295 research outputs found

    Recuperación e identificación de variedades de vid en Aragón

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    1 copia .pdf del Póster original de los Autores.- 1 Tabl.- 4 Fots. Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)A partir de la década de los setenta diferentes circunstancias provocaron que muchas de las zonas más productivas arrancaran las vides antiguas y apostaran por plantaciones de variedades foráneas o distintas de las tradicionales. Conscientes de la pérdida de biodiversidad, desde la Unidad de Tecnología Vegetal (Gobierno de Aragón) se viene prospectando en toda la geografía aragonesa y recopilando accesiones de vid, especialmente en viñas antiguas y a punto de desaparecer. El año 1992 se formó el Banco de Germoplasma de Vid de Aragón (Dep. de Agricultura, Ganadería y Medio Ambiente) que conserva más de 700 accesiones (algunas caracterizadas molecularmente, Buhner-Zaharieva et al., 2010) .Este trabajo ha sido financiado por el INIA (RF2012-00027-C05-02) y el Gobierno de Aragón (A44)Peer reviewe

    Combined analysis of the salivary microbiome and host defence peptides predicts dental disease

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    Understanding the triad of host response, microbiome and disease status is potentially informative for disease prediction, prevention, early intervention and treatment. Using longitudinal assessment of saliva and disease status, we demonstrated that partial least squares modelling of microbial, immunological and clinical measures, grouped children according to future dental disease status. Saliva was collected and dental health assessed in 33 children aged 4 years, and again 1-year later. The composition of the salivary microbiome was assessed and host defence peptides in saliva were quantified. Principal component analysis of the salivary microbiome indicated that children clustered by age and not disease status. Similarly, changes in salivary host defence peptides occurred with age and not in response to, or preceding dental caries. Partial least squares modelling of microbial, immunological and clinical baseline measures clustered children according to future dental disease status. These data demonstrate that isolated evaluation of the salivary microbiome or host response failed to predict dental disease. In contrast, combined assessment of both host response together with the microbiome revealed clusters of health and disease. This type of approach is potentially relevant to myriad diseases that are modified by host–microbiome interactions

    Selección de melocotón de carne dura con alto contenido en azúcares y antioxidantes

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    4 Pags.- 2 figs. Contribución de los autores originalmente presentada, como comunicación,en el XIV Congreso Nacional de Ciencias Hortícolas (SECH 2015): Retos de la Nueva Agricultura Mediterránea (Orihuela, 3-5 junio 2015).Existen muchos estudios sobre los efectos beneficiosos que el consumo de frutas, ricas en antioxidantes tiene sobre la salud humana. En particular, los compuestos fenólicos son potencialmente beneficiosos para la salud, por sus efectos en la prevención de enfermedades degenerativas, tales como hipertensión, Alzheimer, Parkinson o cáncer. Por esta razón en las últimas décadas, gran parte de los programas de mejora genética de melocotonero han incorporado estos atributos de calidad de fruto entre sus objetivos. El programa de mejora que se lleva a cabo en la Estación Experimental de Aula Dei centra sus objetivos en la selección de cultivares de melocotonero con alta calidad de fruto y adaptados a las condiciones mediterráneas. Para seleccionar cultivares con frutos ricos en compuestos bioactivos, con calidad organoléptica y nutricional, se han estudiado las poblaciones de melocotonero ‘BabyGold 9’ × ‘Crown Princess’ y ‘Andross’ × ‘Calante’. Se determinaron las concentraciones de vitamina C, fenoles totales, flavonoides, y la capacidad antioxidante del fruto mediante espectrofotometría y el contenido en azúcares individuales con HPLC-IR. Los frutos en ambas poblaciones, son melocotones amarillos, de carne dura y de cosecha media y tardía, con gran variación fenotípica en todos los caracteres analizados. Se han encontrado correlaciones positivas entre varios de los parámetros de calidad y los compuestos bioactivos estudiados. Combinando características favorables destacan por su potencial comercial una veintena de genotipos que ampliarán la oferta de cultivares de carne dura en el sector frutícola español.Este trabajo ha sido financiado por el MINECO (AGL-2008-00283, AGL2011-24576) y Gobierno de Aragón (A44). W. Abidi y E. Ksia han sido beneficiarios de las becas JAE-Pre (CSIC) y FMI41/10 (DGA), respectivamente.Peer reviewe

    Effect of Photoperiod on Some Zootechnical Performances of Quail (Coturnix Coturnix Japonica) Raised in Cage in Côte D’Ivoire

