997 research outputs found

    La previsión social en España: un balance historiográfico.

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    La previsión social en España se comienza a implantar a comienzos del siglo XX, cuando se crean los primeros seguros sociales, y se desarrolla hasta la formación del sistema de Seguridad Social en los años sesenta. La formación de los seguros sociales depende del Instituto Nacional de Previsión (INP) y su evolución está marcada por los intereses políticos del momento. La historiografía española tarda en estudiar la implantación de los seguros sociales. Solo los centenarios de las instituciones previsoras darán un impulso al desarrollo de estos estudios.Departamento de Historia Moderna, Contemporánea y de América, Periodismo y Comunicación Audiovisual y PublicidadGrado en Histori

    POLÍTICAS DE TRANSFERENCIA DE INGRESOS EN ARGENTINA: emergencia, desarrollo y transiciones del Plan Jefes y Jefas de Hogar Desocupados

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    Este trabajo realiza una caracterización de la situación de pobreza y desigualdad en Argentina en lasúltimas décadas, posteriormente analizamos las implicancias que las reformas neoliberales tuvieron en lareformulación del sistema de protección social argentino. Ubicamos el “Plan Jefes y Jefas de Hogar Desocupados”desde su lanzamiento en el año 2002, como un programa de transferencia de ingresos condicionada dirigida a lospobres. Se ubica en un lugar medular en el sistema de políticas sociales en Argentina, tanto por los criteriosinstitucionales que contempla (alcance nacional, articulación intergubernamental, nivel presupuestario asignado,cobertura poblacional), como por colocarse como la herramienta político institucional más relevante y masiva paralas expresiones de la cuestión social en el marco de la crisis de 2001-2002. En este contexto analizamos elproceso de emergencia, desarrollo y transiciones del programa.Palabras clave: programa de transferencia de ingresos condicionada, pobreza, asistencia, protección social

    LA DIALÉCTICA REFORMA-REVOLUCIÓN EN PERSPECTIVA LATINOAMERICANA: elementos históricos para la crítica del presente

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    El artículo destaca que la revolución rusa de 1917 constituyó uno de los principales acontecimientos del siglo XX. Sus consecuencias fueron múltiples, implicando significativas transformaciones socio-económicas políticas y culturales, alimentando ideas y prácticas emancipatorias en las clases trabajadoras en todo el mundo. Resalta que el momento de crisis global actual del capitalismo, a cien años de la revolución, nos exige un análisis crítico del proceso socio-histórico concreto del último siglo, observando las particularidades de las experiencias latinoamericanas, las continuidades, rupturas, tensiones, reformas y revoluciones. Así, nos parece central superar perspectivas abstractas, uniformes y simplificadoras de nuestra realidad. Considera todavía que, por el contrario, es necesario alimentar análisis concretos e históricos que rompan la naturalización de nuestras realidades y enriquezcan prácticas de transformación social.Palabras-claves: América Latina. Reforma. Revolución. Dialéctica. Neoliberalismo. Desigualdad social.


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    El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo problematizar las recientes estrategias de protección social en América Latina, observando la expansión e institucionalización de los programas de transferencia de renta condicionada. Se basa en un estudio exploratorio, bibliográfico y documental. Es en el contexto de crisis y conflictividad social de fines de siglo XX y principios de siglo XXI, en un contexto de desocupación y extensión de las condiciones precarias de trabajo; que cobran relevancia los Programas de Transferencias de Renta Condicionadas (PTRC). Se han instalado en el repertorio de políticas sociales desarrollados por la mayoría de los países en América Latina para el contingente creciente de desocupados y pobres, configurando estrategias político- institucionales que se hacen masivas a inicios del Siglo XXI, institucionalizándose en los formatos de protección social emergentes. Estos programas se identifican por estar focalizados hacia los hogares pobres, con el objetivo de mejorar las condiciones de vida de las familias con niños y niñas en “situación de vulnerabilidad”, con una perspectiva de “capital humano”, incluyendo condicionalidades en educación y salud. Se enmarcan en el debate de la protección social centrada en un tipo de "universalismo" adjetivado como “mínimo/básico”, que pretende romper el “círculo intergeneracional de la pobreza”. Analizamos el sentido socio-histórico que adquieren estos programas en relación a transformaciones sociales más generales.Palabras claves: Protección social, crisis, Transferencia de Renta Condicionada

