessions over 6-weeks. Subsequently, they underwent a real-life assessment in which they performed Anterior Approach Total Hip Arthroplasty (AA-THA) surgery on a high-fidelity model with real equipment in a simulated OR. Teams performed together and individually-trained participants were randomly paired up. Videos were marked by two blinded assessors recording the NOTSS, NOTECHS II and SPLINTS scores. Secondary outcomes were procedure time and number of technical errors. Results: Teams outperformed individually-trained participants for non-technical skills in the real-world assessment (NOTSS 13.1±1.5 vs 10.6±1.6, P=0.002, NOTECHS-II score 51.7±5.5 vs 42.3±5.6, P=0.001 and SPLINTS 10±1.2 vs 7.9±1.6, P=0.004). They completed the assessment 28.1% faster (27.2 minutes±5.5 vs 41.8 ±8.9, P<0.001), and made fewer than half the number of technical errors (10.4±6.1 vs 22.6±5.4, P<0.001). Conclusions: Multiplayer training leads to faster surgery with fewer technical errors and the development of superior non-technical skills

    Alien marine species of Libya: first inventory and new records in El-Kouf National Park (Cyrenaica) and the neighbouring areas

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    The presence of marine alien species in El-Kouf National Park and the neighbouring areas was assessed using a compilation of available information and observations, a field survey conducted on October 2010 in the framework of the MedMPAnet project and results of further monitoring during June and September 2012. A total of 9 alien species were reported: the Rhodophyta Asparagopsis taxiformis (Delile) Trevisan de Saint-Léon, the Chlorophyta Caulerpa racemosa var. cylindracea (Sonder) Verlaque, Huisman & Boudouresque, the crab Percnon gibbesi (H. Milne-Edwards, 1853) and the fishes Fistularia commersonii Rüppell, 1838, Siganus luridus (Rüppell, 1829), Siganus rivulatus Forsskål, 1775, Pempheris vanicolensis Cuvier, 1831, Lagocephalus sceleratus (Gmelin, 1789) and Sphyraena flavicauda Rüppell, 1838. Several of them were until now unknown for the National Park. The list of alien marine species of Libya is updated and discussed. Until now 63 marine aliens species were recorded along the Libyan coasts. These include 3 Foraminifera, 3 Ochrophyta, 5 Rhodophyta, 5 Chlorophyta, 1 Magnoliophyta, 11 Arthropoda, 13 Mollusca, 1 Echinodermata and 21 Chordata. Among these Non Indigenous Species, 43 are known as established along the Libyan coast including 8 invasive, 11 casual, 6 questionable, 3 cryptogenic and 1 unknown. An in-depth study of the marine organisms would substantially increase the number of alien species occurring in Libya. Monitoring of marine assemblages of MPAs is a valuable opportunity to go further into the knowledge of native and introduced species

    Traitement chirurgical des metastases sternales du cancer differencie de la thyroide

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    Le carcinome folliculaire est la deuxième tumeur maligne la plus fréquente de la thyroïde et l’invasion hématologique est le moyen de propagation le plus courant de ses métastases. Les localisations secondaires à ces cancers siègent principalement au niveau des poumons, suivi par les localisations osseuses, cérébrales et hépatiques. L’irathérapie est classiquement le traitement de choix des métastases des cancers différenciés de la thyroïde ; toutefois les métastases osseuses sont réputées résistantes à cette forme de traitement. La résection chirurgicale des métastases à distance des cancers différenciés de la thyroïde offre de meilleures chances d’obtenir de longues survies et d’espérer une meilleure qualité de vie. Nous rapportons deux cas de métastases sternales d’un carcinome différencié de la thyroïde qui ont été bien contrôlées par un traitement chirurgical impliquant une exérèse partielle du sternum avec reconstruction par suture directe dans un cas et utilisant un lambeau du grand pectoral dans le deuxième cas. Avec un suivi moyen de 28 mois, aucune récidive locale ou à distance n’a été détectée. A travers une revue de la littérature évaluant les caractéristiques de métastases sternales des carcinomes différenciés la thyroïde traitées chirurgicalement, on a démontré qu’une résection radicale de ces métastases peut être réalisée chez des patients ayant un faible pronostic initial afin d’obtenir une rémission et d’optimiser le traitement par l’iode radioactif.Mots clés : Thyroïde, traitement, cancer, métastases sternales, sternectomies

    Serum p53 antibodies: predictors of survival in small-cell lung cancer?

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    Serum p53 antibodies have been shown to be a poor prognostic marker in resected non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC), but studies in small-cell lung cancer (SCLC) have been contradictory. We have studied the incidence of p53 antibodies in a large SCLC cohort treated at one oncology centre and correlated the results with survival. 231 patients (63% male, median age 65), diagnosed and treated for SCLC between 1987 and 1994 at The Royal Marsden Hospital NHS Trust, had sera stored pretreatment. All samples were tested for p53 antibodies (p53-Ab) using a standardized ELISA technique with a selection of strongly ELISA positive, weakly ELISA positive and negative samples being confirmed with immunoprecipitation. 54 patients were positive for p53-Ab (23%). The presence of a high titre of p53-Ab (titre ratio >5) appears to be associated with a survival advantage with a relative risk of death of 1.71 (95% CI: 1.14–2.58) in those without the antibody (P = 0.02). This study, the largest homogenous group so far looking at p53-Ab in SCLC, suggests that p53 antibody detection may have a role in predicting outcome in this type of cancer. © 2000 Cancer Research Campaign http://www.bjcancer.co

    Sea level changes and vertical land movements in the Mediterranean from historical and geophysical data and modelling

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    The Mediterranean basin is a natural laboratory for the reconstruction of the sea level variations since paleo-historical times. During the Holocene, sea level variations in this region have been mainly determined by the response of the geoid and of the solid Earth to the melting of remote ice aggregates, which has produced spatially variable signals mostly governed by the effect of ocean loading. An analysis of past and recent sea level variations is possible from various indicators, which provide data on relative sea level and crustal vertical movements on different time scales.PublishedBurlington house, London3.3. Geodinamica e struttura dell'interno della Terraope
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