1,129 research outputs found

    Síntesis y caracterización de recubrimientos absorbentes selectivos para calentadores solares

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    En la actualidad existen muchos problemas ambientales asociados al alto consumo energético y a la necesidad del hombre por satisfacerlo, generando entonces contaminación de las fuentes hídricas, polución, tala de árboles, entre otras; la mayoría de estos problemas se deben principalmente a la extracción y la quema de combustibles fósiles para la generación de calor y la posterior transformación de ésta energía en otra. En los últimos años ha crecido el interés de los investigadores en la búsqueda relacionada a las soluciones ambientales para este consumo, entre las cuales se destaca la generación de energía a través de fuentes renovables. La radiación solar es una de formas de energía renovable más abundante en la tierra, la cual se muestra como una solución a este problema a través del uso tecnologías para aplicaciones como calentar agua, aire, generar electricidad, refrigeración, entre otras. Existen diversas tecnologías de captación solar que se pueden clasificar en calentamiento solar de baja temperatura (30 a 50 °C), media temperatura (51 a 250 °C) y alta temperatura (251 a 1500 °C). Los calentadores solares planos, que pertenecen a las tecnologías de calentamiento a media temperatura, constan de un vidrio, tubos de cobre y una superficie absorbedora, encargada de transformar la radiación solar incidente en calor. Son sistemas solares que requieren de un recubrimiento absorbente selectivo especializado para su funcionamiento óptimo y para su capacidad de recibir, transformar y almacenar o utilizar directamente la radiación solar, también para que sean protegidos del paso del tiempo y el deterioro por el intemperismo. Este recubrimiento tiene como función ayudar a absorber y contener la mayor parte de la radiación solar incidente, deberá también escoger cual parte de esta se necesita utilizar según sea la aplicación del calentador solar. Además debido a que los materiales de los cuales están hechos las partes absorbentes del calentador solar son de materiales conductores, especialmente metales, los recubrimientos deberán ser posible depositarlos en superficies metálicas. Los recubrimientos absorbentes se pueden clasificar según su selectividad ubicándolos en grupos que determinan sus métodos de fabricación y depósito, entre los cuales muchos de estos requieren baños ácidos, complejas combinaciones de sales metales, alto vacío, equipo muy sofisticado y además generan contaminación ambiental; pero también se encuentran los recubrimientos que pueden ser fabricados y depositados a través de métodos más sencillos y que requieren menos equipo sofisticado, además de ser ambientalmente amigables, entre los que se destaca el método sol gel

    Approximation of the incompressible Navier–Stokes equations using orthogonal subscale stabilization and pressure segregation on anisotropic finite element meshes

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    This paper describes a finite element model to solve the incompressible Navier–Stokes equations based on the stabilization with orthogonal subscales and a pressure segregation. The former consists of adding a least-square form of the component orthogonal to the finite element space of the convective and pressure gradient terms; this allows to deal with convection-dominated flows and to use equal velocity–pressure interpolation. The pressure segregation is inspired in fractional step schemes, although the converged solution corresponds to that of a monolithic time integration. Likewise, we put special emphasis on the use of anisotropic grids. In particular, we describe some possible choices for the calculation of the element length that appears in the stabilization parameters and check their behavior in two classical numerical examples. The preconditioning strategy used to solve the resulting algebraic system for very anisotropic meshes is also briefly described

    Finite element solution of the Stokes problem with dominating Coriolis force

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    The objective of this paper is to present a finite element formulation to solve the Stokes problem with Coriolis force. This force results in a skew-symmetric term in the weak formulation of the problem that deteriorates the stability of the standard Galerkin finite element method when the viscosity is small. We show that the stability is worsened due to the presence of the pressure gradient to enforce the incompressibility of the flow. The relevance of this effect depends on the relative importance of the viscous force and the Coriolis force, which is measured by the Ekman number. When it is small, oscillations occur using the Galerkin approach. To overcome them, we propose two different methods based on a consistent modification of the basic Galerkin formulation. Both methods eliminate the oscillations, keeping the accuracy of the formulation and enhancing its numerical stability

    Finite element implementation of two‐equation and algebraic stress turbulence models for steady incompressible flows

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    The main purpose of this paper is to describe a finite element formulation for solving the equations for k and ε of the classical k–ε turbulence model, or any other two‐equation model. The finite element discretization is based on the SUPG method together with a discontinuity capturing technique to deal with sharp internal and boundary layers. The iterative strategy consists of several nested loops, the outermost being the linearization of the Navier–Stokes equations. The basic k–ε model is used for the implementation of an algebraic stress model that is able to account for the effects of rotation. Some numerical examples are presented in order to show the performance of the proposed scheme for simulating directly steady flows, without the need of reaching the steady state through a transient evolution

