16 research outputs found

    Pre-Micro RNA Signatures Delineate Stages of Endothelial Cell Transformation in Kaposi Sarcoma

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    MicroRNAs (miRNA) have emerged as key regulators of cell lineage differentiation and cancer. We used precursor miRNA profiling by a novel real-time QPCR method (i) to define progressive stages of endothelial cell transformation cumulating in Kaposi sarcoma (KS) and (ii) to identify specific miRNAs that serve as biomarkers for tumor progression. We were able to compare primary patient biopsies to well-established culture and mouse tumor models. Loss of mir-221 and gain of mir-15 expression demarked the transition from merely immortalized to fully tumorigenic endothelial cells. Mir-140 and Kaposi sarcoma–associated herpesvirus viral miRNAs increased linearly with the degree of transformation. Mir-24 emerged as a biomarker specific for KS

    The nationalism’s intrumentalization in the postcommunist era : Serbia and Belarus

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    Au dĂ©but des annĂ©es 1990, la Serbie et la BiĂ©lorussie n’empruntent pas la voie dĂ©mocratique. AprĂšs une timide amorce de cette transition, les prises de pouvoir par S. MiloĆĄević et A. Loukachenka suspendent, pour un temps plus ou moins long, la dĂ©mocratisation. Outre l’originalitĂ© des rĂ©gimes qu’ils instaurent, ce sont leurs techniques d’accĂšs au pouvoir qui interpellent. Ils ne commettent pas un putsch, mais dĂ©tournent le processus de dĂ©mocratisation de la rĂ©gion. Alors que les Etats voisins s’appuient sur le nationalisme et cherchent les originesde la nation pour bĂątir des rĂ©gimes inspirĂ©s de l’Occident et dĂ©barrassĂ©s du communisme, S. MiloĆĄević et A. Loukachenka rĂ©cupĂšrent cette logique de redĂ©finition identitaire pour s’opposer Ă  la dĂ©mocratie avec, au dĂ©but,le consentement du peuple.Cette recherche vise Ă  comprendre comment ces deux leaders politiques travestissent les idĂ©ologies dĂ©mocratiques et nationalistes, pour mettre en place des rĂ©gimes anachroniques. Pour cela, nous Ă©tudierons d’abord leur dĂ©finition de la nation et nous chercherons Ă  comprendre, Ă  la lumiĂšre de travaux spĂ©cialisĂ©s, comment est rĂ©Ă©crit le roman national (M. Ferro, P. Nora, P. Ricoeur, A.-D. Smith et G.-L. Mosse), et comment sont repensĂ©s les fondements protonationaux de la nation (E. Hobsbawm). Nous analyserons ensuite, Ă  l’aide de certains auteurs, la mise en Ɠuvre du mouvement nationaliste (M. Hroch) et la façon dont les deux leaders sĂ©duisent le peuple par un discours populiste plus efficace que ceux de leurs concurrents dĂ©mocrates (P.-A.Taguieff), pour mettre en place, en dĂ©finitive, les premiĂšres dĂ©mocraties illibĂ©rales d’Europe (I. Wallerstein et C. Schmitt).In the early nineties, Serbia and Belarus do not take the democratic path. After hesitant beginnings in this transition, S. MiloĆĄević and A. Loukachenka suspend the process of democratisation for a certain length of time. Besides the originality of the regimes they instaured, their methods of taking power raise questions. They do not carry out a putsch but redirect the democratisation process of the region. While the neighbouring statesn lean on nationalism and look for the origins of the nation to build regimes inspired by the West and free from communism, S. MiloĆĄević and A. Loukachenka seize upon this reasoning of redefining identity to oppose democracy with the initial consent of the people.This research aims to understand how these two political leaders twist the democratic and nationalist ideologies to establish anachronistic regimes. To this end, we will first study their definition of the nation and we willattempt to understand, in the light of specialised litterature, how the national narrative is rewritten (M. Ferro, P. Nora, P. Ricoeur, A.-D. Smith and G.-L. Mosse), and how the nation’s protonational foundations are redesigned (E. Hobsbawm). Using certain authors, we will then analyse, the implementation of the nationalist movement(M. Hroch) and the way the two leaders attract people with a populist discourse more effective than those of their democrat competitors (P.-A. Taguieff) to ultimately implement the first illiberal democracies in Europe (I. Wallerstein and C. Schmitt)