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    A study was conducted in Ismorel farm at Adiake, Côte d'Ivoire, to determine effect of photoperiod on some zootechnical performances of the quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica). One-day-old quail was separated into two photoperiodic groups, including group A (NL: 12-AL: 12) and group B (NL: 12-AL: 0). After one week of age, each group was divided into two subgroups. Group A was divided into subgroups A1 (NL: 12-AL: 12) and A2 (NL: 12-AL: 4) while group B was divided into subgroups B1 (NL: 12-AL: 0) and B2 (NL: 12-AL: 4). The experiment lasted 18 months with 6 months for a repetition, it ran from November 2016 to May 2018. During this experiment, 2960 chicks were used for the experiment and 2775 eggs were collected to determine fertility rate and hatching rate. Results showed a significant effect (p <0.05) of photoperiod on body weight in favor of group A (NL: 12-AL: 12) and subgroup A1 (NL: 12-AL: 12).A significant difference (p <0.05) in photoperiod on egg weight, egg diameter, and egg laying rate was observed in favor of quail in A1 (NL: 12-AL: 12) and B1 (NL: 12-AL: 0). On the other hand, photoperiod had no influence (p> 0.05) on the length of eggs, fertility rate, hatching rate and mortality rate according to different subgroups formed

    Economic evaluation of the treatment of Acute Bacterial Skin and Skin Structure Infections (ABSSSIs) from the national payer perspective : introduction of a new treatment to the patient journey. A simulation of three European countries

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    The aim of this study was to develop a spending predictor model to evaluate the direct costs associated with the management of ABSSSIs from the National health-care provider's perspective of Italy, Romania, and Spain. METHODOLOGY: A decision-analytic model was developed to evaluate the diagnostic and clinical pathways of hospitalized ABSSSI patients based on scientific guidelines and real-world data. A Standard of Care (SoC) scenario was compared with a dalbavancin scenario in which the patients could be discharged early. The epidemiological and cost parameters were extrapolated from national administrative databases (i.e., hospital information system). A probabilistic sensitivity analysis (PSA) and one-way sensitivity analysis (OWA) were performed. RESULTS: Overall, the model estimated an average annual number of patients with ABSSSIs of approximately 50,000 in Italy, Spain, and Romania. On average, the introduction of dalbavancin reduced the length of stay by 3.3 days per ABSSSI patient. From an economic perspective, dalbavancin did not incur any additional cost from the National Healthcare perspective, and the results were consistent among the countries. The PSA and OWA demonstrated the robustness of these results. CONCLUSION: This model represents a useful tool for policymakers by providing information regarding the economic and organizational consequences of an early discharge approach in ABSSSI management

    Cost of poor adherence to anti-hypertensive therapy in five European countries

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    The financial burden for EU health systems associated with cardiovascular disease (CV) has been estimated to be nearly €110 billion in 2006, corresponding to 10 % of total healthcare expenditure across EU or a mean €223 annual cost per capita. The main purpose of this study is to estimate the costs related to hypertension and the economic impact of increasing adherence to anti-hypertensive therapy in five European countries (Italy, Germany, France, Spain and England). A probabilistic prevalence-based decision tree model was developed to estimate the direct costs of CV related to hypertension (CV defined as: stroke, heart attack, heart failure) in five European countries. Our model considered adherence to hypertension treatment as a main driver of blood pressure (BP) control (BP < 140/90 mmHg). Relative risk of CV, based on controlled or uncontrolled BP group, was estimated from the Framingham Heart Study and national review data. Prevalence and cost data were estimated from national literature reviews. A national payer (NP) perspective for 10 years was considered. Probabilistic sensitivity analysis was performed in order to evaluate uncertainty around the results (given as 95 % confidence intervals). The model estimated a total of 8.6 million (1.4 in Italy, 3.3 in Germany, 1.2 in Spain, 1.8 in France and 0.9 in England) CV events related to hypertension over the 10-year time horizon. Increasing the adherence rate to anti-hypertensive therapy to 70 % (baseline value is different for each country) would lead to 82,235 fewer CV events (24,058 in Italy, 7,870 in Germany, 18,870 in Spain, 24,855 in France and 6,553 in England). From the NP perspective, the direct cost associated with hypertension was estimated to be €51.3 billion (8.1 in Italy, 17.1 in Germany, 12.2 in Spain, 8.8 in France and 5.0 in England). Increasing adherence to anti-hypertensive therapy to 70 % would save a total of €332 million (CI 95 %: €319-346 million) from the NPs perspective. This study is the first attempt to estimate the economic impact of non-adherence amongst patients with diagnosed hypertension in Europe, using data from five European countries (Italy, France, Germany, Spain and England). © 2014 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg

    HIV infection and placental malaria reduce maternal transfer of multiple antimalarial antibodies in Mozambican women