    Effect of biofertilizers on broccoli yield and soil quality indicators

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    High rates of fertilizer applications potentially have significant environmental consequences, such as soil and water contamination and biodiversity loss. This study aimed to compare the use of biofertilizers and inorganic fertilizers in a broccoli crop to determine their impact on soil microorganism abundance, microbial community structure, functional gene diversity, yield, and greenhouse gas emissions. Four different fertilization treatments were designed: (i) inorganic fertilizers applied at a rate to cover the nutritional demands of the crop (F100); (ii) 50% of the rate of inorganic fertilizers added in F100 (F50); (iii) F50 + the application of a formulation of various bacteria (BA); and (iv) F50 + the application of a formulation of bacteria and non-mycorrhizal fungi (BA + FU). The results showed that reduced fertilization and the addition of both biofertilizer products had no significant effect on soil nutrients, microbial population, microbial activity, or yield when compared to conventional inorganic fertilization. Thus, microbial inoculants were ineffective in enhancing soil microbial abundance and activity, and there were no changes in GHG emissions or crop yields. Nonetheless, crop yield was positively related to total soil N, microbial activity, and CO2 emissions, confirming the positive effect of soil biodiversity on production. The application of biofertilizers can help reduce mineral fertilization in a broccoli crop with no negative effect on yield

    Returning to work in cancer survivors: a multi-center cross-sectional study in Spain

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    Objetivo: Analizar la situación laboral, así como variables sociodemográficas (edad, sexo, estado civil y titulación) relacionadas con el cáncer (tipo de cáncer, estrategia de tratamiento primario y fase de supervivencia) en supervivientes españoles de cáncer. Método y procedimiento: Estudio transversal sobre una muestra heterogénea de 772 supervivientes de cáncer de inicio en la edad adulta en edad laboral. Se realizaron análisis correlacionales y de regresión logística para estudiar la capacidad predictiva de las variables sociodemográficas y relacionadas con el cáncer sobre la situación laboral y la posible modulación de los resultados por la CVRS evaluada mediante el QLACS. Resultados: Sólo el 55% de los supervivientes de cáncer estaban empleados. La edad, la cualificación y el tipo de cáncer fueron predictores independientes de la situación laboral, así como de la fase de supervivencia en los supervivientes con una CVRS baja. Conclusiones: Un alto porcentaje de supervivientes en edad laboral no vuelve a trabajar tras la experiencia oncológica. Algunas variables sociodemográficas y relacionadas con la enfermedad pueden ayudar a la identificación precoz de la población de riesgo en la que centrar la atención. Objective: To analyze the employment status as well as sociodemographic (age, gender, marital status, and qualification) and cancer-related variables (cancer type, primary treatment strategy, and survival phase) in Spanish cancer survivors. Method and procedure: Cross-sectional study on a heterogeneous sample of 772 working-age survivors of adult-onset cancer. Correlational and logistic regression analyses were performed to study the predictive ability of sociodemographic and cancer-related variables on employment status and the possible modulation of results by HRQOL assessed by the QLACS. Results: Only 55% of cancer survivors were employed. Age, qualification, and type of cancer were independent predictors of employment status as well as the survival phase in survivors with a low HRQOL. Conclusions: A high percentage of working-age survivors do not return to work after the cancer experience. Some sociodemographic and disease-related variables can help in the early identification of the risk population on which to focus attention

    Meta-DiSc 2.0:a web application for meta-analysis of diagnostic test accuracy data

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    BACKGROUND: Diagnostic evidence of the accuracy of a test for identifying a target condition of interest can be estimated using systematic approaches following standardized methodologies. Statistical methods for the meta-analysis of diagnostic test accuracy (DTA) studies are relatively complex, presenting a challenge for reviewers without extensive statistical expertise. In 2006, we developed Meta-DiSc, a free user-friendly software to perform test accuracy meta-analysis. This statistical program is now widely used for performing DTA meta-analyses. We aimed to build a new version of the Meta-DiSc software to include statistical methods based on hierarchical models and an enhanced web-based interface to improve user experience. RESULTS: In this article, we present the updated version, Meta-DiSc 2.0, a web-based application developed using the R Shiny package. This new version implements recommended state-of-the-art statistical models to overcome the limitations of the statistical approaches included in the previous version. Meta-DiSc 2.0 performs statistical analyses of DTA reviews using a bivariate random effects model. The application offers a thorough analysis of heterogeneity, calculating logit variance estimates of sensitivity and specificity, the bivariate I-squared, the area of the 95% prediction ellipse, and the median odds ratios for sensitivity and specificity, and facilitating subgroup and meta-regression analyses. Furthermore, univariate random effects models can be applied to meta-analyses with few studies or with non-convergent bivariate models. The application interface has an intuitive design set out in four main menus: file upload; graphical description (forest and ROC plane plots); meta-analysis (pooling of sensitivity and specificity, estimation of likelihood ratios and diagnostic odds ratio, sROC curve); and summary of findings (impact of test through downstream consequences in a hypothetical population with a given prevalence). All computational algorithms have been validated in several real datasets by comparing results obtained with STATA/SAS and MetaDTA packages. CONCLUSION: We have developed and validated an updated version of the Meta-DiSc software that is more accessible and statistically sound. The web application is freely available at www.metadisc.es


