2,984 research outputs found

    Characterising epithelial tissues using persistent entropy

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    In this paper, we apply persistent entropy, a novel topological statis- tic, for characterization of images of epithelial tissues. We have found out that persistent entropy is able to summarize topological and geomet- ric information encoded by -complexes and persistent homology. After using some statistical tests, we can guarantee the existence of signi cant di erences in the studied tissues.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad MTM2015-67072-

    Persistent entropy: a scale-invariant topological statistic for analyzing cell arrangements

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    In this work, we develop a method for detecting differences in the topological distribution of cells forming epithelial tissues. In particular, we extract topological information from their images using persistent homology and a summary statistic called persistent entropy. This method is scale invariant, robust to noise and sensitive to global topological features of the tissue. We have found significant differences between chick neuroepithelium and epithelium of Drosophila wing discs in both, larva and prepupal stages. Besides, we have tested our method, with good results, with images of mathematical tesselations that model biological tissues

    Blow-up analysis of conformal metrics of the disk with prescribed Gaussian and geodesic curvatures

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    This paper is concerned with the compactness of metrics of the disk with prescribed Gaussian and geodesic curvatures. We consider a blowing-up sequence of metrics and give a precise description of its asymptotic behavior. In particular, the metrics blow-up at a unique point on the boundary and we are able to give necessary conditions on its location. It turns out that such conditions depend locally on the Gaussian curvatures but they depend on the geodesic curvatures in a nonlocal way. This is a novelty with respect to the classical Nirenberg problem where the blow-up conditions are local, and this new aspect is driven by the boundary condition.Comment: 31 pages, 1 figur

    On the stability of persistent entropy and new summary functions for Topological Data Analysis

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    Persistent entropy of persistence barcodes, which is based on the Shannon entropy, has been recently defined and successfully applied to different scenarios: characterization of the idiotypic immune network, detection of the transition between the preictal and ictal states in EEG signals, or the classification problem of real long-length noisy signals of DC electrical motors, to name a few. In this paper, we study properties of persistent entropy and prove its stability under small perturbations in the given input data. From this concept, we define three summary functions and show how to use them to detect patterns and topological features

    From Dialogue of Civilizations to the Alliance of Civilizations. Continuity and contrast of two initiatives of the United Nations

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    La Alianza de Civilizaciones ha asumido y desarrollado el propósito y alcance del Diálogo de Civilizaciones. No se trata de dos proyectos distintos sino de una misma realidad que ha ido evolucionando. Ambos proyectos abogan por el diálogo intercultural para fomentar el respeto, la tolerancia y la cooperación entre los distintos pueblos y culturas. En la actualidad, la Alianza de Civilizaciones es una herramienta que favorece las relaciones interculturales, disminuye tensiones y fomenta la reconciliación. Destaca por su carácter práctico, no es sólo una llamada al diálogo, sino que exige compromiso y cooperación entre Estados, organizaciones internacionales y sociedad civil en la adopción de medidas concretas tanto a nivel internacional como regional y local.The Alliance of Civilizations has assumed and developed the purpose and the scope of the Dialogue of Civilizations. There are not two different projects, is one reality that has evolved. Both projects defend the intercultural dialogue to promote respect, tolerance and cooperation among different peoples and cultures. Today, the Alliance of Civilizations is a tool that develop intercultural relations, reduces tensions and promotes reconciliation. Notable for its practicality, it is not just a call for dialogue. It requires commitment and cooperation among States, international organizations and civil society in the adoption of concrete measures at the international, regional and local levels

    Microstructural and XRD analysis and study of the properties of the system Ti-TiAl-B4C processed under different operational conditions

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    High specific modulus materials are considered excellent for the aerospace industry. The system Ti-TiAl-B4C is presented herein as an alternative material. Secondary phases formed in situ during fabrication vary depending on the processing conditions and composition of the starting materials. The final behaviors of these materials are therefore difficult to predict. This research focuses on the study of the system Ti-TiAl-B4C, whereby relations between microstructure and properties can be predicted in terms of the processing parameters of the titanium matrix composites (TMCs). The powder metallurgy technique employed to fabricate the TMCs was that of inductive hot pressing (iHP) since it offers versatility and flexibility. The short processing time employed (5 min) was set in order to test the temperature as a major factor of influence in the secondary reactions. The pressure was also varied. In order to perform this research, not only were X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) analyses performed, but also microstructural characterization through Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). Significant results showed that there was an inflection temperature from which the trend to form secondary compounds depended on the starting material used. Hence, the addition of TiAl as an elementary blend or as prealloyed powder played a significant role in the final behavior of the TMCs fabricated, where the prealloyed TiAl provides a better precursor of the formation of the reinforcement phases from 1100 °C regardless of the pressur

    La transmisión de ideas a lo largo de la historia : el discurso misógino del sistema patriarcal

