176 research outputs found

    Participação política no facebook: continuidades e reconfigurações

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    O trabalho aqui apresentado e intitulado “Participação Política no Facebook: continuidades e reconfigurações”, centra a sua abordagem em dois grandes domínios: o da política, e em particular o da participação política, e um segundo, o da usabilidade de diferentes artefactos tecnológicos, nomeadamente o Facebook. Através da interceção destes dois domínios da atividade social, procuramos indagar a realidade acerca da possibilidade de o Facebook, enquanto ferramenta tecnológica, se constituir como um instrumento, que efetivamente dê expressão a formas de participação política. Para levar a cabo a operacionalização deste empreendimento teórico, implementou-se uma metodologia mista, que se constituí como um compromisso entre uma abordagem quantitativa, por via da implementação de uma análise de conteúdo, e qualitativa, através da realização de entrevistas a ativistas, protagonistas de oito Organizações consideradas como o nosso alvo de pesquisa. O argumento transversal à investigação, que agora se inicia, passa pela assunção de que há claros indícios de continuidade, em conjugação com elementos de reconfiguração da ação política convencional.The work presented here, entitled Political participation on Facebook: continuities and reconfigurations, adopts an approach that considers two broad areas: the first is politics, particularly political participation, and second, the usability of different technological artefacts, namely Facebook. Through the interception of these two domains of social activity, we investigate reality about the possibility of Facebook, while technological tool, to constitute itself as an instrument, which effectively gives expression to forms of political participation. To carry out the operationalization of this theoretical enterprise, we implemented one mixed methodology, which is constituted as a compromise between a quantitative approach, through the implementation of a content analysis, and qualitative, by conducting interviews with activists, protagonists from eight organizations considered as our research target. The argument that comes across throughout the work, which is now beginning, goes by the assumption that there are clear signs of continuity in conjunction with reconfigured elements of conventional political action

    Deliberative journalism and citizenship: principles and practices in the Portuguese regional press

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    FR: Quelle est la perception que les journalistes ont du rôle des lecteurs dans la vie démocratique? Quel rôle jouent les journalistes par rapport à l'espace public et le débat politique? L'objectif global de cette étude consiste à enquêter la relation entre la presse locale, les citoyens et les pratiques civiques. Il a comme point de départ une double approche théorique, la théorie de la démocratie délibérative et le mouvement du journalisme publique, afin d'évaluer le champ d'application d'une conception du «journalisme délibérative." Dans le projet "Agenda des citoyens: journalisme et participation politique dans les médias portugais", un questionnaire a été donné à 45 journalistes de huit journaux régionaux au Portugal. Les résultats révèlent qu, bien que les journalistes apprécient les principes qui sous-tendent le mouvement du journalisme public et délibérative (ce qui suggère que la conscience délibérative émerge), ils expriment aussi une orientation journalistique conventionnelle.What is the perception that journalists have about the citizens' role in democratic life? What is the role of journalists in relation to public sphere and political debate? The main goal of this study is to investigate the relationship between the local press, citizens and civic practices. It takes as starting point a dual theoretical approach, the theory of deliberative democracy and the movement of public journalism, to assess the scope of a conception of "deliberative journalism." Under the project "Citizens' Agenda: journalism and political participation in the Portuguese media ", a questionnaire was delivered to 45 journalists from eight regional newspapers in Portugal. The results show that although the journalists appreciate the principles underlying the public and deliberative journalism movements (which suggests that a deliberative consciousness is emerging), also express an conventional journalism approach

    Excess hospitalizations and mortality associated with seasonal influenza in Portugal, 2008–2018