    Finite element simulation of the filling of thin moulds

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    In this work we present a finite element formulation to simulate the filling of thin moulds. The model has as starting point a 3‐D approach using either div‐stable elements, such as the Q2/P1 element (tri‐quadratic velocities and piecewise linear, discontinuous pressures) or stabilized finite element formulations. The tracking of the free surface is based on the Volume‐Of‐Fluid (VOF) method. The velocity profile is assumed to be parabolic in the direction normal to the mid‐plane, so that one element along the width of the mould is enough to reproduce this profile if this element is quadratic. The velocity is prescribed to zero on the upper and lower surfaces and the normal to the mid‐plane is also prescribed to zero. In the case of div‐stable elements, the pressure profile is prescribed to be constant along the width of the mould. This can be achieved by using as interpolation degrees of freedom the pressure values at the element centroid and its derivatives in the directions tangent and normal to the mid‐plane, and prescribing the latter to zero. No modifications are needed when stabilized formulations are employed. To advance in time the function used in the VOF technique, we use a constant velocity across the width of the mould, which is taken as the projection on the tangent plane of each element of the nodal velocities. This is needed in order to have mass conservation

    Optimización de la solución numérica por elementos finitos de sondeos geoeléctricos

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    En el artículo se presenta una nueva metodología de solución para resolver problemas de flujo y potencial modelados con elementos finitos. El sistema de ecuaciones resultantes de dicha solución conocido como CGEIS (Gradientes Conjugados con Precondicionamiento y Escalonamiento, utilizando la Descomposición Incompleta de Cholesky). Este método puede ser utilizado sólo para el caso de matrices simétricas y positivamente definidas, las cuales son encontradas en problemas de potencial tales como sondeos geoeléctricos, flujo de aguas subterráneas, hidraúlica, contaminación, petróleos, etc.. El método fue implementado con el fin de simular sondeos geoeléctricos y flujo de aguas subterráneas. Su montaje se realizó en un computador VAX-2, y se utilizó el FORTRAN 77, como lenguaje de programación. Adicionalmente el método optimiza los recursos computacionales tales como tiempo de ejecución y memoria principal.A new solution method is presented to solve potencial and flow problems, when a finite element representation is used. The resulting equations can be arranged in a matrix form and apply a new solution method called CGEIS (Conjugated Gradients Escaled and Preconditioned, using the Incomplet Cholesky Descomposition). This method can be used for symetric and positively defined matrices, which are found in many potentials problems such as in reservoir engineering, geoelectrics, hidraulics, oil, etc.. The method was implemented to solve complex matrices obtained in standar and continuous geolectrics soundings, and in groundwater flow. A FORTRAN 77 code was developed in a VAX-2 computer. Also, the method optimizes the computer resources (Time and memory).Peer Reviewe

    Optimización de la solución numérica por elementos finitos de sondeos geoeléctricos

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    En el artículo se presenta una nueva metodología de solución para resolver problemas de flujo y potencial modelados con elementos finitos. El sistema de ecuaciones resultantes de dicha solución conocido como CGEIS (Gradientes Conjugados con Precondicionamiento y Escalonamiento, utilizando la Descomposición Incompleta de Cholesky). Este método puede ser utilizado sólo para el caso de matrices simétricas y positivamente definidas, las cuales son encontradas en problemas de potencial tales como sondeos geoeléctricos, flujo de aguas subterráneas, hidraúlica, contaminación, petróleos, etc.. El método fue implementado con el fin de simular sondeos geoeléctricos y flujo de aguas subterráneas. Su montaje se realizó en un computador VAX-2, y se utilizó el FORTRAN 77, como lenguaje de programación. Adicionalmente el método optimiza los recursos computacionales tales como tiempo de ejecución y memoria principal.A new solution method is presented to solve potencial and flow problems, when a finite element representation is used. The resulting equations can be arranged in a matrix form and apply a new solution method called CGEIS (Conjugated Gradients Escaled and Preconditioned, using the Incomplet Cholesky Descomposition). This method can be used for symetric and positively defined matrices, which are found in many potentials problems such as in reservoir engineering, geoelectrics, hidraulics, oil, etc.. The method was implemented to solve complex matrices obtained in standar and continuous geolectrics soundings, and in groundwater flow. A FORTRAN 77 code was developed in a VAX-2 computer. Also, the method optimizes the computer resources (Time and memory).Peer Reviewe

    High compliance all-terrain transport and heavy cargo hybrid bicycle

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    Thesis (S.B.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, 2006.Includes bibliographical references.This research involved the design and manufacture of a prototype for a hybrid bicycle system. The design called for a vehicle capable of being used in a mode where normal bicycle operation is possible while being reconfigurable into a cargo carrying configuration where both wheels are coaxial. The simplification of the process by which the device could change from one mode to the other and the robustness of the system as a whole were set as primary design criteria. This design would allow for the transportation of individuals and cargo under varying situations, including the evacuation of a wounded individual when in cargo mode. The success of the prototype proved the value of the concept and its possible applications in military, urban, and outdoor environments. Testing also showed that further research into refining the cargo transports driving dynamics and the manufacturing of the most critical components is merited.by Andreas Pino ; in collaboration with Orlando Soto.S.B

    Numerical aerodynamic analysis of large buildings using a finite element model with application to a telescope building

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    Presents a numerical strategy for the aerodynamic analysis of large buildings, with an application to the simulation of the air flow within a telescope building. The finite element formulation is presented first, and then the methodology followed to obtain significant data from the calculations is described. The quality of the ventilation of the building is defined by the average residence times, and the feasibility of this ventilation by the actions created on the instruments and the general flow pattern