28 research outputs found

    Convergent functional genomic studies of omega-3 fatty acids in stress reactivity, bipolar disorder and alcoholism

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    Omega-3 fatty acids have been proposed as an adjuvant treatment option in psychiatric disorders. Given their other health benefits and their relative lack of toxicity, teratogenicity and side effects, they may be particularly useful in children and in females of child-bearing age, especially during pregnancy and postpartum. A comprehensive mechanistic understanding of their effects is needed. Here we report translational studies demonstrating the phenotypic normalization and gene expression effects of dietary omega-3 fatty acids, specifically docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), in a stress-reactive knockout mouse model of bipolar disorder and co-morbid alcoholism, using a bioinformatic convergent functional genomics approach integrating animal model and human data to prioritize disease-relevant genes. Additionally, to validate at a behavioral level the novel observed effects on decreasing alcohol consumption, we also tested the effects of DHA in an independent animal model, alcohol-preferring (P) rats, a well-established animal model of alcoholism. Our studies uncover sex differences, brain region-specific effects and blood biomarkers that may underpin the effects of DHA. Of note, DHA modulates some of the same genes targeted by current psychotropic medications, as well as increases myelin-related gene expression. Myelin-related gene expression decrease is a common, if nonspecific, denominator of neuropsychiatric disorders. In conclusion, our work supports the potential utility of omega-3 fatty acids, specifically DHA, for a spectrum of psychiatric disorders such as stress disorders, bipolar disorder, alcoholism and beyond

    Grapevine leaf MALDI-MS imaging reveals the localisation of a putatively identified sucrose metabolite associated to Plasmopara viticola development.

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    peer reviewedDespite well-established pathways and metabolites involved in grapevine-Plasmopara viticola interaction, information on the molecules involved in the first moments of pathogen contact with the leaf surface and their specific location is still missing. To understand and localise these molecules, we analysed grapevine leaf discs infected with P. viticola with MSI. Plant material preparation was optimised, and different matrices and solvents were tested. Our data shows that trichomes hamper matrix deposition and the ion signal. Results show that putatively identified sucrose presents a higher accumulation and a non-homogeneous distribution in the infected leaf discs in comparison with the controls. This accumulation was mainly on the veins, leading to the hypothesis that sucrose metabolism is being manipulated by the development structures of P. viticola. Up to our knowledge this is the first time that the localisation of a putatively identified sucrose metabolite was shown to be associated to P. viticola infection sites

    Aplicação foliar de fertilizantes organominerais em cultura de alface Foliar application of organic mineral fertilizer in lettuce

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    A aplicação de fertilizantes organominerais tem permitido respostas positivas em diversas olerícolas. No presente trabalho avaliou-se a produção de mudas e produção comercial de alface, cultivar Vera, em função da aplicação foliar de fertilizantes organominerais líquidos, de outubro de 2005 a janeiro de 2006. A etapa de produção de mudas foi realizada em viveiro especializado na produção de mudas de hortaliças em Uberlândia e a condução da fase de campo foi realizada em área da Universidade Federal de Uberlândia. Analisou-se altura e número de folhas, massa fresca da parte aérea e diâmetro de raízes das mudas, massas fresca da parte aérea e de raízes das plantas na fase de campo. Foram empregados os fertilizantes organominerais Aminoagro Raiz, Aminoagro Folha Top, Aminoagro Mol, Nobrico Star, Aminolom Foliar e Lombrico Mol 75. O primeiro experimento utilizando mudas foi instalado em delineamento inteiramente casualizado com 15 repetições. O segundo experimento instalado a campo, foi feito em blocos ao acaso com 4 repetições. O uso exclusivo dos produtos organominerais líquidos, via aplicação foliar foi superior à testemunha para a maioria das variáveis avaliadas nas fases de muda e campo na alface, cultivar Vera.<br>Biofertilizer application provides positive responses of several vegetable crops. The effect of foliar application of liquid biofertilizers on seedling and on commercial production of lettuce cultivar Vera were evaluated from October 2005 to January 2006. Seedling production was carried out in a nursery specialized in the production of vegetable seedlings, in Uberlandia, Minas Gerais State, Brazil, and the crop growing was carried out at a field of the Universidade Federal de Uberlandia. Plant height, number of leaves, aboveground part fresh weight and root diameter were evaluated on seedlings and fresh weight of the aboveground part and roots were evaluated on plants in the field. Aminoagro Raiz, Aminoagro Folha Top, Aminoagro Mol, Nobrico Star, Aminolom Foliar and Lombrico Mol 75 were the assessed biofertilizers. The first experiment using seedlings was arranged in a completely randomized design with 15 replications and the second one, which was carried out in the field, was in randomized blocks with four replications. The solely use of liquid organomineral biofertilizers, via foliar application, was superior in comparison to the control treatments for most of the evaluated variables at the plantlet and field stages

    O cotidiano do homem que convive com a úlcera venosa crônica: estudo fenomenológico

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    A úlcera venosa crônica constitui o maior problema terapêutico das lesões de membros inferiores, podendodesencadear mudanças na vida diária da pessoa por ela acometida. Objetivou-se compreender o cotidiano do homemque convive com a úlcera venosa crônica. Estudo fenomenológico realizado com oito homens, entrevistados emjunho e julho de 2012. As categorias identificadas, “Restrições na vida social” e “Recuperar a integridade da pele eretomar as atividades afetadas pela ferida”, revelam que a convivência do homem com a ferida produz repercussõesno âmbito produtivo e na sexualidade. Isso o leva a restrições na vida cotidiana, com prejuízo no desempenho depapéis socialmente estabelecidos para o gênero masculino, o que desperta no homem a ansiedade pela retomada dasatividades prejudicadas. Os achados sinalizam aspectos vivenciais relevantes que podem orientar os profissionaisno planejamento e execução de ações de saúde voltadas para essa clientela