592 research outputs found

    Developmental Dyslexia in Spain

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    Spanish‐speaking children learn to read words written in a relatively transparent orthography. Variations in orthographic transparency may shape the manifestation of developmental dyslexia. In Spanish, as in other transparent orthographies, reading speed/fluency seems to be more evident and relevant than accuracy problems. In addition, the prevalence of dyslexia is much lower in Spanish than in less consistent or less transparent orthographies. Spanish students with developmental dyslexia have numerous lags in several cognitive (e.g., phonological awareness, rapid naming, verbal and visual‐spatial working memory, and executive functioning), academic (e.g., pseudoword reading, spelling, and vocabulary), and emotional (e.g., reading self‐concept, engagement, and reading motivation) areas. Intervention programs developed with Spanish children with dyslexia have ranged from phonological‐based programs to fluency‐based programs, with and without a computer

    Conocimientos y creencias de los maestros peruanos sobre el TDAH: el rol de la experiencia docente en el TDAH

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    Introduction. The aims were twofold: a) to compare the Peruvian pre-service teachers (PSTs) and in-service teachers´(ISTs) knowledge, misconceptions and lack of knowledge about ADHD, and b) to analyse the differences in knowledge, misconceptions and lacks of knowledge between ISTs with and without experience about ADHD. Method. Two hundred sixty four teachers completed the Knowledge of Attention Deficit Disorder Scale (KADDS), the Index of Teaching Stress (ITS), and a socio-demographic questionnaire. Results. Results showed that ISTs had more correct answers on total scale, on general information and on treatment sub-scales than PSTs. The PSTs had more lacks of knowledge on total scale than ISTs. The ISTs with experience about ADHD had more teaching stress, higher scores on self-efficacy and more accurate knowledge on total scale and on each sub-scale. In addition, ISTs knowledge correlated with post-grade education and years of experience. Self-efficacy correlated with experience about ADHD and years of experience. Discussion. The results are discussed in relation to teacher training.Introducción. Los estudios que han analizado los conocimientos, creencias erróneas y lagunas de los profesores acerca del TDAH se han centrado fundamentalmente en América del Norte, Europa y Asia, fundamentalmente. Sin embargo, no se han analizado los conocimientos de los profesores de América del Sur ni de América del centro acerca del TDAH. Por ello, en este estudio nos planteamos dos objetivos: a) comparar los conocimientos, las creencias erróneas y las lagunas de conocimiento de los profesores sin experiencia (PSE) y de los profesores con experiencia (PCE), y b) analizar las diferencias en el conocimiento, las creencias y las lagunas entre los PCE que habían enseñado o no a alumnos con TDAH. Método. En total 264 profesores completaron la Knowledge of Attention Deficit Disorder Scale (KADDS), el Index of Teaching Stress (ITS), y un cuestionario socio-demográfico. Resultados. Los resultados mostraron que los PCE tuvieron mayores respuestas correctas en la escala total que los PSE. Los PCE con experiencia en TDAH presentaron mayores índices de estrés docente, aunque también mayor autoeficacia y mejor conocimiento sobre el TDAH. La autoeficacia correlacionó con la experiencia en TDAH. Discusión. Se discute la importancia de las creencias erróneas y de las lagunas de conocimiento acerca del TDAH para la formación del profesorado

    Educación para la salud sexual Del enamoramiento al aborto Un estudio cualitativo con adolescentes españoles e inmigrantes

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    El propósito de este estudio es analizar cómo viven su sexualidad adolescentes españoles e inmigrados para orientar nuevos programas de educación sexual. El enfoque de investigación ha sido cualitativo; se utilizaron principios asociados a la etnografía focalizada. La muestra se conformó con 80 adolescentes de ocho nacionalidades diferentes. Los datos se recogieron a través de una entrevista con preguntas abiertas y planteamiento de dilemas. Para el análisis de los datos se identificó un sistema de categorías. Los principales resultados son: la forma de vivir la sexualidad está relacionada con el género y el grupo étnico-cultural; se requiere plantear una educación sexual entendida como educación para la salud sexual, en la que además de los fundamentos biológicos y de prevención, se logre incidir y potenciar la educación de las emociones, sentimientos, actitudes y conductas responsables, en definitiva: una educación integral.The purpose of this study is to analyze how Spanish and immigrant teenagers live their sexuality, so as to better target new sex-education programs. The research approach was qualitative; principles associated with targeted ethnography were used. The sample consisted of 80 adolescents from eight different nationalities. Data was collected through an interview with open questions, along with problem-solving dilemmas. A category system was designed for the analysis of the data. The main results are: sexual experience is related to gender and the ethnic-cultural group; sexual education should be promoted as sexual health, a program through which not only biological fundamentals is included, but which also covers and enhances education with regard to the emotions, feelings, attitudes, and to responsible behavior, in short: a complete educational program