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    Este trabajo hace un recorrido por los distintos discursos creados y divulgados por el sistema patriarcal para someter a las mujeres desde la Antigüedad hasta nuestros días. La historia tradicional que conocemos ha sido una historia androcéntrica, donde las mujeres apenas tenían protagonismo y su presencia era invisibilizada por un sistema patriarcal que intentaba imponer unos valores donde las mujeres debían ser sometidas y silenciadas. A través de los siglos se ha intentado transmitir una visión sesgada de la historia, eliminando la relevancia que el cincuenta por ciento de la población ha tenido en el desarrollo de las civilizaciones. El discurso del patriarcado imperante se ha ido alimentando de distintas fuentes como la religión, la medicina o la filosofía, entre otros, pero a la vez ha ido transformando para adaptarse a los nuevos tiempos y a las nuevas situaciones políticas, económicas y sociales. Hoy en día, donde en los países desarrollados se ha logrado una aparente igualdad entre hombres y mujeres, aún está presente gran parte del ideario patriarcal en el imaginario colectivo, lo que impide que las mujeres se desarrollen y crezcan como individuos en plena igualdad y sigan sometidas a la dictadura de los valores masculinos que imperan en la sociedad

    Análisis comparativo de proyectos de control de fronteras y movilidad humana estudio de los casos de ASEAN y la Unión Europea

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    The following document presents a comparative analysis of two projects from international organizations in the areas of human mobility and border control. The entities that have been selected for this analysis are ASEAN and the European Union. The projects that will be studied are the creation of the ASEAN Convention on Counter-Terrorism (ACCT) and the Schengen agreements respectively. The main objective of this investigation is to discuss and differentiate the processes of conception and implementation of each proposal in order to identify the difficulties and parallelisms surrounding both cases. In addition, the speech mechanisms that have been applied by each institution with the aim of generating a regional identity discourse will also be examined in terms of how they served the purpose of promoting initiatives in the field known as ‘hard politics’. Each organization’s origins and contextual circumstances will also be analyzed with the purpose of having a clear idea of their roles’ expansion and the situational challenges they faced at the moment of designing the projects. The possibility of studying human mobility represents an opportunity to examine the power dynamics and ambiguous traits that shape the discourse on free human circulation and border securitization.El siguiente documento plantea un análisis comparativo de dos proyectos de movilidad humana y control de fronteras por parte de organizaciones internacionales. Las entidades regionales seleccionadas para este efecto son ASEAN y la Unión Europea. Los proyectos en estudio son la creación de la Convención de ASEAN Contra el Terrorismo (ACCT) y los acuerdos Schengen respectivamente. El objetivo de la investigación es poner en diálogo los procesos de concepción e implementación que tuvieron lugar en cada organización con el fin de definir las dificultades y paralelismos que pueden haberse manifestado en ambos casos. Además, se tomará en consideración los mecanismos discursivos que se han propuesto en cada institución para generar un esquema de identidad regional e impulsar iniciativas en ámbitos de lo que se conoce como ‘política dura’. Los antecedentes de las organizaciones y sus situaciones contextuales también serán analizados en función de obtener una idea clara de sus avances y de los desafíos circunstanciales que pudieron estar enfrentando al momento de plantear los proyectos. La posibilidad de estudiar la movilidad humana representa una oportunidad de examinar las dinámicas de poder y fuentes de ambigüedad que caracterizan los discursos de la libre circulación y la securitización de fronteras

    Organization and Political Philosophy of the Zapatista Revolution of Chiapas

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    El artículo trata de dos aspectos relevantes y originales de la Revolución zapatista de Chiapas: la organización política y la ideología que la sustenta. La primera integrada por una serie de instituciones novedosas –como los municipios autónomos y las juntas de buen gobierno– que comporta la construcción por la vía de hecho de la autonomía indígena. La segunda constituida por una democracia directa asamblearia, con cargos electos, rotativos, temporales, removibles, sustentada en el rechazo al neoliberalismo y el capitalismo.The article deals with two relevant and original aspects of the zapatista revolution of Chiapas: the political organisation and the ideology that supports it. The first, consisting of a series of innovative institutions -such as autonomous municipalities and Juntas de Buen Gobierno -involves the construction, in fact, of indigenous autonomy. The latter, consisting of a direct democracy assembly with elected, rotating, temporary and removable posts, based on the rejection of neoliberalism and capitalism

    The right to own and independent legal system in the indigenous peoples

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    Los pueblos indígenas de América Latina reivindican un derecho propio y autónomo distinto al derecho del Estado aunque no enfrentado a él. La justificación de esta aspiración se basa en la singularidad de este derecho de marcado carácter colectivo y consuetudinario bien distinto del derecho estatal y la percepción del mismo como única norma vinculante. Tanto el derecho procesal como el derecho penal indígenas muestran un sentido comunitario en su elaboración histórica, transmitido de generaciones en generaciones, y resaltan la relevancia de la mediación en su aplicaciónThe indigenous peoples of Latin America claim their own autonomous law other than that of the state, but not in conflict with it. The justification for this aspiration is based on the uniqueness of this distinct collective and customary law, which is rather different from state law and the perception of it as the only binding law. Both procedural law and indigenous criminal law show a sense of community in their historical development, passed down from generation to generation, highlighting the importance of mediation in its applicatio