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    Funding Information: The BARI study was funded by Sanofi. Funding Information: CG, MM, HB, and CDC are Sanofi employees. MC, HL, and GB are IQVIA employees. FF, JCDS, CR, JFR, and CRC have received fees from Sanofi. JCDS reports Advisory Board from Boehringer Ingelheim; personal fees and Advisory Board from GSK; grants, personal fees, and Advisory Board from AstraZeneca; personal fees and Advisory Board from Bial; non-financial support from Mundipharma; personal fees from Sanofi; Advisory Board from Novartis, outside the submitted work. FF reports Advisory Board and personal fees from Sanofi, Pfizer, MSD, Gilead and personal fees or non-financial support from Bial, AstraZeneca, GSK, Novartis, Boehringer Ingelheim, Tecnifar, Lilly, Bayer, and Roche outside the submitted work. Publisher Copyright: © 2022, The Author(s).Background: Influenza can have a domino effect, triggering severe conditions and leading to hospitalization or even death. Since influenza testing is not routinely performed, statistical modeling techniques are increasingly being used to estimate annual hospitalizations and deaths associated with influenza, to overcome the known underestimation from registers coded with influenza-specific diagnosis. The aim of this study was to estimate the clinical and economic burden of severe influenza in Portugal. Methods: The study comprised ten epidemic seasons (2008/09–2017/18) and used two approaches: (i) a direct method of estimating the seasonal influenza hospitalization incidence, based on the number of National Health Service hospitalizations with influenza-specific International Classification of Diseases (ICD) codes (ICD-9: 487–488; ICD-10: J09-J11), as primary or secondary diagnosis; (ii) an indirect method of estimating excess hospitalizations and deaths using broader groups of ICD codes in time-series models, computed for six age groups and four groups of diagnoses: pneumonia or influenza (ICD-9: 480–488, 517.1; ICD-10: J09–J18), respiratory (ICD-9: 460–519; ICD-10: J00–J99), respiratory or cardiovascular (R&C, ICD-9: 390–459, 460–519; ICD-10: I00–I99, J00–J99), and all-cause. Means are reported excluding the H1N1pdm09 pandemic (2009/10). Results: The mean number of hospitalizations coded as due to influenza per season was 1,207, resulting in 11.6 cases per 100,000 people. The mean direct annual cost of these hospitalizations was €3.9 million, of which 78.6% was generated by patients with comorbidities. Mean annual influenza-associated R&C hospitalizations were estimated at 5356 (min: 456; max: 8776), corresponding to 51.5 cases per 100,000 (95% CI: 40.9–62.0) for all age groups and 199.6 (95% CI: 163.9–235.8) for the population aged ≥ 65 years. The mean direct annual cost of the estimated excess R&C hospitalizations was €15.2 million for all age groups and €12.8 million for the population aged ≥ 65 years. Mean annual influenza-associated all-cause deaths per 100,000 people were estimated at 22.7 for all age groups. Conclusions: The study findings suggest that there is an under-detection of influenza in the Portuguese population. A high burden of severe influenza remains to be addressed, not only in the elderly population but also in younger people.publishersversionpublishe

    II Encontro Internacional de Formação na Docência (INCTE): livro de resumos

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    O II Encontro Internacional de Formação na Docência apresenta os seguintes objetivos: problematizar, no quadro do processo de Bolonha, as estruturas curriculares da formação de educadores e professores; debater propostas didáticas inovadoras na formação para a docência; refletir sobre as práticas formativas nos diversos contextos; analisar o contributo da formação na dinamização das instituições; aprofundar a comunicação entre os diferentes intervenientes na formação numa perspetiva de educação para o desenvolvimento. O Encontro está estruturado em quatro grandes eixos temáticos: Currículo e formação de educadores e professores (CFEP) Este eixo temático integra as questões do currículo, da inovação curricular e as novas perspetivas curriculares, no âmbito da formação inicial ou continuada de educadores e professores, incluindo a discussão de modelos e processos curriculares de diferente natureza e de trabalhos ou propostas de formação de educadores e professores, nos diversos contextos. Didática e formação de educadores e professores (DFEP) Este eixo temático integra aspetos dos diferentes saberes disciplinares em contexto escolar, abarcando a reflexão sobre os contributos da didática na formação de educadores e professores para uma construção progressiva de formas de compreender e agir conscientemente em situações educativas. Práticas educativas e supervisão pedagógica (PESP) Este eixo temático integra o desenvolvimento de práticas de formação de educadores e professores nas escolas, compreendendo a problematização dos papéis a desempenhar pelos diversos intervenientes, numa perspetiva de trabalho colaborativo e da construção de uma identidade profissional consciente, empenhada e responsável. Formação docente e educação para o desenvolvimento (FDED) Este eixo temático integra aspetos formativos do ensino e da aprendizagem relacionados com a promoção de uma cidadania global responsável, abrangendo a discussão de projetos e práticas educativas potenciadoras de uma educação para o desenvolvimento

    II Encontro Internacional de Formação na Docência (INCTE): livro de atas

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    Este livro contém os artigos do I Encontro Internacional de Formação na Docência (INCTE), realizado nos dias 5 e 6 de maio de 2017 no Instituto Politécnico de Bragança


