580 research outputs found

    Mathematical approaches to differentiation and gene regulation

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    We consider some mathematical issues raised by the modelling of gene networks. The expression of genes is governed by a complex set of regulations, which is often described symbolically by interaction graphs. Once such a graph has been established, there remains the difficult task to decide which dynamical properties of the gene network can be inferred from it, in the absence of precise quantitative data about their regulation. In this paper we discuss a rule proposed by R.Thomas according to which the possibility for the network to have several stationary states implies the existence of a positive circuit in the corresponding interaction graph. We prove that, when properly formulated in rigorous terms, this rule becomes a theorem valid for several different types of formal models of gene networks. This result is already known for models of differential or boolean type. We show here that a stronger version of it holds in the differential setup when the decay of protein concentrations is taken into account. This allows us to verify also the validity of Thomas' rule in the context of piecewise-linear models and the corresponding discrete models. We discuss open problems as well.Comment: To appear in Notes Comptes-Rendus Acad. Sc. Paris, Biologi

    Upper bounds for regularized determinants

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    Let EE be a holomorphic vector bundle on a compact K\"ahler manifold XX. If we fix a metric hh on EE, we get a Laplace operator Δ\Delta acting upon smooth sections of EE over XX. Using the zeta function of Δ\Delta, one defines its regularized determinant det′(Δ)det'(\Delta). We conjectured elsewhere that, when hh varies, this determinant det′(Δ)det'(\Delta) remains bounded from above. In this paper we prove this in two special cases. The first case is when XX is a Riemann surface, EE is a line bundle and dim(H0(X,E))+dim(H1(X,E))≤2dim(H^0 (X,E)) + dim(H^1 (X,E)) \leq 2, and the second case is when XX is the projective line, EE is a line bundle, and all metrics under consideration are invariant under rotation around a fixed axis.Comment: 22 pages, plain Te

    Analytic torsion and the arithmetic Todd genus

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    Congruence schemes

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    A new category of algebro-geometric objects is defined. This construction is a vast generalization of existing F1-theories, as it contains the the theory of monoid schemes on the one hand and classical algebraic theory, e.g. Grothendieck schemes, on the the other. It also gives a handy description of Berkovich subdomains and thus contains Berkovich's approach to abstract skeletons. Further it complements the theory of monoid schemes in view of number theoretic applications as congruence schemes encode number theoretical information as opposed to combinatorial data which are seen by monoid schemes

    On the slopes of the lattice of sections of hermitian line bundles

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    In this paper we apply Arakelov theory to study the distribution of the Petersson norms of classical cusp forms as well as the distribution of the sup norms of rational functions on adelic subsets of curves. The method in both cases is to study the limiting distribution of the successive minima of norms of global sections of powers of a metrized ample line bundle as one takes increasing powers of the bundle. We develop a general method for computing the measure associated to this distribution. We also study measures associated to the zeros of sections which have small norm
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