909 research outputs found

    Origin, distribution, and potential risk factors associated with influenza A virus in swine in two production systems in Guatemala

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    Background: Guatemala is the country with the largest swine production in Central America; however, evidence of influenza A virus (IAV) in pigs has not been clearly delineated. Objectives: In this study, we analyzed the presence and spatial distribution of IAV in commercial and backyard swine populations. Methods: Samples from two nationwide surveys conducted in 2010 and 2011 were tested using virological (rRT-PCR and virus isolation) and serological (ELISA and hemagglutination inhibition) assays to detect IAV. Results: Influenza A virus was detected in 15.7% of the sampled pigs (30.6% of herds) in 2010 and in 11.7% (24.2% of herds) in 2011. The percentage of seropositive pigs was 10.6% (16.1% of herds) and 1.4% (3.1% of herds) for each year, respectively. Three pandemic H1N1 and one seasonal human-like H3N2 viruses were isolated. Antibodies against viruses from different genetic clusters were detected. No reassortant strains with swine viruses were detected. The H3N2 virus was closely related to human viruses that circulated in Central America in 2010, distinct to the most recent human seasonal vaccine lineages. Spatial clusters of rRT-PCR positive herds were detected each year by scan statistics. Conclusions: Our results demonstrate circulation of IAV throughout Guatemala and identify commercial farms, animal health status, and age as potential risk factors associated with IAV infection and exposure. Detection of human-origin viruses in pigs suggests a role for humans in the molecular epidemiology of IAV in swine in Guatemala and evidences gaps in local animal and human surveillance

    Sorption of fluorinated greenhouse gases in silica-supported fluorinated ionic liquids

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    the contracts of Individual Call to Scientific Employment Stimulus 2020.00835.CEECIND (J.M.M.A.) / 2021.01432.CEECIND (A.B.P.), the Norma Transitória DL 57/2016. Publisher Copyright: © 2022 The Authors.The Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol limits the global use of fluorinated greenhouse gases (F-gases) and encourages the development of a new generation of refrigerants with lower global warming potential. Therefore, there is a need to develop efficient and sustainable technologies to selectively capture and recycle the F-gases as new environmentally sustainable refrigerants. Here, ionic liquids (ILs) with high F-gas uptake capacity and selectivity were supported on silica and their potential as media for selective F-gas sorption was studied. For this purpose single-component sorption equilibria of difluoromethane (R-32), pentafluoroethane (R-125), and 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane (R-134a) were measured at 303.15 K by gravimetry. The sorption data were successfully correlated using classical models of sorption thermodynamics. The results show that the IL supported in the porous volume and on the external surface of the porous silica controls the F-gas uptake in the composites and that changing the IL's cations and anions allows fine-tuning the selectivity of the sorption process. This work brings crucial knowledge for the development of new materials based on ILs for the selective sorption of F-gases.publishersversionpublishe

    Absorption of Fluorinated Greenhouse Gases Using Fluorinated Ionic Liquids

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    funding of the KET4F-Gas project, SOE2/P1/P0823, co -funded by the Interreg Sudoe Programme through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). FCT/MCTES for financial support through IF/00190/2014 , IF/00210/2014 financial support through the Norma TransitOria DL 57/2016 Program Contract (FCT/MCTES). FCT/MCTES (UID/QUI/50006/2019).The increasing awareness of the environmental impact of fluorinated gases (F-gases) used in refrigeration is instigating the development of technologies to recover and recycle them. With this goal in mind, single-component absorption equilibrium isotherms at 303.15 K of F-gases in different ionic liquids (ILs) were determined using a gravimetric method. The selected F-gases are the most used in domestic refrigeration (R-32: difluoromethane, R-125: pentafluoroethane, and R-134a: 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane). The results show that ILs containing a fluorinated alkyl side chain with four carbon atoms, that is, fluorinated ILs (FILs), have higher gas absorption capacity than conventional fluoro-containing ILs. All studied ILs showed ideal selectivity toward R-134a. Conventional fluoro-containing ILs showed better selectivities for the separation of the binary mixtures R-134a/R-125 and R-32/R-125, and FILs showed better selectivities for the R-134a/R-32 mixture. These results provide fundamental knowledge of the behavior of these new alternative solvents and key information for their application in the separation of F-gas mixtures of commercial refrigerants.authorsversionpublishe

    Exploring the natural history of intrinsic capacity impairments: Longitudinal patterns in the 10/66 study