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    Transgender person is characterized by the internal, constant and permanent need for sexual change and the physiognomy of his body. The aim of this study was to investigate the oral conditions of transgender individuals in the process of hormonalization. This cross-sectional study comprised 26 transgender individuals, 13 of whom were male and 13 were female. Information was collected on the hormones used; time of hormone use; use of alcohol, tobacco, drugs and illicit drugs. During the oral examination, the dental and periodontal conditions, salivary flow, presence of xerostomia and oral lesions were evaluated. Male transgenes presented an average DMFT of 11.92 ± 5.6 teeth, salivary flow of 1.82 ± 1.2 mL/min with seven (53.8%) individuals presenting some type of reduction and nine (69.2% %) presenting moderate or severe xerostomia. Female transgenes presented a mean DMFT of 8.9 ± 5.3 teeth, salivary flow of 1.35 ± 7.4 mL/min with ten (76.9%) individuals showing some level of salivary flow reduction and 11 (84.6%) with moderate to severe xerostomia. Hormone therapy in the transexualization process has an impact on the salivary flow and xerostomia, which can impact the quality of life of these people.A pessoa transgênero se caracteriza pela necessidade interna, constante e permanente de mudança de gênero e do padrão fisionômico do seu corpo. O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar as condições bucais de indivíduos transgêneros em processo de hormonização. Este estudo transversal contou com 26 indivíduos transgêneros, sendo 13 masculinos e 13 femininos. Foram coletadas informações sobre os hormônios utilizados; tempo de uso de hormônios; uso de álcool, tabaco, medicamentos e drogas ilícitas. Durante o exame bucal foram avaliadas as condições dentárias e periodontais, fluxo salivar, presença de xerostomia e de lesões bucais. Transgêneros masculinos apresentaram uma média de CPOD de 11,92 ± 5,6 dentes, fluxo salivar de 1,82 ± 1,2 mL/min com sete (53,8%) indivíduos apresentando algum tipo de redução e nove (69,2%) apresentando xerostomia moderada ou severa. Transgêneros femininos apresentaram uma média de CPOD de 8,9 ± 5,3 dentes, fluxo salivar de 1,35 ± 7,4 mL/min com dez (76,9%) indivíduos mostrando algum nível de redução do fluxo salivar e 11 (84,6%) com xerostomia de moderada a severa. A terapia medicamentosa no processo de transexualização foi relevante na diminuição do fluxo salivar e a xerostomia, o que pode impactar na qualidade de vida dessas pessoas

    Conhecendo o curso de especialização em Saúde da Família da UNASUS/UFMA

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    Contempla de maneira ampla o Curso de Especialização em Saúde da Família do Programa de Valorização do Profissional da Atenção Básica – PROVAB, UNASUS/UFMA. Visa habilitar os que desejam ampliar seus saberes em atenção básica em saúde, em consonância com a Política Nacional de Educação Permanente em Saúde e os princípios e diretrizes do Sistema Único de Saúde - SUS. Serão buscadas respostas às demandas pela formação de recursos humanos qualificados, que possam atuar com competência técnica, espírito crítico e compromisso ético-político.1.

    Measurement of the differential cross-section of B+B^{+} meson production in pp collisions at s\sqrt{s} = 7 TeV at ATLAS

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    The production cross-section of B+ mesons is measured as a function of transverse momentum pT and rapidity y in proton--proton collisions at center-of-mass energy sqrt(s) = 7 TeV, using 2.4 fb-1 of data recorded with the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider. The differential production cross-sections, determined in the range 9<pT<120 GeV and y<2.25, are compared to next-to-leading-order theoretical predictions.Peer Reviewe

    Dynamics of isolated-photon plus jet production in pp collisions at (s)=7\sqrt(s)=7 TeV with the ATLAS detector

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    The dynamics of isolated-photon plus jet production in pp collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of 7 TeV has been studied with the ATLAS detector at the LHC using an integrated luminosity of 37 pb^-^1. Measurements of isolated-photon plus jet bin-averaged cross sections are presented as functions of photon transverse energy, jet transverse momentum and jet rapidity. In addition, the bin-averaged cross sections as functions of the difference between the azimuthal angles of the photon and the jet, the photon-jet invariant mass and the scattering angle in the photon-jet centre-of-mass frame have been measured. Next-to-leading-order QCD calculations are compared to the measurements and provide a good description of the data, except for the case of the azimuthal opening angle.Peer Reviewe

    Measurements of Higgs boson production and couplings in diboson final states with the ATLAS detector at the LHC

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    Measurements are presented of production properties and couplings of the recently discovered Higgs boson using the decays into boson pairs, HγγH\rightarrow\gamma\gamma, HZZ4H\rightarrow ZZ^{*}\rightarrow 4 \ell and HWWννH\rightarrow W W \rightarrow \ell\nu\ell\nu. The results are based on the complete pp collision data sample recorded by the ATLAS experiment at the CERN Large Hadron Collider at centre-of-mass energies of 7 TeV and 8 TeV, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of about 25 fb1^{-1}. Evidence for Higgs boson production through vector-boson fusion is reported. Results of combined fits probing Higgs boson couplings to fermions and bosons, as well as anomalous contributions to loop-induced production and decay modes, are presented. All measurements are consistent with expectations for the Standard Model Higgs boson.Peer Reviewe