6 research outputs found

    Sää- ja ilmastoriskit Suomessa - Kansallinen arvio

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    Tähän raporttiin on koottu ajantasainen arvio sään ja ilmaston aiheuttamista riskeistä eri toimialoille Suomessa. Arviossa otettiin huomioon sekä muuttuvan ilmaston että yhteiskunnallisen kehityksen vaikutus riskin muodostumiseen nykyhetkessä ja tulevaisuudessa. Sää- ja ilmastoriskejä pyrittiin hahmottamaan vaaratekijän (riskiä aiheuttava sääilmiö), altistumisen (riskin kohteen sijainti) ja haavoittuvuuden (riskin kohteen ominaisuudet) yhdistelmänä. Sääilmiöt aiheuttavat Suomessa riskejä jo nykyilmastossa. Muun muassa rajuilmat, helleaallot ja rankkasateet aiheuttavat taloudellisia ja terveydellisiä vaikutuksia sekä yleistä haittaa. Tulevaisuudessa riskit muuttuvat ilmastonmuutoksen muuttaessa haitallisia sääilmiöitä. Ilmastonmuutos tuo vähitellen kasvavia riskejä erityisesti ekosysteemeille ja infrastruktuurille. Muualla maailmalla tapahtuvat ilmastonmuutoksen vaikutukset voivat heijastua epäsuorasti Suomeen globaalien tavara-, energia-, raha- ja ihmisvirtojen kautta. Näiden riskien systemaattinen arviointi on vasta aloitettu. Raportin tavoitteena on tukea yhteiskunnan riskeihin varautumista ja ilmastonmuutokseen sopeutumista eri hallinnon tasoilla ja toimialoilla. Arvio perustuu pääosin kirjallisuudesta löytyviin tutkimuksiin ja selvityksiin sekä asiantuntija-arvioihin. Työ tehtiin “Sää- ja ilmastoriskien arviointi ja toimintamallit” (SIETO)- hankkeessa vuosina 2017–2018

    Svenskan i Finland 7:föredrag vid sjunde sammankomsten för beskrivningen av svenskan i Finland Uleåborg 19-20 april 2002

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    Abstract This publication consists of the 21 papers presented at the Seventh Swedish Language in Finland Conference, 19-20 April, 2002, hosted by the Department of German, French and Scandinavian Languages, University of Oulu, Finland. The contributors come from several departments of Scandinavian Languages in Finland. Their papers present/stem from on-going research projects in their respective departments. The themes explored in this volume are varies. Most focus on written and spoken Finland-Swedish. The conference plenary papers deal with the history of Swedish and Swedish in Oulu. Other topics include language immersion, bilingualism, language didactics, language on the radio, translation (especially of legal texts), web-based language and contrastive Finnish-Swedish studies

    Silver-Decorated TiO2 Inverse Opal Structure for Visible Light-Induced Photocatalytic Degradation of Organic Pollutants and Hydrogen Evolution

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    TiO2 inverse opal (TIO) structures were prepared by the conventional wet chemical method, resulting in well-formed structures for photocatalytic activity. The obtained structures were functionalized with liquid flame spray-deposited silver nanoparticles (AgNPs). The nanocomposites of TIO and AgNPs were extensively characterized by various spectroscopies such as UV, Raman, X-ray diffraction, energy-dispersive spectroscopy, and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy combined with microscopic methods such as scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and high-resolution TEM. The characterization confirmed that high-quality heterostructures had been fabricated with evenly and uniformly distributed AgNPs. Fabrication of anatase TiO2 was confirmed, and formation of AgNPs was verified with surface plasmon resonant properties. The photocatalytic activity results measured in the gas phase showed that deposition of AgNPs increases photocatalytic activity both under UVA and visible light excitation; moreover, enhanced hydrogen evolution was demonstrated under visible light.acceptedVersionPeer reviewe

    Social-, health care and rehabilitation educators’ competence : a cross-sectional study

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    An educator’s competence influences the implementation of evidence-based education and the overall quality of social and health care. This study aimed to identify distinct competence profiles from Finnish social, health and rehabilitative care educators, as well as describe which personal and professional characteristics influenced belonging to a certain profile. Data were collected from 28 educational organizations located throughout Finland using the Health and Social Care Educators’ Competence instrument. The survey was answered by 422 educators. The performed K-means cluster analysis identified three distinct educator competence profiles, which differed in terms of self-assessed expertise in various competence areas and certain background characteristics. The results highlight that educational institutions should concentrate on refining the digital competence of educators, which requires networking, collaboration, and work-related pedagogical competence. The differences in evaluation identified for the three profiles demonstrates that more experienced educators should mentor their less experienced counterparts to ensure a high quality of education.peerReviewe