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    Objectives: Maternal Plasmodium falciparum-specific antibodies may contribute to protect infants against severe malaria. Our main objective was to evaluate the impact of maternal HIV infection and placental malaria on the cord blood levels and efficiency of placental transfer of IgG and IgG subclasses.Methods: In a cohort of 341 delivering HIV-negative and HIV-positive mothers from southern Mozambique, we measured total IgG and IgG subclasses in maternal and cord blood pairs by quantitative suspension array technology against eight P. falciparum antigens: Duffy-binding like domains 3-4 of VAR2CSA from the erythrocyte membrane protein 1, erythrocyte-binding antigen 140, exported protein 1 (EXP1), merozoite surface proteins 1, 2 and 5, and reticulocyte-binding-homologue-4.2 (Rh4.2). We performed univariable and multivariable regression models to assess the association of maternal HIV infection, placental malaria, maternal variables and pregnancy outcomes on cord antibody levels and antibody transplacental transfer.Results: Maternal antibody levels were the main determinants of cord antibody levels. HIV infection and placental malaria reduced the transfer and cord levels of IgG and IgG1, and this was antigen-dependent. Low birth weight was associated with an increase of IgG2 in cord against EXP1 and Rh4.2.Conclusions: We found lower maternally transferred antibodies in HIV-exposed infants and those born from mothers with placental malaria, which may underlie increased susceptibility to malaria in these children

    HIV infection and placental malaria reduce maternal transfer of multiple antimalarial antibodies in Mozambican women

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    Objectives: Maternal Plasmodium falciparum-specific antibodies may contribute to protect infants against severe malaria. Our main objective was to evaluate the impact of maternal HIV infection and placental malaria on the cord blood levels and efficiency of placental transfer of IgG and IgG subclasses. Methods: In a cohort of 341 delivering HIV-negative and HIV-positive mothers from southern Mozambique, we measured total IgG and IgG subclasses in maternal and cord blood pairs by quantitative suspension array technology against eight P. falciparum antigens: Duffy-binding like domains 3-4 of VAR2CSA from the erythrocyte membrane protein 1, erythrocyte-binding antigen 140, exported protein 1 (EXP1), merozoite surface proteins 1, 2 and 5, and reticulocyte-binding-homologue-4.2 (Rh4.2). We performed univariable and multivariable regression models to assess the association of maternal HIV infection, placental malaria, maternal variables and pregnancy outcomes on cord antibody levels and antibody transplacental transfer. Results: Maternal antibody levels were the main determinants of cord antibody levels. HIV infection and placental malaria reduced the transfer and cord levels of IgG and IgG1, and this was antigen-dependent. Low birth weight was associated with an increase of IgG2 in cord against EXP1 and Rh4.2. Conclusions: We found lower maternally transferred antibodies in HIV-exposed infants and those born from mothers with placental malaria, which may underlie increased susceptibility to malaria in these children. © 2021 The British Infection Associatio

    An investigation of the effects of lipid-lowering medications: genome-wide linkage analysis of lipids in the HyperGEN study

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    BACKGROUND: Use of anti-hyperlipidemic medications compromises genetic analysis because of altered lipid profiles. We propose an empirical method to adjust lipid levels for medication effects so that the adjusted lipid values substitute the unmedicated lipid values in the genetic analysis. RESULTS: Published clinical trials were reviewed for HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors and fibric acid derivatives as mono-drug therapy. HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors showed similar effects in African Americans (AA) and non-African Americans (non-AA) for lowering total cholesterol (TC, -50.7 mg/dl), LDL cholesterol (LDL-C, -48.1 mg/dl), and triglycerides (TG, -19.7 mg/dl). Their effect on increasing HDL cholesterol (HDL-C) in AA (+0.4 mg/dl) was lower than in Non-AA (+2.3 mg/dl). The effects of fibric acid derivatives were estimated as -46.1 mg/dl for TC, -40.1 mg/dl for LDL-C, and +5.9 mg/dl for HDL-C in non-AA. The corresponding effects in AA were less extreme (-20.1 mg/dl, -11.4 mg/dl, and +3.1 mg/dl). Similar effect for TG (59.0 mg/dl) was shown in AA and non-AA. The above estimated effects were applied to a multipoint variance components linkage analysis on the lipid levels in 2,403 Whites and 2,214 AA in the HyperGEN study. The familial effects did vary depending on whether the lipids were adjusted for medication use. For example, the heritabilities increased after medication adjustment for TC and LDL-C, but did not change significantly for HDL-C and TG. CONCLUSION: Ethnicity-specific medication adjustments using our empirical method can be employed in epidemiological and genetic analysis of lipids.National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (HL554471, HL54472, HL54473, HL54495, HL54496, HL54497, HL54509, HL54515