43 research outputs found

    Lagoon pollution and nutritive compounds change in urban tropical area

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    The aim of this study was to highlight the role of urban pollution on nutrient levels changes in lagoon environment under influence of hydroclimate. The ratio of biological and chemical oxygen demand BOD/COD was 0.7 with a significant average oxidizable matter charge (320 mg/L). Evolution of COD, BOD, NTK (total nitrogen) and Pt (total phosphorus) from 3.4 mm to 84.5 mm of rainfall, range from respectively, <50 mg/L, <50 mg/L, <0.3 mg/L, 48 mg/L to 419.75 mg/L, 275 mg/L, 1.875 mg/L, 4.55 mg/L. The (bio) availability of phosphate, ammonium and/or nitrate in water column changed depending on environmental conditions. The evolution of these pollutions effects may jeopardize the sustainability of the Abidjan lagoon system.Keywords: Wastewater, Ebrie Lagoon, rainfall, oxidizable organic matter, suspended particles, nutrients, eutrophication

    Export papaya post-harvest protection by fungicides and the problems of the maximal limit of residues

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    The post-harvest maturity of papaya fruits is influenced by several environmental factors including temperature, light and ventilation of the surrounding wall. The maturity, presence and attacks or rots, and the accumulation of fungicide residues in the papaya was evaluated on papaya fruits treated with different fungicide. Thiabendazole-treated fruits did not rot 21 days after treatment and this fungicide was the most satisfactory with detected residues lower than the European Union's 2000/48/EC guideline. Key Words: Post-harvest, papaya, fungicides, phytotoxic, thiabendazole, residues maximal limit. African Journal of Biotechnology Vol.4(1) 2005: 109-11

    Niveau De Contamination Du Poivron (Capsicum L., 1753) Par Les Pesticides

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    The study was done on two species of peppers capsicumannuum and capsicum fructescens. It concerned ninety samples of these two species, collected during three countrysides in two localities of Côte d’Ivoire (Bouake and Dabou). These samples were handled by means of a liquid-phase leading chromatograph SHIMADZU with the aim of determining the residues of pesticides. The observed results revealed a contamination of both species : capsicum annuum and capsicum fructescens, indeed, six residues of pesticides (chlorothalonil, chlorpyrifos, carbendazim, maneb, dimethoate and lambdacyaholothrine) were detected in these two species distributed in four families of pesticides (organochlorines, organophosphates, carbamates and pyrethrinoïds). The analysis showed that pyrethrinoïdes with respective proportions of 76,17% and 75,95% in capsicum annuum and capsicum fructescens were the most important ; followed organophosphate with respective proportions of 10,93% and 20,04% in capsicum annuum and capsicum fructescens.The study also showed that the concentrations of residues of pesticides detected in the edible part (pericarp ) peppers are appreciably equal those found in the part inedible(pulp). However, the residues of pesticides detected in peppers of both localities have all average concentrations lower than the standards established by the Codex Alimentarius

    Évaluation du risque phytosanitaire lié à la consommation de la laitue (Lactuca sativa) cultivée dans la commune de Port-Bouët (Abidjan)

