33 research outputs found

    Influence des barriÚres sur la propagation de la déformationle long des surfaces de décollement : étude expérimentale

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    International audienceA series of small-scale experiments has been done to study the influence of gap and thickness variations along a layer of potential decollement on the fault sequence in a thrust system. It is shown that a local thinning or discontinuity of the decollement layer can become a barrier which localises the deformation, initiates a ramp, and controls the order of fault development above the decollement layer.Une série d'expériences sur modÚles réduits a été réalisée afin d'étudier l'influence des lacunes et des variations d'épaisseur d'un niveau de décollement potentiel sur la propagation d'un systÚme chevauchant. Les résultats montrent qu'un amincissement ou une discontinuité de ce niveau crée une barriÚre qui peut bloquer au moins temporairement le décollement, localiser la déformation, servir de site d'initiation d'une rampe, et déterminer aissi l'ordre d'apparition des rampes suivantes

    Observation, surveillance et alerte temps réel de l'activité des volcans par télédétection des points chauds et des panaches de cendres

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    Les satellites mĂ©tĂ©orologiques Meteosat Seconde GĂ©nĂ©ration (MSG), grĂące Ă  la trĂšs haute rĂ©pĂ©titivitĂ© temporelle (une image toutes les 15 minutes), et la grande couverture spectrale (12 canaux du visible Ă  l'infrarouge) de leur capteur SEVIRI (Spinning Enhanced Visible and InfraRed Imager), reprĂ©sentent de formidables outils pour la dĂ©tection, la surveillance et l'analyse des zones volcaniques actives et des panaches de cendres volcaniques. L'intĂ©rĂȘt des donnĂ©es Ă  basse rĂ©solution spatiale et haute rĂ©solution temporelle, des satellites gĂ©ostationnaires, dans la surveillance quasi temps rĂ©el de l'activitĂ© volcanique a dĂ©jĂ  Ă©tĂ© dĂ©montrĂ© (e.g. : Harris et al., 2000). L'objectif des travaux actuels est de concevoir et rendre opĂ©rationnel un service d'observation temps rĂ©el des anomalies thermiques liĂ©es Ă  l'activitĂ© des Ă©difices volcaniques ainsi que le suivi et la quantification des Ă©missions de panaches de cendres associĂ©es, au sein de l'Observatoire de Physique du Globe de Clermont-Ferrand (OPGC). C'est dans ce contexte qu'une convention permettant la rĂ©ception et le droit Ă  l'utilisation temps rĂ©el des donnĂ©es MSG a Ă©tĂ© signĂ©e entre EUMETSAT (European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites), MĂ©tĂ©oFrance et l'OPGC, permettant l'installation, dĂ©but 2009, d'une station de rĂ©ception des donnĂ©es MSG au sein de l'OPGC

    Cinematique de l'extension post-pliocene en Afar. Imagerie SPOT et modelisation analogique

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    SIGLEAvailable from INIST (FR), Document Supply Service, under shelf-number : T 81891 / INIST-CNRS - Institut de l'Information Scientifique et TechniqueFRFranc

    Cinématique de l'extension post-pliocÚne en Afar. Imagerie SPOT et modélisation analogique.

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    Mémoires de Géosciences Rennes, n°50, 225 p. ISBN : 2-905532-48-3La partie centrale de la dépression Afar (Sud Mer Rouge) est bordée de blocs sans déformation récente (Danakil et d'Aysha). En raison du climat désertique, la morphologie des structures récentes et/ou actives est trÚs bien conservée. Dans le cadre du programme TECTOSCOPE Afar financé par l'INSU/CNRS et pour la partie sud de la dépression, l'analyse détaillée de 8 couples d'images stéréoscopiques SPOT a permis non seulement de cartographier et d'interpréter le champ de failles mais aussi de mesurer le rejet vertical des failles. Cette interprétation a été réalisée d'une part sur des tirages photographiques Vizir réalisés à l'INSU, d'autre part sur station de travail par images "anaglyphes". Il a ainsi été possible de définir la géométrie et la cinématique du champ de déformation finie post-stratoïde (4Ma). Les caractéristiques du champ de failles ont été déterminées en utilisant des critÚres structuraux (intersection de failles, segmentation de coulées volcaniques, etc ... ) et l'analyse statistique de la distribution spatiale des orientations, rejets, et densités de la fracturation. Deux domaines de déformations (blocs basculés et horst-grabens) sont caractérisés et des zones de transfert entre ces domaines et les zones non déformées accommodent les variations latérales de la déformation. Cette étude met en évidence une direction/ moyenne d'extension N020° dans le centre de la dépression, s'orientant N040° en bordure du bloc danakil. Cette configuration structurale résulte d'une déformation progressive du domaine central de l'Afar et les hétérogénéités du champ de déformations sont interprétables en termes d'effets de bordure le long des blocs non déformés Dankaly et Aysha. Les implications cinématiques en sont déduites et comparées avec des expériences sur modÚles réduits fragilesductiles inspirés du modÚle de la "Biellette" Danakil (Sichler 1980). La rotation senestre de 10° du bloc Danakil offre une explication cohérente de la geométrie du champ de failles, des rotations dextres des blocs basculés du Sud de la dépression et de l'extension oblique du golfe de Tadjoura.No abstrac

