21 research outputs found

    Influencia de la práctica clínica en la presencia de puntos gatillo miofasciales en el músculo trapecio de estudiantes de enfermería. Estudio longitudinal descriptivo.

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    Aim: To observe whether the tasks performed by nursing students during their third year of nursing degrees have an influence on the state of MTP of their trapezius muscle.Participants and Methods: 30 third-year students from Alcalá de Henares University College of Nursing were evaluated. Exclusion criteria: to suffer any sense or trophic muscular disorder, to have begun or be receiving any influential treatment. A questionnaire about the types of tasks they carry out and other sociodemographic and academical work factors were done. Students were assessed to check the presence of some MTP in their trapezius, describing its active or dormant state through diagnostic criteria, their pressure pain threshold (measured with an algometer) and active ranges of cervical movements were also recorded. All measurements were taken before and after one month of the experiment. Through the statistical analysis the data collected in the questionnaire was compared with the state of the MTP in both moments, with a p<0.05 and a 95% confidence interval.Results: all the subjects were women who over the course of the experiment recorded a 1.8- upper scoring on the visual analogue scale, they showed an average increase of 1.55º in the cervical ranges of motion, except flexion; and the pressure pain threshold rose an average 0.139 kg/cm2. Trigger points (TP) 1 and 2 changed from dormant to active state on 6,7% of the subjects, and the TP5 on 3,3%. At the end of the experiment the TP6 appeared as 6,7% of them.Conclusions: tendencies have been observed among the analyzed variables which allow the proposition of more specific studies about biological and socio-labour factors linked to MTPs in order to establish physio-therapeutic efficient strategies for incorporation into the professional world.Objetivo: Observar si la práctica clínica de estudiantes de enfermería influye en el estado de PGM en el trapecio.Participantes y métodos: Estudio longitudinal descriptivo en el que se evaluaron 30 estudiantes de tercero de la Escuela Universitaria de Enfermería de Alcalá de Henares. Criterios de inclusión: iniciar su primer período de prácticas tras la primera sesión de valoración. Criterios de exclusión: presentar alteración muscular sensitiva o trófica, estar realizando o iniciar algún tratamiento influyente. Se pasó un cuestionario sobre tareas desempeñadas en sus prácticas clínicas y otros factores sociodemográficos y del entorno académico-laboral. Se valoraron: la presencia de puntos gatillo miofasciales (activos y latentes) en el trapecio según criterios diagnósticos, el umbral de dolor a la presión (con algómetro), y los rangos de movimiento cervical activo. Todas las medidas se tomaron antes y después de un mes de prácticas. En el análisis estadístico se compararon los datos recopilados en el cuestionario con el estado de los PGM en los dos momentos, considerando una p<0.05 y el intervalo de confianza del 95%.Resultados: Todos los participantes fueron mujeres, que tras el período de prácticas clínicas, registraron una puntuación 1.8 superior en la escala analógica visual, mostraron un incremento medio de 1,55º en los rangos de movimiento cervical, salvo en la flexión; y el umbral de dolor a la presión aumentó de media 0.139 kg/cm2. Los PG 1 y 2 cambiaron de estado latente a activo en un 6,7% de sujetos, y el PG 5 en un 3,3%. Al final del período el PG6 apareció en el 6,7%.Conclusiones: Se han observado tendencias en las variables analizadas que permiten plantear el estudio más específico de factores biológicos y sociolaborales influyentes en la presencia de PGM, para establecer estrategias fisioterápicas eficientes antes de la incorporación al ámbito profesional

    Validation of the Spanish Version of Newcastle Stroke-Specific Quality of Life Measure (NEWSQOL)

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    Background: Stroke causes a wide variety of clinical manifestations that may have a negative impact on quality of life. Therefore, it is very important to use specific instruments for measuring quality of life in individuals who suffered a stroke. The aim of this study was to develop a psychometrically validated Spanish version of the Newcastle stroke-specific quality of life measure (NEWSQOL). Methods: A psychometric validation of the Spanish version of the NEWSQOL questionnaire was carried out in 159 patients. The reliability (intraclass correlation coefficient and Cronbach&apos;s alpha coefficient), validity (factorial analysis and Spearman&apos;s coefficient), feasibility (response rate), and the ceiling and floor effects were calculated. Results: Internal consistency showed that Cronbach&apos;s alpha coefficient was 0.93. The test-retest reliability was high or excellent for all domains (range 0.71-0.97 p < 0.001). The response rate of the questionnaire was 100% and the average administration time was 20.5 (±7.2) min. No ceiling effect was detected and two domains (pain and vision) may have a significant potential for floor effect. Construct validity showed that all the variables are important enough to keep them all in the questionnaire. Concerning convergent construct validity, a high correlation was found with the Nottingham Health Profile, the Barthel Index, and the Modified Rankin Scale. Conclusion: The Spanish version of the NEWSQOL questionnaire is reliable, valid, and feasible to evaluate quality of life in the Spanish population