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    The use of agrochemicals may be a public health problem because the pesticides residues in food can have drawbacks on human health. This work aimed to evaluate health risk associated to the consumption of lettuce. Pesticide residues were determined by HPLC and toxicological indicators (Estimated Daily Intake and the Theoretical Maximum Daily Intake) were calculated and compared to the acceptable daily intake. The results showed that 83.3 % of lettuce samples contained at least one pesticide whose content is above the maximum residue limit. The risk assessment showed that 1.7 % of lettuce consumers were exposed to chronic effects of maneb; 1.7 % lettuce consumers are likely to develop the chronic effects of carbendazim. For the ethyl chlorpyrifos, chlorothalonil, cypermethrin, dimethoate and lambdacyhalothrin, respectively 20.9% , 68.4 %, 87.2 % and 97.1 % of lettuce consumers were exposed to the chronic effects of these pesticides. Keywords: Lettuce, Lactuca sativa, pesticide, risk of exposureL’usage des produits agrochimiques peut être source de problème de santé publique car ces produits peuvent laisser des résidus dans les denrées alimentaires et perturber le fonctionnement de l’organisme. Cette étude a pour but d’évaluer le risque phytosanitaire lié à la consommation de la laitue. Les résidus de pesticides ont été quantifiés par chromatographie en phase liquide à haute performance, puis les indicateurs de risque toxicologique (apport journalier estimatif et l’apport journalier maximal théorique) ont été calculés et comparés aux doses journalières acceptables afin d’évaluer le risque d’exposition du consommateur. Les résultats ont révélé que 83,3 % des échantillons de laitue contiennent au moins un pesticide dont la teneur est supérieure à la limite maximale de résidu en vigueur. L’évaluation du risque d’exposition des consommateurs de laitue aux résidus de pesticides, a relevé que 1,73 % des consommateurs de laitue sont exposés aux effets chroniques du manèbe; 1,7% des consommateurs de laitue sont susceptibles de développer les effets chroniques du carbendazime. Pour le chlorpyriphos éthyle, le chlorothalonil, la cyperméthrine, le diméthoate et la lambdacyhalothrine, ce sont respectivement 20,9 %, 68,4 %, 87,2 % et 97,1 % des consommateurs de laitue qui sont exposés aux effets chroniques de ces pesticides. Mots-clés: Laitue, Lactuca sativa, pesticide, risque d’expositio

    Étude Cinétique De La Dégradation Du Piclorame En Solution Aqueuse Par Photolyse Directe Et Par Photocatalyse

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    The treatment of pesticides is a necessity in view of the stability and toxicity of the pesticides that generate them. The objective of this work is to study the degradation of picloram in aqueous medium under UV irradiation. It is a selective and systemic herbicide that can control woody plants and broadleaf weeds. The irradiations were carried out using a mercury vapor lamp of wavelength λ = 365 nm. A high performance liquid chromatograph equipped with a UV / visible detector was used to analyze the samples. The degradation of picloram in aqueous medium was carried out by direct photolysis and photocatalysis. In direct photolysis, a low rate of product degradation (6.9 %) was obtained after 225 min of irradiation. Photolysis in the presence of a catalyst (TiO2) accelerated the degradation of the molecule. Experiments demonstrating the effect of the concentration of the catalyst showed that the optimum concentration corresponding to a maximum degradation of picloram is 4 mg / L (62.68 %). The study of the influence of the pH of the solution on the degradation indicates that the molecule degrades better in an acid medium (pH = 5) with a rate of 62 % in 225 min  of irradiation. Apparent order 1 degradation kinetics were observed in all cases

    Interactions between Global Health Initiatives and Country Health Systems: The Case of a Neglected Tropical Diseases Control Program in Mali

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    Prevention of neglected tropical diseases was recently significantly scaled up in sub-Saharan Africa, protecting entire populations with mass distribution of drugs: five different diseases are now addressed simultaneously with a package of four drugs. Some argue however that, similarly to other major control programs dealing with specific diseases, this NTD campaign fails to strengthen health systems and might even negatively affect regular care provision. In 2007, we conducted an exploratory field study in Mali, observing how the program was implemented in two rural areas and how it affected the health system. At the local level, we found that the campaign effects of care delivery differed across health services. In robust and well staffed health centres, the personnel successfully facilitated mass drug distribution while running routine consultations, and overall service functioning benefitted from programme resources. In more fragile health centres however, additional program workload severely disturbed access to regular care, and we observed operational problems affecting the quality of mass drug distribution. Strong health services appeared to be profitable to the NTD control program as well as to general care

    Safety and Immunogenicity of an AMA-1 Malaria Vaccine in Malian Adults: Results of a Phase 1 Randomized Controlled Trial

