826 research outputs found

    Creixement econòmic, burgesia i creixement urbà a la València de la Restauració (1874-1931)

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    La percepción retrospectiva de la acción disciplinar paterna: Análisis en función del género

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    Quartes Jornades de Foment de la Investigació de la FCHS (Any 1998-1999)Desde comienzos de la década de los 90 los estudios centrados en la acción disciplinar familiar han adoptado nuevas orientaciones, por un lado la percepción infantil de la acción disciplinar (Peiser y Heaven, 1996; Brown, Lamborn y Steinberg, 1993; Barnett, Quackernbush y Sinisi, 1996) y por otro, la visión retrospectiva que mantiene los adultos de la acción disciplinar de sus padres que ocurrió en su infancia (Joubert, 1991, 1992; Figen, 1994; Roty, Yager y Rossotto, 1995). El objetivo de la presente investigación consistió en analizar la percepción retrospectiva que 133 sujetos (66 hombres y 67 mujeres, con una edad media de 35 años) tenían del ambiente familiar y de las técnicas disciplinares que sus padres desarrollaron durante su infancia. Para ello los participantes cumplimentaron el Cuestionario Retrospectivo de la Disciplina Familiar (RED) que evalúa las prácticas disciplinares empleadas por ambos progenitores durante la infancia del sujeto. Los resultados informaron que los sujetos tenían una visión diferencial en cuanto a la actuación disciplinar del padre y de la madre. Los sujetos percibían que durante su infancia su madre había estado más implicada en la crianza, mostrando conductas de apoyo y de control. Los padres se percibían con una menor implicación al tiempo que eran los hombres entrevistados, frente a las mujeres, los que les consideraban más coercitivos y controladores en las relaciones disciplinarias desarrolladas en su infancia

    Els "Scolopendrinae" i els "Theatopsinae" "(Chilopoda: Scolopendromorpha)" de la península ibèrica

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    In the present work the geographic distribution of Scolopendra cingulata, Scolopendra canidens oraniensis and Theatops erythrocephala for the Iberian Peninsula is given. The mentioned localities belong to the records that we have found in different papers published up to now and to the studied specimens of our collections

    Contribució al coneixement d'algunes subespècies de "Lithobius pilicornis" Newport "(Chilopoda: Lithobiomorpha)"

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    In his fauna of France, Brolemann (1930) gave a complete description of Lithobius pilicornis including the characteristics that permited to distinguish the subspecies L. pilicornis doriae and L. pilicornis hexodus. These differential characteristics were the projections of the posterior angles of tergites 9, 11 and 13, the number of antennary articles and the number of teeth of the forcipular coxosternite. The works of subsequent authors, such as Eason (1964, 1972, 1973) and Matic (1959, 1968), began to demonstrate that those characteristics were very variable and that it was not possible to decide if an individual would belong to the typical form or to the subspecies doriae. The study of a large number of specimens (210 h h and 178 d d, collected in 57 localities of a total of more than 400 prospected in the Iberian Peninsula) has permitted us to make evident the variability of -those characteristics used by Brolemann and for that reason we think that L. pilicornis doriae should be disregarded. Concerning L. Pilicornis hexodus, owing to the lack of specimens, we prefer not to give an opinion for the moment. In the second part of the work, we describe a new subspecies, Lithobius pilicornis luridus ssp.nov., which comes from the caves of Guipúzcoa and Navarra (northern Spain), and show the existence of an ecological separation with the typical form and for that reason they can be considered as allopatric. The principal characteristics which distinguish the new subspecies from the typical form are the following: reduced ocellary area; small and unpigmented ocelli, in number of 3 to 9, which are arranged in two irregular rows. Organ of Tomosvary quite big, bigger than the biggest of the ocelli. Antennae long, with the articles much longer than broad. Slender shape, with narrow and elongated tergites

    La Subspeciació al gènere Lithobius (Chilopoda, Lithobiomorpha)

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    A novel descriptor redundancy method based on delay partition for exponential stability of time delay systems