    Responsiveness of the Spanish Version of Newcastle Stroke-Specific Quality of Life (NEWSQOL)

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    A prospective observational study was conducted to assess the responsiveness of the Spanish version of NEWSQOL. The sample contained 128 patients who filled in the question-naires before and after a physical therapy intervention. The responsiveness was assessed with p-values using the effect size (ES) and the standardized response means (SRMs) of the change. Besides, two other external criteria were used to distinguish patients who improved with the treatment from those who remained stable. This classification was based on one functional independence measure (the Barthel Index) and one disability measure (the modified Rankin Scale). Results: There was a statistically significant correlation (Spearman?s coefficient = p < 0.01) between the domains of the Spanish version of NEWSQOL in relation to the Barthel Index and the modified Rankin Scale. All domains showed between marked-to-mild change responsiveness except sleep and relationships; mobility (ES 0.66 and SRM 0.92) and activities of daily living (ES 0.75 and SRM 0.87) were markedly responsive; communication (ES 0.38 and SRM 0.61) was moderately responsive; and pain, vision, cognition, feelings, emotions and fatigue were mildly responsive (ES 0.21-0.41 and SRM 0.23-0.44). Conclusion: The Spanish version of NEWSQOL shows between marked and mild responsiveness to measure the perception of QoL in post-stroke patients. Therefore, its use can be suitable for eval-uation studies, clinical trials and clinical practice

    Traducción al castellano y análisis preliminar de las propiedades psicométricas del cuestionario Newcastle Stroke-Specific Quality of Life Measure (NEWSQOL) para valorar la calidad de vida en pacientes postictus

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    22 p.Introducción. El Newcastle Stroke-Specific Quality of Life Measure (NEWSQOL) es uno de los pocos cuestionarios específicos para valorar la calidad de vida en pacientes que han sufrido ictus isquémico u hemorrágico. Objetivo. Traducir y adaptar dicho cuestionario al castellano y evaluar su fiabilidad y aceptabilidad. Pacientes y métodos. Se tradujo al castellano la versión original del cuestionario NEWSQOL, traducción que fue consen- suada por un equipo de expertos, y a partir de la cual se hizo una retrotraducción al inglés que se envió a la autora, quien mostró su conformidad. Posteriormente esa versión se administró a un grupo de pacientes para valorar su fiabilidad, aceptabilidad, efecto suelo y efecto techo. Resultados. El proceso de adaptación lingüística permitió obtener la equivalencia semántica, conceptual y de contenido de la versión española de NEWSQOL. Los resultados obtenidos en el análisis preliminar reflejan una excelente aceptabilidad, un índice de consistencia interna de 0,9 para la totalidad del cuestionario y una concordancia test-retest buena o excelen- te para todos los dominios. No se detectó efecto techo, pero sí efecto suelo para los dominios de visión y cognición. Conclusión. La versión española del cuestionario NEWSQOL es fiable para valorar la calidad de vida en pacientes postictus, además de aceptarse bien. Es necesario utilizar el cuestionario en muestras más amplias para evaluar su validez y sensi- bilidad

    Experiencias de innovación docente desde la interdisciplinariedad: diseño y puesta en práctica de material audiovisual multilingüe de introducción a un laboratorio de química