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    The objective was to evaluate the safety, reactogenicity and immunogenicity of the AMA-1-based blood-stage malaria vaccine FMP2.1/AS02A in adults exposed to seasonal malaria.A phase 1 double blind randomized controlled dose escalation trial was conducted in Bandiagara, Mali, West Africa, a rural town with intense seasonal transmission of Plasmodium falciparum malaria. The malaria vaccine FMP2.1/AS02A is a recombinant protein (FMP2.1) based on apical membrane antigen-1 (AMA-1) from the 3D7 clone of P. falciparum, adjuvanted with AS02A. The comparator vaccine was a cell-culture rabies virus vaccine (RabAvert). Sixty healthy, malaria-experienced adults aged 18-55 y were recruited into 2 cohorts and randomized to receive either a half dose or full dose of the malaria vaccine (FMP2.1 25 microg/AS02A 0.25 mL or FMP2.1 50 microg/AS02A 0.5 mL) or rabies vaccine given in 3 doses at 0, 1 and 2 mo, and were followed for 1 y. Solicited symptoms were assessed for 7 d and unsolicited symptoms for 30 d after each vaccination. Serious adverse events were assessed throughout the study. Titers of anti-AMA-1 antibodies were measured by ELISA and P. falciparum growth inhibition assays were performed on sera collected at pre- and post-vaccination time points. Transient local pain and swelling were common and more frequent in both malaria vaccine dosage groups than in the comparator group. Anti-AMA-1 antibodies increased significantly in both malaria vaccine groups, peaking at nearly 5-fold and more than 6-fold higher than baseline in the half-dose and full-dose groups, respectively.The FMP2.1/AS02A vaccine had a good safety profile, was well-tolerated, and was highly immunogenic in malaria-exposed adults. This malaria vaccine is being evaluated in Phase 1 and 2 trials in children at this site

    Estimations non-paramétriques de coût médical et d'incidences d'événements cliniques = Application à l'évaluation médico-économique d'un dépistage pré-thérapeutique des toxicités du 5-fluorouracile

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    This thesis deals with non parametric estimation methods of medical cost and of incidences of clinical events that generate it. Such statistical analysis methods already exist but they are sometimes misused due to the bias induced by the data when encountering censorship, recurence of interest events, and competitive risks. The choice of a correct statistical method of estimation is generally an issue within such a context. In a first part, we have studied the statistical methods that are usually used but none was defined at a sufficient general level to take into account all the classical situations. So, in a second time, we have developped a "multi-state" framewok of non parametric approaches allowing to estimate both the medical cost and the incidences of the events that generate it when in presence of all these situations. The properties of the estimators, in terms of bias and asymptotic behavior have been then studied. Finally, all the methods that were studied and developped have been applied to a real case: the medical and economical evaluation of the pre-treatment screening of the toxicities for the 5-fluorouracile that has been set up by the research teams of the Laboratoire d'Oncopharmacologie and INSERM U892 of the Centre Paul Papin d'Angers. This study has showed that this pre-treatment screening could lead to a significant reduction of the major and lethal toxicities which takes place during the first two cycles of the treatment that uses the 5-FU. Moreover, the supplementary cost that it induces could be significantly inferior to the cost of the toxicities that it helps to avoid, whatever type of economical study is considered.Cette thèse traite des méthodes d'estimation non-paramétrique du coût médical et des incidences des événements cliniques qui le gérèrent. De telles méthodes d'analyse statistique existent déjà mais elles sont parfois mal employées à cause du biais introduit par les données quand on est en présence de censure, de récurrence des événements d'intérêt et de risques compétitifs. Le choix d'une méthode statistique d'estimation correcte pose souvent probléme dans ce contexte. Dans un premier temps, nous avons étudié les méthodes statistiques habituellement utilisées. Aucune de ces méthodes ne présentait le niveau de généralité pour prendre en compte simultanément toutes les situations souvent rencontrées. Dans un second temps, nous avons développé dans un cadre " multi-états " des approches non paramétriques permettant à la fois d'estimer le coût médical et les incidences d'événements qui le génèrent en présence de toutes ces situations. Les propriétés des estimateurs, en termes de biais et comportements asymptotiques ont ensuite été étudiées. Enfin, l'ensemble des méthodes étudiées et développées ont été appliquées à une étude de cas, l'évaluation médico-économique du dépistage pré-thérapeutique des toxicités du 5-fluorouracile mis au point par les équipes de recherche du laboratoire d'Oncopharmacologie et INSERM U892 du Centre Paul Papin d'Angers. Cette étude a montré que le dépistage pré-thérapeutique pourrait permettre de réduire significativement les incidences toxicités majeures et mortelles survenant pendant les deux cycles de traitement par le 5-FU. De plus, le coût supplémentaire que ce dépistage induit pourrait être significativement inférieur au coût des toxicités qu'il permet d'éviter quelque soit le type d'analyse économique considéré