    Características psicométricas del cuestionario AMRS para la evaluación de la motivación lectora en adolescentes

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    El objetivo de este estudio consiste en realizar una adaptación al español del Cuestionario de Evaluación de la Motivación Lectora para Adolescentes –AMRS- (Guthrie, Coddington and Wigfield, 2009) y analizar sus propiedades psicométricas. Participaron en el estudio 657 estudiantes de habla hispana, con edades comprendidas entre 12 y 16 años (= 13.8 años y = 1.74), que cursaban desde 6º de EPO hasta 4º de ESO; 366 eran hombres (55.7%) y 291 eran mujeres (44.3%). La consistencia interna se ha calculado mediante el coeficiente alfa de Cronbach para la puntuación general de AMSR y sus escalas. La validez convergente se ha analizado a través de correlaciones de Pearson con las puntuaciones de los sujetos en el cuestionario de motivación lectora AMRP (Pitcher, Albright, Delaney, Walker et al., 2007). Los resultados indican, por un lado, que la consistencia interna de la versión original inglesa es algo superior a la de la versión adaptada en la escala global y en las subescalas, pero las subescalas de la versión original que presentan mayor consistencia interna son las mismas que también son más consistentes en la versión adaptada al castellano. Por otro lado, se observa que las correlaciones de las subescalas de AMSR con el cuestionario AMRP son significativas. Estos resultados indican que el cuestionario AMRS es adecuado para la evaluación de la motivación lectora en adolescentes de habla hispana.The objective of this study is to perform a Spanish adaptation of the Scale for the Assessment of Reading Motivation for Teens - AMRS - (Guthrie, Coddington and Wigfield, 2009) and to analyze its psychometric properties. Participated in the study 657 spanish-speaking students, aged between 12 and 16 years (x= 13.8 years old, xS= 1.74), who were in from 6th EPO until 4th ESO, 366 were men (55.7 %) and 291 were women (44.3 %). Internal consistency was calculated by Cronbach 's alpha coefficient for the overall score and scales of AMSR. Convergent validity was analyzed by Pearson correlations with the scores of the subjects in the reading motivation scale AMRP (Pitcher, Albright, Delaney, Walker et al., 2007). The results indicate, firstly, that the internal consistency of the original English version is somewhat higher than that of the adapted version on the global scale and subscales, but the subscales of the original version have higher internal consistency are the same that in the adapted version. On the other hand, the correlations of AMSR subscales with AMRP scale are significant. These results indicate that the AMSR scale is suitable for assessment of reading motivation in spanish-speaking teens.peerReviewe

    Grey matter reduction in the occipitotemporal cortex in Spanish children with dyslexia: A voxel-based morphometry study

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    Structural and functional neuroimaging studies have reported brain alterations in occipitotemporal, temporoparietal, and left frontal areas in dyslexic patients. These areas have been linked to reading skill impairments, due to their involvement in word recognition and processing. However, most of the patients in these studies were speakers of languages with a deep orthography. In this study, we used voxel-based morphometry (VBM) to investigate brain differences in grey matter volume associated with a transparent language in a sample of 25 native Spanish participants (13 dyslexic and 12 non-dyslexic children). Results revealed a volume reduction in the left occipitotemporal cortex and right cerebellum in dyslexics. Significantly, the reduction in occipitotemporal areas has been previously linked to reading in transparent languages. Our results support previous studies and are consistent with the idea that reading problems in languages with a shallow orthography are related to the ventral reading network

    Exploring service quality among online sharing economy platforms from an online media perspective

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    The sharing economy has become a new socioeconomic activity that allows the co-creation, production, distribution and consumption of goods and services between individuals, driven by Web 2.0 and e-word of mouth. How these online platforms communicate their content is critical. This paper seeks to develop a scale for measuring the perceived quality of websites that offer information about sharing economy services focused on online peer-to-peer accommodation. The resulting model is validated by means of structural equations and is composed of four dimensions (efficiency; reliability, privacy/security; and communication). The influence that perceived quality exerts on satisfaction and loyalty is then explored from an online media perspective. A scale resulting from the combination of these two areas of knowledge (online media and e-service quality) may take advantage of the more beneficial features they have to offer and provide us with as balanced and convergent a model as possible. The results of the study show that all of the initial hypotheses are confirmed except one. Efficiency, reliability and privacy/security positively influence the perceived quality of a collaborative accommodation portal, whereas communication does notFunding: This research was funded by MINISTERIO DE ECONOMÍA, INDUSTRIA Y COMPETITIVIDAD, grant id. TURCOLAB ECO2017-88984-R. Acknowledgments: The authors acknowledge the support of the Catalan Government for the accreditation as Consolidated Research Group TURESCO (2017 SGR 49)