137 research outputs found

    Obscuration model of Variability in AGN

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    There are strong suggestions that the disk-like accretion flow onto massive black hole in AGN is disrupted in its innermost part (10-100 Rg), possibly due to the radiation pressure instability. It may form a hot optically thin quasi spherical (ADAF) flow surrounded by or containing denser clouds due to the disruption of the disk. Such clouds might be optically thick, with a Thompson depth of order of 10 or more. Within the frame of this cloud scenario (Collin-Souffrin et al. 1996, Czerny & Dumont 1998), obscuration events are expected and the effect would be seen as a variability. We consider expected random variability due to statistical dispersion in location of clouds along the line of sight for a constant covering factor. We discuss a simple analytical toy model which provides us with the estimates of the mean spectral properties and variability amplitude of AGN, and we support them with radiative transfer computations done with the use of TITAN code of Dumont, Abrassart & Collin (1999) and NOAR code of Abrassart (1999).Comment: to appear in Proc. of 5th Compton Symposium on Gamma-Ray Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Evidence for Supermassive Black Holes in Active Galactic Nuclei from Emission-Line Reverberation

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    Emission-line variability data for Seyfert 1 galaxies provide strong evidence for the existence of supermassive black holes in the nuclei of these galaxies, and that the line-emitting gas is moving in the gravitational potential of that black hole. The time-delayed response of the emission lines to continuum variations is used to infer the size of the line-emitting region, which is then combined with measurements of the Doppler widths of the variable line components to estimate a virial mass. In the case of the best-studied galaxy, NGC 5548, various emission lines spanning an order of magnitude in distance from the central source show the expected velocity proportional to inverse square root of the distance correlation between distance and line width, and are thus consistent with a single value for the mass. Two other Seyfert galaxies, NGC 7469 and 3C 390.3, show a similar relationship. We compute the ratio of luminosity to mass for these three objects and the narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy NGC 4051 and find that that the gravitational force on the line-emitting gas is much stronger than radiation pressure. These results strongly support the paradigm of gravitationally bound broad emission-line region clouds.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures, Accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journal Letter

    A Brief History of AGN

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    Astronomers knew early in the twentieth century that some galaxies have emission-line nuclei. However, even the systematic study by Seyfert (1943) was not enough to launch active galactic nuclei (AGN) as a major topic of astronomy. The advances in radio astronomy in the 1950s revealed a new universe of energetic phenomena, and inevitably led to the discovery of quasars. These discoveries demanded the attention of observers and theorists, and AGN have been a subject of intense effort ever since. Only a year after the recognition of the redshifts of 3C 273 and 3C 48 in 1963, the idea of energy production by accretion onto a black hole was advanced. However, acceptance of this idea came slowly, encouraged by the discovery of black hole X-ray sources in our Galaxy and, more recently, supermassive black holes in the center of the Milky Way and other galaxies. Many questions remain as to the formation and fueling of the hole, the geometry of the central regions, the detailed emission mechanisms, the production of jets, and other aspects. The study of AGN will remain a vigorous part of astronomy for the foreseeable future.Comment: 37 pages, no figures. Uses aaspp4.sty. To be published in Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 1999 Jun

    Age Dating of a High-Redshift QSO B1422+231 at Z=3.62 and its Cosmological Implications

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    The observed Fe II(UV+optical)/Mg II lambda lambda 2796,2804 flux ratio from a gravitationally lensed quasar B1422+231 at z=3.62 is interpreted in terms of detailed modeling of photoionization and chemical enrichment in the broad-line region (BLR) of the host galaxy. The delayed iron enrichment by Type Ia supernovae is used as a cosmic clock. Our standard model, which matches the Fe II/Mg II ratio, requires the age of 1.5 Gyr for B1422+231 with a lower bound of 1.3 Gyr, which exceeds the expansion age of the Einstein-de Sitter Omega_0=1 universe at a redshift of 3.62 for any value of the Hubble constant in the currently accepted range, H_0=60-80 km,s^{-1},Mpc^{-1}. This problem of an age discrepancy at z=3.62 can be unraveled in a low-density Omega_0<0.2 universe, either with or without a cosmological constant, depending on the allowable redshift range of galaxy formation. However, whether the cosmological constant is a required option in modern cosmology awaits a thorough understanding of line transfer processes in the BLRs.Comment: 7 pages including 3 figures, to appear in ApJ Letter

    Interpreting the Variability of Double-Peaked Emission Lines in Active Galactic Nuclei with Stochastically Perturbed Accretion Disk Models

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    In an effort to explain the short-timescale variability of the broad, double-peaked profiles of some active galactic nuclei, we constructed stochastically perturbed accretion disk models and calculated H alpha line profile series as the bright spots rotate, shear and decay. We determined the dependence of the properties of the line profile variability on the spot properties. We compared the variability of the line profile from the models to the observed variability of the H alpha line of Arp 102B and 3C 390.3. We find that spots need to be concentrated in the outer parts of the line emitting region to reproduce the observed variability properties for Arp 102B. This rules out spot production by star/disk collisions and favors a scenario where the radius of marginal self-gravity is within the line emitting region, creating a sharp increase in the radial spot distribution in the outer parts. In the case of 3C 390.3, all the families of models that we tested can reproduce the observed variability for a suitable choice of model parameters.Comment: 27 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    FUSE Observation of the Narrow-line Seyfert 1 Galaxy RE 1034+39

