10 research outputs found

    Consequences of SPAK inactivation on Hyperkalemic Hypertension caused by WNK1 mutations: evidence for differential roles of WNK1 and WNK4

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    Abstract Mutations of the gene encoding WNK1 [With No lysine (K) kinase 1] or WNK4 cause Familial Hyperkalemic Hypertension (FHHt). Previous studies have shown that the activation of SPAK (Ste20-related Proline/Alanine-rich Kinase) plays a dominant role in the development of FHHt caused by WNK4 mutations. The implication of SPAK in FHHt caused by WNK1 mutation has never been investigated. To clarify this issue, we crossed WNK1 +/FHHt mice with SPAK knock-in mice in which the T-loop Thr243 residue was mutated to alanine to prevent activation by WNK kinases. We show that WNK1 +/FHHT :SPAK 243A/243A mice display an intermediate phenotype, between that of control and SPAK 243A/243A mice, with normal blood pressure but hypochloremic metabolic alkalosis. NCC abundance and phosphorylation levels also decrease below the wild-type level in the double-mutant mice but remain higher than in SPAK 243A/243A mice. This is different from what was observed in WNK4-FHHt mice in which SPAK inactivation completely restored the phenotype and NCC expression to wild-type levels. Although these results confirm that FHHt caused by WNK1 mutations is dependent on the activation of SPAK, they suggest that WNK1 and WNK4 play different roles in the distal nephron

    A fate-mapping approach reveals the composite origin of the connecting tubule and alerts on “single-cell”-specific KO model of the distal nephron

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    The distal nephron is a heterogeneous part of the nephron composed by six different cell types, forming the epithelium of the distal convoluted (DCT), connecting, and collecting duct. To dissect the function of these cells, knockout models specific for their unique cell marker have been created. However, since this part of the nephron develops at the border between the ureteric bud and the metanephric mesenchyme, the specificity of the single cell markers has been recently questioned. Here, by mapping the fate of the aquaporin 2 (AQP2) and Na+-Cl+ cotransporter (NCC)-positive cells using transgenic mouse lines expressing the yellow fluorescent protein fluorescent marker, we showed that the origin of the distal nephron is extremely composite. Indeed, AQP2-expressing precursor results give rise not only to the principal cells, but also to some of the A- and B-type intercalated cells and even to cells of the DCT. On the other hand, some principal cells and B-type intercalated cells can develop from NCC-expressing precursors. In conclusion, these results demonstrate that the origin of different cell types in the distal nephron is not as clearly defined as originally thought. Importantly, they highlight the fact that knocking out a gene encoding for a selective functional marker in the adult does not guarantee cell specificity during the overall kidney development. Tools allowing not only cell-specific but also time-controlled recombination will be useful in this sense

    Decreased ENaC expression compensates the increased NCC activity following inactivation of the kidney-specific isoform of WNK1 and prevents hypertension

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    Mutations in WNK1 and WNK4 lead to familial hyperkalemic hypertension (FHHt). Because FHHt associates net positive Na+ balance together with K+ and H+ renal retention, the identification of WNK1 and WNK4 led to a new paradigm to explain how aldosterone can promote either Na+ reabsorption or K+ secretion in a hypovolemic or hyperkalemic state, respectively. WNK1 gives rise to L-WNK1, an ubiquitous kinase, and KS-WNK1, a kinase-defective isoform expressed in the distal convoluted tubule. By inactivating KS-WNK1 in mice, we show here that this isoform is an important regulator of sodium transport. KS-WNK1−/− mice display an increased activity of the Na-Cl cotransporter NCC, expressed specifically in the distal convoluted tubule, where it participates in the fine tuning of sodium reabsorption. Moreover, the expression of the ROMK and BKCa potassium channels was modified in KS-WNK1−/− mice, indicating that KS-WNK1 is also a regulator of potassium transport in the distal nephron. Finally, we provide an alternative model for FHHt. Previous studies suggested that the activation of NCC plays a central role in the development of hypertension and hyperkalemia. Even though the increase in NCC activity in KS-WNK1−/− mice was less pronounced than in mice overexpressing a mutant form of WNK4, our study suggests that the activation of Na–Cl cotransporter is not sufficient by itself to induce a hyperkalemic hypertension and that the deregulation of other channels, such as the Epithelial Na+ channel (ENaC), is probably required

