3,058 research outputs found

    Basic life support training in school centres

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    Children are considered an interesting target group to train in BLS. Their training should provide the guarantee to secure a large number of future rescuers for the community. As well, schools have been pointed out as a perfect environment to start BLS training. In fact, school training has the highest impact for improving the bystander CPR rate. Even though it is not clear which professionals are more suitable for teaching schoolchildren, the inclusion of schoolteachers as a key element of BLS training has been endorsed by international initiatives like Kids Save Lives and nationals ones as ANXOS. The main objectives of this research are: 1. To analyse the ability of primary and secondary schoolchildren to use an AED correctly in less than 3 minutes intuitively, after viewing a short instructional video and one-month after instruction. 2. To assess the usefulness of very brief BLS training programs to improve CPR-AED knowledge and skills of university educational science students

    Understanding Population Variability in Age-at-Death Estimation for Modern Populations in Mexico and Puerto Rico Through the Use of 3D Laser Scans of the Pubic Symphysis

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    Reliable age-at-death estimation from the adult skeleton is of fundamental importance in forensic anthropology, as it contributes to the biological profile estimations in a medicolegal death investigation. However, reliable estimates are challenging because many traditional aging methods are dependent upon a set of population-specific criteria derived from individuals of European and African descent. Potential differences in the aging patterns of diverse populations may hinder our efforts to produce useful age-at-death estimates in underrepresented groups. In response to these concerns, this study explores the utility of currently available aging techniques, and explores the need, if any, for population-specific aging methods among groups from Latin America.The current study obtained data from two skeletal collections representing modern individuals of Mexican and Puerto Rican origin. Five newly developed computational-shape based techniques utilizing 3D laser scans of the pubic symphysis and one traditional bone-to-phase technique were examined. A validation test of all computational and traditional methods was implemented, and new population-specific equations using the computational algorithms were generated and tested against a Spanish sample. Estimated mean ages from the traditional and computational techniques were compared in order to offer practical recommendations for age estimation for cases of Latin American identity and, in particular, cases presumed to be of Mexican or Puerto Rican ancestry.Results from this study suggest that traditional and computational aging techniques applied to the pubic symphysis perform the best with individuals in the 35-45 age group, in comparison to other age groups. Levels of bias and inaccuracy increase as chronological age increases, with overestimation of individuals under 35 years of age and underestimation of individuals over 40 years of age. New regression models provided comparable error rates to, and in several occasions, outperformed the original computational models developed on White American males. Ultimately, however, age estimates did not significantly improve. This study has shown that population specific models do not necessarily improve age estimates in samples from Latin America. Results do suggest that computational methods can ultimately outperform the Suchey Brooks method and provide improvement in objectivity when estimating age-at-death in samples originating from Latin America

    Reverse logistics in the editorial sector: An exploratory study

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    Nowadays, the Reverse Logistics field is becoming very important. On one hand, laws are imposing companies to be responsible for the contamination made by their products. On the other hand, companies have discovered the profits derived from a good Reverse Logistics process. This paper is the result of the work done by a group of companies from the Spanish Editorial sector to understand and improve their Reverse Logistics process. The paper describes the characteristics of the Reverse Logistics process in this sector and the improvements identified by the “work group”.Reverse logistics, returns, supply chain management, case study, editorial industry

    Culture dimensions in software development industry: The effects of mentoring

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    Software development is a human centric and sociotechnical activity and like all human activities is influenced by cultural factors. However, software engineering is being further affected because of the globalization in software development. As a result, cultural diversity is influencing software development and its outcomes. The software engineering industry, a very intensive industry regarding human capital, is facing a new era in which software development personnel must adapt to multicultural work environments. Today, many organizations present a multicultural workforce which needs to be managed. This paper analyzes the influence of culture on mentoring relationships within the software engineering industry. Two interesting findings can be concluded from our study: (1) cultural differences affect both formal and informal mentoring, and (2) technical competences are not improved when implementing mentoring relationships

    Influencia de la práctica clínica en la presencia de puntos gatillo miofasciales en el músculo trapecio de estudiantes de enfermería. Estudio longitudinal descriptivo.

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    Aim: To observe whether the tasks performed by nursing students during their third year of nursing degrees have an influence on the state of MTP of their trapezius muscle.Participants and Methods: 30 third-year students from Alcalá de Henares University College of Nursing were evaluated. Exclusion criteria: to suffer any sense or trophic muscular disorder, to have begun or be receiving any influential treatment. A questionnaire about the types of tasks they carry out and other sociodemographic and academical work factors were done. Students were assessed to check the presence of some MTP in their trapezius, describing its active or dormant state through diagnostic criteria, their pressure pain threshold (measured with an algometer) and active ranges of cervical movements were also recorded. All measurements were taken before and after one month of the experiment. Through the statistical analysis the data collected in the questionnaire was compared with the state of the MTP in both moments, with a p<0.05 and a 95% confidence interval.Results: all the subjects were women who over the course of the experiment recorded a 1.8- upper scoring on the visual analogue scale, they showed an average increase of 1.55º in the cervical ranges of motion, except flexion; and the pressure pain threshold rose an average 0.139 kg/cm2. Trigger points (TP) 1 and 2 changed from dormant to active state on 6,7% of the subjects, and the TP5 on 3,3%. At the end of the experiment the TP6 appeared as 6,7% of them.Conclusions: tendencies have been observed among the analyzed variables which allow the proposition of more specific studies about biological and socio-labour factors linked to MTPs in order to establish physio-therapeutic efficient strategies for incorporation into the professional world.Objetivo: Observar si la práctica clínica de estudiantes de enfermería influye en el estado de PGM en el trapecio.Participantes y métodos: Estudio longitudinal descriptivo en el que se evaluaron 30 estudiantes de tercero de la Escuela Universitaria de Enfermería de Alcalá de Henares. Criterios de inclusión: iniciar su primer período de prácticas tras la primera sesión de valoración. Criterios de exclusión: presentar alteración muscular sensitiva o trófica, estar realizando o iniciar algún tratamiento influyente. Se pasó un cuestionario sobre tareas desempeñadas en sus prácticas clínicas y otros factores sociodemográficos y del entorno académico-laboral. Se valoraron: la presencia de puntos gatillo miofasciales (activos y latentes) en el trapecio según criterios diagnósticos, el umbral de dolor a la presión (con algómetro), y los rangos de movimiento cervical activo. Todas las medidas se tomaron antes y después de un mes de prácticas. En el análisis estadístico se compararon los datos recopilados en el cuestionario con el estado de los PGM en los dos momentos, considerando una p<0.05 y el intervalo de confianza del 95%.Resultados: Todos los participantes fueron mujeres, que tras el período de prácticas clínicas, registraron una puntuación 1.8 superior en la escala analógica visual, mostraron un incremento medio de 1,55º en los rangos de movimiento cervical, salvo en la flexión; y el umbral de dolor a la presión aumentó de media 0.139 kg/cm2. Los PG 1 y 2 cambiaron de estado latente a activo en un 6,7% de sujetos, y el PG 5 en un 3,3%. Al final del período el PG6 apareció en el 6,7%.Conclusiones: Se han observado tendencias en las variables analizadas que permiten plantear el estudio más específico de factores biológicos y sociolaborales influyentes en la presencia de PGM, para establecer estrategias fisioterápicas eficientes antes de la incorporación al ámbito profesional

    Initial Teacher Training, Practical Knowledge and Lesson Study, a perfect trio. Case Study.

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    This paper focuses in analysing the possibility of reconstructing practical knowledge by incorporating Lesson Study (LS) in the Practicum III and the Final Dissertation in initial training for infant school teachers at Málaga University, Spain. The research has a qualitative approach, which is articulates through a case study. It achieved this by working with a group of five infant education undergraduates as they developed the Practicum III and Final Dissertation subjects. These subjects are studied during different terms, but are merged and articulated through the Lesson Study. Findings/Conclusions: - Introducing students to a complex, unknown learning context such as that posed by the LS brings out their practical knowledge, provoking the constant awakening of practical thinking. -The phases of the LS place María in a reflective dialogue between practice and theory, bringing about two key processes for the reconstruction of practical knowledge: theorisation of practice and experimentation of theory. - Cooperation and academic tutoring was a challenge and a trustworthy platform that allowed her to break away from traditional pedagogical conceptions and bring her espoused theories to life, enjoying the coherence of coordinating her espoused theories and her theories-in-use, and seeing how children communicated and cooperated autonomously.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Estudio de rendimiento en asignaturas de primer curso en una titulación de Ingeniería en Informática

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    En el centro universitario donde se imparte Ingeniería Informática objeto del presente estudio se constata que en los últimos años ha habido una mejora en los resultados obtenidos por los alumnos de nuevo ingreso con respecto de los años anteriores. Una de las hipótesis más razonables que puedan explicar este hecho es el empleo de nuevos métodos de aprendizaje. Si se confirma, se plantea la posibilidad de expandir estas técnicas a otros cursos de la carrera y de esta forma mejorar la adecuación de las técnicas docentes de los profesores al alumnado. Este trabajo presenta un estudio del rendimiento en alumnos de nuevo ingreso con el objeto de conocer el desempeño de los alumnos en función de las técnicas docentes empleadas por los profesores.Peer Reviewe

    Connecting Cerebral White Matter Lesions and Hypertensive Target Organ Damage

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    Chronic hypertension leads to concomitant remodeling of the cardiac and vascular systems and various organs, especially the brain, kidney, and retina. The brain is an early target of organ damage due to high blood pressure, which is the major modifiable risk factor for stroke and small vessel disease. Stroke is the second leading cause of death and the number one cause of disability worldwide and over 80% of strokes occur in the elderly. Preclinical hypertensive lesions in most target organs are clearly identified: left ventricular hypertrophy for the heart, microalbuminuria for the kidney, fundus abnormalities for the eye, and intima-media thickness and pulse wave velocity for the vessels. However, early hypertensive brain damage is not fully studied due to difficulties in access and the expense of techniques. After age, hypertension is the most-important risk factor for cerebral white matter lesions, which are an important prognostic factor for stroke, cognitive impairment, dementia, and death. Studies have shown an association between white matter lesions and a number of extracranial systems affected by high BP and also suggest that correct antihypertensive treatment could slow white matter lesions progression. There is strong evidence that cerebral white matter lesions in hypertensive patients should be considered a silent early marker of brain damage

    Efeitos de uma epidemia de varíola em Taubaté - (1873-1874)

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    Tentando compreender a contradição detectada entre as medidas aplicadas pelas autoridades ao combate s orna epidemia de varíola surgida em 1870 do município de Taubaté e as comemorações subsequentes, o artigo vai desvendando os jogos de interesses locais, a crescente importância dos critérios sanitários na orientação da política municipal, as propostas perante o temor que a doença provoca, as resoluções destinadas a neutralizar os conflitos derivados da epidemia e o processo de construção de uma versão oficial dos fatos. Da interligação destes fatores, extrai o significado do acontecidaTrying to undeistand the contradiction detected between lhe measores applied by lhe authorilies íd the combat to a smallpox epidemic whicb arose ia 1870 in the manictpality of Taubaté and lhe subsequent celebrations, this article will uncover the local self-interest, the rlsing importance of sanitary criteria in the orientation of lhe municipal policy, the proposal toward the fear which the disease stirs up, the resolutions destined (o neutralizing the conflicts deríved from the epidemic and the prooess of elaboration of an offtcial version of the facts. From the interrelatton of tbese factors, the meaning of the eveol ís extracted