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    BACKGROUND: intrinsic capacity (IC) is a construct encompassing people\u27s physical and mental abilities. There is an implicit link amongst IC domains: cognition, locomotion, nutrition, sensory and psychological. However, little is known about the integration of the domains. OBJECTIVES: to investigate patterns in the presentation and evolution of IC domain impairments in low-and-middle-income countries and if such patterns were associated with adverse outcomes. METHODS: secondary analyses of the first two waves of the 10/66 study (population-based surveys conducted in eight urban and four rural catchment areas in Cuba, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Venezuela, Peru, Mexico and China). We applied latent transition analysis on IC to find latent statuses (latent clusters) of IC domain impairments. We evaluated the longitudinal association of the latent statuses with the risk of frailty, disability and mortality, and tested concurrent and predictive validity. RESULTS: amongst 14,923 participants included, the four latent statuses were: high IC (43%), low deterioration with impaired locomotion (17%), high deterioration without cognitive impairment (22%), and high deterioration with cognitive impairment (18%). A total of 61% of the participants worsened over time, 35% were stable, and 3% improved to a healthier status.Participants with deteriorated IC had a significantly higher risk of frailty, disability and dementia than people with high IC. There was strong concurrent and predictive validity. (Mortality Hazard Ratio = 4.60, 95%CI 4.16; 5.09; Harrel\u27s C = 0.73 (95%CI 0.72;0.74)). CONCLUSIONS: half of the study population had high IC at baseline, and most participants followed a worsening trend. Four qualitatively different IC statuses or statuses were characterised by low and high levels of deterioration associated with their risk of disability and frailty. Locomotion and cognition impairments showed other trends than psychological and nutrition domains across the latent statuses

    Diagnóstico territorial de los usos del suelo del distrito El Algarrobal

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    La cultura de la planificación en los países latinoamericanos todavía no se ha convertido en una política de Estado. En general en las diferentes escalas de gobierno nacional, provincial o municipal la organización del territorio es muy postergada, a tal punto que se podría afirmar que en muchos espacios es inexistente. En la Argentina, en Mendoza y en el municipio de Las Heras las situaciones son similares, y un ejemplo de la falta de planificación y control de las gestiones territoriales se refleja claramente en el distrito El Algarrobal de Las Heras. La pérdida de la calidad de vida de la población del lugar es evidente; sin embargo para elaborar propuestas de mejoramiento se ha dise- ñado un plan de trabajo que comprende la confección de un diagnóstico que permita identificar el comportamiento de algunas variables en la dinámica del espacio geográfico. Sus objetivos son construir el conocimiento del distrito El Algarrobal, haciendo un análisis-diagnóstico a través de las diferentes fuentes de información, relevamiento de datos, cartografía y correlación de variables

    Propuesta de microzonificación y usos de suelo en el distrito “El Algarrobal”, Las Heras, Mendoza

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    Las acciones que se realizan a través de gestiones territoriales, con normativas o decisiones políticas sobre espacios geográficos, sumado a la falta de control de parte del Estado, pueden provocar sobreexplotaciones que producen daños irreversibles y un desmejoramiento de la calidad de vida de la población del lugar. En algunos casos las consecuencias se advierten a largo plazo, pero en el distrito El Algarrobal la degradación es muy evidente, en un relativamente corto período espaciotemporal. Este marcado daño ambiental y territorial que se puede observar a simple vista, es lo que indujo a definirla como área de estudio, a fin de poder aportar propuestas de mejoras, para el desarrollo de las actividades del distrito, desde el sector cientí- fico, a los administradores del dominio público. Para elaborar propuestas se debe contar con estudios previos, imágenes de la zona y fundamentalmente con el conocimiento empírico obtenido por visitas y reconocimientos de los sectores del área del estudio

    Cardiac tamponade and myocarditis in a patient with acute SARS-CoV-2 infection

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    Describimos una paciente con COVID-19, con derrame pericárdico, taponamiento cardíaco y depresión miocárdica grave. Mujer de 51 años, sin enfermedad previa, COVID-19 leve que presentó tres episodios de síncope en domicilio. El electrocardiograma mostró ritmo sinusal, ST de concavidad superior difuso 2 mv; en la tomografía se observó derrame pericárdico y parénquima pulmonar normal. Ingresó a terapia intensiva con shock y requerimiento de asistencia ventilatoria mecánica (AVM). En el ecocardiograma se observó derrame pericárdico y taponamiento; se realizó drenaje. El ecocardiograma transesofágico mostró deterioro moderado de función sistólica biventricular; strain longitudinal global –14.2%, Fey estimada: 43%; deformación global circunferencial: –10.1%. A los 7 días del ingreso, la tomografía reveló infiltrados bilaterales y engrosamiento pericárdico con realce post-contraste y derrame pericárdico leve. El día 12 posterior al ingreso, se suspendió el soporte inotrópico; y la paciente, hemodinámicamente estable, se desvinculó de la AVM.We describe a patient with COVID-19, with pericardial effusion, cardiac tamponade and severe myocardial depression. A 51-year-old woman, previously healthy, with mild COVID-19 presented with three episodes of syncope. She was admitted to the emergency room. An electrocardiogram showed sinus rhythm, diffuse superior concavity ST 2 mv; a CT scan showed pericardial effusion, without lung pathological findings. Due to shock, dyspnoea and encephalopathy, the patient was admitted to intensive care, where she received vasopressor support and mechanical ventilation. A bedside ultrasound showed pericardial effusion and tamponade; drainage was performed; transoesophageal ultrasound showed moderate deterioration of biventricular systolic function; global longitudinal strain –14.2%, estimated Fey 43%; global circumferential strain –10.1%. Seven days after admission, CT scan revealed bilateral infiltrates and pericardial thickening with post-contrast enhancement and mild pericardial effusion. On day 12 post admission, inotropic support was discontinued; patient on mechanical ventilation weaning and haemodynamically stable.Fil: Flores Cevallos, Samantha S.. Hospital Aleman; ArgentinaFil: Ruiz Martínez, Juan José. Hospital Aleman; ArgentinaFil: Duran, Ana L.. Hospital Aleman; ArgentinaFil: Roberti, Javier Eugenio. Hospital Aleman; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Sosa, Fernando A.. Hospital Aleman; Argentin