    L'instrumentalisation du nationalisme à l'Úre post-communiste : Serbie et Biélorussie

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    In the early nineties, Serbia and Belarus do not take the democratic path. After hesitant beginnings in this transition, S. MiloĆĄević and A. Loukachenka suspend the process of democratisation for a certain length of time. Besides the originality of the regimes they instaured, their methods of taking power raise questions. They do not carry out a putsch but redirect the democratisation process of the region. While the neighbouring statesn lean on nationalism and look for the origins of the nation to build regimes inspired by the West and free from communism, S. MiloĆĄević and A. Loukachenka seize upon this reasoning of redefining identity to oppose democracy with the initial consent of the people.This research aims to understand how these two political leaders twist the democratic and nationalist ideologies to establish anachronistic regimes. To this end, we will first study their definition of the nation and we willattempt to understand, in the light of specialised litterature, how the national narrative is rewritten (M. Ferro, P. Nora, P. Ricoeur, A.-D. Smith and G.-L. Mosse), and how the nation’s protonational foundations are redesigned (E. Hobsbawm). Using certain authors, we will then analyse, the implementation of the nationalist movement(M. Hroch) and the way the two leaders attract people with a populist discourse more effective than those of their democrat competitors (P.-A. Taguieff) to ultimately implement the first illiberal democracies in Europe (I. Wallerstein and C. Schmitt).Au dĂ©but des annĂ©es 1990, la Serbie et la BiĂ©lorussie n’empruntent pas la voie dĂ©mocratique. AprĂšs une timide amorce de cette transition, les prises de pouvoir par S. MiloĆĄević et A. Loukachenka suspendent, pour un temps plus ou moins long, la dĂ©mocratisation. Outre l’originalitĂ© des rĂ©gimes qu’ils instaurent, ce sont leurs techniques d’accĂšs au pouvoir qui interpellent. Ils ne commettent pas un putsch, mais dĂ©tournent le processus de dĂ©mocratisation de la rĂ©gion. Alors que les Etats voisins s’appuient sur le nationalisme et cherchent les originesde la nation pour bĂątir des rĂ©gimes inspirĂ©s de l’Occident et dĂ©barrassĂ©s du communisme, S. MiloĆĄević et A. Loukachenka rĂ©cupĂšrent cette logique de redĂ©finition identitaire pour s’opposer Ă  la dĂ©mocratie avec, au dĂ©but,le consentement du peuple.Cette recherche vise Ă  comprendre comment ces deux leaders politiques travestissent les idĂ©ologies dĂ©mocratiques et nationalistes, pour mettre en place des rĂ©gimes anachroniques. Pour cela, nous Ă©tudierons d’abord leur dĂ©finition de la nation et nous chercherons Ă  comprendre, Ă  la lumiĂšre de travaux spĂ©cialisĂ©s, comment est rĂ©Ă©crit le roman national (M. Ferro, P. Nora, P. Ricoeur, A.-D. Smith et G.-L. Mosse), et comment sont repensĂ©s les fondements protonationaux de la nation (E. Hobsbawm). Nous analyserons ensuite, Ă  l’aide de certains auteurs, la mise en Ɠuvre du mouvement nationaliste (M. Hroch) et la façon dont les deux leaders sĂ©duisent le peuple par un discours populiste plus efficace que ceux de leurs concurrents dĂ©mocrates (P.-A.Taguieff), pour mettre en place, en dĂ©finitive, les premiĂšres dĂ©mocraties illibĂ©rales d’Europe (I. Wallerstein et C. Schmitt)