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    Como bien sabemos, en la sociedad plural en la que nos desenvolvemos cada vez es más importante el conocimiento de un segundo idioma, un tercero incluso, como una habilidad social más que nos permite relacionarnos, intercambiar ideas y puntos de vista con gente de diferentes países, cultura y profesión. En el ámbito de la ciencia, de las disciplinas técnicas en concreto, esta situación se acentúa, siendo el inglés el idioma dominante y lamentablemente, gran limitador de la transmisión y comunicación de ideas científicas por parte de millones de hispanohablantes. Ante esta realidad, la entrada en el Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior –EEES- de la Universidad española se presenta como una excelente oportunidad para incentivar la movilidad y poner en marcha iniciativas que incidan en el aprendizaje significativo por parte del alumno de un segundo idioma. Ésa es la finalidad del material audiovisual multilingüe sobre técnicas de laboratorio que, diseñado hace algún tiempo en el marco de un proyecto de innovación docente financiado por la Universidad de Jaén, presentamos en el marco de estas jornadas al objeto de darlo a conocer, recoger sugerencias para su futura mejora y debatir sobre su grado de aceptación por parte del alumnado

    Impact of regulated and emerging pollutants and microplastics in marine ecosystems (IMPACTA project)

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    Marine ecosystems are nowadays subjected to a massive input of synthetic chemicals from everywhere. Unfortunately only a small portion of them is being monitored, and it is necessary to identify which pollutants can produce adverse impacts in the marine environment. IMPACTA project (CTM2013-48194-C3) is characterizing the distribution of regulated and emerging contaminants and microplastics in marine sediments, and evaluating the biological effects that they can cause (sing sublethal embryotoxicity tests, endocrine disruption and biomarkers). Sensitive and selective analytical methods are being developed and validated for pharmaceuticals, perfluorinated compounds, organophosphorus pesticides, triazines, personal care products, nonylphenols and alkylated PAHs in sediments. Thus, relevant pollutants present in coastal and offshore areas will be identified. Furthermore potential toxic effects of the contaminants present in coastal sediments are being assessed through embryotoxicity bioassays and also the biological effects on different marine species as a consequence of their exposition to specific compounds. Another relevant contribution of this project will be the assessment of the impact of micro-plastics, first time in the Spanish coastal areas. Their potential toxic effects and their role in the transference of pollutants in the marine environment are being assessed. The concentration and composition of microplastics in sediments and demersal fish stomachs are being characterized, and their potential biological effects on marine invertebrates are also being investigated

    Primary care randomized clinical trial: manual therapy effectiveness in comparison with TENS in patients with neck pain

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    This study investigated effectiveness of manual therapy (MT) with transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) to reduce pain intensity in patients with mechanical neck disorder (MND). A randomized multi-centered controlled clinical trial was performed in 12 Primary Care Physiotherapy Units in Madrid Region. Ninety patients were included with diagnoses of subacute or chronic MND without neurological damage, 47 patients received MT and 43 TENS. The primary outcome was pain intensity measured in millimeters using the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS). Also disability, quality of life, adverse effects and sociodemographic and prognosis variables were measured. Three evaluations were performed (before, when the procedure ?nished and six months after). Seventy-one patients (79%) completed the follow-up measurement at six months. In more than half of the treated patients the procedure had a clinically relevant ?short term? result after having ended the intervention, when either MT or TENS was used. The success rate decreased to one-third of the patients 6 months after the intervention. No differences can be found in the reduction of pain, in the decrease of disability nor in the quality of life between both therapies. Both analyzed physiotherapy techniques produce a short-term pain reduction that is clinically relevant.Ministerio de SanidadInstituto de Salud Carlos II

    Estudos Artísticos

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    Arte: ativar o humano. Dentro do desafio do “Congresso CSO, Criadores Sobre outras Obras,”– em que artistas são chamados a escrever sobre a obra de outros artistas, no âmbito dos países de língua portuguesa ou espanhola, – a Revista Croma interessa-se pelas instâncias de intervenção, implicação, aproximação junto das comunidades, de excluídos, de comunidades menos diferenciadas. Há um vasto campo de ação onde têm surgido movimentos para novas relações, conhecimentos, atitudes e práticas. Se a dimensão relacional tem vindo a ser problematizada com maior insistência no contexto da crítica contemporânea, especialmente na vertente que se debruça sobre o efeito ideológico do orientalismo e da realidade pós-colonial, então os 16 artigos que se alinham nesta edição fornecem leituras alternativas sobre as dinâmicas da arte contemporânea. Sobre as relações sociais tecem-se ligações intermediadoras. Os seus resultados habitam as cidades, geram novas formas de pensar, renovam discursos, promovem identidade. Trata-se de habitar de novo os espaços vazios, de ativar o humano, que é também onde se podem encontrar as novas formulações artísticas.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio