89 research outputs found

    An Experimental Study on Pitch Compensation in Pedestrian-Protection Systems for Collision Avoidance and Mitigation

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    This paper describes an improved stereovision system for the anticipated detection of car-to-pedestrian accidents. An improvement of the previous versions of the pedestrian-detection system is achieved by compensation of the camera's pitch angle, since it results in higher accuracy in the location of the ground plane and more accurate depth measurements. The system has been mounted on two different prototype cars, and several real collision-avoidance and collision-mitigation experiments have been carried out in private circuits using actors and dummies, which represents one of the main contributions of this paper. Collision avoidance is carried out by means of deceleration strategies whenever the accident is avoidable. Likewise, collision mitigation is accomplished by triggering an active hood system

    Unidad básica de rehabilitación

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    Trabajo de gradoLa unidad básica de rehabilitación es el lugar en donde se brinda atención a personas discapacitadas. Se encuentra ubicada en el barrio Usatama de la localidad Los Mártires. Esta infraestructura es contigua al Hospital Universitario Mayor Méderi, al cual también busca complementar en cuanto al área de rehabilitación física, por medio de los siguientes servicios: estimulación temprana, terapia ocupacional, estimulación sensorial, terapia de lenguaje, electroterapia, hidroterapia, aula física, mecanoterapia, laboratorios zona de estudio, gimnasio y farmacia. Así pues, lo que se espera de este proyecto es el desarrollo hospitalario de la localidad y de la ciudad, por medio de la tecnología, la comodidad, los diferentes servicios, áreas, zonas y especialistas capacitados, que les brinden a las personas en condición de discapacidad un desarrollo integral, para no sentirse excluidos de la sociedad y así, desempeñar sus actividades cotidianas de forma más fácil y sencilla.PregradoArquitect

    Robust Traffic Sign Detection by means of Vision and V2I Communications

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    14th International IEEE Annual Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems - ITSC, , 05/10/2011-07/10/2011, Washington DC, Estados UnidosThis paper presents a complete traffic sign recognition system, including the steps of detection, recognition and tracking. The Hough transform is used as detection method from the information extracted in contour images, while the proposed recognition system is based on Support Vector Machines (SVM), and is able to recognize up to one hundred of the main road signs. Besides a novel solution to the problem of discarding detected signs that do not pertain to the host road is proposed, for that purpose vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) communication and stereo information is used. This paper presents plenty of tests in real driving conditions, both day and night, in which a high success rate and low number of false negatives and true positives were obtained, and an average runtime of 35 ms, allowing real-time performance

    La degradación medioambiental de la cuenca mediterránea: conservación vs. gestión de unos recursos y de un patrimonio compartido

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    El clima mediterráneo, unido a la complejidad del territorio y la historia de los usos del suelo, nos permite considerar los distintos tipos de paisajes como respuesta a las condiciones de un medio fluctuante, en ocasiones marcadamente impredecible. Se propone la necesidad incluir los agroecosistemas y paisajes valiosos en los planteamientos territoriales de conservación de la naturaleza. En las últimas décadas, el Mediterráneo ha sido objeto de una significativa transformación socioeconómica; lo cual ha diferenciado cambios demográficos, cambios en los usos del suelo y, en consecuencia, cambios en los usos y demanda de agua. Esta transformación ha generado unidades ambientales de referencia (interior, intermedia y litoral); el actual modelo de desarrollo es ecológicamente insostenible.The Mediterranean climate, the land complexity and the history of land uses, allows us to consider the different landscapes as an adaptation to a fluctuating environment, which is in many instances markedly unpredictable. We emphasize the need to include agroecosystems and valuable landscapes in land management schemes derived from the application of conservation policies. In the last decades the Mediterranean region has been subjected to significant socioeconomic transformations; which has generated demographic changes, land use changes, and ensuing changes in water uses and demand. Recent transformations have gradually differentiated environmental units of reference (interior, intermediate and coastal); the current development model is ecologically unsustainable

    The RNA binding protein Csx1 promotes sexual differentiation in schizosaccharomyces pombe

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    Sexual differentiation is a highly regulated process in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe and is triggered by nutrient depletion, mainly nitrogen source. One of the key regulatory proteins in fission yeast sexual differentiation is the transcription factor Ste11. Ste11 regulates the transcription of many genes required for the initial steps of conjugation and meiosis, and its deficiency leads to sterility. Ste11 activity is mainly regulated at two levels: phosphorylation and abundance of its mRNA. Csx1 is an RNA binding protein that we have previously described to bind and regulate the turnover rate of the mRNA encoding the transcription factor Atf1 in the presence of oxidative stress. We have observed that Csx1-deficient cells have defects in sexual differentiation and are partially sterile. We investigated how Csx1 is regulating this process in S. pombe. Csx1 associates with ste11 + mRNA and cells lacking Csx1 are sterile with a reduced amount of ste11 + mRNA. Overexpression of ste11 + mRNA completely rescues the mating deficiencies of csx1Δ cells. Here, we present a novel mechanism of ste11 + mRNA positive regulation through the activity of Csx1, an RNA binding protein that also have key functions in the response to oxidative stress in fission yeast. This finding opens interesting question about the possible coordination of sexual differentiation and oxidative stress response in eukaryotes and the role of RNA binding proteins in the adaptation to environmental signals.Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (BFU2006-01767, BFU2009-09116); Madrid GovernmentPeer Reviewe

    Medios de comunicación de los niños: una asignatura pendiente

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    La Convención sobre los Derechos del Niño recoge en su articulado varias referencias en relación con los medios de comunicación. El Comité de los Derechos del Niño consagró en 1996 uno de sus debates a la cuestión del niño y los medios de comunicación y planteó que debería reunirse documentación sobre experiencias prácticas positivas de participación infantil activa en los medios de comunicación para promover la idea de medios de comunicación de los niños. Apenas existe literatura relevante en relación con esa recomendación del Comité de los Derechos del Niño. Nuestro objetivo es contribuir a cubrir ese vacío y recopilar información sobre iniciativas de participación infantil y juvenil real y efectiva en la producción de contenidos para medios de comunicación en el ámbito municipal españo


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    El presente proyecto parte de la necesidad de conocer el grado de adopción de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC) que se aplican en el desarrollo de negocios del valle de Mexicali, tomando en consideración que en la actualidad las empresas que utilizan estas tecnologías tienen más oportunidades de crecimiento y considerando que en dicha región son poco utilizadas, es necesario el desarrollo de un proyecto que permita conocer dichas tecnologías. A raíz de lo anterior, el presente proyecto busca trabajar un tema que pudiera dar un impulso en el desarrollo de proyectos de negocios a través del uso de las TIC, tema que en la actualidad ha tomado mucha relevancia debido sus múltiples aplicaciones y a su impacto en diferentes aspectos como lo son el económico, mediante la obtención de ingresos para el emprendedor y su familia, social a través de la generación de empleos en su comunidad y cultural ya que puede cambiar la forma de pensar acerca de las nuevas tecnologías como algo que solo es para las personas que cuentan con recursos. Si bien el desarrollo de empresas es una forma de impactar en la vida de una persona, no todas tienen las habilidades o herramientas necesarias para poder llevar a cabo un proyecto de negocios mediante el uso de las TIC. En este sentido, hay habilidades vinculadas a la adquisición de nuevos hábitos tales como la motivación propia, la tolerancia a la frustración, la creación de oportunidades, optimismo, perseverancia, liderazgo entre otras

    Realistic pedestrian behaviour in the CARLA simulator using VR and mocap

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    Simulations are gaining increasingly significance in the field of autonomous driving due to the demand for rapid prototyping and extensive testing. Employing physics-based simulation brings several benefits at an affordable cost, while mitigating potential risks to prototypes, drivers, and vulnerable road users. However, there exit two primary limitations. Firstly, the reality gap which refers to the disparity between reality and simulation and prevents the simulated autonomous driving systems from having the same performance in the real world. Secondly, the lack of empirical understanding regarding the behavior of real agents, such as backup drivers or passengers, as well as other road users such as vehicles, pedestrians, or cyclists. Agent simulation is commonly implemented through deterministic or randomized probabilistic pre-programmed models, or generated from real-world data; but it fails to accurately represent the behaviors adopted by real agents while interacting within a specific simulated scenario. This paper extends the description of our proposed framework to enable real-time interaction between real agents and simulated environments, by means immersive virtual reality and human motion capture systems within the CARLA simulator for autonomous driving. We have designed a set of usability examples that allow the analysis of the interactions between real pedestrians and simulated autonomous vehicles and we provide a first measure of the user's sensation of presence in the virtual environment.Comment: This is a pre-print of the following work: Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS, volume 1882), 2023, Computer-Human Interaction Research and Applications reproduced with permission of Springer Nature. The final authenticated version is available online at: https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-031-41962-1_5. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2206.0033

    Face tracking and pose estimation with automatic three-dimensional model construction

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    A method for robustly tracking and estimating the face pose of a person using stereo vision is presented. The method is invariant to identity and does not require previous training. A face model is automatically initialised and constructed online: a fixed point distribution is superposed over the face when it is frontal to the cameras, and several appropriate points close to those locations are chosen for tracking. Using the stereo correspondence of the cameras, the three-dimensional (3D) coordinates of these points are extracted, and the 3D model is created. The 2D projections of the model points are tracked separately on the left and right images using SMAT. RANSAC and POSIT are used for 3D pose estimation. Head rotations up to ±45° are correctly estimated. The approach runs in real time. The purpose of this method is to serve as the basis of a driver monitoring system, and has been tested on sequences recorded in a moving car.Ministerio de Educación y CienciaComunidad de Madri