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    Texto resultante de pesquisa sobre os Programas de Transferência de Renda Condicionada (PTRC) em implementação na América Latina: Bolsa Família do Brasil (BF); Assignación Universal por Hijo (AUH) da Argentina e Nuevo Régimen de Asignaciónes Familiares (AFAM-PE) do Uruguai. Analisa as transformações experimentadas sob o capitalismo e suas expressões nessa parte do continente americano, buscando identificar os determinantes que ensejaram a emergência dos PTRC como estratégia privilegiada de enfrentamento à pobreza no contexto da proteção social da Região. Reflete sobre os principais eixos que qualificam esses programas: família pobre como unidade de atenção; exigência de condicionalidades; e territorialização do atendimento. Conclui que esses programas são lenitivos para os pobres, mas necessários para manter a ordem capitalista, portanto, sem compromisso em reverter a pobreza estrutural

    Gene variation at immunomodulatory and cell adhesion molecules Loci impacts primary Sjögren's Syndrome

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    Primary Sjögren's syndrome (pSS) is an autoimmune disease triggered by a combination of environmental and host genetic factors, which results in the focal lymphocytic infiltration of exocrine glands causing eye and mouth dryness. Glandular infiltrates include T and B cell subsets positive for CD5 and/or CD6, two surface scavenger receptors involved in the fine-tuning of intracellular signals mediated by the antigen-specific receptor complex of T (TCR) and B (BCR) cells. Moreover, the epithelial cells of inflamed glands overexpress CD166/ALCAM, a CD6 ligand involved in homo and heterotypic cell adhesion interactions. All this, together with the reported association of functionally relevant single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of CD5, CD6, and CD166/ALCAM with the risk or prognosis of some immune-mediated inflammatory disorders, led us to investigate similar associations in a local cohort of patients with pSS. The logistic regression analyses of individual SNPs showed the association of CD5 rs2241002T with anti-Ro/La positivity, CD6 rs17824933C with neutropenia, and CD6 rs11230563T with increased leukopenia and neutropenia but decreased peripheral nervous system EULAR Sjögren's syndrome disease activity index (ESSDAI). Further analyses showed the association of haplotypes from CD5 (rs2241002T-rs2229177C) with anemia and thrombocytopenia, CD6 (rs17824933G-rs11230563C-rs12360861G) with cutaneous ESSDAI, and CD166/ALCAM (rs6437585C-rs579565A-rs1044243C and rs6437585C-rs579565G-rs1044243T) with disease susceptibility and several analytical parameters (anti-nuclear antibodies, neurological ESSDAI, and hematologic cytopenias). These results support the relevance of gene variation at loci coding for cell surface receptors involved in the modulation of T and B lymphocyte activation (CD5, CD6) and epithelial-immune cell adhesion (CD166/ALCAM) in modulating the clinical and analytical outcomes in patients with pSS.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Gene variation at immunomodulatory and cell adhesion molecules loci impacts primary Sjögren's syndrome

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    Primary Sjögren's syndrome (pSS) is an autoimmune disease triggered by a combination of environmental and host genetic factors, which results in the focal lymphocytic infiltration of exocrine glands causing eye and mouth dryness. Glandular infiltrates include T and B cell subsets positive for CD5 and/or CD6, two surface scavenger receptors involved in the fine-tuning of intracellular signals mediated by the antigen-specific receptor complex of T (TCR) and B (BCR) cells. Moreover, the epithelial cells of inflamed glands overexpress CD166/ALCAM, a CD6 ligand involved in homo and heterotypic cell adhesion interactions. All this, together with the reported association of functionally relevant single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of CD5, CD6, and CD166/ALCAM with the risk or prognosis of some immune-mediated inflammatory disorders, led us to investigate similar associations in a local cohort of patients with pSS. The logistic regression analyses of individual SNPs showed the association of CD5 rs2241002T with anti-Ro/La positivity, CD6 rs17824933C with neutropenia, and CD6 rs11230563T with increased leukopenia and neutropenia but decreased peripheral nervous system EULAR Sjögren's syndrome disease activity index (ESSDAI). Further analyses showed the association of haplotypes from CD5 (rs2241002T-rs2229177C) with anemia and thrombocytopenia, CD6 (rs17824933G-rs11230563C-rs12360861G) with cutaneous ESSDAI, and CD166/ALCAM (rs6437585C-rs579565A-rs1044243C and rs6437585C-rs579565G-rs1044243T) with disease susceptibility and several analytical parameters (anti-nuclear antibodies, neurological ESSDAI, and hematologic cytopenias). These results support the relevance of gene variation at loci coding for cell surface receptors involved in the modulation of T and B lymphocyte activation (CD5, CD6) and epithelial-immune cell adhesion (CD166/ALCAM) in modulating the clinical and analytical outcomes in patients with pS