    Kinematics of the Danakil microplate

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    A refinement and extrapolation of recent motion estimates for the Danakilmicroplate, based on ancient kinematic indicators in the Afar region, describesthe evolution of a microplate in the continental realm. The Danakil horst is anelevated part of this microplate, exposing Precambrian basement within theAfar depression, site of the Nubia-Somalia-Arabia triple junction. We compareevidence for strike- or oblique-slip faults in data from the Afar depression andsouthern Red Sea to small circles about published instantaneous poles ofrotation for the Danakil microplate with respect to Nubia. A reconstructionabout the preferred pole reunites lengths of a Precambrian shear zone on theNubian and Danakil sides and preserves a uniform basement strike throughNubia, Danakil and Yemen. Since at least magnetic chron C5 (~11 Ma) Danakilrotated about a different pole with respect to Nubia than either Somalia orArabia, but between chrons C5 and C2A Nubia-Danakil motion was a closeapproximation to Nubia-Somalia motion. Since C2A relative motions of theDanakil microplate have been independent of movements on any of theneighbouring plate boundaries. We relate this to the onset of oceanic-typeaccretion within Afar. The resulting eastwards acceleration of Danakil wasaccommodated by westwards propagation of the Gulf of Aden rift that becamethe new, discrete, plate boundary between the Danakil microplate and theSomalia plate. Present day activity suggests that the Red Sea and Aden riftswill link through Afar, thereby isolating the Danakil horst as a microcontinenton the Arabian margin

    Geochronologic and stratigraphic constraints on canyon incision and Miocene uplift of the Central Andes in Peru

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    International audienceThe deepest valleys of the Andes have been cut in southern Peru by the RĂ­os Cotahuasi Ocoña and Colca–Majes. These canyons are Late Miocene landforms based on a new ignimbrite stratigraphy supported by 42 new 40Ar/39Ar age determinations obtained on plateau-forming and valley-filling ignimbrites. Between 19 and 13 Ma, a gently sloping surface bevelling the clastic wedge southeast of the developing mountain front was mantled by widespread ignimbrites. After 13 Ma, this paleosurface was tilted up from 2.2 km a.s.l. at the mountain front to 4.3 km a.s.l. at the base of the Pliocene and Pleistocene volcanoes that crown the southwestern edge of the Altiplano. The canyons incised this topography after 9 Ma, while the dated base of younger ignimbrite valley fills suggests that these canyons had been cut down to near their present depths as early as 3.8 Ma. By 1.4 Ma, however, the canyons had been almost completely refilled by 1.3 km-thick unwelded pyroclastic deposits, which were subsequently eroded. Valley incision since 9 Ma at an average rate of 0.2 mm yr−1 is the response to topographic uplift after 13 Ma combined with increasing runoff due to a wetter climate recorded after 7 Ma. Although long-term aridity generated an imbalance between high long-term uplift rates and low plateau denudation rates, the combination of aridity and volcanism still promoted canyon incision because episodic volcanic fills maintained a cycle of catastrophic debris avalanches and subsequent dam breakouts

    Validation of a New UAV Magnetic Prospecting Tool for Volcano Monitoring and Geohazard Assessment

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    International audienceThe use of unmanned aircraft vehicles (UAVs) in volcanological contexts is a key challenge in studying volcanoes and improving efficiency in the monitoring of volcanic activity. The coupling of ground and satellite measurements has been reinforced at an intermediate scale thanks to UAV measurements. Along with carrying out visible and infrared measurements, UAVs can conduct geophysical measurements for more in-depth studies. Magnetic field measurements are a powerful tool in volcanic contexts for (i) mapping structural contacts between formations of different ages or type, and (ii) imaging deep thermal anomalies and intrusive systems. Here, we focus on magnetic sensors, which are becoming operational, and in particular on a scalar system recently implemented on a light drone that can be deployed quickly and efficiently in the field. This paper presents several flight test results in order to discuss any artifacts of the UAV or environmental conditions in the magnetic measurements. The results of the comparison between simultaneous UAV and ground surveys are presented. We demonstrate that low altitude measurements are particularly relevant to well-imaged magnetic anomalies and their variation through time in a volcanic context. Some potential uses for this technology and associated applications are also discussed in the fields of exploring and monitoring active volcanoes, for the 4D imaging of volcanoes

    The deformation field of the August 2003 eruption at Piton de la Fournaise, Reunion Island, mapped by ASAR interferometry

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    Three independent ASAR interferograms spanning the August 2003 Piton de la Fournaise eruption, reveal a 3 by 3 km asymmetric pattern of range changes centred on the Dolomieu crater northern flank. It corresponds to 30 cm of displacement towards the satellite east of the eruptive fissures and 7 cm away from the satellite west of the fissures. Displacements are caused by dyke emplacement below fissures. We model the deformation using a 3D mixed boundary element method for elastic media. This consists of a dyke defined by six geometric parameters and an overpressure gradient. A neighbourhood algorithm was applied to explore this 7 dimensional parameter space. The best‐fit model is a 57° eastward dipping dyke with a base lying around 1520 m a.s.l. The model provides new evidence of the dyke intrusion – related seaward displacements of the volcano eastern flank