    Le Dispositif Intra-UtĂ©rin et l’Implant Contraceptif sont-ils des mĂ©thodes contraceptives acceptĂ©es et acceptables pour les jeunes femmes de 18 Ă  25 ans, dans l’objectif de prĂ©venir la survenue de grossesses non dĂ©sirĂ©es ? Mieux comprendre les freins des patientes Ă  leur utilisation pour mieux les prescrire : Ă©tude ambulatoire par questionnaire dirigĂ© portant sur les connaissances et rĂ©ticences des jeunes femmes ĂągĂ©es de 18 Ă  25 ans, consultant en planning familial, en Seine-Saint-Denis

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    Introduction : les contraceptifs de longue durĂ©e d’action sont des mĂ©thodes efficaces dans la prĂ©vention des interruptions volontaires de grossesse mais restent sous-utilisĂ©s parmi les moins de 25 ans en France. Le taux annuel d’IVG en France est de 14‰, et de 19,5‰ avant 20 ans et 27‰ entre 20 et 24 ans. En Seine-Saint-Denis, le taux de recours annuel Ă  l’IVG des moins de 25 ans est de 36,9‰. MatĂ©riels et mĂ©thodes : cette Ă©tude menĂ©e en Seine-Saint-Denis, auprĂšs de jeunes femmes de moins de 25 ans, vise Ă  Ă©tudier l’acceptabilitĂ© et les freins Ă  l’utilisation des LARC. RĂ©sultats : le DIU est largement connu mais trĂšs peu utilisĂ©, et seulement par des femmes ayant dĂ©jĂ  eu une grossesse. La satisfaction est excellente mais trĂšs peu l’envisagent comme contraception. Le principal frein Ă  son utilisation est le manque d’information. L’implant est largement connu, mais peu utilisĂ©, sans influence de la paritĂ©. La satisfaction est mĂ©diocre et peu l’envisagent comme contraceptif. La peur des effets indĂ©sirables est l’obstacle principalement Ă©voquĂ©. Parmi les femmes ayant dĂ©jĂ  eu recours Ă  l’IVG, l’acceptabilitĂ© des LARC est meilleure et l’utilisation du DIU privilĂ©giĂ©e. Conclusion : les jeunes SĂ©quano-Dionysiennes utilisent peu les LARC. Le profil de satisfaction favorise largement le DIU Ă  l’implant. Le manque d’information et la mĂ©sinformation, sont les freins Ă©voquĂ©s par les femmes n’envisageant aucune de ces contraceptions. Toutes ces raisons peuvent ĂȘtre solutionnĂ©es par l’accĂšs Ă  une information, sur chacune des mĂ©thodes, dĂ©cernĂ©e par des mĂ©decins ayant reçu une formation spĂ©cifique, et lors de sĂ©ances d’éducation contraceptive devant intervenir le plus tĂŽt possible

    Le site olympique de Sarajevo : témoin de la politique yougoslave de la fin du xxe siÚcle

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    IntroductionLa Yougoslavie est un État Ă  part dans le monde d’aprĂšs 1945. Son leader, le MarĂ©chal Tito, dirige d’une main de fer une fĂ©dĂ©ration de RĂ©publiques, parfois contraintes de vivre ensemble. En effet, l’histoire de la RFSY est complexe et unique. AprĂšs la deuxiĂšme guerre mondiale, Tito s’empare du pouvoir. En 1948, le MarĂ©chal rompt avec l’URSS de Staline. DĂ©sormais, dĂ©gagĂ© de la tutelle soviĂ©tique, Tito a les mains libres pour mener la politique qu’il souhaite.L’extranĂ©itĂ© de la You..