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    This is an Author's Accepted Manuscript of an article published in Antonio González (2021) A novel descriptor redundancy method based on delay partition for exponential stability of time delay systems, International Journal of Systems Science, 52:8, 1707-1718, DOI: 10.1080/00207721.2020.1869344, available online at: http://www.tandfonline.com/10.1080/00207721.2020.1869344[EN] This paper investigates the exponential stability of uncertain time delay systems using a novel descriptor redundancy approach based on delay partitioning. First, the original system is casted into an equivalent descriptor singular state¿space representation by introducing redundant state variables so that the resulting delay is progressively reduced. From the equivalent model and applying Lyapunov Functional method, a sufficient condition based on Linear Matrix Inequalities (LMIs) for exponential stability with guaranteed decay rate performance is obtained. As a result, the inherent conservatism of Lyapunov¿Krasovskii functional techniques can arbitrarily be reduced by increasing the number of delay partition intervals including decay rate performance and model uncertainties in polytopic form. Various benchmark examples are provided to validate the effectiveness of the proposed method, showing better trade-off between conservatism and performance in comparison to previous approaches.This work was supported by project PGC2018-098719-B-I00 (MCIU/AEI/FEDER,UE).González Sorribes, A. (2021). A novel descriptor redundancy method based on delay partition for exponential stability of time delay systems. International Journal of Systems Science. 52(8):1707-1718. https://doi.org/10.1080/00207721.2020.18693441707171852

    La Deontologia en episodis d'emergència : estudi d'un cas i consideracions per a un exercici comunicatiu responsable

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    Les situacions d'emergència presenten una extraordinària complexitat per al periodisme. Els professionals de la informació es troben condicionats per les presses, la pressió i, sovint, per la improvisació. Els darrers anys a Catalunya la cobertura d'alguns episodis ha pres una dimensió pública per les reiterades queixes de l'opinió pública pel tractament deontològic dels mitjans de comunicació respecte a alguns casos de crisi. En aquest article analitzem un episodi recent i proper, l'anomenat «cas Carmel». A partir de l'estudi de vuit mitjans de comunicació, hem fet una delimitació dels problemes deontològics i ètics que es van plantejar en aquest cas. En aquesta recerca també es fan algunes propostes raonades per millorar la difusió d'informació en episodis crítics. Aquestes s'argumenten a partir de la investigació del cas Carmel i de diferents propostes elaborades per teòrics i organismes de regulació o d'autoregulació periodística.Deontology in emergency situations. A case study and considerations for a responsible communication exercise Emergency situations represent an extremely complex phenomenon for journalists who are conditioned by time constraints, the need to improvise and other pressures. Over recent years, the media’s coverage of certain crises has generated public criticism. This article analyses a local story from 2005, the so-called Carmel Case. Based on eight communication media, we outline a number of deontological and ethical issues that this case raises and we make some well-reasoned proposals for improving media coverage of emergency situations. Some proposals are based on our research into the Carmel Case and others are made by media theorists and regulatory bodies

    A weighted distributed predictor-feedback control synthesis for interconnected time delay systems

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    [EN] The paper investigates the control design of interconnected time delay systems by means of distributed predictor-feedback delay compensation approaches and event-triggered mechanism. The idea behind delay compensation is to counteract the negative effects of delays in the control-loop by feeding back future predictions of the system state. Nevertheless, an exact prediction of the overall system state vector cannot be obtained providing that each system has only knowledge of their local data regarding the system model and state variables. Consequently, predictor-feedback delay compensation may lose effectiveness if the coupling between subsystems is sufficiently strong. To circumvent this drawback, the proposed distributed predictor-feedback control incorporates extra degree of freedom for control synthesis by introducing new weighting factors for each local prediction term. The design of the weighting factors is addressed, together with the event-triggered parameters, by an algorithm based on Linear Matrix Inequalities (LMI) and the Cone Complementarity Linearization (CCL). Simulation results are provided to show the achieved improvements and validate the effectiveness of the proposed method, even in the case that other control strategies fail to stabilize the closed-loop system.This work was supported by projects PGC2018-098719-B-I00 (MCIU/AEI/FEDER, UE), Group DGA T45-17R and Fundacion Universitaria Antonio Gargallo (Project 2018/B004).González Sorribes, A. (2021). A weighted distributed predictor-feedback control synthesis for interconnected time delay systems. Information Sciences. 543(8):367-381. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ins.2020.07.011S367381543

    English vowels in third language acquisition. An analysis of multilingual teenagers' pronunciation.

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    Treball Final de Grau en Estudis Anglesos. Codi: EA0938. Curs acadèmic: 2020/2021This paper aims to examine English language learners' vowel pronunciation by focusing on the contribution of their mother tongue to the acquisition of English phonics skills. In this study, phonetics lessons will also be given to students who have never received one before to see if it helps them to improve their pronunciation. In addition, it will be tested whether the gender of the students has an influence on the acquisition of correct pronunciation. To obtain the results, a study was carried out at Torreblanca's secondary school with the help of students in two first-year secondary school classes. All participants (n=32), grouped according to their mother tongue, were asked to pronounce a list of words before and after receiving phonics lessons. The results indicate that their pronunciation skills improved after taking lessons and it was also shown that the first language contributes to the acquisition of better foreign language pronunciation. The results also indicate that male participants performed better at reproducing the sounds of English words