60 research outputs found

    Repair of WWER type nuclear power plant main nuclear components in czech conditions with emphasis on weld repairs

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    Opravné svařování Systémů, konstrukcí a komponent (SKK) jaderných elektráren (JE) typu VVER má ve společnosti ŠKODA JS dlouholetou tradici. V posledních letech vyvíjela a realizovala technologicky náročné opravy hlavních komponent primárního okruhu. Při řešení oprav byly aplikovány poznatky mnoha oborů na světové úrovni. Získané zkušenosti a poznatky byly použity jako základ pro další vývoj oboru jaderného opravárenství a to včetně oprav tlakových nádob reaktorů (TNR), které jsou sice nepravděpodobné, ale připravenost na ně je jednou ze základních podmínek dlouhodobého provozu.Repair welding of main SSC (Systems, Structures, and Components) in the company ŠKODA JS a.s. has a long time history. It has been developing and put in to practice technologically demanding repairs of main components of primary circuit in the last years. There was applied knowledge from many fields at the worldwide level. Obtained experience and knowledge were used as a basis for further development of the nuclear repair field included repairs of Reactor Pressure Vessels (RPVs), which are unlikely but be prepared for it is one of basic conditions of long term operation

    A Footbal League Interactive Simulation

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    katedra počítač

    Optimization of Printed Circuit board design assembly based on DPMO metrics

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    The paper deals with optimization of printed circuit board assembly (PCBA) design based on defects per million opportunities (DPMO) metric. Due to DPMO data predictions for a given new PCBA design is possible to optimize its layout in terms of yield and quality even before the PCBA pilot production. The DPMO data are obtained from the below presented yield-DPMO model. The model is based on a combination of elements from DPMO calculation according to the IPC 7912 standard and two most used yield prediction methodologies, namely: process yield and board design yield. The model provides not only DPMO data, but also assembly process yield prediction that can assist the manufacturers in determining reliable estimates of production capabilities

    Tepelná únava nitridační vrstvy na oceli 19552

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    Use of subcutaneous ports in pre-hospital care

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    Bakalářská práce obsahuje informace o možnostech zajištění žilního vstupu v přednemocniční péči. Zejména se jedná o implatabilní podkožní porty. Práce je rozdělena na dvě části. Teoretická se věnuje přednemocniční péči, popisu portu, jeho implantaci a ošetřovatelské péči. Praktická část obsahuje interpretaci výzkumného souboru, analýzu dat a závěrečné vyhodnocení.The bachelor's thesis contains information of the possibilities of venous access in pre-hospital care. In particular, these are implaceable subcutaneous ports. The thesis is divided into two parts. Theoretical deals with pre-hospital care, description of the port, implantation and nursing care. The practical part contains the interpretation of the research file, data analysis and final evaluation.Fakulta zdravotnických studiíStudent/ka úspěšně obhájil/a bakalářskou práci, odpověděl/a na doplňující otázky oponenta.Dokončená práce s úspěšnou obhajobo

    Significancy of the ,,Sternoscapular Line" for Pain Syndromes within the Cervical Region

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    Thesis title: Significance of the,, Sternoscapular Line "for Pain Syndromes Within the Cervical Region Vvmezeni problem: how they affect a painful condition of origin or significantly connection with the cervical region, the mutual position of the blades and the keys? It is appropriate to use ,, sternoskapularni line "PFI vysetfovani neck area? That will be the main question of this study. Cile : The aim of practical part is to find out what the connection between painful condition in the cervical region and the mutual position of the blade and clavicle. The general part I will try to summarize most important theoretical knowledge on the topic. The solution of the method: The experiment will attend 30 probands with a painful syndrome of cervical backbone of a similar number of probands without such difficulties. Will be tracking blades and sprouts in probands both groups. Key words: cervical spine, cervical region, sternoscapular line, examination, clinical test, muscular imbalances Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org

    The rehabilitation after osteosynthesis of ankle

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    FyzioterapieFakulta tělesné výchovy a sportuFaculty of Physical Education and Spor

    Integration of educational contents in Biology and Geography from the point of view of in-service teachers

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    The aim of the bachelor's thesis was to find out how practical teachers perceive the integration of the educational contents of natural history and geography. Most elementary schools in the Czech Republic adhere to traditional education and divide the curriculum into separate subjects. Teaching in elementary schools is based on curriculum documents at the state and school level. The framework education program sets the general framework for the individual stages of education and the school education program. It provides the possibility to create educational subjects through the integration of educational contents of several educational fields, but also the use of cross-subject relationships in the classical concept in individual subjects. The aim of the survey was to find out how the teachers themselves view integration and how they implement it in their classes. The work includes an analysis of the current state of integrated teaching in selected schools. The analysis was carried out on the basis of a questionnaire survey among the approached teachers from practice. Teachers teaching geography, natural history, or both of these subjects at the same time were approached. A total of 10 practicing teachers voluntarily shared their opinions, observations, and experiences with integrated teaching. The interviewees also mentioned the ambiguities, doubts, and problems that they encounter or may encounter when implementing this type of teaching in practice. Based on a questionnaire survey, it was found that teaching in intersubjective relationships is applied in everyday practice. On the contrary, integration in the sense of integration of educational contents of several educational fields is hardly used by teachers in practice. For this type of teaching, according to the answers of the respondents, there is a lack of undergraduate training for future teachers, teaching materials and experience

    Large area temperature measurement in smart textiles

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    Smart firefighter protective suits can monitor their inner and outer temperature in order to prevent the burning of sensitive human skin. Embroidered large area sensors, which were developed at the University of West Bohemia in cooperation with industrial partners, are ideal for this measurement due to their seamless integration into a suit, their flexibility, breathability, fast response to rapid temperature change, washing resistance and large-surface measurement. These sensors performed well during testing on a thermal test bench with an IR heater and showed better results than conventional platinum sensors in terms of dynamic characteristics of measurement

    Optimization of the Embroidery Technological Process of Electronic Components for Smart Textiles

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    Tento článek vznikl za podpory interního projektu na podporu studentských vědeckých konferencí SVK-2018-005, dále projektu SGS-2018-001: Výzkum a vývoj elektronických a komunikačních systémů ve vědeckých a inţenýrských aplikacích a projektu SeniorTex - FV10111 řešeného v rámci programu TRIO.This paper deals with an optimization of the embroidery process for realization of textile based electronic components for smart textile applications. During the testing, the most of the attention was paid to the parameters that influence the conductivity of embroidered paths with different type of motives. These parameters include the shape of the embroidered paths, type of conductive thread, the length of the used stitch and the used textile substrate