    Conclusion générale

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    Les diffĂ©rents chapitres rĂ©unis dans cet ouvrage prĂ©sentent Ă  la fois une rĂ©elle richesse et une grande diversitĂ©. Cet aspect fut voulu et c’est intentionnellement qu’aucune dĂ©finition du patrimoine et de ses formes d’hĂ©ritages n’a Ă©tĂ© imposĂ©e aux contributeurs. Chacun a eu le loisir de proposer son cadre d’analyse et sa ligne conceptuelle en fonction de ses champs d’étude privilĂ©giĂ©s. NĂ©anmoins, de nombreuses convergences ont pu se dessiner.Ainsi, la premiĂšre partie consacrĂ©e au patrimoine ..

    Dynamics of Soil Microbial Communities During Diazepam and Oxazepam Biodegradation in Soil Flooded by Water From a WWTP

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    International audienceThe demand for energy and chemicals is constantly growing, leading to an increase of the amounts of contaminants discharged to the environment. Among these, pharmaceutical molecules are frequently found in treated wastewater that is discharged into superficial waters. Indeed, wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) are designed to remove organic pollution from urban effluents but are not specific, especially toward contaminants of emerging concern (CECs), which finally reach the natural environment. In this context, it is important to study the fate of micropollutants, especially in a soil aquifer treatment (SAT) context for water from WWTPs, and for the most persistent molecules such as benzodiazepines. In the present study, soils sampled in a reed bed frequently flooded by water from a WWTP were spiked with diazepam and oxazepam in microcosms, and their concentrations were monitored for 97 days. It appeared that the two molecules were completely degraded after 15 days of incubation. Samples were collected during the experiment in order to follow the dynamics of the microbial communities, based on 16S rRNA gene sequencing for Archaea and Bacteria, and ITS2 gene for Fungi. The evolution of diversity and of specific operating taxonomic units (OTUs) highlighted an impact of the addition of benzodiazepines, a rapid resilience of the fungal community and an evolution of the bacterial community. It appeared that OTUs from the Brevibacillus genus were more abundant at the beginning of the biodegradation process, for diazepam and oxazepam conditions. Additionally, Tax4Fun tool was applied to 16S rRNA gene sequencing data to infer on the evolution of specific metabolic functions during biodegradation. It finally appeared that the microbial community in soils frequently exposed to water from WWTP, potentially containing CECs such as diazepam and oxazepam, may be adapted to the degradation of persistent contaminants

    Electrocardiographic Changes at the Early Stage of Status Epilepticus: First Insights from the ICTAL Registry∗

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    International audienceObjectives: To describe early electrocardiogram (ECG) abnormalities after status epilepticus (SE) and evaluate their association with 90-day neurological outcomes. Design: Retrospective analysis of a multicenter, national prospective registry between February 2018 and June 2020. Setting: Sixteen ICUs in France, IctalGroup Research Network. Patients: Adults with available ECG performed less than or equal to 24 hours after the onset of SE and less than or equal to 12 hours after its resolution. Intervention: Double-blinded review of all ECGs was performed by two independent cardiologists. ECGs were categorized as normal/abnormal and then with minor/major early ECG abnormalities according to the Novacode ECG Classification system. Measurements and Main Results: Among 155 critically ill patients with SE, early ECG abnormalities were encountered in 145 (93.5%), categorized as major in 91 of 145 (62.8%). In addition to sinus tachycardia, the main abnormalities were in the ST segment (elevation [16.6%] or depression [17.9%]) or negative T waves (42.1%). Major early ECG abnormalities were significantly associated with respiratory distress and sinus tachycardia at the scene and hyperlactatemia at ICU admission. By multivariable analysis, three variables were significantly associated with 90-day poor outcome: Age, preexisting ultimately fatal comorbidity, and cerebral insult as the cause of SE. Early major ECG abnormalities were not independently associated with 90-day functional outcome. Conclusions: In our study, early ECG abnormalities in the acute phase of SE were frequent, often unrecognized and were associated with clinical and biological stigma of hypoxemia. Although they were not independently associated with 90-day functional outcome, ECG changes at the early stage of SE should be systematically evaluated. TRIAL REGISTRATION: https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT03457831