    Conditional glucocorticoid receptor expression in the heart induces atrio‐ventricular block

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    International audienceCorticosteroid hormones (aldosterone and glucocorticoids) and their receptors are now recognized as major modulators of cardiovascular pathophysiology, but their specific roles remain elusive. Glucocorticoid hormones (GCs), which are widely used to treat acute and chronic diseases, often have adverse cardiovascular effects such as heart failure, hypertension, atherosclerosis, or metabolic alterations. The direct effects of GC on the heart are difficult to evaluate, as changes in plasma GC concentrations have multiple consequences due to the ubiquitous expression of the glucocorticoid receptor (GR), resulting in secondary effects on cardiac function. We evaluated the effects of GR on the heart in a conditional mouse model in which the GR was overexpressed solely in cardiomyocytes. The transgenic mice displayed electrocardiogram (ECG) abnormalities: a long PQ interval, increased QRS and QTc duration as well as chronic atrio-ventricular block, without cardiac hypertrophy or fibrosis. The ECG alterations were reversible on GR expression shutoff. Isolated ventricular cardiomyocytes showed major ion channel remodeling, with decreases in I(Na), I(to), and I(Kslow) activity and changes in cell calcium homeostasis (increase in C(al), in Ca2+ transients and in sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ load). This phenotype differs from that observed in mice overexpressing the mineralocorticoid receptor in the heart, which displayed ventricular arrhythmia. Our mouse model highlights novel effects of GR activation in the heart indicating that GR has direct and specific cardiac effects in the mouse

    LIM kinase/cofilin dysregulation promotes macrothrombocytopenia in severe von Willebrand disease-type 2B

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    International audiencevon Willebrand disease type 2B (VWD-type 2B) is characterized by gain-of-function mutations of von Willebrand factor (vWF) that enhance its binding to platelet glycoprotein Ibα and alter the protein's multimeric structure. Patients with VWD-type 2B display variable extents of bleeding associated with macrothrombocytopenia and sometimes with thrombopathy. Here, we addressed the molecular mechanism underlying the severe macrothrombocytopenia both in a knockin murine model for VWD-type 2B by introducing the p.V1316M mutation in the murine Vwf gene and in a patient bearing this mutation. We provide evidence of a profound defect in megakaryocyte (MK) function since: (a) the extent of proplatelet formation was drastically decreased in 2B MKs, with thick proplatelet extensions and large swellings; and (b) 2B MKs presented actin disorganization that was controlled by upregulation of the RhoA/LIM kinase (LIMK)/cofilin pathway. In vitro and in vivo inhibition of the LIMK/cofilin signaling pathway rescued actin turnover and restored normal proplatelet formation, platelet count, and platelet size. These data indicate, to our knowledge for the first time, that the severe macrothrombocytopenia in VWD-type 2B p.V1316M is due to an MK dysfunction that originates from a constitutive activation of the RhoA/LIMK/cofilin pathway and actin disorganization. This suggests a potentially new function of vWF during platelet formation that involves regulation of actin dynamics

    Conditional Mineralocorticoid Receptor Expression in the Heart Leads to Life-Threatening Arrhythmias

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    International audienceBackground— Life-threatening cardiac arrhythmia is a major source of mortality worldwide. Besides rare inherited monogenic diseases such as long-QT or Brugada syndromes, which reflect abnormalities in ion fluxes across cardiac ion channels as a final common pathway, arrhythmias are most frequently acquired and associated with heart disease. The mineralocorticoid hormone aldosterone is an important contributor to morbidity and mortality in heart failure, but its mechanisms of action are incompletely understood. Methods and Results— To specifically assess the role of the mineralocorticoid receptor (MR) in the heart, in the absence of changes in aldosteronemia, we generated a transgenic mouse model with conditional cardiac-specific overexpression of the human MR. Mice exhibit a high rate of death prevented by spironolactone, an MR antagonist used in human therapy. Cardiac MR overexpression led to ion channel remodeling, resulting in prolonged ventricular repolarization at both the cellular and integrated levels and in severe ventricular arrhythmias. Conclusions— Our results indicate that cardiac MR triggers cardiac arrhythmias, suggesting novel opportunities for prevention of arrhythmia-related sudden death