    Concordance of the risk of neonatal respiratory morbidity assessed by quantitative ultrasound lung texture analysis in fetuses of twin pregnancies

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    To evaluate the concordance of the risk of neonatal respiratory morbidity (NRM) assessed by quantitative ultrasound lung texture analysis (QuantusFLM) between twin fetuses of the same pregnancy. Prospective study conducted in twin pregnancies. There was good concordance of the risk of NRM between twins 34.0 weeks. From 30.0 to 33.6 weeks 26.5% of the twin pairs had discordant results, with moderate concordance of the risk of NRM

    Vacuum swing adsorption for R-32 recovery from R-410A refrigerant blend

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    The authors acknowledge the financial support from the LIFE-4-Fgases project [ LIFE20 CCM/ES/001748 ] funded by EU LIFE Programme . Norma Transitória DL 57/2016 Program Contract (R.P.P.L.R.). Publisher Copyright: © 2023 The Author(s)The recovery of high purity fluorinated gases from refrigerant blends is vital to promote a circular economy in the field of refrigeration and air conditioning. In this work, we evaluate the performance of a four-step Vacuum Swing Adsorption (VSA) process using activated carbon for the recovery of R-32 (difluoromethane) from a R-410A refrigerant blend: a binary mixture of R-125 (pentafluoroethane) and R-32 (yR−32=0.7; yR−125=0.3). Breakthrough curves were performed using dilute and bulk feed concentrations to determine mass and heat transfer parameters, which were then employed in simulations of fixed-bed adsorber dynamics. The mathematical model employed successfully predicts the experimental results of a four-step VSA cycle (feed, blowdown, purge, pressurization). The VSA performance was evaluated using process simulation. For a cycle time of 800 s (each step taking 200 s) and feed and regeneration pressures of 1.01 and 0.01 bar, respectively, R-32 is obtained with 97.0 mol-% purity and 30.9% recovery, with process productivity of 4.06 mol h−1 per kilogram of adsorbent, and energy consumption of 123.2 kJ/mol. Our results demonstrate the feasibility of using VSA processes for the recovery of R-32 from the near-azeotropic R-410A refrigerant blend.publishersversionpublishe

    Sustainable strategies for management of the “false root-knot nematode” Nacobbus spp.

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    The genus Nacobbus, known as the false root-knot nematode, is native to the American continent and comprises polyphagous species adapted to a wide range of climatic conditions. Alone or in combination with other biotic and abiotic factors, Nacobbus spp. can cause significant economic yield losses on main food crops such as potato, sugar beet, tomato, pepper and bean, in South and North America. Although the genus distribution is restricted to the American continent, it has quarantine importance and is subject to international legislation to prevent its spread to other regions, such as the European Union. The management of Nacobbus spp. remains unsatisfactory due to the lack of information related to different aspects of its life cycle, survival stages in the soil and in plant material, a rapid and reliable diagnostic method for its detection and the insufficient source of resistant plant genotypes. Due to the high toxicity of chemical nematicides, the search for alternatives has been intensified. Therefore, this review reports findings on the application of environmentally benign treatments to manage Nacobbus spp. Biological control strategies, such as the use of different organisms (mainly bacteria, fungi and entomopathogenic nematodes) and other eco-compatible approaches (such as metabolites, essential oils, plant extracts, phytohormones and amendments), either alone or as part of a combined control strategy, are discussed. Knowledge of potential sources of resistance for genetic improvement for crops susceptible to Nacobbus spp. are also reported. The sustainable strategies outlined here offer immediate benefits, not only to counter the pathogen, but also as good alternatives to improve crop health and growth