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    We present analysis from simultaneous FUSE, ASCA, and EUVE observations, as well as a reanalysis of archival HST spectra, from the extreme Narrow-line Seyfert 1 Galaxy RE 1034+39 (KUG 1031+398). RE 1034+39 has an unusually hard spectral energy distribution (SED) that peaks in the soft X-rays. Its emission lines are unusual in that they can all be modelled as a Lorentzian centered at the rest wavelength with only a small range in velocity widths. In order to investigate whether the unusual SED influences the emission line ratios and equivalent widths, we present three complementary types of photoionization analysis. The FUSE spectrum was particularly important because it includes the high-ionization line OVI. First, we use the photoionization code Cloudy and the SED developed from the coordinated observations to confirm that the emission lines are consistent with observed hard SED. The best model parameters were an ionization parameter log(U) ~ -2 and a hydrogen number density log(n_H)=9.75 [cm^-2]. Second, we present a Locally Optimally-emitting Cloud model. This model produced enhanced OVI as observed, but also yielded far too strong MgII. Third, we develop a series of semi-empirical SEDs, run Cloudy models, and compare the results with the measured values using a figure of merit (FOM). The FOM minimum indicates similar SED and gas properties as were inferred from the one-zone model using the RE 1034+39 continuum. Furthermore, the FOM increases sharply toward softer continua, indicating that a hard SED is required by the data in the context of a one-zone model.Comment: 65 pages 20 figure

    Infrared FeII Emission in Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 Galaxies

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    We obtained 0.8-2.4 micron spectra at a resolution of 320 km/s of four narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxies in order to study the near-infrared properties of these objects. We focus on the analysis of the FeII emission in that region and the kinematics of the low-ionization broad lines. We found that the 1 micron FeII lines (9997 A, 10501 A, 10863 A and 11126 A) are the strongest FeII lines in the observed interval. For the first time, primary cascade lines of FeII arising from the decay of upper levels pumped by Ly-alpha fluorescence are resolved and identified in active galactic nuclei. Excitation mechanisms leading to the emission of the 1 micron FeII features are discussed. A combination of Ly-alpha fluorescence and collisional excitation are found to be the main contributors. The flux ratio between near-IR FeII lines varies from object to object, in contrast to what is observed in the optical region. A good correlation between the 1 micron and optical FeII emission is found. This suggests that the upper z4Fo and z4Do levels from which the bulk of the optical lines descend are mainly populated by the transitions leading to the 1 micron lines. The width and profile shape of FeII 11127, CaII 8642 and OI 8446 are very similar but significantly narrower than Pa-beta, giving strong observational support to the hypothesis that the region where FeII, CaII and OI are produced are co-spatial, interrelated kinematically and most probably located in the outermost portion of the BLR.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ - 35 page

    The emission spectrum of the strong Fe II emitter BAL Seyfert 1 galaxy IRAS 07598+6508

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    The narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy IRAS 07598+6508 is known to be a stong Fe II emitter. The analysis of several high S/N ratio spectra shows that its spectrum is dominated by a relatively narrow "broad line" region (1 780 km s−1^{-1} FWHM) emitting not only Fe II, but also Ti II and Cr II lines. Although we were unable to find a completely satisfactory physical model, we got the best agreement with the observations with collisional rather than radiative models, with a high density (n=1015^{15} cm−3^{-3}), a high column density (NH_{H}=1025^{25} cm−2^{-2}) and a microturbulence of 100 km s−1^{-1}. This BLR is qualitatively similar to the one observed in I Zw 1. We have not found traces in IRAS 07598+6508 of the narrow line regions found in I Zw 1.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figures, accepted by A&

    Clues to Quasar Broad Line Region Geometry and Kinematics

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    We present evidence that the high-velocity CIV lambda 1549 emission line gas of radio-loud quasars may originate in a disk-like configuration, in close proximity to the accretion disk often assumed to emit the low-ionization lines. For a sample of 36 radio-loud z~2 quasars we find the 20--30% peak width to show significant inverse correlations with the fractional radio core-flux density, R, the radio axis inclination indicator. Highly inclined systems have broader line wings, consistent with a high-velocity field perpendicular to the radio axis. By contrast, the narrow line-core shows no such relation with R, so the lowest velocity CIV-emitting gas has an inclination independent velocity field. We propose that this low-velocity gas is located at higher disk-altitudes than the high-velocity gas. A planar origin of the high-velocity CIV-emission is consistent with the current results and with an accretion disk-wind emitting the broad lines. A spherical distribution of randomly orbiting broad-line clouds and a polar high-ionization outflow are ruled out.Comment: 5 Latex pages, 1 figure, accepted for publication in ApJ Letter
